PAG E FOUR TIIK G0ASTI;A1VD TISIES, ;3IA3VTE0, n. g. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23. lYW THE COASTLAND TIMES PUBLISHED CONTINUOUSLY AT MANTEO, SINCE JULY 4. 1935 New Includin9 The Pilot and Herald of Belhaven and Swan Quarter 'My rule, in which i hove olways found sotisfoction. Is never to turn oside in IMPblic offairs through views of privote interest; but to go straight forword In doing whot appears to me right at the time, (eoving the consequcrtces with Providence/' —Benjamin Franklin. IXi!?'- PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY TIMES PRINTING CO., INC. AT 505 LODGE STREET. MANTEO, NORTH CAROLINA Til* W««Uy Journal of The Walter Raleigh Coasfland of North Carolina— ■ ‘ Foremost Region of Recreation and Sport, Healthful Living and I- Historical Interest on the Atlantic Seaboard Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice tn Manteo, N. C. Subscription Rates: Yearly $4.00; Six Months $2 50; 3 Months $1.50 it May Result rn Needless Delay if To This Newspaper Are Addressed lo Inrjiyiduats. Please Adu'ess T^e Ne-vspaper. FI^NCIS W. MEEKINS ... CATHERINE D MEEKINS j.. Editor and General Manager Secretary.Treasurer SPORT FISHING REMAINS GOOD ON OUTER BANKS VOL XXIX MANTEO. N. C.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23. 1963 NO 8 SCHOOL BELLS AGAIN Is Since Augaist 12, a daily aver age of two blue marlin, three wluie. marlin and one sailfish have ibeen taken by anglers aboard Oregon Inlet or Hattcr- as-based cruisers. The 20 blues, pins the white and sails caught during the 10- day period, pushes the total billfish score to more tlian 700 for waters off tlie Dare Coast- Outer Banks this sea.son. This without question is definitely a locord catch, especially for blue marlin. .-.i Tile blue marlin score this ^ear is-already double what it-, wu- m iut)2, according to ric- nii- of the Dare County Tourist Bureau. ' Bififisho's'%ere' not ail that were taken from olTshore waters during the past week. One wa- hoo, of several .taken, scaled at ' poiihdsr- it''''wits -caught aboard the cruiser rhyllisMae by E. .M. Cooke of Covington, \'a. iV Cew fair size tuna weigh ing up to 25 and 30 pounds wore boated during the week and more dolphin have been caught tlian during any week of the 1963 season to date. Inshore, according to the inlet charter boat skippcr.s, anglers .vere catching plenty of blues,' They were catching plenty of bUi'es and Spimish mackerel also at Hatteras, some from the in let there, but. mostly from the surf. ■= - -.-.-. V ■ .I • SpecKIcd i'and'rgVay 'trout arc plentiful Cor bottom fishermen in waters of the Dare Coast region. Keports of catches have coma from Mann.s Harbor, Wan- chosfc, Oregon Inlet and from the Hatteras comniunitie.s. Flounder catches are on the in crease and' ‘'flounder' . giggers have been doing well on the sound shoals. to develop their oountry-to build a new society in whidi increns- iiigiy wore fused the diverse cultures of Kurnpp and I’oi- Virginiii D.ire Day wMs ci'le- j|p|.p j,,.,., thin it per- F.r over a bundled brated in good fa.shion again i,.,pg seams lo some of you. We' ••'‘-'ars New Zealand was able lo this year, with .activities taking Zealsindors/share with you'neighboip on the . r 1..„i . I Asian mainland on the comforl- mos., of the d.i.i including .in of the sime traditions, the' ^blc theory that happening.-^ vvi show, trot' planting, aiul a values, the same way of there could be looked after by talk by the. lion. George Laking, ,ihe European powers. “Jiy...cou.ntry s.h a i:T/ with 1 ' '‘l/tciok' thc gfeaC dcTJrcK.sion yours tlii? same colonial origin.^^^ thirties, the agony of the We n'’e co-heiis of a groat fad- ■'eoon.l Wojid War, and the dis- it on The same irtrop d Bntisli •''"‘ation of the old^ Biitish 1',in- peoples who (’.sUablished the first,h to open New Zealaml eyes, colonies on this land w-ero later/'’*'® *‘'®. ^t'dy American rov- 1 Everyone’s view’ of summer is different depending on his responsibilities, oppcrUinties.-and role,, in.fllfe, Many mothers ver}' probabij' feel it has been long, j- noisy, busy and hot. But a good many million children and dogs probably find it hard to believe that three I'} months could have sped so quickly and that the school dears are about to open once again. The sounds and smells and e.xperienccs of summer vacation are still an important part of growing up. But l) there have been changes—the cld sw'imming hole may Y have become a concrcte-lined chlorinated pool. The 1^, automobile and airplane have vastly extended the scope I of thing.s that cm be .seen on a vacation trip. School has I " - changed too, as the frontiers of man's knowledge have ? been pushed back so rapidly m recent years. The am- ount of know'ledge that must be packed into the heads ItrVbf*children in grade school and,high school has vastly Yincreased. 1'^.': ’ As school bells ring again, lot’s salute our young fr - people and those who guide them through ever more complicated fields of learning. In the great affairs of nations, in science, and in the complicated business of C' leading a good and worthw'hile life, cur need has never fc. -been greater for concerned, intelligent, educated men 'and women. SOLUTION MAY^ BE MADE OVER COLONY “RIGHTS” Sharp Rernarks Heard At Sat urday Meeting Concern ing Script of Show It) TO.II IN.MAN * In 'l'lie .News iiiul Ob.'icrver .MA.NTEO — The Ro/inoke Is land llistofic.'il -A .s s 0 c i a I i on i meeting Siitnitkiy, averted a . break with playwright Paid Green, author of “The Lost Coio- iiy." By £ULA N. GREENWOOD We generally stumble on to one iilxjiit every ten years. The last one came in 1956. It was called by Gov. Luther Hod ge. Its purpose was to adopt the Pearsall Plan of pupil ussign- With Private Enterprise, the Customer Is Boss! AT VIRGINIA DARE DAY CEREMONIES NEW ZEALAND AMBASSADOR CITES SIMILARITY OF COUNTRIES’ WAYS ill HEAD 'O THE RIVER By Hiram, The Hermit LETTERS a WEDiTO iTEI.h.S IIIKAM VANKKK.S llMIAl’PY ABOUT TUUMOIL New-.Zoaliind - ambas=:ador-to the ,U,_S.A. It wa.s the- 376th anniyer-, sar\ of the birth of the fir-il child The Hon. Mr. bakings’ rr- marks follow: ,'...,.‘.‘The. birth of Ji.-cbild i.s the 'vhigir'point iiP the'simple' rituni i to ..send,, th inis lanri w-orc laterj -v..... .... (•ir sjm.all and not olulion/iries we-discovered that' ortiiv" ships bn th-e were;’, i/iciood, . a tnow 'nation Mrr-. , , ..ifdw-ay.s sciiworthv ship,-. ,..i .1..-= ■ - ^ of-human existence when pas- L^j,. , journey to found “’ow” -'f as.-. - tensions :i»*e foi-trortnn .and twen ^ . *i.« n..:*.-.-!. .. — i « - tensions are forgotten and men -‘and women are drawn together in hone and look to the future, new stttiemonts in those loiiciv *i’’® British peoples. Ihcso irliinds in the South Pacific t'aumatic experience.s brought with renewed confidence andi courage. “It is fitting, tlierefore, that the bnginiiings of the modern which we cali New Zealand. focu.s the iintionalisni which •I'hc>-e, in the niid-UJth cenUtrv’, developing wa.s re-enneted tht .same ’ PPop'.®- I" discovci- sfruggle with, river, and ®ar identity, in finding out mountain w.dch vour forebears Ja-st what made a New Zeaiand- Ainorican nation should have .„unciy. Our "a that wo were a come to be symbolized in the peoples learned to wrest Pacific people. We discovered birth 376 years ago, of Virginia )n,„i i,y „-nik an.l, that we lived on the fringe of Dare. This child, the first to be rkiil, a wealth which ha.s g'tveni the ■vast Aj-iim .naiiiluiid. Wi a world transformed first born of English parent.s on u,jj, children opportunities un-!®aw American soil, has come to rep-; dreanit of by the early colonists hy agression, then by *' ' two peoples arc united, in the rise of a powerful and ilt- .resent the spirit of the Aciner-; Qu,. ‘' people Her parents, "’ith ’ a.s much as they di-^posed Communist regime on - an audacity which to us is al-i.y.^re in the two great ware mainland China, and concur- w/./ -imost breathtaking left the com-j,, . convulsed the modorii rcmtly by the emergence af in- Xo'.v I know that a lot of pco-1 pie arc wondering about Head i Dear Hermit: '0 The River and so I’m going, \oiir little piece in the paper to givj a little of its background i^st week no doubt brought you from time to time. You ate jirob- ijut mail, hut since you s:ud ably asking youvselvc-?, whore, yu,, would ansiver it here goes, is .that pl,ace? HIow.did ^ there and :s here any sucii place Head '0 The River Yankee’s ns you call one claim to fume and I tell ^re unhappy about this you how It harpened. I Columbia, in Tyrrell is on the; j ,,j street where there Scuppernong River and the name i.s pretty enoogti tu giv. ,t when I ask a eelured man what the ditfereiice \v,is in In ing con- (litipn.s doWiiiEoiith and up nctrlh disthietien. New Lake alnu'st distinetinn of being the only place in tlic w-orld whore the .^tato built a mad to it after ilir hi .“aid, ‘'Odwii south they don’t cave if you live in the yard with to beat .Swan Quarter i.-- thi l of Hyde utul once had a church peoples. \Vi. h.ivi r.iiind III our ti.ive'.- .'■oiiUi ,voii people like the, money .. , , , , wo Kiiemi with you hut can’t fioated across the road aiid l ve becaius .and o ten wpndered what kept■wem' ''l.‘orM-5 neit’iK of the the wKele place from awa.v. Ii.s prohauly hel.i back by ^rg,,,v,k ,),e ,vay u. the the not air or wind ot oratory that eminatcs irom the cour, ' aiui liesides I could not under- had a eiiiire'i ;lo-1 stand them hut 1 iisk a colored .stroyed by lightivng tlvce simo.- and hr tohl us how to get and some plat'e down there, a („ ti,g eorrert ronlf man a.sked to be buri.-d .=t.,tiding ' . .. BIG CHANGE . . . Although nothing fonn.'il jibout it for In a meeting, at times punc- publication has yet been an- tuated by sharp 'disagreemout, mmneed, the Fedaral enforce- tho nssocinlion's-board of-diree-: uicnt division of the N. C- De- tor.s worked out a plan to deaf parlmciit of Labor here in Ra- with the qiiestloiV'Of imblicanon leigli is divorcing itself from the;nie:it. It is now recognized as r.gills on the text of the d'.im-i St.ite agency and is becoming an' Die bedrock for our racially The plan fer .'iD. m.-nf of ‘ •'""I 'a" bianch of the U S. ,-egregatod school sytem in d'fforences wa.s embed'cd in a B'Tartment of Labor. i North Carolina. Its name was .series of resolutions adopted u-1 hcaidquarlers will ho derived from the fact that nanimouslv. One of them gives '"®ved from to Atlanta.; Thomas Pearsall, who i.s being .oiiproval 'for pi.hiicalion of o' t'arolma for a long nientioned for Governor, was book to inekide the script o.’ 'ms *’®®'' the only ^ chairman of the special com- “Tlie lost Coionv''' ' ' m th^.^5p;cn:u’ggfhAy!tlv the inittce-.iiamed tO;, cii'cunivent'’re- , ■ . ■ (idministratibn ■ of - the Federal-ccht rulings of fhe"'U.' S.'Su- I he controver.=y grow out o yt’o have been rather ipreme Court. the claim o. GI een that ho i,„d of thi;, di.slinction, for it .pj s„ycHI session of the sold production njrhts of ihc cimu-n-i i^i tlio iptciai session 01 tne pUiv to the association but re- Legislature wont right down the P..1J a.s..,ot..iUnn, mil ,e pi,of the Sta e Department of, Labor, one of Die nation .s best. |j,|g j, comma, as we recall Also, and more important, em-. p„ cun.slHutioniil changes, etc. t.'iined publicaiioii rights. Green wrote the play for the Roanoke Colony -'lc »oiial As- payers have been . . . or have, ^nd, the interesting thing is r c '-oo''r 7that the plan still stands- foi hLaOO. Later the same year, cbrirged with keoinng them ml, geil Willi keojiing he signed another, re- line ^vith the inpjdly growing lilting to pubiicnfion right.s, will; i;,ws of the Foderai Government, the. LTnivorsity of North Carolina I Approxiinalely ■ 20 officinls Pres.s. After World War 11. he now with the N. C Department ! pretty much as laid out. - But—heavy, heavy hangs tlic swoj'd over its lieiid. .si,gned over ‘’ail lighl-s’’ in Die of Liitior in ’/anous .sections of fiirt contract to the prc-SQnl ns ' " ' sociatioii. , - . ■ The question of inibiicafion|i>hiiice. ef iGinainjng with the! OFF-AGA IN-ON Well, , „ say a survey has been the State administering tlic ko-Lu|e„ . , . and that this survey tlqral laws. are. being given the Lpow.s that Commerce Secretary . 1, I ,1 I®*''”®® lomaimng with theji^yDicr Hodge.s stands a good rights came up several months | State or going with Uncle Sam. Democratic ago with an nnnniincomonl hy, VirUmlly all of '.hem, we undor- The Odyssey Press of New York siand, are going Feileral. As a City that it was ptibli.sliing a test'rule, Federal pay m bettor, va- book on .cymphonic drama which rations .iiid siek'lc.ave are ro- wonld include the script of "The gardct! a.s more abundant, and, • there is 5,beingl?^>-^YT,7='«'’'"e*'>» .■=liirte,l out of a job.' ' ' ' ‘77 The strictly Federal positions now housed in the N. C. Labor Building here—an 1890—look- iiomiiintion for Governor in 196-1. Ho Inim. Now away out there on Hint big while cloud Luther Hodges Lost' Colony.’.'- The book ivas to bo .sold for use in college classrooms across the country this f-all. 'Pho au thor.'- were Cliarles Lower of the effect. So it is likely lo be off- again-on-again gone-again-Fin* negan from now right on into of Norllt C 'trolin-.i'ing thing and a disgrace to the','’'”'^ 71"^“ guber and William P"cc of the Umvor-|,«t.nte-—will !i.' moved to oDicr- sily of Georgia.’. >ih as .-vnn .‘■-pace can be! Our only comment on this Til.' I'N'G I’l-e-^: arianged for' leimd plihlie ition of tin- bo.ik, a p iper I I’aii‘'ne ilorlen and Jul- iiack lo i-olail for $1 6,5. but let-1 inn F., Parkei-, liotli volc-rans in ges, be ftacK lo i-'-iaii iiM uuv u .-iinn I-., raiKer, iioin veie.ram Cr, ip tlic midst of the contro-itPc pf -w.'ij versy, it (‘'rniinated its rontrucl/-r,nr,'-, etc, are e.xiieeted to with Giecii llii.s Copyright .Tevmjnatipn of the fr.iitract in I'le top-niiig admim.stralors the new .setup. You don;iU\aVR,l-o.Jn//!'..fai; .Lp left. Green with ei'pynght.s to yep a State ngenc.y going natiem- the orrgiiial Script ef the dramai;i). Tiie Kinploymevl .Security •‘.lul I'lmieiiiii' I l> iniTi'' m i|. ('mumi" im ce.ild be the next ti erein diH'ing tlie pi't 26 y.-ai- pi co. Dif-eu.s.'-ioii jc.'tcniny imlic.-i od that he would receive about ’'’® $300 in .royalties from-ihe’^dys- s?v book. " ^ Martin Kellogg .In, genemijhack to Ilnleigh - tn eeun.s'i! for the a.-ir-o-.-iation, hait-;fp|- D>e spec-la' se.s.sjori ed publication of the hook in; participated in two or ■iAR.S’ALL I’L.-VN A lot iillle inor.Kcl i.s as follows: It it lake.s Luther Hodges as long to decide, whether to run for'Govornorrnext.year-as it did for him to decide whom lid wanted lo siieceed liiin in 1960. tlieii leaves will be full grown ,ngxL,.;,,sinJ,n.g,.,.,bcCqi-t;,v^._\vc^^wi!l know the .'iiiswbr. ■ It wi'l be a long' tiiiie; ’ too, i-efore as many wishers think they have the official nod: Ad- di.'ioii; Hewlett, I.utliei' liani- hai'dt, Edwin Gill, John Larkin.s, a‘. tke ,'^.of Ihg l.cgisla-. nnd, finally, and at-■ long last, lure who ’will' come' Hraipsingi jjalColm .Sonwell. Lot’s'Mtbpc we‘ Aonl w.ili the waniirig by Ictier that authorization would b-- -iceded from the a^S'K-iathin. .■\ .luiie meeting of tin' 'is- .'o./lati'in’s hoard g ven #af 1 • I 11 f*. •»! fitt’ Irif' tltil'i other .specials. . hope September I don't have'to go through - that have again thro-' FLOWER.S? . . . With tobacco j prices dragging and the entire /.....-...x- ii’.du.stry feaiful of the future, '' ' I I'/'V' vi’7 i-enewed interosl in the KLx I'.IN I..S .vet DLGBF.L ^ '[•ohaceo Co experi- let'iils .-It the .sprawling .Avoe.a W'tlinm David Gaboon of farm now owned h\ Bath .and Belhaven shouidn’i t.rv. continue lo got the to hog all the honors that have '/• ovm accrued from playing bo.vt lo against us up here, Blackbeard and his l).'.v.s. Give > *6'r(i on iis as Ife- |«;L Jfe’ m fort.s to English life and ventur- world, in the derense of ed over treacherou.s seas to common Western heritage make a new life in an unknown |we reeeivf'd through those and inhospitable land. * hey j colonists. ot this coming brought with them litde butj “Ymjr country has enriched geographical circum.stanccs, was have the B.ank.s, the benche.s niirl their courage, their faith “fd p.ngli.sli honrago leflocted in the growing inti•l"’hile:.New Orleans c.'in boast of their determination to make u | - j • • new and free life for theii c.hil-! A--'" ci-al on the question of pub'.ieii- tlull li-ghlv. _ _ .Saturday, Kellogg Vciid th.-' contr.'ict under wbiqh ^ Ojoen wrote "The Lost Cfdoiiy/'- He also read no inidn'toii dbcunietit ri"a\\n .ohouv 1916 tn which Gi-oen assgined "a1i ■ighW in ai'd under thi.-; contract’’ U> the IIF'OC’ il'Oll. ?do=t of lha members nii- agieed with Kellogg's ; have come'penpto whose cultural that not only had we language, « .’ncmorial to prove it. Dare ^ne%./y7, IdT^pfri' iiv’’77'‘\wlong-Vo7m^ "The mysterious fate of the heritage has been absorbed into literature and values In common Cave mr.h to Virginia Darp and -I . -G ^ ' t' " i u i1 .! i iiiutf.i-ir-il Vastici-ilinn entire Roanoke Island Golony "^lic Sish tradition. We realised that we shar a folony which w.n.s can laugh at -hern so I e-.n‘t he 1 s I a n d A.ssooi.itnm only sen-cs to emphasize, if that ,.;cn cultural background, real strategic mtevesto with the ■ Uapedy at the tmm but m'oiii puss j mi tin am lon-Hh->n Daniets of were iiece.ssary, the u.inng of, coupled with a history in whiHi United State.s. Fer at tlie very ta'ach out to be a go-d mine „f • > - Dvit -in.sworipc the early colonist.s who were .-evolution, r.’vil w:tt, rcconstnic- Ume New Zealand was emerging jale year.s as most of the p-cople ’' W.,!'’„„c1(Ton 'iii r-ivor of Um willing to risk eveiyining in tion and startiiiig economic from its long colonial dream th" ^ave f'irned from ropmg ponies ^-nTsecMtk-ii d'd not treat Gt‘e wild blood Virgini great has cour cquntlesj! women it , , ... them in Lokmibia was .-imong .o8 Allan-,Carolina. !.io Ghristion Co.togc- re- nd-tic County Farm ApoiU reiving degrees in the arts and (jeorge .Jennings swear.s tluil s'-iem-(s ii Mimmer coninumce jgomething bn.sidcs tobacco , . . men', held at Christum ■ j^[,o\v tobacco , . . i.s being Cluiich in \\ ilson August 21. grown at Avoca. Reports lenk- Conimem-ement spe.aker was Dr. Carl.yte Camiiboll. president I )g_.,v,.s. but .so does Tin k er Meredith Coliege, Raleigh. _ | j.^], tobacco. Dr. Arthur D. Wenger, presi-j '-Flowers are being luirveat- deiU of the college, confeiTod [ ,.ereiitly while degree.-;. Presenting the grad- .i„.ough Edenton. This could be tialton ehis.s was Dr. Vliliard P, Burt, dean of tlic coliogc. Cahomi’.s deg.-eo was ILS. my wife and myself, and the energy and onthu- jc-ach other, have got along well j,. .. . i ^ through u.s my country, by in-.siam ef the -American people is together and have Ic-anied to viting us to join with you in thi.s cemmitled lo the exercise of family commemoration of the ,■ free choice which is the. hull- birth of the American nation. Mnark of Western civilization. We have been deeply moved by j “\Vt: too. in New Zeal-'iid are the occasion, the imp! iromid the hike to l''^'aty of experience' He said that if Grcc.n ha.l understand each other. "I hope, the.'-ctorn, that in commeorating the anniversary I j.'ajvficld and Fail-field. Now there’s no tcliin.g 'Ypes, but no one had Ijcen pal'l on the same formulii what county cliiiins Hoad ‘6 ’“’Y attf-ntioii to clci)hiint,3 ji,4 th.i aiiilior of -‘The Korn in River, hut it.s not too for from sinco Teddy'noo.sevcll quit hunt-,The Wes-t,” another mitdoor r!e,’id'-il to go on there im one f ' t C of Virginia Dare’s birth you will more .so be- , taking th.-it heritage which the think not only of the growth of cJiiisG ii shoit time •iffo iny v/ife first British brouffht yout* njition from Sts and I stood on the shores of -i v-ith them and evolving .-luf of it j.^i berote beginnings. I hope small bay in Cape Bicton, Nova ^ sf.roPtiiirig which us a unique will also think of that wider Scotia, from which my groat-; f..\ of the New Ze.aiand intcmatiPnal community which, grandmother .sailed as a young i p^poHence. .Jii.n a,s Ameiicaml too, has its conncctfon.s'with the girl to New Zealaml more thanl Icai-iicd to lOok away from the bravo adventures which estab- 300 years .ago. At that time Newt sea which joined a se,rie.s -of ijshcd the first colony Zealand wa.s at the very be- small colonle.® to a dhstant Eu- Lp_ these shores. Naturally your ginning of its history and to | ropeuri power; just as Ainer-j {)-,oug’nt.s will turn in the first anyone living in this hemisphei-c j icans learned lo look inward to p i a to B r i t a i n, from it was as remote and unreal ns: the 'Mst continent which mi? to \vhcre came the first settlers this continent was to F.ngltsh- he the strength of the United • 'pj.t„blishd themselves in men in the 36th century. The'states; and just a.s, eventually, thi.s new land. But perhaps, too. emotions which .Hirred in u.= as; Americans came to accept Uieir ^yj|] think with .affection of .wg reficctcd on the courege' j,p,.:iti',in . as .one ^of the rnain t;,osc .other, members,..of the which sustained those 800 centres of world power, so have ■ English siieaking worlS who Scottish people in their decision, in their j jjf^ to set out for the other .‘'ide of way. begun to find their place j viiiages, seaports and in- the world are very much akin to jr. Dio changed wor'd of today, j duatrial cities of the British ‘those which move...jif/tilLas /MPor;;generation.', jtlst as th^ isles. ■ watch this great pageant. Per-I'p'^-j.jy-'^meiitan' colonists looked | "Ccrtarhl.v," it is with sympa-' ... haps we understand more clear-^ Atlantic seaboard as their thy and respect tliat we New jit over to the county attovne;.. ly vyhat St. Paul meant when he main connection with the. out- ZeaUiiidcrs join with you in com- ; He wasn’t accustomed to liandl- •so the cin-ii.-? ing them tn charge up San Juan ; Hill in Cuhei'. .SCHOOL PATRON.S ARE REMINDED OF OPENING P'/rent:s of children attending school in Diiro Count)- arc re minded liy Mr.'. VlniY L. Evan.s. .siipciinlt-ndi'iil, that all schoobs in ihc county will open .'it nine. (Vlo' k W'eihiPSihiy in n r ti i n g, Augii.s' 28, for a Iialf-d.-iy ses- K’on. Bc.ginning Thu!’.sda.v, Aiig- ii>‘t 29, full school d-iys will be gin. The lunchrooms will he open on 'I'hursday. Monday. .Septem ber 2, Lahoi- Da.v, wilt be ob- s!-i-ved a.-: a holiday. Teacher.-? will begin work .Mond.-i.v niorn- iog, Augn.a 26. Irring a lawyer. Kellogg s.-iid that Green held an experiment with the pollen from the pcciiiinr plants under ciillivation. One f;irm worker, who swore u.s to secrecy, said that some of the, plants "hiivc been growing for two, throe years’’. That’s like no tobacco ever heard of in this counlty. Only kiidzu is deader than a .stalk of tobacco in mid-winter. he would have rrccived | Du- copyright lo the .«cripl of COSTS MONEY . . . Billy Arthur, lively writer for the award-winning Ch.apol Hill Weekly, reports that he, heard of this man who was coiiiitlaiii- ing bitterly of his wife, always breaking things "like- five’s len’.s',' and twenty’s , . .’’ " N 0 R T II E W E 53T . . . The center of Raleigh, population- wise, used to be on New Be.rn Avenue, not too far from the State Capitol. We heard last week that the official center of Raleigh ? l.'i.fiOO ov( r the vears. j Both were about to give up| "I’aol Grem w tiTUiK t*' The circus liirlii’t have much, de.-'pnir wlicn they thought of moke money. He juil iioe'-ry in rnly one elephant in fact. And' K'-ntlemeii that h.nd 'Tim Lost Colony.’ and iioctry when ho got right smack in the heen >ho\cIii.g it out foi )ears. jtu ^ easy to come h) in th* middle of Head '0 The. River, he pfoblem turned over lo markeiplacn ... If we didn't stopped for hi.s bowels to move. ^ Ihave thn p-octfy herb, this would Pip-.'iou.sly he had iicon quite They took a vote and il was Imve been a .passing chronicle, con.slipated. ‘ 1*’'"*= *•=’ tiolhing to have folks lasting only a year.t’ Daniels Thi.s created quite a problem. 6^’'?'' at Head ‘0 River do their jjifid. In fact it was talked about for aw-ii clean-up job, *1 hey* ruled ^ Daniels went on that Green davs and day- on ciitl. I-’inaliy- it the elephant was from .i '‘honestly feels lie owns publica- of ^oreiifn country .'ind had a right tjon right.s’’ and he offered : seat ev'ery' month and the conn- The River won distinction ty attorney tells them what to j do about county affairs. This problem proved too . big for them as usual so they turned drama over Die ycnr.s, Fiiliirc Rights. Th; Die pl-iy. "only as a trustee of'as far :is its 300,000 people arc (be ,is.socinii.)!i.’' j concerned ... is now a Fred W. Morrison reviewed'block north of St. Mary’s the contract .and the undated Junior College. This is nearly a docurneni at length ,-ind said the mile west—more—of important question was Die old center. Raleigh has “whether llint" assigiinieiir (of moved'we.stward-nn'l northward idl rights) was a contract or .jn rapid fashion within the past not a contract.” . . decade. . .Mr.i, Winslow offered a mo- Although wc sometimes ob- t'en to instruct Kellogg lo peti- serve cities .spreading eastward tson the Courts for a declaratory, and southward, this is not gen- jodgmonl on the question. Sh? crall.v true in this .section of the w'is called lo the attention of toretgn couiiiry .'inu naq a rigni Don rights” and he otlcred :i the county conimissioncr.s. Now anything he wanted to us, nioti-n that approval ho given said .she felt hoard mom- country . . . whore the prcvail- county commis.sioner.s ai-c duly That .set .s.inie s-irt of preco- for immediato puliHcatinn of the hi I’.s agreed that puldication of ing winds arc from the north- elected officials who get paiil ^'ko that from p,-ind a setDemeot made to tlm hook wou'd he a good pro- west. fouLdoUars a day once a nuinlh- Biat day to this leward Green for rortain re- motion for tlie Lost Colony, Imt i They have to go to Uie county Aiiil'llial’s’Die w'ny' H«ld"‘0'visio'tis" .-ind" bllirr wiii IT oir'th'.' the question'needed to bej KINFOLK-. An interesting settled. '.sidelight on tlie death of Dr Frank P Graham, forniei Taylorsville Attorney J. Hayden Mrs. J. E Winslow said Dii.s U.NC prc.stdent, .suggested a mo- Burke (in court last week on SqiiLliern: pines/.made.,-Up ,.77 did not .ansiver. LhC; question .pl.tjon to allow puhliption of tlie his 95th birthday): A ranking, jr'ceni'df the pulpwood deliver- future ownership of ‘ pubiiciilibir'book to seek aottlementioCtho" rackribbed Democrat, he liyed ed in roundwood to pulp and riglits. legal issue ami to set up a com- to sec ... at 85 .. . his son-in- paper mills in the South last Kcll.igg .'aid. “We have here mittec to recommend a proper law. Ray Jenniiig.s, liecome sec- defined faith as “the snhAunct w-or'd, so ilid New Zealand- memor.ating the birth of the ing tliat much at the time sohe jea*-. The ri-main'icr wa*- hard- D.e --pecfncle of a man prepar- icw-aH for Green’s efforts, rotary of GOP in N. of things hoped for, the evidence g|.g (ook to Europe as their main American nation which has passed it to the State Attorney 'vood.?, totaling nearly five mil- ing an iiwtrument that is .ini-! H Avcock broke th*.' But they hit it off nicciy and of.things not seen.” j externa] link .Sheltering behind come to be symbolised in the General |tion cords. The liitler volume, a b giio i' and now t'Viiig to get sMgge=tion down into three re.s- meant a lot to each other "I draw this comparison be- the power of the British Navy, birth of the child, Virginia' It should be pointed out that i new record, was 13 per cent it bank,” Green had drawn the olutions. Each was adopted u- through FDR, Harry, Ike, and cause it may make our presence' New Zealanders were left free Dare." H:on« of these officials were con-1 higher than in 1961. 3937 contract himself, instead of nanlmously. JFK,

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