DR, ROSE B. BROWNE Dr. Browne Will Sign Books Son. j , w, Ligon s Library will be the setting for an Autograph f Reception, Sunday, Sept. 27, at ' 4 p.m. f Dr. Rose Butler Browne, au thor of, "Love My Children," will be special guest to review and autograph copies of her book. Dr. Browne, a native of Bos ton, Massachusetts, is no is not stranger to North Caro lina. She was for many years Professor of Education at North Carolina Central University but. at present, is retired chair man of the Department of Ed ucation of N, C. C. Universi ty. Her active position is, Di rector of Happy Child Care Center, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Durham. Dr. Browne earned an A, B. degree from the University of Rhode Island; A. M. , Rhode Island College of Education; Ed. D., Harvard University; Ed. D. (Hon.) Rhode Island Col lege of Education. The many affiliations that ™ Dr. Browne has with learned societies, teachers organiza tions, honorary societies are *> too numerous to mention, how ever she is a meriiber, past Regional D irect or, past Su (See UK KROMM «* TV Comm Announces Participants WASHINGTON, D. C.-An un precedented array of Demo cratic officeholders and candi dates will appear Saturday, Sept. 26 on the Campaign '"0 Democratic Caucus, the fii st political strategy meeting ever to tie held on national closed circuit television, Democratic National Chairman Lawrence F. O’Brien has announced. "In a vs. s eal sense this three-hour Democratic Caucus be a mid-term meeting of the national Democratic Par ty in all its lively diversity. We will bring together through lived closed-circuit television a cross-section of Congres sional leaders, governors, mayors, and candidates, as well as other experts in a number of substantive areas," O’Brien 2) Expert In Listening Is Called BY MILTON COLEMAN ATLANTA, Ga.-Appeal pro ceedings in the case of Cleve land Sellers, former program chairman of ti e Student Non- Violent Coordinating Commit tee (SNCC), on charges of re fusing induction into the armed forces have been adjourned in r ( federal district court here 4> Pending the appearance of a key defense witness. The case, being heard by Judge Euden Field m the United States district court for the northern district of Georgia, will resume as soon as Alden MLller, an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), can be brought in to testify in regards to wiretap evidence us ed against Sellers in his convic (Set EXPERT IV &* a O Q a. w non, 33-year-old Toledo police Officer, was shot to death without warning early Sept. 18 as he sat in his patrol wagon across from the headquarters of a local black panther pa”- ty.Mlscaatson’s partner Walter Shaw (R), said a man ap proached the car, produced a pistol and fired point blank at Miscannon (L). Shaw is reported In hospital in deep shock. (UPI). Gary, Indiana '$ Mayor Tells NC Group "Freedom Is More Important Than Life" ’Blacks To Save Or End’ • RGH DURHAM - R i oh a rd Gordon Hatcher, black mayor of Gary, Ind,,told more than 500 persons who attended the final session ol the North Carolina \oter Educa tion Project Leadership Conference, in North Carolina 'Central Uni versity’s B. N. Duke Auditorium. Saturday afternoon, that freedom is more important than life. He summed up ti e many ad vantages of being fr e e and some >i e militating causes ti at are keeping the black man in subservient : ole, dating lack from tie civil war until now and ended up by saying that tl e wav to freedom 1 as through the ballot i ox, due to the fact that there is where the action : c . The Gary mayo: told tin audi ence that the black man would either save America or destroy it. He pointed out t! at •: o black man was part of an unrest that is sweeping the world and most of the world had its eyes on ti e United States. He related how t a whir man las maneuvered to keep t: e Negro out of; olitics due to the fact that hi knows where the power is. "We have the weapon and the way we use it will determine where we go,’' e said. He made point after pent as to 1 ov the Negro should educate ! in:self into the field of politic .H- said one must ; egister to be able to vote. He warned that registering was only the first step. "You must vote yourself and then see that others vote "heado onisl - ed. He was conscious of the fact that too many Negroes had be come victims - f ir -fightm? in politics. , Without mentioning Fart', affiliation j<• said Cat the Negro should sec-.-, the host candidates available and get he! ind them. He knew that many Negro candidates had lost cam paigns, due to the fact that they permitted their personal ambition and the white man’s trickery to run blacks (gainst blacks. He also v a: r.ed of tak ing the w! ite man’s money to deliver a vote. He did.! owever, say. that if the white man is guillible enougi to give you some money, take it and then vote against hint. The day-long meet began at 9 a.m., when Howa: 1 Lee, Chapel Hill Mavor, keynoted tne opening session. Workshops continued throughout the day with consultants giving infor mation in every phases of win ning and losing an elect ion. The meeting was put together by John W. Edwards, < do directs the program throughout the state. Representatives came from every section oft! statu. Also taking pa rt - ere Ret s. P. R. Cousin and W. E. 1 aye, along with llow as I Clement, C. E. Boulware .1. ft. Stewart md John H. Whe.dei , consultants were Tom Bailey, Attorney Frank Balance, B. J. Battle, Mrs. EvaCla; v>> , Ha: old Weib, (See GARY M WOK. 1* :) 33rd Degree Masons Plan 84th Meeting WASHINGTON, D. ( . - An nouncement was made this week by Dr. John G. Lew i{> , je., Sovereign Gra:>d Commander of the United Supreme Council and Accepted Scottish, Rite, Souh - ern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliation, that the 84th an nual session of the organizat ion would be held in Washington D. (See MASONS SFT. P. >) PIC Hi \R MAYOR HATCHER AT VOTERS' MEET-Shown on the left of this group oi pictures are pe > r ons w> lo attended the Voters Education Institute, held in Durham, Saturday, from Raleigh and Wake countv. Mavor Richard Hatcher, Gary Indiana, its first Mack mayor, is shown in the cen te: f s he deliver.' !an address on the science of politics, at the closing session, held in B. X. Gets Life Term In Rape Here the Carolinian VOL. 29, NO. 47 Waves Bottle, Knife At Local Cop-Says -v v V y> V> ) S V*‘, Va - • \ - . < ’'4 V * ►'A ; A Sa\ 2,000 Black College, University Students Adopt Dope Resolve Girl, 10, Victim li City Rape A 24-vear-oiri Ra leigh mail, James Rob ert Taylor, whose last address was listed as Peebles Hotel, now de st.roved by fire and being demolished, received an automatic life sentence Tuesday morning after a jury, composed of six men and six women found him guilty of rap ing a ten-year-old local girl on May 29 as she and her brother, eight years old. were on their way 10 a restaurant here, shortly before 11 p.m. on that date. the jury recommwiueamer cy, thus saving Taylor from a Sts 'once of death for the capital crime. The child’s mother testified Monday that herdiwhterpoint ed oi:t the defendant follow - ing weekend when they were in the downtown area. She testified the girl told her, "Mommy, Mommy, that's the man that did that to me. (See Gift! 10. r .M i | In The Sweepstakes > ji SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK 1 Where You Can kind Everything for the Home & Fa mV | See SWEEPSTAKES Ads 'i ,j I Read Page 10 for Winners j in Swaepstokcs fromelioji Merchandise Growing There were no winners in The C AROLINIAN's Rev ised Sweep stakes this week, but Mr. Thom as Wlggs, who was lucky last week, and his family, are en joying their new television set, purchased at Caraleigh Furn iture Company s. Saunders St. Valuable numbers this week are as follows: Number 12747, first prize, is worth $25 in merchandise at Heillg-Levine North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26 1970 MORE TROUBLE IN WASHINGTON- Washington: An out break of rock throwing and minor looting erupted late Sept. 21 in the same area hardest hit during Washington’s August, 1968 riot. Here, police patrol a glass-littered street where trash cans were over turned. No injuries were reported in the disturbance which Police Chief Jerry Wilson said began after police attempted to make a narcotics arrest at a hotel. (UPI). Police Ch ief Defends Two Black Officers DURHAM-The hoary head of police brutality was raised here this week when Police Chief, W, W. Pleasants, in referring to a suit that had been filed by two durham Business College stu dents. resulting from what the suit charged was brutality, in an arrest, Sept. 15. The two plaintiffs, George F. Furniture Store, S. Wilmington Street; number 1058, second is good in the amount of sls in trade at Briggs Hardware Com pany, 220 Fayetteville Street; and number 0420, third prize, will bring its bearer the amount of $lO in trade at Ben Frank lin Stores, Longview Shopping Center. The Sweepstakes Spotlight (See SWEEPSTAKES, P. 21 Haskins, 25, and Stanley Jones, 23, both of Norfolk, Va., through Durham’s I egal Clinic, filed papers in the United States Dis trict Court, Greensboio, in which they asked the court to grant each one of them $5,000 actual damages and SIO,OOO punitive damages. The suit is said to have grown out of the fact that Jones al leges that he was arrested by two black patrolmen, John £, Hunter and Napoleon Lawrence, as he walked, with two young (Sic CHIEF OEFFNDS p j) Atwater Is Picked By Odd Fellows CHaPEL HI! 1 -It was an nounced her recently that Henry„A, Atwarter. well known fraternal leader, was elected a member of the Auditing Com mittee of the Grand United Or der of Odd Fellows, at its bien nial meeting, which was held in Los Angeles, Calif. The Order met in its 39th session which brought dele gates from throughout the world. It is a segment of the International Order of Odd Fellows, established in Great Britlan in 1798. Its 1972 ses sion will be held in Indiana. (See ATWATER. P. 2) Duke Auditorium, in the afternoon. The group on the right is irom Durham and Durham County, it is quite evident that young people were well in attendance. The promoters feit that this was a good sign that the political image is changing in North Carolina. The institute was non-partisan, with both major parties being represented. 1 *£ I if ‘ SINGLE COPY 15c End Week With Big A tioption NEW ORLEANS - More than 2,000 college students attending the “Youth for America” day here last week, un animously adopted two propositions relating to campus peace and dope. The event, sponsored by the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., was attended by stu dents from Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; Howard Uni versity, Washington, D. C.; Jackson State, Jackson, Miss.; ' Kent State University, Kent,G.; Louisiana State University, Ba tor. Rouge, La.; Louisiana State University, New Orleans, La.; Sout! ern Baptist University, Walnut Ridge, Ark.; Tulane Uni versity, New Orleans, La.; Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala.; University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wise.; Xavier Uni versity, New Orleans, La. ‘ 'Campus Peace Anonymous" and "With Christ for Charac ter and Country” were studied and presented ir. a general ses sion meeting of students. The (see Z.ttX) BLACK, P t) SEEING DOUBLE TRIPLY?-St. Petersburg, Fia,:No matter how you figure your math, whether it be double triply or triply double or two by two thrice, It comes out twins - three pairs of them all enrolled in the same kindergarten class at Wildwood Elementary school. Seated from left; Annette and Lvnette Harden. Standing from left: Lenise and Denise l*ambert, Sonya and Tonya Bush. (UPI). WANTS SEPARATE BLACK NATION-Bloomfield Township, Mich.: Black nationalist and successful criminal lawyer Mll ton Henry and his wife, Marilynn. relax behind their $58,000 brick home in this rich Detroit suburb they moved into recent ly. Henry wants to get along with his white neighbors, b it he also want - to see a separate Mack nation carved out of fivi southern states. (UPI). Woman, 34, Subdued After Making Threats A 34 -ye ir-old Raleigh woman, Miss Connie Lee Covington, 16 N. East St., Apt. A., is sateb behind bars after threatening to kill a police of ficer as he approached her on the sidewalk in the 300 block of E. Edenton Street last Tuesday. Officer Lonnie Thomas Wil son 28, reported at 7 p.m. Tuesday that he was on patrol when he received a cal! to go to the 400 block of F, Edenton. "The radio operator told me that a colored female was walk ing west on E. Edenton, toward S. Person Street,’ said Wilson. ‘T came up N. Bloodworth St. and tin :.ed west on Edenton when I saw this colored female with a butcher knife in her right hand and a Sunns drink bottle in her left hand, I stopped her. She turne : on me wit! the knife and bottle and said, "I am going to kill you, police officer," Zion Church To Observe 150th Yr. NEW YORK CITY -According to information coming from Dr. G. W. McMu ray, pastor of Mother Zion Church, 140-6 West 137th Street, the New York Con ference, (the first to be organiz ed by the AME Zion Church), will celebrate the 150th year of its existence, April 25-30, 1971. The week was proclaimed by Bis!.op H. B. Shaw, who presides over the conference, Sesqui-Centennial Celebration. (See ZIO.V CHURCH, P. 2) "I backed up,” Wll.v:; cm tinued. "She walked About 25 feet. I came up bo! ind her and told her to drop the knife. St - started to wave the knife and bottle at me again arid I backed off and called for some more units." The officer concluded ti ’a. ■ a ' a; ~; . Front Raleighs Official Police F'iles ■ \ vp'rm; .!■ ..J- TL - - I-". CUTS OWN BROTHER Randolph Hedgepeth I'Cha tis Way, told Office: Josep Blaylock at 8:33 p.r . Satur day. that kis brother Burnt" Hedgepeth;, came to hr- .inurn ment cursing and arguing wit! him about the way someone act ed at his house while lie v. -. away in the Army. "I told him to get out of my house ’ . tic Randolph Hedgepeth, "b;.t !, insisted on staying ai d told n he would break my g-d neck, swung at him and he pushed m. back. 1 swung at him near the stomach with a knife," Investi gative notes revealed that Bur nett Hedgepeth, who was a! legedly cut, could not be local ed to determine the extent of b wound.