Page 6-THE NEWS-Febniary 1989 o Charlotte Jewish Federation Worker Motivational Session ^‘State of the Union” Address Carl Scheer, vice president of the Charlotte Hornets, was gu est speaker. Paul Edelstein (L) introduced him. Carl Scheer (L) giving “auto graph” to Elliot Gartner (R). That’s Richard Klein waving to someone. Some of the “motivated** workers. It Pays To Advertise If YOU WANT to Reach the Jewish market YOU MUST Advertise in the Charlotte Jewish News. 366-5007 366*9715 366-6632 tinue to fund Lubavitch of N.C. Many, many people expressed concern as to whether this allocation was in the best interest of the total community. The Allo cations Committee and the Executive Committee delib erated long and hard and reached the conclusion that the Federation must honor its pledge to the community that Lubavitch of N.C. would receive an allocation in 1989. This allocation will depend on campaign results and will be treated as every other allocation — in terms of cuts made across the board. However, because this issue is of such concern to so many donors, the Fed eration will reevaluate its funding of Lubavitch of N.C. and present its recommenda tions to the Board of Direc tors before the 1990 Cam paign begins. The Teen Israel Summer Scholarship Program, under the guidance of Phil Joffe, developed and clarified new guidelines for its program and is now in the capable hands of Wendy Rosen. The Cash Collections Commit tee, chaired by Ron Katz, developed a new policy for write-offs and the By-Laws Committee Chair, Hal Lev inson, helped update and make some much needed changes to our by-laws. A new Personnel Committee, chaired by Emily Zimmem, has been formed to evaluate the performance of our Ex ecutive Director, based on guidelines established by the Executive Committee. Through the auspices of HK4LPIME 1 I A ¥ low Levine Properties is proud to offer office, retail and commercial sites at McAlpine Station, the largest undeveloped I-l zoned property in the southeast Charlotte area of Monroe Road at Village Lake Drive. 76 Acre Devek)pment Zoned I-l BuiWing Sites from 1-15 Acres Available ^ Retail Frontage (»i McHiFoe Road Office, Retail And Commercial Buikiing Sites Office/Retail/Showroom Condominiums ^ Buikl-to-Suit Optkxis ^ Vibrant Southeast Chark)tte Locatkxi G R E Y L Y N • BU SIN E S S . PARK GREYLYN BUSINESS PARK... the outstanding 23-acre master-planned business community with over 266,000 square feet of flexible retail, showroom and warehouse space. Already 90% leased! Construction has started on the 3 remaining buildings. THE ADDRESS... Monroe Road and Sardis Road North, a vibrant southeast Char lotte location near some of the region’s largest corporate headquarters plus many restau rants and banking facilities. GREYLYN BUSINESS PARK Leasing Spaces for; Office/Showroom Sizes from 1,250 square feet Office/Showroom/Distribution Sizes from 2,400 square feet 9301 MONROE ROAD THE DEVELOPER... Levine Properties, a Charlotte based company with a long term commitment to Greylyn Park and McAlpine Statwn and to the tenants of this fine development. We’re helping to make success a part of your business plan. 1 I A I ■ • M GREYLYN PARK >1 S For mwe inf«mzftion, call 704/847-0060. P 0. Box 2439 Mattheui, North Carolma 28106 7041847.0060 Jewish Family Services, steered by Adrienne Rosen berg, director, and Evelyn Berger, Chair, the Federa tion has developed a Cha plaincy Program, revised the guidelines for its emer gency loans, established the Ellis Berlin “Ezra Fund,” and began to investigate al ternative funding sources through a United Way task force. Joel Goldman has success fully put together an Editori al Board for our Charlotte Jewish News. A Jewish Ed ucation Committee was formed, under the guidance of Ruth Goldberg, which reinstated the Joint Jewish Studies Program and began the long and arduous task of investigating the possibility of a Bureau of Jewish Edu cation. Women’s Division con tinues to provide outstand ing programming, outreach and education to our com munity with ever increasing campaign results. This is due to the hard work and dedication of Emily Zim mem, Meg Goldstein and the Women’s Division Cabinet. Our Campaign Commit tees’ accomplishments have been manifold. For that we can thank Richard A. Klein, Paul Putterman, Meg Grold- stein and the Campaign chairs. We have developed a strategy for major gifts and upgrade. We have broadened the base of givers at begin ning levels and we have had the earliest, most detailed campaign plan in our Fed eration history. Our Super Sunday team, led by Wendy Rosen, has been enthusias tic and well organized. The 1989 Campaign has been a most difficult challenge, but through it all we have kept our vision clear, our purpose high, and our motives pure. If our goal this year was beyond our reach, then it cont’d from page 2 means we have the courage to try. It means we will never become complacent because we have visions of an ever stronger, more responsive community. Mike often says to us that soliciting is holy work and indeed it is com manded in Deuteronomy, “Open your hand to the poor and needy kinsmen in your land.” So, from my point of view, all of you are angels and will be rewarded with the words of Isaiah, “and the work of Tzedakah shall be Shalom.” So much for 1988 — now let us look to the future. My goals for the coming year include completing our com puterization process, ex panding staff, developing an effective endowment pro gram, establishing a long- range planning committee, worfang on behalf of Soviet Jewry, expanding our mis sions to Israel and building a campaign structure that will help us reach our fund raising potential of two mil lion dollars. Ambitious goals, but necessary, if we are to meet the challenges of the 1990s and beyond. It is my firm belief that only in the context of Klal Yisroel (building community) can we be^n to realize our full potential. It is my hope that each of us remembers he is a member of a chosen people — chosen for “Tikkun Olam” (repair of the world) and what better way to begin to work toward perfection than right here in Charlotte, N.C. Thank you for your confi dence in reelecting me and for your support in the com ing year. Please be patient with my shorteomings and know that I am working hard to be worthy of your trust. I look forward to our continued association. -f- ♦ > Our Be IsOnllieBdiEks D, ^lamonds. Cok>red stones. Rsffis. AikI crfher jewds. DtmakJHaack has wcr 30 years' experience with some of the finest gems in the w»rki. Hb knowledge comes 60m the ftoisid upinaing HTugb stones m the South Aioni- can luQgies. Ue’a taded witii ^Jbestdia- aM brokers ^Eufope. ^faels ze^)ected and prioe. ^pedbctseeBooald HaadL A8 taoiaeSlli am