Page 5-THE NEWS-January,1987 Hebrew Academy News Your Federation Dollars At Work HERE The Spirit of Judaism Prevails at the Academy Children Celebrate Thanksgiving By Cheryl Spangenthal I always feel the excitement of being Jewish when atten ding a Bris Milah. The realiza tion that the ceremony has been observed unchanged throughout the generations, emphasizes the richness of the religion. The very old is still very new. Each one of us is a vital link in the chain of Jewish history and it is our responsibility to ensure the continuation of this heritage and culture which will be entrusted to our children. A Jewish education, which in cludes the study of Torah, Jewish ethics, values, etc., re mains the hub of the wheel from which the sparks of Judaism emanate. Therefore, the presence of a Jewish day school is essential for the well being of the whole community. In addition, it is a haven where our children can feel a sense of identity with other Jews as well as learn and practice their religion in a safe environment. At the Hebrew Academy we are fortunate to have two specieil and dedicated Judaic teachers — namely Berta Straz and Ziva London. Berta teaches K-1 grade and often includes children from Temple Israel. Ziva teaches 2-6 grade. Berta believes learning should be fun and her teaching is consequently very creative. Her warmth and openness is inspiring and she instills a relaxed and positive learning environment. She integrates her teaching of Hebrew in the children’s every day life. Com monly used expressions as “thank you”, “how are you”, are said in Hebrew. The language is also taught through song, dance and drama. Knowledge and understanding of the Yom- tovim are gained by introduc ing the children to traditional songs, psalms and stories per taining to each individual festival. She thus inspires a “Ruach” among the children as they feel and become part of the “Spirit of Judaism”. Ziva’s love and dedication for Judaism is contagious and the language and religion come alive to those around her. She has a natural ability to integrate the teaching of Hebrew with Judaic studies. She discusses the Torah in 0 Upper grade students present interpretation of Biblical characters to Ks & 1st Graders. Hebrew and involves the children in melodies, poems and plays. Her goals are to give the children a sense of Jewish identity and pride as well as the encouragement to become active and involved Jews. As a method of achieving her objectives, Ziva has in itiated two new projects this year: “Jewish Book Month” and “Russian Jews”. In the former project the children discuss Jewish modern authors, their lives and style of writing. The literature thus becomes more meaningful £ind the children are taught the concept that history, especial ly Jewish history, repeats itself. The “Russian Jews” project teaches the awareness of a Jewish existence and struggle outside of America. It involves the listening to authentic tapes and reading letters from witnesses from behind the iron curtain. The children are then encouraged to express their feelings by writing letters to various authorities. At this point in history, while the traditional Jewish way of life is being dissipated, the Hebrew Academy, through its Judaic program, stands as a firm guardian of the religion and culture. We pray that it may go from strength to strength!! Hebrew Academy & Temple Israel Pre-schoolers cavorting and sing ing “Our Family.” “Our Jewish Pilgrims” Tables were covered with white tablecloths and decorated with orange ac cessories made by the children. The Hebrew Academy and Temple Israel nursery school children celebrated Thanksgiving with a concert followed by a tradi tional meal. Marlene Photos/Roger Meyers Fuerstman orgemized the per formance which included sing ing, playing of musical in struments and movement. Children and guests thoroughly enjoyed the celebration. Many thanks to those parents who helped with the preparations. — Cheryl Spangenthal I *$2 each—Shabbas Challah—$2 each* I / i / IMl Making clay pots with Cathy Siderman (rear); Ziva London (L) watching. I I Name { Address Month Amount Enclosed: Mail to: Mrs. Roslyn Meyers — 11000 Tradewinds Lane — Pineville, N.C. 28134. Ks and 1st graders enjoy cookies th«y baked for snacks. TOP PRODUCER FOR ’86 AT Mary Ryder Realty JUDIE VAN GUSH Your personal real estate consultant Office - 364 3300 Residence — 366-6619 (B 1st and 2nd graders learn math skills through building blocks. (L to R) Naomi Abel, Joe Fuerstman, Philip Schreibman, Josh Rubin. ENROLL NOW FOR GRADES K-6 N. C. Hebrew Academy Shalom Park P. O. Box 13053 Charlotte. 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