Says Fuel FrisLs May Mol Re Cause , ^ ' ' . y oi rniys tuel t.risis HluY Aol Ri> (.ause . y oi PRESS HU> THIS WEEK AJC Director Blasts US Busins Plans **** **♦* **¥* Sms It ^ .\atioirs De|)artiiienl ('hief Declares Welfare Heads For Disaster New Ways Must Be Decided National Black Neves Service WASIIIN(JTON ■ Admin istration officials believe that a "real disaster" in the new federal welfare pro gram that is scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1. is inevitable unless hearing examiners are appointed immediately. In a letter to the ( ivii .Serv ire ComnnsMon ( aspar \V Wein berger, secretarv ol the !)•> partment of Health. Kduratioii and Welfare, pleaded with the commission to .ipprnve (he hiring of more than 27ti admitii.stralive law ludges that uould handle claims appials Thousand.s are exjx'cted under the new program that lakes effect for the nation’s 2 million aged, lilind and disahl- A '-d person.s "We are faceil with the po.ssibiliiN ot a real program disa'-ler." Weinberger told chairman Hubert Manipton. in his letter More tlian I 1 >u sijte ye.d iocai welt.ife priigram.s lor person- O) and older, fihnd or disanlt*i} will (h replaced on Jan I w-tb guaianteed minimum iiuiai.e oi $].gi a month, lor iiidiv idiials and for coupU ' wi'h U*iie,il levels rising to SI to and vJlo in .lulv S -e WKI f- \HK p . ' ' liliH'lt Land (Pa npr Given Lrfial Help DL'HHA.M • .A North (Carolina Central University law profes sor. has written a manual designed to help prevent the loss of land by black owners. The manual, by Harold R. Washington, associate profes- of law at the NUCU School Law. is entitled "A Black Land Manual." and is publish ed by Black 1.,and Services. Inc., of Frogmore. S.C , for the use of paraprofessionals. law students, and lawyers as.sisiing black landowners with a var iety of real estate problems. The manual, subtiiled. "Got Land Problems ", in particular on the legal prob lems which have resulted in the loss of si.K million acres of land by black owners in the South in the past 20 vears. according to the Black Fcunomic Research Center. Much of Ihif lost land had been held by black owners since the Freedmeirs Bureau granted ii to ex-slaves alter the Civil War, Washington said. The manual includes sec tions on the rights ot heirs, problems of land partition, steps in quieting title to land, problems of lax delinquency sales and cor.deiimaiion pro ceedings. procedure> for title searches, and legal implica tions ot mortgage.*- and court '4|udgments Siaiutorv reteiences, case citations, and piocedural steps for dealing with ihe various problem areas are included Included w illi the manual is a (See LAND OW .NFR. P ROXINIAN North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOl.. 33 NO 7 K.M.EIGH N.C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DEC. 22. 1973 SINGLE COPY 15c Hi e Kids Die lu Fire-Cops Hold Alleged Love-Crazed Man ★★★★ ★★★★ .Aft<*r Soiithside Area .Argument Man Is Murder Victim JhR.MAINK JACK.SON TAKES A BRIDE - Beverly Hills. CHI. - Jermaine Jackson II.) of Ihe Jarkson k iv o slnsinR Rroup and his hride. (he former Hazel Joy Gordy. are a picture of radiance fnll.ming their ueddlnR at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Dec. 15. .Miss Gordys father Is Ihe owner of (he Motown Record llldustr^. Prom inen t Mortician Is Given Lost Rites l..-\rHI.NBl'P.(r .\! j p m on Thursday. Dec 2ii the last that is mortal of Charles H "H ’ Morris, one of Scotland Coun ty's most celebrated personal ities. will be borne into the auditorium of Scotland High Scho»>l. where last rites will be held The Rev A. R. Smith will preside and Rev Grover D Nelson deliver the words of comfort. Mr Morris died in Scotland Memorial Hospital. Saturda- morning, after periodic ill nesses. He was born m Columbia. S.C.. the son of the late Joseph and Klla Morris. His father was the president of what is now .Allen L'niversitv He dill his high school work there and then attended Lin coln UnivcrsilN O.viorrl I\. He graduated lium the Ciup ton-Jone.-v Scl.vol ot Mortuarv Science. NashvilU*. Tenn He began in business here a.> a lunera) director, in 1933. He also founded a burial insurance business that grew to large ixirnortions. Later, he expand ed his business to include Red Springs He married the former Dorothy Dockerv of Rockingham, who joined’him in carr\ing on the business. His contributions to the l.auruiburg community was in practically every phase of human endeavor. He was a member of the Brighl-Hope- well ILiptiht Church, where he served ini tiie trustee board. He served on the Laurmburg Housing Authority. He was a member of (he Prince Hall MjSohic Lodge. He also was a member ot the Carpenter Con- sistorv and Ouda Temple, .'ice MtiRTIClAN P 2i Tony Brown Post At Howard N.«f:*'i’.j. Ibjck Newh Service \S,\>MIM.TON Tony blown, .'.tn has won a nation- wifji auuiencr for his public tclevi>ion prokiiam "Black Journal, ha- dropped out of Hit'.- lid I ni\»-r>it> where he vva- 'ii-an ot communication He rosigr.eo atti-r he tailed to .;i t u tiiiim .tration backing for hi- ’ -i-’)-! ve tha: all tucultv moinf tT> vi.'.d other otiicials in "I. I'lN^’ BROUN. P : •SHAFT” GRANTED A DIVORCE - Chicago • Televi- ion and movie star Richard <”.Shafl"i Roundtree and his wife. Mars Jane, who have been separated for .> vears. have received a divorce from (ook Countv Circuit Judge Kenneth E. Uilson. it was announced Dec. I.V Appreeiuliou (Jieeks Claimed By Tu o ljulies Two ladies claimed checks lor SKI each in last week .- CAROIJNIA.N .\ppre( idfioii .Monev Feature A third r.anie See APPRKC I.VTION P 2 \D I n\(.f It \ Mll.i KtS XJRF" St imfiTfl. I t.nn \ariake- Mi- roil iH.tii' R * retired .Anorii .in < -«leiilist do hi- -pekialitv urgvinit -vnlbe-i- etin < .diid .loi It-i 1 11.. I :i) Nrfiidra .JackMiii al (hi I'li.iiji.- Itesi-viiih l.a* -I . Mu'i dit litaii. an Vinit iiiaii iiiiiiukraot. vvim in.tdt .. k.liiii III the -loik market aod went on lu fiiMiue tto <.ill>--<- eriiii .tilt). - ut Jis Armenian -ludeiil- hei* wilh hi- ii.ilune o ti. hi-.o« I •ik.x’int. I'O longei .« miilotnaire Cm l . ■ i'i in ii a VI .1V 1 t t' Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK 1*1 HH)N SI . \ \|{||,| > s i opi 't K- • tmic.Tl Tovs Gifts. Decorafums Man, 29, Held In Burning (Spetual m the CAROLINIAN MAXTON • Since the early teens, this little farming town has been in nations news. The sudden flight of Louis West, a much- sought-a f t e r fugitive, charged with the death of some Wilson policemen, in tR early teens ended, and he was killed here. Nut too many years ago, a Klu Klux Klati rally, being staged in a field here, was stopp^ by Indians. An irate man. believed to have been “ditched" by his 40-year-old girl friend, is alleg ed to have nursed his love flames with alcohol and pro ceeded to quench his love flames wilh incendiary tools • the result; five children burned to death, three homeless and he is being held in the Robeson County jail, to await a hearing on arson charges, which are slated for District Court. Jan. 3. 'See FIVE KIDS. P. 2) BaliaM Body Makes Appeal To NAACP Dl'RHA.M - Representatives of the Durham Community. Baha’i faith, led by David Clayborne. graduate student at Duke University and dean of its freshman, told the monthly meeting of the NA.-\CP last Sunday, that racism was the most challenging problem fac ing America today. The speakers admoni.shed the members of the organiza tion that a mere discussion of the problem would not solve it. Thev called for unity with people, regardless of’ethnic origin. The discussion bore down on the lact that hale of men. bas»'d on color, the world ovei. wa- me most demoraliz ing factor in world unilv It was pointed out that' wars, ficslilence, poverty and even the energv crisis, were the direct results of piilitical en- slaven'.ent desired to increase Ihe belief that the Bible was replete with prophe-ies that these limes would comc on the world It respect loi the righl.s or others did not become »he credo oi m ill The program ni the NAACP wa- likened to that ot the Baha'i However, thev warned iha’ praver wnh deep concen- on the lenet- ol rhe « hn-'ian religion promulgat '•d b'. the toiinrier ot the Bati.i i l.nifi w.js tfie onlv -uhation Th» iyT4 pro»>run. ot (he \ A \( P wa- louched on u’i' gisrn Ihr tonsidrralien of iisirinnking ihrir on Ihr polirr bliiiirr this uf M nuld ! Wc iiiKil) I’Uldish Ihi Uris as ur find Ihrm II iiiiiird h' Ihr arresting ofllrrrs. To krrp iiui Ilf Thi ( rimr Brat C olumns, mrrriy mians nut bring rrgisirrrd by a poBcr ulli.ii in rr|ioriing his lindings t>hilr on dbi -II sim|i|s Li rp olMhr "B'ailrr" viiu wiin'l br 10 The Crime Bi al S,\VS MOTHER NOT IWOl.VKI) Rulax Rowe. 49. IG.34 Foun tain Drive, called The CAKO- I.INIA.N last weekend and said thill a story had been miscon strued in The c’rime Beat The man declan-d that the other person involved. Butch Bar- hiini. 24. CafH? .Avenue, did not accuse him ol making impro- pe r advances toward his mo ther "We were placing around. ’ slated Mr Rowe. "I had lu‘en sick al! day Saturday fnun the pneumonia, which 1 already had. There was no fight and hi> mother is now in a nei vous stale over this news- piipt-r article We were just sciiiilmg. I ha*'*' known him since he was born. He is my nephew." ended Mr Rowe's slatenscnl We are sorry about ai.. embarrassment caused .Ml or the mother inviiivc-d liu* our materials comeri rectly irom the official iTle- ot the Raleigh Police r>ep.irtmenl .See CRIME BEAT. P 3) Set For A. Barnes DURHAM Ii. . ,-.z u, . desire oi Bishop .\ liiin:i' : pre.sidmg prelate ul he 1 episcopal disiriel. A.MK Church, composed ot .M>. , gan. Ohm and Cemrol N < in involve laymen in ‘he .olmn !- tration of Ihe dc-nniniii.i'ioii.M program, he lappc-d Alexaiidi r Barnes, woll-kni.wn i Imt. n man. to fie the iav i um•ih;.!’* • for the district Barnes has servt-d ... director oi public relain.r.- r.., the denomination |i»i- r and is believed 'o n.r.■ th. experience to propi-rl'. piu-t- cute his new dutn atiendc'd all ol conlerenec-s ol tin- ii .. . (ion since 1928. .-xei pi >•: i . . : has playc'd an iinpoi' .; the policy-making •>! tli- One of lii- fir-* o-Mcnmi-..! IS to work lor the i* iMbiii» i: of the church in Selin.I Bi - . HilliardN progt am * all- loi i. building ot t ( on.pli-^ >. i: > *-mall town, fo no-i-i ■ religmus .md coniniui.dv of the penpir Hi- ha- i.i ’ i. (he pastor Rev .) • to ■ and the prcMdiiir chi' •• ki- E H Beebe The pro - ^ . :.i.- for Ihe -ivolvi'meii’ o; :• j i.- senlative-of biiMV.:- m.i • and eounty-( ii> otiu .Such a progra r. > on the Launnburi. D,*i . IS loeuted betufcr, R. u-1.’. MdXtnn. l.aurinfnirg ar..’ lord The Rev S .) f :r See A BAHNL.. U 2 \ I ST\H; HKfN(..s HOME THE Ml TORY - MemphU. Te»B. - TItmI. but happy. North ( j.ol.- .Mate's tri-captains Kobhv PiD, Bill Yoeat, and WUUc Burden (from lefti. carry the winning trop: from the field, after they defeated Kaniai. 31-18. in the Llbertv Bowl Dec. 17. night. (IFD