Moires Three Appearances Here Thousandsln R(ileighSee,HearCanedateaiisolni if'Jj-Sj'l}- **Cruel, Unusual Punishment” Cited Ri^ts Of ftisoners L^held THE Carolinian North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 31. NO. aiWEEK ENDINO RALKIOH N. C.. SATURDAY. MARCH 25. \Vn sWBLE COPY M« Raleigh Hian Sought Aher Rape Attempt Fails Southern NAACP Raps Foes Of Busing Compared ^■■■■Visiting To ^Work^ When Nan Mrs. Chisolm Impresses Voters In Capital CHy »totemelil i$ Uiowm kert Of Chinese CIXCINN.ATl, Ohio- The Unlieil Si ites Court of Apjieals hert* on Tueiidu> 4of last T To Work’ Of Chinese CINCI.N I, Ohlo- The Unlied States Court of Appeals here on Tuesday ot last week, affirmed the landmark decision of a Toledo federal judge, who had declared con ditions at the Lucas County Jail Toledo, Ohio) to be “cruel and unusual punishment'’., “a refined sort (of punishment), much more comparable to the Chinese water tor ture than to such cru dities as breaking on the wheel,” he also said. AanowicffniMils oftlwA|u«aU CMrl's StcUloa waj tnaS* b)' Mrs, Shirley Chisolm brought her presl- denllal campaign to North Carolina this week making stops In three Tar Heel cities. The first black woman candidate made her first •top In Raleigh Monday, speaking at Meridith College, St. Augustine's College and Shaw U. niverslty before moving on to Greensboro and Charlotte. Attacked mot* Uma l,*ao ilmt oa* Iwtf ^ ^ .Snaa, tSruffioranAm*rtcols*aieh ”1 fimm d OB a — to naikmal •esaomr Is kana ■aiAMoowMsisCi^Rliia. of saint ■■■.. ?Soa*. mt mm soovo paoto. nte W m i*'*' caioo*® win nm la ta* »Ur s 'wjoawllt Primary k Noiia CanUna. Sk* Is Bw nrm mid J“ft^^JI»rt^>o«a*n to Imeom* a sarkms eontaadar k>r tk* D. NC Delegates Report On Meeting At Gary BY MILTCSI COUMAK ■T STAFF WftlTEJI A young Rslelgb a.*^- e, man. .Miss Josephine Poole, about 38, whom X JmksnA OtntHAM ■ HiBkaamaa tirlka dalasataa* mMloay eommSiaa korlk CsraUw dtla^Uoa sko aaM Iksy aoatM to fiv* a awn .‘Ji??*!** Wstlaaal ■ask Fa- eomplat* aenowd at Uwsatkar- iniaal Ooavaatlaa la Osry, hd. las. aald laal s*ok Ikat wkea pea** rapons atom nw mhir iSBsanmammrnniUU^^^ When Nan Attacked CoHege, St. Augustine’s College and Shaw U- nlverslty before moving on to Greensboro and Charlotte. On Meeting At Gary ■TffrArrwRfrni flpMMnt at lMr«mM«iiday ■ontata Mrs. Cktoolm loM nars ttea IkM Mm tad A young R*lelgh*^-|f^7i!«n JCSCn DELOACH MBB XeCPRlKE POOLE Says Chief Executive Politicking With Life NAACP Ucil OrlMtM »Dd L4- nealtaul Fund, bd. (LDF) loriMr Stuity A. Bam, who, I0|«tb«r with AdvocAtrs tor ta* •le Lml tq/mUty (ABLE) to Toltdo, hrou^ ttU cUst vi- tlOB on bttalf of all taniAtoo of ^ MClCOK, MIm. w DM«cnt«o to tta ZOIh amonl mootlac of tht SoMhoiM RaflonnJ Convon* tion, bold at tho HotdMbtrcHo- tol, March 16-11, took all por- •ono to taak, who oppOM tho bnatac ordcra of tbo courts, in a caustic policy ftatomnnt, at Ea doitof atactor.. Tta attack ranfod from a sttafinc attack on tattt ttar doomod tta vajctllMtnc op* proneh by ProaldMit Ntmn, In hia natlOMl pronouocomoni tta ntchl of March 16. b a atrong* ly * •d tta ehlof oxocutlvt with an altoR^ to pta) politics wlHitta lIvM of chUdron and that sjch action, asrooommtndodb}-htin, tondcd to woakan tta last tea- tUo of juatlco—ttaVniiodSUtoa Soprwfno Court. AiMlhtr tnlopam waa aont to all tta annators and congroM- man, asking than, to vat* down an> maatura presantadlotta V. S. Comn^as. that would ovar- (iM NAACP AAPt. p. n man, Mi,a Joiepblne Poole, about 28, whom the C11 y-County In vestigative D^art- ment says uses the the sUss of ‘‘Joanns” Poole, told Officer R. C. Ellis a tale last Tuesday of being aa- saulted by the son of the woman to whose house she went. MIm Foal* laid Ika cc, at 11:0, aon. Uml ak* «aM to tk* raaUtoe* af “Mtoa Jaa- si*,'- lu* s. Slat* smm i* vlaS JtaiM l>«T, «ka*a ad- tnm la Hi t. CaPamm PL rmrialM* tkm Ik* poaaraflh* Three Black Students To Confab ATLAHTA, On. * b a He- tory that thoekad otd-ltoo po- lEletaia and abom^d howpoopla can aotea poIHleal power, throt black eoUcgtsludatttakavohnan •loctod aa dalagaioa to tta Dt- moerafle National Convaotlon. Tta atodanta tab at a nawa eonfaraoca last weak thM ttair C6m t BLACB. P. n dollar wfll ba uaad to aaauro social ^lallea tor an our pao- pla. I draavefaa AmartoabuMaB our aatlOMl ootaomy li IMUB Ml tar.lta prlMla tataroaU tt ao.'waa bat Mr tap ptalla and bi'nan naada E rMSbtd* I draam of « APiartaaB ohota acoDomy guarafEaaatoovaryA- martean a roal |ob if an boa- aat waga, bsland of a gaaraa- taad waga for a maka-wortloh. I draam of lha day wtan «a wOl tava apraaldaalwhocomaa to tta eongroM wEh a budgat bnaad on raal full amploymant tnalaad of tta myth of fan am- pbymanl,** aha atalad. AEar attandhig a rally Ian- chaon at 81. Aagaalba*^ Mra* Chlaoln addraaaad mert ttian 800 chaarlng atudama aad adaEa at Shawaarly Monda) altamoon. to a praaa eonfaranea at a. AagiiaiEia*a, Mra. Chisolm, congraaswoman from Naw York, aald that tta Horlda Prl- Ctat Milt, cmaouf. p. n BY MOpTON CCHdEMAN DURHAM Noun Carotin* imagMIw uiie ttotadad tta MBltcMt ■mEBo- ^ Itlaal ucavaiiltai Ei Oary, bd, n pahIteEy eommltaa aeugM logtv* a emro aeaoapi ofttagathar- raporu atavt b oMttiMg dMtr bEW raao- tloM toOwoonvaatleaalapraaa coatoraaea EaM M Ita ofOea* of ita Pi munEy naralffuni CRIME BEAT mrmds m Ita ooea* mm m Jobsror 0wr5,000 I rwtn ftalrigh « Offkl..^ Pohd-r UltaSSsdb taa pub* wua M lAn lawafda ttnutaMUfid futaus: itiiam; ana aMIvMnali hasa laaaMlsd '*snii ta waa Eighty btoatcat- ad ■ -- whan aha arrtvad. Tta woman aaM Ma waa waE- lag and aEtbig ta a ctalr whan 8ootah Daloach, U, (aoB of Mtaa ItaalaX approaohad bar and ankad tar what waa wrong wMh tar and alartad kEttaa Ear UM« EAPt AtraMPf. p. ai Rdeigh Youth Attends UN-Washiagtun Study mm’at Itatr IMliig an tta jataa WMUr. tkM wa waaM Nta la as. tawisn. it m la at lai^ ar |uw paaitataa tmrn L** aWlMfs. ta naap ■MM nai atanc rialtaMd ay a pataa aWkar la lapaMng hta SStats wWta an dnty. ta taH I l.>Vf /fff.Vt RCmRTER $ S! THEY SAY IS § ^ —w CV ^ by STAFF WRITER § Wllaoo Tampla UaEadMalho- Church, 1013 Otartta Road to te tta tilth waak of Ea Caotamlal Yaar Calabratten. Wa boBorad Pturomar Hall, Jr., 16, 3113 OandrMga Drtva, by making E poaalbit tor him u partklpato ta a UBEad Nattana- Waahtaiton Study Tot - during tha funenttona and oparttlona of tta UnEad Natlona and th# UnEad Sialaa Covammaol} I. to prevMa tta opportunEy to (•m ukal vootm. p. n Olve your reactions to the repealing ot the city ordinance concerning the sell of beer on Sunday in Hnleigh. Mra. Nancy Meap. Ralalft' "I think tha law atiould hava batn raptalad. Thto may da- eranaa tha huatntM attbataoi- laggari. E waa not » proWam latttaf lw«r on Sunday bacauaa tha bootlagfara always had E. But h) rapaaling tha taw, thto may dtsancouraga tha boot- toggara.- Mr. Hur.aj Aitto, Raleigh “I (ht .k fvpealtag ih* Sunday bear sale *as ona cif tha moat dtogractful ihli#rthacltycuun- Cll coulc tuve d'-’.e. I think Sunday «ho>iM u- set atida for worftiip ^kJ not ainf'd thlrgra Ilka atUtak baar.** Mtaa Joaa^tat Rtaaa, RatoEth ctaa TWn SAV. P. t} Marek U-i7. Tta Siucy Tour waa eonduetad by tta VnEad Mathodtol Youth Fatlowtalp of tta North Caroltaa Cenftranea of tta ttaEad Mathodtol Church. was ana of a grata of 41 yoMh aalarrad from UnEad Mathodtol Churehaa throuchoul tta Eaatam 66 eaunttoa of North Caroltaa. Tta purpoaaa of tha Study Tour waraLtoundarataad Four Persons Claim $40 In Appreciation Money AS tta waaw gv by, only two of tta paraona Itotad ta tta Ap- practatlon Money ftalura, taoo- aorad by Tta CAROUNlAN, have toned to Malm tta $10 offtrad. Lnat weak, wa End tour $10 wtantra. They Inclodad: Mra. Mary Cotton, 316 S. Swata PLAN CHILDREN'S MARCH OM WaSHINCTON • WASRINC- TON, D. c.: San. Fred Rarrto (D^kla) apaaka to a grota of children on tta atopa of tta CapEol March 31. Tta yOMg- alara were at tha CapEol to la^al Caagraaalonal offtcM and lobby Cougrataman and Sanalora to gain ataport Ita tta March 25 ChOdranU March on Washington. Son. Harris aaaouncad that aU Sanalora win aponaor a chOdranto haartag ta Waahtagtoft April U to '*caU aitanilan to Eia rigkia and naada of ehUdran, aapacially poor ch&dran, ta auch arana aa chQd wallara, day cars, banEh and outrEion and ehU- draato tnatEuiEwia. (UPIX Appreciation Monay SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK J0HNS0H4AMK COMPANY For Tha Vary Baal ta Sporttag Cooda Straal, whoaa name waa taciud- ad ta Boaoa Jtwalara' ad; Mra. Aana Rough, Narron taothri-a FtttwEuro, 32$ 8. W'Umtagion Straal; Saaion Turner, Jr,, The Jewel Bon, 311 FayoctavlUaSl.: W Ultom F. Undaay, Terry's FurnEura Company, 214 E. Marlin 9raal. BMte Jewel- art* addraaa to401 FairattavlOa Street. Tta CAROLINIAN wOl NOT pay Afprectotton MoMy to the aurvhrora of daeansad paraona whoaa narr a happen lotaplek- ad from Uw CEy OIraatary. Ramambar, chare are fiva par aona' namaa Itotad on tha Ap- praelailon Monay p^o a- gata thto weak. Lookforyours. It eouM ta tbara. Patronise tta firms which ad-* eorttoa on thto page. The fact that they advarttoa proaaa that Uwy want nnd appraetata you'- PLUMMER HALL, JR. PM want ba ta Ita CrMa BMi. DENIES CHILD ABUSE Tta roottar of l$-yaar>oM Mtaa Batty Dtato Walden, Id ol Saahrook Road ^Ktarrood ForaatX came into tta officaa of Tta CAROLINIAN Into weak to clear her datRhlar*a omrs aa batag accaaad of child a- buna on tta froto pnga of Into waak*n newnpnpar. Mra. Wel don tatermad tta adEor of tta Cruna Beat eotumn that al though tta flva-waak-oW tatont mala waa ta a east, E waa ba- cauaa ta had taOan from hto erl* not bacauaa of any ta- Jur. 4 uifUctod hytardnughlar. Durtag tha taU, tta woman do- elarad, the child toruekbtotoaa on tta door, nceoMttag for hto two toMtk even, and Ml hto tongue, cnaatag ■ to tiaaa.*' Later on that night," taa aaU, "hto tongue atnrtad Maadtag n- gain aad wa took him to Wake Mamorlal HoupEaL Tta child waa navar left atODa.** Wa apologtoad to Mr*. WaMou and to har daughter, but thto toformtotan woe itotad oa tta ganaral oflunea report, taaa CMB BBAs; r. to ATLANTA, Ca. • TWNatlOn- al Urban Laagua’a Labor Ed- oetolot Program aEAPXiWlah has ptooad ovar 5,000 mlnorty wortora ta tta eonatrutolOB tradaa atocalPfTandtocurruut- ly tta ntotoa'a largato eoatrao- tor tavcivod ta such ptocamauta to holding Ea 4lh aonuU eea- faranet to tta 3ta:atoo-BRI- more Hotel, taAtl^ota, March tl 10 24. AeeorCtag to Napelooa B Joknaon, IX OtraetorofttaLan- gua'a Labor Aftolrs Pragram, 4b* eonfUraoea to dlanmatag methods of atappEig 19 tta paoa of mtaorEy froi9 partletoaltaa ta tta oontoruetEm trades. Tta Ron. Jamas D. Redgaea, Sacratary. U. 8. Oapartmaaf of Labor wfll b* guato apaakar to tta Condaranca iMchaon Wad- naaday, March 22. aflar wal- eomlBg ramarka by Atlanto Mayor Sam MaaaaU andHtotoa* al Urban Langua Exacuttva D6- ractor Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. Three hundred national, pa* gtooal andloealLBAPtoairfreai 42 cEtoa, Exacuttva Dtratoora of local Urban f aagna freaa which they cparala, elrfl rtihU and labor tondoraandrupriaan- tatlvaa of tta U. 8. Dopaitmaal of Labor are aipactad to par- tlelpola ta tta Conferanea. Al tta opaatag aaoalM Wad- oasday morning, Atlaata Visa Mayor MaynardJachaoawaatoa Boyneia apanxer. a panel cat aam* morning dtoeuaand "Praaont Economic PcUelaa - Thntr ESaei Upon tta MhMrtty CommonEy." wItopnnaUato An drew Yeung, Dvaelor, AUnnla Human RlghU Cooimtoslia} Emma Dnmull, Attatoa toiar- »aM APPMCtATIOM. P. tl NORTH CAROLINA CAUCUB aalva* & rtac a IBto aneus Nm 8F tViCE PROTO - Mombera c« tha Hatoh Caaultoad at tta Ntotoaal Hack PMElaal C

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