Raleigh Area Blacks Oppose Low-Rent Housing BREATH OF LIFE-New York: Fire officials gave first aid to a badly-injured victim of the explosion and fire at Ryan’s Case oii Park Row here, Dec.. 11. The incident, believed caus ed by leaking gas, injured at least 5i persons, 12 critically. Knight Says TheACLU Bringing Only Realily C .J C J ASSOCIATION DIRNOTION E A LEIGH HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE BY Hi: I KNIGHT . "A. C. L. U. ma; have ▼ 'rough; fear •( the hearts of white.-.- v.itt, politically active sons or daughters about %.re + press:ve legislation but we as Blacks have been under this form ok Human Oppression for vear s.' ’ It was apparent last Wednes d night at the V,ake County C. apter of the American Civil I d'ertie- Union meeting, held at t! ■ County Courthouse Building tl .* whites have become con cerned about '‘repressive leg islation.’' • But to what end,” i- the question asked by the t hick who attended. Rev. Leon V » >.'• • it ; the Committee for Racial Justice, and Ralph Bay lo! of Wake County Opportuni ties *lllO., were among the blacks in attendance. “The no knock lav . w ire tapping and pre trial detention is aimed at us” sta f ed the Blacks. Tlie fact that these things could he made the law of the lam.: Is wha» has most whites upset. T is law will affect young white- whose form of political a. - ion isn’t “American like.” .ik ‘1 is is upsetting many white parent.- throughout the Nation. r T< Blacks it’s a reality of being poor and black. W hile the local Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union had a valid point in showing these laws to Dr. Picott Is Honored By Seminmy mCHMi.ovij, Ya.-J. Rupert Plcot- assistant directo . Af filiate Services, Division of L iehi Services, National Educa • i r vssociation. Washington, L. . was honored this week a’ tl ■ Virginia Seminart and College. Amid pomp and ceremony usual at college founder’s day exercises, Dr. Picott was a ' ' led the College’s degree by tt.- president. Dr. M, C. South erland. % Tin itation of Pi . Picott’s .-.iid, ‘the degree is granted because you have set a new fScc HR IM( North May Yet Show The Way’ ATLANTA - The North may yet show the Soutl the v/ay to ward school integration de spite having its share of the na tion’s racism, a Southern Re gional Council report said Sun da; • “It is a common saying nov., in North as well as South, that, ironical!;, the South may show the North how to make integration work/' the report in the council’s monthl; pub lication South Today says. “Put turn that around. What If the North unscarred by 16 years of battle with the federal government and the courts, takes the lead and p! ows the Souti, how integration, that step into Camelot beyond de segregation, can be achieved? Despite vast stretches of North ern segregation and doiens of districts where nothing is work ing, there are indications that In some districts this is ex actly what is happening.’ The Council’s report, based upon inspections of integrat ed non-Southernschool systems from Maryland to California, compares what is taking place elsewhere with Integration tn ttie South, It says Southern seg regationists are right in saying there is just as much racism in the North as in the Kouth, 's*•« n&msk may, v* v/ lan, 46, Slashing Victim Two Wake County men we re ordered bound ov er for act ion by the Wake County Grand Jury last Thursday after a hear ing on a murder charge. Bond was set at 55.000 for each of the accused, but both were still being held in the Wake Coun ty Jail as of Wednesday morning. Leonard Ea r 1 Winston of Route 3, Zebulon, and Samuel Rudolph, Dunston of Route 1, Wake Forest, have been charg ed in separate warrants with cutting Henry Mason Holden’s threat and slashing both his arms on the night of Oc’.. 24, near the Jonesville Communi ty. which is about miles east -of Wake Forest. Holden, who was 46 years old and lived at Route 3, Wake Forest, was found in the center (See THROAT SLIT. P 2) UNCFGets 75Gs From Burlington NEW YORK, N. Y. -The Burl ington Ird jtries Foundation of North Carolina, recently grant ed $75,000 to th,e United Neg 'o College Fund’s 1370 national campaign, it was announced last week by Vernon E. Jordan. Jr., the College Fund’s executive di rector, Mr. Jordan, who accepted the check here, from Burlington’s president Ely R. Callway, Jr,, stated that his grant was the largest unrestricted corporate gift to *he College Fund in its history. “T: is grant.” saidMr.Jord- (See I'NTF OPTS p. 2) (See BUD\ '.V.UINs C 2) CABBIES, TAKE NOTE-Chicago: Dr. Antonio Scommegna, (P.) Chief of -Obstetrics and Gynecology, Michael Reese Hos pital, holds model baby as he instructs Chicago cab drivers E»ec. 14 on what to do if a baby begins to be born in their cabs. It is believed that this Is the first time anywhere, that a hos pital devoted a day to the instruction for cab drivers or, the birth of babies. (UPI). SINGLE COPY 15c GRID STAR SHOT-Philadel phia: Philadelphia Eagles de fensive back Nate Ramsey, 23, was shot and wounded by an unknown assailant Dec. 14 on a busy west Philadelphia Street. Ramsey was rustiea to Miseri cordia Hospital where he was admitted in serious condition. Police said he had been shot in the chest. (UPI). US Housing Body Warn Pres . Nixon WASHINGTON, D. C.-Presi dent Nixon was warned last week that only his unequivocal public commitment could resolve the "grave ambivalence” about "Federal action to enforce open housing and foste open com munities” in his Administra tion. The National Cnmmitte a gainst Discrimination in Hous ing (NCDH called on t ' Presi dent personally <• commit his Administration to 'a compre hensive and uncompromisingo pen housing and open comn uni ties policy.’’ NCDH recommendations for Presidential action suhm itted to the White House Dec. 8 and n :