’94 Campaign Pages 12-13 5007 Providencc Rd. Charlotte, NC 28226 Address Correction Requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Charlotte, NC Permit No. 1208 The Charlotte ^UEWISH Vol. 16 No. 6 Charlotte, North Carolina June/July 1994 Jewish Community Center’s 8th Annual Meetins at Shalom Park is a Celebration Linda Goldsmith, annual meeting co>chair. Elaine Schefllin, annual meeting co-chair. Gene Daumit, JCC president, awarding President’s Cup to Marshall Rosenfeld. More than 90 JCC members and guests gathered on Monday, April 18, 1994 to celebrate the 8th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Center of Charlotte at Shalom Park. Responsibility for chairing the well organized meeting was shared by Linda Goldsmith and Elaine Schefflin. Dr. Gene Daumit, JCC pres ident, shared with the audience a framework for building the Center’s future through an inter active lay-staff partnership, implementing a needs assess ment analysis project, cultivat ing targeted and purposeful program planning as well as a commitment to the Center’s and the overall Jewish community’s fmancial well-being. Daumit also called on Center members to become more in volved, saying, “The Jewish Community Center’s goals are created by defining needs and building consensus in our com munity. The vehicle for accomp lishing this task is our committee system. Any member of the JCC can serve on a committee and I urge you to respond positively when you receive the call asking you to serve on a JCC commit tee.” Special tribute was paid by Daumit for outstanding efforts and dedication to outgoing JCC Board members Joanne Bigel, Nancy Blacker and Gary Silver- stein. Hal Levinson, immediate past president and chair of the 1994 Nominating Committee, welcomed new Board members Julius Goldman, Jeff Gorelick and Peter Levinson. Dr. Gene Daumit, Eric Sklut, Jill New man, Elaine Schefflin, Dr, Scott Menaker, Marshall Rosenfeld and Gene Kavadlo were re elected as officers of the JCC, while Melissa Raphael, Butch Rosen, Linda Goldsmith, Mike Van Glish and David Silverman were re-elected as members of the Board. Unique to this Annual Meet ing agenda, “A Slice of Center Life” was a demonstration by participants and instructors in the “J’s” Youth Karate Program. Breaking with tradition, the Volunteer of the Year Award was not presented to an individ ual, but to a group of volunteers responsible for creating the JCC’s program, “Yiddish In Charlotte. They are: Baila Pransky, Ruth Richardson, El- kie Tulman. Rose and Abraham Luski and LilUan Bayer. This extremely devoted group fulfills roles as organizers, managers and teachers for the Yiddish Institute and the Yiddish Vinkyl. These two successful programs help to preserve Yiddish lan guage and culture, at the same time infusing “yiddishkeit” into the Center’s programming. Past President Mike Van Glish was presented with the Executive Director’s Award in recognition of the invaluable guidance and counsel he provid ed to the new JCC Director, Alan Feldman. The award also expressed the Center’s gratitude for his many years of distin guished and ardent leadership. Marshall Rosenfeld was the recipient of the prestigious Pres ident’s Cup, presented by Dr. Daumit. This honor acknowl edged the excellence of Rosen feld’s communal leadership. It also represented the JCC’s ap preciation for his long standing contributions as the chairman of the Health and Physical educa tion Committee. In his address, JCC Executive Director, Alan Feldman, em phasized the need to cultivate an environment that values Jewish literacy. “Our educational pro cess,” he said, “must be coupled with an understanding that our most personal sense of self is constructed from a series of conscious and unconscious pro cesses that culminate, finally, 'as an inner solidarity with a group’s ideals and identity. “He urged JCC leaders to serve as paceset ters by committing themselves to ongoing programs of Jewish learning. Jean Allran, JCC Executive Secretary/Office manager, re ceived a special gift in recogni tion of her superior efforts and sincere dedication to the JCC. The meeting culminated with a delightful social hour and des sert reception prepared by the meeting’s co-chairpeople. In the News CAJE 24 Candlelighting 19 Classifieds 23 Community News 6-7 Dining Out/Ent 21-23 Eng./Marriage 23 Famity Services 7 Federation 12*13 JCC 10 Lubavitch Teen Pafe 11 This'to That 23 Special F^itiup— Cart v (L-R) New JCC board member Jeff GorrUck, immediate past president of Federation Shelton Gorelick, and Lori Sklut. “Yiddish in Charlotte" Volunteer of the Year award winners (L-R) Abraham Luski, Rom Luski, Elkie Tulman, LilUan Bajer and Baib Pransky.