F\0. Box 13369 Charlotte, NC 28211 Address Correction ' . M Requested Inside: Special Federation Supplement Non-Profit Organization BULK RATE I'.S. Postage PAID ('harlotte, NC Permit No. 1208 The Charlotte DEWISH'=NEWS Vol. 9 No. 10 Charlotte, North Carolina November, 1987 Super Sunday is Coming on December 6 On Sunday, December 6, volunteers will make more than 1400 phone calls to men and women of the Jewish community asking for their pledges to the 1988 Federation Campaign. Through letters, cards and The Charlotte Jewish News, we hope to help everyone understand why their pledge is so important and how their pledge will touch so many lives including their own and those of their family and friends. Please read the special supplement in this month’s “CJN” for information on this. Each man and woman will receive separate phone calls because it is important that each in dividual have the opportunity to make their commitment to the Campaign. This is our 8th Super Sunday, each one surpassing that of the previous one. We have no doubt that this year’s will top our expectations. The atmosphere surrounding Gorelick Hall at Shalom Park on December 6 will be one of excite ment. As eager volunteers make their calls, the youth “runners” wiU help move the cards between the distribution points and the callers. We want to urge everyone who comes by Shalom Park on Decem ber 6 to come by to see for themselves exactly what we are do ing and how the money we are rais ing helps. This year, as last year, there will be baby-sitting provided for those volunteers who need it. Thanks go to the Super Sunday chairpersons. Bob Damsky, Steward Scher, Sandra Weinstein and Wendy and Frank Rosen for their hard work in organizing this year’s Super Sunday. Also a “todah rabah” to all the volunteers who will be helping to make Super Sunday a success. Please help us by answering your call and making a generous pledge so together we can all “Build a Bright Jewish Future” for the Jews in Charlotte, Israel and around the world. Foundation Hires Security Director Lubavitch to Celebrate 7 th Anniversary Barry Hantman, executive director of the Foundation of the Ch£u-lotte Jewish Com munity, has announced that Andrew E. Berger of Berger & Associates has been retained as Security Consultant/Direc tor for Shalom Park effective as of Oct. 1, 1987, He will be in contact with the institu tional presidents in regard to their ideas, issues, concerns relating to the security needs at Shalom Park. Anyone who has ideas may put them in the “nudge” box at the JCC desk for Mr. Berger to go over. He looks forward to your sugges tions. Mr. Berger is a 20-ye£u- veter£in of the U.S. Secret Ser vice. During his tenure, he served six U.S. Presidents and participated in the protection of a host of foreign dignitaries. Mr. Berger also distinguished himself as a criminal investi gator and is recognized in the area of security as a true professional. In addition to numerous security assignments relating to the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, Mr. Ber ger has also headed many organized crime and white col- Andrew E. Berger lar crime investigations. He coauthored the advance manual for Presidential and Vice-Presidential Protective Divisions following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Mr. Berger is a member of the Interna tional Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Soci ety of Industrisil Security. Mr. Berger is a native New Yorker, educated at Fordham University, and is married. He and his wife Dolly have four children. Puttin* on the Ritz! We hope December 31 will find you brushin’ off your top hat, shinin' up your peeirls and donning your finest plumage to join our eleg£int New Year’s Gala at the J. You’ll be treated to cocktails and a buffet pro vided by Charlotte Caterers and dancing the old year away with The Pat Cray Band. Tic kets are $150 per couple and once again include a chance for the $5,000 Pot of Gold Raffle. This event is the J’s major fundraiser of the year. 1987 has seen the J achieve its goal of obtaining more than 1,000 memberships. You can help keep our programs and acti vities flourishing by buying your tickets to this stylish evening at the J. The grand prize winner will take home $5,000 in gold and ten others will win additional prizes ranging from gold jewelry to dinner for two at some of Charlotte’s finest See RITZ page 10 In The News Calendar 19 Organizations 16-18 Day School 6-7 Rocipos 19 Editorials 2 Tamplas This 'n That 12 Family Sanrlea 3 9 Lubavlteh 8 World Boat « — Sp«cl«l FMturo — Jewish Book Month 10-11 This November marks the seventh anniversary of Lubavitch in North Carolina, and it will be celebrated with a major Chanukah event. An elaborate kosher dinner and concert will be held in Char lotte at the Marriott City Center Hotel on Sunday, December 20, at 6:30 p.m. The anniversary dinner will also serve as a community wide Chanukah celebration during which a giant size Menorah wiU be kindled at the Marriott Hotel. Kosher cock tails and hors d’oeuvres will be served before the dinner at the Menorah lighting ceremony. The Piamenta band and choir from Israel will provide live music with a concert which will include their best in Israeli and Chassidic music. The Piamenta band has re leased many recordings and is today one of the most popular groups in the Northeast. Lighting of Menorah at the 5th anniversary celebration. A1 Rousso will be honorary chairman of the dinner. Rousso, a prominent business leader and Mayor pro-tem of Charlotte, will be honored for his contribution to the Charlotte Jewish community and his special involvement with Lubavitch of North Carolina. Rabbi Yossi Groner, direc tor of Lubavitch, says: “Our goal is to have an even better event than the fifth anniver sary, better in quality and in quantity.” Tickets are $36 per person and may be purchased through the Lubavitch office, 6500 Newhall Road, Charlotte, NC 28226. Or you may call (704) 366-3984. Abourezk and Bookbinder to Debate U.S. Policy in the Middle East By Dr. Harold Josephson Former Senator James G. Abourezk and Hyman Book binder, leading spokesmen for the Americzm Arab and Jew ish communities, will debate U.S. policy in the Middle East on Tuesday, November 17 at the Charlotte Marriott City Center. A reception will be held from 5-6 p.m. and the debate will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. The debate is spon sored by the Carolinas Coun cil on World Affairs, with sup port from the Blumenthal Foundation, The Community Relations Committee of the Charlotte Jewish Federation, and the Arab-American Asso ciation of Charlotte. Abourezk and Bookbinder hold dramatically opposed views on U.S. policy in the Middle East. Despite their dif ferences, they have collabo rated on a just published book. Through Different Eyes, and have agreed to debate the I Bookbinder Abourezk issue of America’s Middle East policy in a limited number of cities around the nation. Charlotte is the only southeastern city they will visit. Hyman Bookbinder is wide ly recognized as the dean of all Jewish lobbyists. He is cur rently Special Representative to the American Jewish Com mittee and has served as the organization’s Washington representative for almost twenty years. He is also chair of the coordinating body of See DEBATE page 13