Page 4-THE NEWS-November 1990 World Beat Site of YugoslMviMn Syntgogue To be Returned to Town’s Jews GENEVA (JTA) — The site of the Main Synagogue of Za greb, Yugoslavia, built in 1867 and destroyed by the Ustachi fascists in 1941, will be restored to the Jewish community of Zagreb, its rightful owners, and a new community center will be built. The pledge was made by Dr. Franjo Tudjmann, president of the Yugoslavian Republic of Croatia, at a meeting with Rabbi Arthur Schneier of the Park East Synagogue in Manhattan. In his talk with the Croatian president, Schneier emphasized the symbolic value of rebuilding the Zagreb synagogue at its former location on Praska Street. The site where it once stood is now a parking lot. Schneier made his request at the urging of the Zagreb Jewish community, which numbers about 1,200. Oldest Fresh Water Well Found TEL AVIV (JTA) — The world’s oldest fresh-water well has been found on the ocean floor about 1,300 feet offshore from Atlit, on the Mediterra nean coast south of Haifa. Its age has been estimated at 8,000 years, which is about 1,000 years older than the previous oldest well discovered in Turkey. The project is sponsored by the Education Ministry’s Affit Yam Antiquities Authority. Digging has been underway for six seasons. The 26-foot-deep well lies about 16 feet below the ocean surface but was originally about 1,300 feet inland from the shore. It appears to have been aban doned as a well when salt water encroached on the land as the sea level rose at the end of the last Ice Age. It was used as a garbage dump for about 150 years, until the village was forced to move further inland because of the advancing sea. The debris and sand helped preserve the well. Its discoverers said they were amazed by the sophisticated technology of its construction. The builders walled it with close-fitting stones starting from the top and work ing downward, which is how wells are constructed in modern times. The detritus inside and scat tered around the well are ena bling archaeologists to recon struct a pre-pottery Neolithic “B” period village. The remains show a village that covered an area of 10 acres and was pop ulated by some 30 families. It provides a picture of a Stone Age society during the period when prehistoric man was mak ing the transition from nomad to farmer. Argentine Governnient Body Urges Repeal of ‘Zionism is Racism ’ BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — The Chamber of Deputies, Ar gentina’s legislative body, has urged the government to “pro mote the abrogation” of the U.N, General Assembly’s 1975 resolution equating Zionism with racism. The chamber resolved by a huge majority that the 15-year- old measure “hinders the peace ful solution of the Middle East problem.” Argentine Foreign Minister Domingo Cavallo made the same point in his address to the General Assembly in New York. Argentine President Carlos Saul Menem has pledged his government would support ef forts to rescind the anti-Zionist resolution. Similar undertakings have been made by President Fernan do Collor de Mello of Brazil, the Senate of Venezuela and the president of Uruguay, Luis Alberto Lacalle. De Mello told World Jewish Congress Presi dent Edgar Bronfman that his country’s vote for the resolution in 1975 was a “mistake” which he would rectify. Lacalle also told the WJC that he would help organize the Latin American states against the resolution. According to Elan Steinberg, executive director of the WJC in New York, action to repudiate the resolution could come as early as next year’s session of the General Assembly. In New York, Bernice Tan- nenbaum, president of the World Zionist Organization- American Section, said, “The time is ripe for the United Nations to cleanse itself from the taint and dishonor it inflicted upon itself by adopting this anti- Semitic resolution.” Israel Drops Efforts to Suppress Printing ofMossadBook in Canada TORONTO (JTA) — A book purporting to expose the activ ities of Israel’s secret intelligence agency, Mossad, went on sale in Canada, after the Israeli govern ment dropped legal attempts to have it banned. Israel decided not to seek renewal of the temporary injunc tion it obtained from the Ontario Court, of Justice, because the book’s publication in the United States rendered the issue moot. Israel had claimed the revela tions contained in the book, however false, would compro mise the safety of Mossad agents. Persuaded by that argu ment, a New York State Su preme Court judge in Manhat tan temporarily restrained pub lication of the book. But his order was quashed the following day by the court’s Appellate Division. St. Martin’s Press immediately stepped up publication of the book, 17,000 copies of which had already been sent to wholesalers. “The harm we were seeking to prevent has already occurred,” Joel Goldenberg, a Canadian lawyer representing Israel in the case, told the Ontario court. He was referring to publica tion in the United States of “By Way of Deception: A Devastat ing Insider’s View of the Mos sad,” written by Canadian-born Victor Ostrovsky along with Canadian journalist Claire Hoy. Ostrovsky, who holds dual Canadian-Israeli citizenship, worked for Mossad from 1984 to 1986. Israeli officials say he was dismissed as “unfit” after 18 months as a trainee. His book offers alleged inside information on Mossad opera tions that portray the Israeli spy agency’s activities in Canada and the United States as cynical and self-serving. Among other things, the book alleges that Israel deliberately avoided providing the United States with advance information it had about Lebanese terrorists’ plans to bomb the United States Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983. The book alleges that Israel withheld the information from the United States because it knew the incident, which claimed 241 lives, would strain U.S.-Arab relations. Israeli officials described the book as a “fiction with a sprin kling of facts.” But Israel’s image abroad apparently was more seriously damaged by its attempts to suppress the book than by the alleged exposes. The episode was the subject of a closed-door inquiry in Jerusalem by the Knesset For eign Affairs and Defense Com mittee’s subcommittee on intel ligence. The panel heard a report from the chief of Mossad, whose identity is top secret. A campaign was mounted in Israel to discredit Ostrovsky, who was described as a prevar icator motivated by greed and a grudge against Mossad. But some Israeli circles believe the government would have been wiser to ignore the book, which they say would have attracted few readers and been quickly forgotten were it not for the efforts to suppress it. St. Martin’s Press reported that the notoriety surrounding the attempted ban had boosted its sales by 300 percent. East Germany Issues Jewish Stamps BONN (JTA) — On the eve of unification. East Germany has issued two postage stamps in honor of the Jewish New Year. The stamps are of 50 and 30 pfennig denominations. One pictures the famous for mer synagogue on Oranienbur- gerstrasse in East Berlin, which is undergoing extensive renova tion to become a Jewish admin istrative and cultural center. The other honors Louis Lewandows- ki (1821 -1894), who served as the synagogue’s choral director. Part of the revenue from the sale of the stamps has been earmarked for the foundation financing the renovation work. Purchasers who want to contrib ute add 15 pfennigs to the price of the stamps. Sale of Historic Shul Allows Building to Survive BOSTON (JTA) — The 71- year-old Vilna Shul, an historic landmark on Beacon Hill, will continue to serve Boston’s Jew ish community. Justice Ruth Abrams of the Supreme Judicial Court ap proved its sale Sept. 26 to Historic Boston Inc., a non profit corporation, provided that the $429,000 purchase price can be raised by Sept. 26, 1991. The Vilna Shul on Phillips Street is the only synagogue in Boston listed in the National Register of Historic Places, and is the only building in Boston to retain continuous Jewish identity since its construction in 1919, A non-profit organization, the Vilna Center for Jewish Heritage is being incorporated to raise the money and to own and operate the Shul, The organization plans to open a Jewish cultural center in the building for use on Jewish holidays and other occasions by all branches of Judaism — Orthodox, Conservative, Re form and Reconstructionist. The pending sale covers the entire contents of the shul, including an elaborately carved wooden ark in the main sanc tuary on the second floor. Sev eral valuable Torahs, which have been held in safekeeping outside of the shul, were not included in the sale. Abrams’ ruling climaxed a legal struggle that began in 1985, at the height of the local real estate boom, when the shul was slated to be dissolved. The money was to go to charities in Israel, which were designated by officers of the Vilna Shul in legal documents signed 20 years ago. The nearby Charles River Park Synagogue (now the Bos ton synagogue) intervened, in voking the cypres rule, to be come the beneficiary of the proceeds from the sale. Individual Jews and gentiles living on Beacon Hill as well as the Syngagogue Council of Massachusetts attempted unsuc cessfully to become parties in the dissolution proceedings, so that they could fight either to recon- . stitute the shul or at least to ^ preserve it as a reminder of early Jewish immigrant life in Boston. Tid-Bits PARIS (JTA) — One of the first acts of unified Germany was to acknowledge guilt for its Nazi past, according to assurances made to a delegation of French Jews visiting Bonn. • LONDON (JTA) — Vandals struck the Jewish cemetery at Failsworth in the Greater Man chester spraying 41 gravestones with anti-Semitic graffiti. The doors to a chapel were daubed with swastikas and Stars of David suspended from gal lows. The incident was the eighth major instance of Jewish cem etery desecration in Britain since the Edmonton cemetery in North London was attacked in May. That occurred a few days after a vicious assault on the ancient See WORLD BEAT next page HOW MANY REASONS ARE THERE TO USE A TRAVEL AGENT? EXPEBT ADVISORS * MONEY SAVERS * DEAL FINDERS • SPECIAL FEATURE PLANNERS TROUBLESHOOTERS * DETAIL MASTERS HONEST EVALUATORS • INVALUABLE UPSTERS * HASSLE ELIMINATORS CALL MANNTRAi/ELS Caiteoq'hjdWeWat Southpark 366-S311 Downtown 333-1511 Matthews 847-1542 Parkway Plaza 357-1645 Uniyersity Place 547-1240 Arrowpoint 525-S595 Thomasvillc (919) 476-6166 Outside Charlotte (800)727^233 DEEDEE DAUMIT Team up with the very best! When selling or buying a home call Deedee, She will provide that personal and professional service. The Prudential # Greater Charlotte Realty 1300 E. 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