Organizations Page 21-THE NEWS-Wlav 1990 HaLailah BB Women ParentLink Has “Kick Off By Beth Linderman (L to R): Beth Liadcrauui, a pMt-prwident Charlotte MW; Macio Majo, Drug EducatkMi Center; Mayor Sue Myrkk; Louise Bias, guest speaker; Abite Bryan, president Ciiarlotte BBW; Hyla Lipsiiy, BBW International president. On Mar. 13 Lonise Bias, mother of Maryland University basketball player Len Bias who died from a drug overdose, delivered her “Message of Hope” to 250 people at the Grady Cole Center. Mrs. Bias was in Charlotte to kick-off PARENTLINK, a fam ily-oriented substance abuse program coordinated by Char lotte B’nai B’rith Women. This program focuses on parents of children, kindergarten through 3rd grade, and is presently being piloted now at McKee Road Elementary School. As Mrs. Bias said, **Just saying No is good, but we have to go beyond that. We must change our ap proach in reaching our children. Go into your own home; that’s where the change will come.” Mrs. Bias went on to say “the problems of today can be solved if you (the parents) start giving the greatest gift — yourself.” PARENTLINK’s goal is to unite parents to actively fight the substance abuse crises in our homes, schools and community through education and commu nication. International President BBW Hyla Lipsky, who attended this very important program, was here to support the new spring board to action. This is being undertaken by the Charlotte Chapter BBW which supports the welfare of children and youth. Before this dynamic program, Mrs. Bias and Mrs. Lipsky were presented with Keys to the City by Mayor Sue Myrick at a reception honoring Mrs. Bias. Charloite Chapter BBW The installation breakfast was held on Apr. 4 at the Providence Country Club. Candles were lit by Peggie Rovman as Marge Liebstein said the accompanying prayers. Vicki Hopkins gave the invocation; Abbe Bryan, Marge Liebstein and Peggie gave the year-end reports. Certificates were awarded to all the commit tee chairs by Beth Linderman. She installed the new Executive Board: Abbe Bryan, president; Paula Gentile, administrative v.p.; Lorrie Klemons, recording secretary; Mickey Waldman and Helen Rosenbiaum, correspond ing secretaries; Shirley Fytelson, treasurer; Eve Feldman, finan cial secretary; Peggie Rovman, counselor. May 14 marks the first official program of ParentLink. McKee Road Elementary School has been selected as the pilot school in the lower elementary grades of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system. The PTA (525 members) unanimously voted to adopt this project after the ParentLink presentation given by Charlotte BBW. Child’s Place, a current pro ject of our chapter, needs some one to help one morning a week. Aline Lorber has been instru mental in aiding this school for homeless children, but she is leaving Charlotte. It is hoped that this school will become an 11 -month project instead of the 9-rrionth it is now. Call Abbe Bryan, 542-2811, to volunteer. — Ruth Eisenberg HOWARD LEVIME • Business Insurance • Retirement Plans 200 Queens Road Suite 400 Personal Insurance Equity Investments PO Box 30457 Charlotte, MC 28230 373-1835 RICHARDSON C HARDWARE Provid«nc« Square Shopping Center 5668 Intemational Way Charlotte, N.C. 28211 Rick Richardson President (704) 364-8205 HaLailah prepared Passover baskets during the end of March for distribution in April. These baskets were lovely thanks to the hard work and monetary con tributions of Randy Defilipp. A special thanks goes to Harris- Teeter in Providence Square for their contributions. On April 17, we sponsored an afternoon tea and baby shower for Hunter House. Gifts were presented to both mothers and children; refreshments were served. Many thanks to Eileen Darholt for coordinating this event. Installation of new officers was held at Wan Fu on Apr. 24. They are: President, Linda Spil; Administrative V.P., Debbie Palefsky; CVS V.P., Jenny Snyder; Membership V.P., Jan Weiner and Cheri Titlebaum; Fundraising V.P., Kaye Yaffe and Beverly Eisenoff; Commun ications V.P., Lisa Wohl; Trea surer, Michele Perlmutter; Fi nancial Secretary, Janet Gorel- ick; Recording Secretary, Lisa Pharr; Corresponding Secre tary, Eileen Darholt; Bulletin Editors, Eileen Darholt and Peggy Cohn. New board members will par ticipate in a Board Inservice on May 20, 9 a.m.-l p.m. at Claire Putterman’s home. Gail Robin son is the guest at this event. A board retreat will be held on June 24. HaLailah has made a commit ment to work with the Operation Exodus program. We are main taining a list of volunteers for this project and are also setting up an apartment for one of the families. Members who are interested in being involved in this, please call Jenny Snyder, 845-1394. — Rachel Rosenfeld ChUdren and the VOs Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, D.C., will speak on Friday, May 18, 1 p.m., at the Radisson Plaza Hotel. Under Ms. Edelman’s leader ship, the Children’s Defense Fund has become the nation’s most active and effective orga nization concerned with a wide range of children’s and family issues. This event is cosponsored by the Council for Children, the Mecklenburg Council on Ado lescent Pregnancy, and the Uni ted Way of Central Carolinas, with very special appreciation to Queens College for making Ms. Edelman’s appearance possible. Luncheon is $15. Low Pizza?? Hot« Spinach?? Get On The Diet Plan by ... Cosnp*U*Oie/ Let our computers create 1(X) custfinyzedmenus... Just for yotJL., based on the foods YOCTlike and want! And all for just under $30! Just caU (704t 531-9632 or write: The Diet Ptan, 3001 Centred Aue., Ste. 130. Dept J, Charlotte. NC 28205 Patronize Our Advertisers NJOYTHE ESSENCE OF SPRING WITH THE WORLD'S MOST SENSUOUS FRAGRANCES BOUCHERON OSCAR DE LA RENTA CAROLINA HERRERA ELIZABETH TAYLOR'S PASSION CHANEL NO. 19 CHANEL NO 5 CORIANDRE BALA VERSAILLES CALANDRE CHLOE COCO DIVA EVERE EENDI GIANFRANCO FERRE GIVENCHY III METAL NETTIE ROSENSTEIN OMBRE ROSE MOLINARDDE MOLINARD SCIIERRERII SCHERRER YSATIS KL MONTALDO'S Fragrance Festival MAY 7 THROUGH MAY 12 tX)NT MISS THE FUN & EXCITEMENT! OINTAldO S UPTOWN: 218 NORTH TRYON STREET • (704) 333-5181 SOUTHPARK • (704) 365-3308