CJN Now 10 Years Old-Happy Birthday! The Charlotte Jewish Winner of Five qr Awards SULK ftATK U S CliartM*. N C. FvnMtM* I sot NEWS The Charlotte OEWISH‘TNEWS Clwlatl*, Nofth Caratlna Vol. I. No. 1 Charlotte, North Caroliiia •Ittnuary 1979 From an Idea to Printer’s Ink! ■ I jCCiMnterlClass "Schedule pages 5,10.11 I Outreach Exposes Serious Problems I Cooperative Effort Begun To Meet The Needs The Charlotte 3EW1SH ‘TffiWS l'he -harlotte Jewish Kederation, the Hebrew Acudemy and the Jewiah Ciiinmunity Center are pruud to be the initial cuuperating (ponsura of thia cuniniunity newspaper which we believe will make an important contribution to the (Charlotte Jewish coininunity. The Charlotte Jewish hope that you, our reader*, will feel that thia ia YOUK paper and will share your opinions and viewpoints by way of letters to the editor, newsworthy happenings of yourorKanizations. special columns and interestinK stories. We want you to share with us, us well us we wani In share with you. NEWS ChsilolU. North CstoWns Temples ^‘Stretch Out Arms” To Unaffiliates VOL. 2 NO. I t^hnrloMc. N«irili C'nrolltin Academy Sponsors “Anne Frank” Women’s Division E Ctiftrloife*i iKri^ Ilelh F)l. Iteth Stinlnm pimI l^tnrl. Imv« Jointly PutrrH hjr uniinimottii llomd Mp|trov«t to ofler 0 men(t)n frr« •hip In the *l>mpl« of th#lr cbnkft to every vnaffltlnlpd mrmlirr of He Jewi«H rmn- mttnlty. Theiin fi month mrml>«wshlp^ *. iT* On Tuewlny, Joniinry 29, the Hebrew Acmlemy will s|unanr the Chnriolte little "nionler’s version of "'Hie l)iory of Anne Krnnk." This will Ik> a bcnefil performnnre for the AroHrmy and tickets i»re$IO.(H)ench (ln»- dedurtlblc). •niie IHnry of Anne Krniik" is n story of the indoininal'ility of the humnn spirit despile the most desperate drcuinstnnres. As Anne Frank, herself, put it: "In spile of everythinn I still believe that people are really Rood at heart.” As to tl»e play itself, Wal*' Kerr wrote; "Kr8n>- and A**- **Oil, Islam, and The An I tK St I. l.»,..s.s«is.r .1 ••You nr« Wi iforf. «« •« wplsin ll»€ r»fi»nn fm IhU nnmniiit offor: **Wo wimt tho flpportunlly to aHow vmi. «p prr- {wmMlly. h»»w n«"wl K wlW I** be K pMt of Any on* of oiir >x- lendfd fniniiirR.‘ *’Wi» hrntw wr ri*n l«*lp yon nwrf otlK*i* y»Hir own wnH ikIiI to »orl»il oppor- iMnliirM Fwrh **f Oil 'ruriMlny. •liiiMinry ir>, I1WIJ, thr C4ilMn»*l »»f lh»* Jrwiflli Kwlrnilion will prr- RrnI n t*»mmiinily-wi»l#» h^lurn- lion Mny cntitlrH ISI sAM, nnil IIIK AMKUK^AN .IKW" fcnliirinK (tiiil Kvnnn niil Kiilh Knlr.. pnrtncru of »•'* Krji^iirili S«'rviT» ’llir pri»*ri»»- tliriHiKit M»r Imfoiwirr Aiiyri. mi .lrwii.li to IsrnrI, nil «n.leri.liiii.h llio p«yrhol«»»fM«l recelvH hy the hrlwrcM l»«* dWMtials who ure | Ailicrir‘*“ IIm* CharlotU J*wl)«h c i. * icrirnii »H>t rmttni tr Oic w •**y Tempfp- wtirit *** M-lw. w^t Winner of Six Awards rrpre^imflniE the Toundiition, thnt thin IntfMl effort h entremely worlhwhIU on mnny lev^n. *'ln t>liinnln(g otrirench for th« «tnflffilliite(l.*' Mys (tohlhorg. *' l1»o Tempfen h»v« ptihfinrorl thrir progtiiinM ami tlK>lr mitrriKit uniong thoir mrrml mcmliorii. Our ptudy - 'ol need •rroA« both (I non-member Hnet ofpnriunHlea. for kome imrt wtntrd dab knowlrdice. Ilie f work whlrti hM .tfrninf theM neodt itlve proframa will eryone for yetta to tliarir* (hr 1^ ChaiM f:«w4«N A*mJ f*» I*- «««a(Kf aM hhi^I *• *«aH cIlM t«*m fr»*f »*•! !• R«h tStllhrfK. f'r4rraU«n tMrrarh lliak. Mirf Mar«l« ll»rn«l«rfc. llmrMtr FHpr«(tM( Eiw«IUf IHtf*1«r. • rrrmi CJf 4JA l« We«Wnel*i rnliiltoii ihI I*v ilorttitil nci> Super Sunday Soars to Sensational $65,000 niMlrmh (hmI m ;«M iliiy *m Ih* itth. SIMi.H SI'NMAV WN« HMk-xl n|HiM«r •lnnatiirM of Sully Mlh« SlriMiii and I viinn'*! ?voi. fN«. 1 tlio p]ist llJM IlM Arnh V lriub*rf» i itiifl I i*1 1h**«wiHSl»l*K.«SHNMAV f rlllf mil , «vr,*hrlmJop *■ ' ‘ rmvinit f»v»*r fnv»MK» W Ihr The noiifKiif.HArMiN/u.iA m of the ■I't"’;:::;.': Center, llttHO?(inn(«4p|»>tn)t#rnfl4Wrf«> chair; Wf, ,, , t Mtmit hi-KKn nl |« m m «i»il Herder* ^rtvnlimirl «(r«t||M " Abe Lusk '"^,‘''1'. j . . . , V , . , •Month* »»l hurd «r«wli ihwI I*' bl nem9lt|Nrfi«falh«Mhw(«no«‘i«(nthi« !!.. officio ', #f. • • I'ommMtw. Ltoylr \ H|{«4, Jm-Ii .«• " l^ioMM. Hoimt DamiAy. «*'*** !!.•«* new state l*vl»een. Rafhuta Fr*«- A g j« NMm. Hal 1rvbitmi ihhI llnh ,« airecU ^tection8 '‘ho«na to imihe iiiU 4ay Into • The Charlotte ‘UEWISH‘'NEWS Noftfi C«r«Nna I nlMMft 4h« » I* «l| IK U Sl(NPA> lA«'ti|.ANS iHMllml \ V Int the nril wtticUttS ^he ohiaifwd a nr* |4*il|tv kftri an |nrtra««*l ’l>^ hN'mcotItomlnrtilnirt- rliafilw nfMl reMmtriHila (tM CllllMl Uw. VO"*; Ita.M. 17; fmhrr An mlrTU»olhV2^^«»«* tkmolry mnA .-A ' • . ' The '*0!d0 a.tf^*rn^oite«a. ,,(iirk. Thi.s, *• In Urn* , „ »V^ — 11 111'* ad reason to w,lh thnnk„ the - ' , "• «*“ I'JriOf genervstly of th ^ 1ft iV'® conlmuc to contribute Charlotte Jewish i\jp'\jl/Q Hg?i helped newspoper dreoiti reolity j| «4ayloloa ia*tir vnl4.nt#«^ anhrtf**!* » .»%•* «mI «f rfciml«nfMl reM mtriH every h»v«l. Nu^mo,. “ra*> ao^ frnth from tmA f*f b*irh> awfeailed beywid ekrtr .fcew i r#»rh»|ww#«w#*e n>-»n »«f#r •«* • mumfc#.. .. . Rita Mond Named Outstanding Volunteer * ■" lorliif SUPBR SUN _ tcv^ Weundihemwb-eafime’ |n T)eceniber of thi« vear, has to de.^ign or create an ad Mond v^iii pubh^^ 99l>» edition of The Charlotte ' ■ trenxand tnncsnf Jewish News. J ■’mherfhip of the years, this com pletely dedicated volunteer _ has done the massive work genervstly of those who have .necessary to produce the mon thly edition of the newspaper which has become the com- It's a free service she offers, ■nd she is pleasantly surpris ed to see her ads appear in other print media. While she is collecting ads she is also busy collecting the stories, calendar information and photos lor the upcoming issue All loo often she hs^ to UrOATIi: CAMI’AK'iN ’8« Pusses }1 MII,I,K)N IIHIIIH rnrnmmmmmm JCC Spring Cluss Schedule raBea7,8,P. Mlaaion lo Waahlngtoii: An Innldn Vlirw olilt rtcoruc /IftK OiV IlfJK LilVK- Winner of Four Awards The Charlotte RIU Mond and Ann Unfman sort papers, edit stories, type and "“** *** domellmrs Interrupt, but page lay out and story A* co-edltors ol The Charlotte Jevirlth New*, they will apend at least «0 hourt together In one kitchen or another belore the May ls.sue of the eight-page community paper is ready. Through hour* of tea. crflea and some disagreement, they ihare a common dream. • Oar goal Is to grt enough ad vertising to be lell-suitalntng. said Mrs. Mond. Uuth Ihtynn I'o Speak Judy Caulloey RELIGION WRITER by the airport and Itita must drive out there several limes to driivor material for type.set- ling. When it is set she has to proofread it all for corrections and return it for resetting. The quality of The CJNEWS is due in great part to Rita’s passion for perfec tion. When the typesetting is as perfect as she can get it to be, she has to spread the materials and decide how each and every page will be laid out. Only when this has been ac complished can she drive back lo the printer and return home tn wail for the fini.vhed ntu- The Charlotte JEWISH ^EWS ' CH»toH«. Hmrn Carelmi Ci;^loUean. Marched In Wa.lilnglon lor Soviet Jew. D.IA'it W«nk "N .IhsI Hc|l«»iiln«i - . ihfiMwMb. »h* We wouW also like lo he paid (or this." added Laniman, "and have enough 1',*,^*^ m »j-~ pay lome sUff fiwmhers - ^^*'^*7,, - ^*7 -7-- porteri. pholographer*. ^ ^ i«» a»** Another p*rl of the dreim t |.w «m« «wf *«n-i»*—** W have an office. Iwitflpi. W *«• %mrnf HaI M«M 4ymtm9 H a «t* pMtib «>4nfl !• (•••» ••• airt tfcwr TWf w* atarlne. TEWISH‘=NEWS| mrtrn. »Wla •*«»• Wta- \m Ifc^.a-li^ rtM »4 W n-Mwr**-* •" ••• ««pl •• UMliat, »• »N*W r«l 9» t III iipim. iw. •. yirli4 mW» I*—r«»»* ,>Ki>t •" »■*>»■»■«■ • *•^'*7' ta B «M, •••• **H »»ot ^ ••• ••• Mwf»*4HirelNi*wii w*h mJtimrmli iW Wim*% h^eewi Hi*- wHI «*4 1 «»••#••• Wrint tw ^ W«M •• Vol.fNe.1 Chariom. North CarpHiw JaiMiarv. IMS )•> m4 ’83 Federation Campaign at $64S«000 Super Sunday Set For Jan. 23 I ei^wirw4l*"i4fW; **Auschwitz: A Crime Against Manl&ind* Women’s Division to View Exhibit in Atlanta SSOfOOO Expected in JBtiUBry livWo - ^ouvoiiir Piocirnm I rom The Groumlhreokiny” More than IOC ring on Sunday The ClmrloUc JEWISH qSEWS By Raaallad Taranla “AuschwUK A Crime Against Mankind" chronklea the an nihilation of the moat basic Fouiidulitiit Archi(t;cluml I’huhuman right — the right to - T-a.-,--.:— — - j|jy, fj,ig eshibition is a memorial to the millions who were murdered In AuachwiU what happened, Imi« it couM happen, why it happened, whether — In today's society — it could happen again and what can be dcine lo prevent it Thia special exhibition will be in Atlanta during the month of January 19B8. The ^JEWISH Cimtiwe. INt1> C«i JCC Winter Class Schedule ^ Ground Broken For Community Project .... «»- Itnp» lieew.k«iN Building la Destroyed — But JCC Activities C*aitla««a« "i^S;;;;s;rS5^_T»a aiAWom o«CTvr*_ ' frWay. Novewibw II. !♦>! t tm ^ IW W ^ -rtf ^ AUkm r Project Pians Made Put. Poople- Time f»r Af>plmn*e M wNk parttmu »r«a# wjiMnaar* n- CkartMIe to^ • laMIMl twt* Inf —*******?■ r« lrt« liie Oa«al AmtmMf 9i Ifce ncHaUewWi >«■■■»*■»■ -t1iiiuaK>.« tlia* •■••*••»••••* •»»* iRka Mm4. e»««w tf •'TUS. Ua«r *to«C ww« Abb Laaraaa «arM« •« wtm a »nl« »•»« wttk as aavMOM m» wt w mm rm- ^ apeak. ijafMO m ^ *a tae Anjrtw at tm iiiaii'iai II- aa«»«»«>— f -iMiB^'akiaiw'Ikx*

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