Page 11-THE NEWS-February,1987 NDAY 1987 )NORS PLEDGED M DOLLARS OM OUR SUPER SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS K YOU! snerosity made our task . We want you to realize ^es you will touch with feel that the world is and because of you. WORKERS Levinson, Jack Levinson, Dayle Fligel. Alan Kronovet Larry Segal Matt Luftglass Eric Sklut Milt Rickies Mike Simon Neal Nodvin Michael Rice Sandra Weinstein Libby Sutker Ginger Snitz Marci Solomon Beverly Montezinos David Swimmer Jim Wadsworth Richard Melenson Paul Putterman Miles Levine Richard Osborne Harold Josephson Robert Ett Phil Joffe Maddie Joffe Bobbi Bernstein Ellen Goldstein Ellen Goldberg Sara Schreibman Sam Lerner Gary Levinson Keith Greenspon Sol Levine Darren Mond Scott Menaker Bernie Rubin Jeff Turk Chanie Weiss Harry Lerner Wendy Rosen Frank Rosen Terri Cathcart Gary Biarsky Bobbie Pollard Debbie Rosenberger James Chambers not have been the success it was. Following secured the most increases and new pledges in their respective shifts; Peggy Gartner Gary Levinson Miles Levine Harold Josephson Diane Rosenberg Beverly Montezinos Anita Strauss-LaRowe I lii