Tccn Page 1) Teen Page Editor Says Good-bye Page 11-THE NEWS-June/July 1994 By Alan Shumlinson As spring turns to summer, it’s time again to prepare for change. With Seniors graduating and Freshmen rising, I write my last articles as Teen Page editor of the Charlotte Jewish news. While it has been a wonderful time, 1 too must leave for college and make way for a whole panel of successors. Before I leave. I’d like to thank the entire Editorial board of the CJN, especially Rosiland Taranto. Only with their support have I fulfilled my duties. If I had to choose only one message to leave to the Jewish teens of Charlotte, it would be to become aware of your Jud aism. Whether if it’s by wearing a Yarmulke or by reading a book by Chaim Potok. Never take Judaism and your Jewish iden tity for granted. As a popular BBYO saying goes,” What you put in is what you get out.” I’ve learned many important things this year, but most impor tantly, IVe learned that it won’t happen unless you make it happen. For all of you aspiring Jewish scholars, athletes and menschen, follow Nike’s theme and “Just do it.” With the insight I\e gained through my position, 1 plan to take Chapel Hill by storm. I’ve decided to get involved with the Hillel association and continue attending services somewhere. I reached the epiphany that once one gets involved it’s not that hard to stay involved. As New ton’s first rule of Physic states, “Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.” While my articles haven’t always hit their mark, or even found a popular audience, it makes me secure to know that the Jewish youth of Charlotte are able to stand up and disagree with what I’m saying rather just accepting it blindly. As I leave. I’m confident in my belief that Charlottes’ teens are strong- willed, and from 'what I’ve observed, able. So, as I make my final appearance, let me just say that I’Ve had a terrific time as Teen Page Editor. And, remem ber, another summer always ends with another school year, so have the time of your life this summer. Did You Have Fun on the March? By Shara Grifenhagen Considering the essence of this trip, I would have to answer, no, I didn’t have “fun” on the March. The March of the Living was an emotionally charged 2 week trip to Poland and Israel. While in Poland, we toured Auschwitz, Birkenau, Majdanek, Treblinka and the' Warsaw and Crackow ghettos. The actual March of the Living was a 2 kilometer walk from Auschwitz to Birkenau. This is the same path taken by our ancestors 50 years ago during World War Two. Six thousand Jews from all over the world joined our 350 person delegation from the North American BBYO. The only accurate word to describe my experience in Poland is “intense.” It was far from my idea of having fun, so no, I emphatically did not have fun on the March of the Living. Following our week in Po land, we went to Israel. To me, Israel was an entirely different experience. Israel, in contrast to Poland and the March, was amazing. We were in Israel for Yom Ha Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Memorial Day and Independence Day. We mourned with the country and rejoiced on Beth Yehuda Street, keeping thoughts of Poland out of my mind. The March of the Living was a great experience for me. I’ve always felt it was my duty to learn and remember. The March made my feelings even stronger. As the last of the Holocaust survivors die, it becomes our responsibility to be certain the world doesn’t forget the 6 million Jews that perished. Reflections We found laughter in a place of tears. We found love in a place of hate. We found friendship in a place of enemies. We found each other in a place of solitude. They said we couldn Y do it. But you and I, united by our one common string, pushed aside all our differences And we proved them wrong. They hate us Because we refuse to forget. You and I, my friend, fmd comfort in a memory. Shara Grifenhagen-4/29/94 CHS Student Council — Another Year in the Books BBYO News B’Nai Brith Youth Organiza tion is finishing off a great year! Charlotte Chapters of BBYO made a strong appearance at BBYO’s annual Spring Council Convention, held April 22-24, with 32 members from Chai Chaverim and Mickey Barak Aberman. At Spring Council, 4 Charlotte members were elected to the North Carolina Council State-Wide BBYO Executive Board. Congratulations go to: Mark Resnik, NC Council Shilach; Jill Freiberg, NC Coun cil Mazkirah; Shayna Kossove, NC Council Shlichah; Stacy Blumenthal, NC Council Sa- franit. In other BBYO news, AZA finished their year with a car wash at the JCC on May 15th. BBC had an Attic Sale at the JCC on May 8th. Look for our fall intake party at the end of August. Any questions about BBYO, call Leora at 366-5007. Day Trippin^ We have put together a two week program that combines both SUMMIT SEEKERS and the MITZVAH CARAVAN. Campers will have a two night, three day trip where they will explore the great outdoors. Participants will go on day trips to such places such as Lake Norman, American Gladiators, Lazy 5 Ranch and Cardigan Farms. Campers will also pre pare and take lunches to the homeless shelter. This camp is perfect for those who want the best of both camps. Mitvah CatBVM What a wonderful opportuni ty for teenagers to get involved in their community. We have put together a well-rounded three- week program which will allow campers to feel the rewards of working with others in the Charlotte area as well as having fun with their peers. Campers will spend the morn ing working with various Char lotte agencies such as the Child ren’s Hospital, Carriage Club, By Melissa Gottheim A year of success, that’s all I have to say. All that we set out to do we accomplished success fully. All Consolidated High School (CHS) Student Council members focused on their goals to make this year the best yet! We had many projects from which we benefited, as did many others. Our biggest project was “Go For the Gelt.” All CHS students in grades 8 through 12, donated money to help provide Southpark Gold as a Hanukkah gift for five Russian Jewish families. The grade that raised the largest sum of money re ceived an ice cream party spon sored by Ben & Jerry’s. Alexander Children’s Center and United Way. In the after noon campers will participate in recreational activities. Cane Creek Park, rock climbing, pottery. Celebration Station, American Gladiators and bowl ing are just a few of the activities we have planned. CJN Says lliank You to Teen Editor RosilaiKl Taranto, on be half of the entire Editorial Board of the CJN, presented Alan Schulminion, Teen Page Editor, with a gift in recc^nition of hit superior service fo the newspaper over the past year. He hiu kept his page iotere^inf, informative and varied. The Board wishes him freat success as he on to oootinue his edvcttion. Do Your Eyes You Feel Reflect How Inside? Do You Feel Younger Than You Look? Gary T. Raflo, NI.D., F.A.C.S. has 14 years of experience helping thousands of women and men look as youthful on the outside as they feel on the inside. Dr. Raflo is the only cosmetic surgeon in the Charlotte area specializing exclusively in surgery of the eyelids and upper face and the ObagiSkin Restoration Program. When it comes to your eyes, you want a board certified specialist with experience and expertise. la Gary I. Raflo, M.D., F.A.C.S. 1901 Brunswick Ave., Suite 220 Charlotte, NC 28207 704 358-1901 • 800 704-1901 Another fund-raiser for tze- dakah we did was to sell House Pins. The pins sold for $10 each and the $800 profit was donated to The Relatives, a 24-hour crisis shelter for adolescents. The pins were sold during Hebrew High as well as at the CHS Student Council booth at the Purim Carnival. Student Council members manned two addition al booths at the Carnival which children and parents enjoyed equally. In addition, in order to wel come five new teenagers to Charlotte, Welcome Baskets were put together and distribut ed. The project, known as Melissa Gotheim (r) and Mollie Neumann, two students at Consol idated High School of Jewish stu dies, are pictured hard at worii during a cooking class. Beresheit, is an on-going one provided by Student Council. The baskets contain such items as maps, hot chocolate mix, grits, school supplies and infor mation about Jewish organiza tions for teenagers in Charlotte. Now, it’s the end of our term with Student Council and we are preparing for our annual Teach er Appreciation Dinner. This is our way of showing teachers how much we care. Looking back, it was a terrific year and I hope next year is just as good, if not better. MCAT The most complete arsenal of test prep tools in the world. CALL NOW: Charlotte, NC 704-333-7737 KAPLAN RULES ICECREAM VKn'sms Your favorite Ben^PJerry’s ice cream or frozen yogurt •A fudgy, chewy, rich chocolate brownie layer •More Bend?Jerry’s More brownies •Your special message •Fresh whipped cream or buttercream frosting Order today for Father’s Day! For your choice of flavors, advance notice is requi^. bck&jcrI^ VERMONTS FINEST • ICE CREAM S> FROZEN YOGURT 507 Providence Rd. • 333-lCX)3 The Arboretum • 343-8333 202 S. Main St. • Davidson • 892-0604