5007 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28226 Change Service Requested PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT# 1208 CHARLOTTE, NC The Charlotte JEWISH Vol. 23, No. 3 Adar-Nisan 5761 March 2001 Federation Avenues: Creating Opportunities for Jewish Involvement If you are looking to add mean ing to your life, to create more tex ture in your routine, and to meet others in your age group with sim ilar interests, then all signs point to Federation Avenues. The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte is sponsoring Federation Avenues, a volunteer fair for newcomers, to be held on Tuesday, March 27, 2001. All newcomers in our community are invited to the program, which will be held at 7:00 PM in Gorelick Hall at the Jewish Community Center. “All agencies and organizations have been invited to participate in this first time event. We receive many calls from people asking how they can get involved,” according to program co-chair Jeff Epstein. “We think this is a great way for newcomers to meet each other and The Bernstein Leadership Group-Class III Invites BLG Alumni to Hear Gil Mann Of GfeEAim Charlottf. to learn more about Jewish life in Charlotte,” said event co-chairs Risa Miller and Wendy Petricoff. “This will be a very informal evening where people introduce themselves, have a chance to chat, enjoy refreshments and wine, and learn more about our agencies and organizations.” After the program, a list of vol unteer opportunities will be com piled and shared with people wanting to get involved. The list ing will be available in the Federation Office. For more infor mation or to RSVP for the event, please call the Jewish Federation at 944-6757. Fifth Annual Alice Tate Lecture to Feature Professor Igor Dukhan Professor Igor Dukhan, First Vice-Rector of the International Institute of Humanities, of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, is coming to Charlotte to deliver the fifth annu al Alice Tate Lectures in Judaic Studies. Prof Dukhan is also co founder and professor of the Jewish University of Belarus, and President of the International Center of Culture, Arts and Communications, both of Minsk. Prof Dukhan is an expert on Eastern European art, and has lec tured in Eastern Europe and Jerusalem. On Sunday, April 1, 2001, at 7:30 PM, in Gorelick Hall, Professor Dukhan will speak and show slides on “The Art of the Jewish Avant-garde versus Russian and Soviet Art (from Lizzitsky and Chagall to lofan).” On Monday, April 2, 2001, at 7:30 PM, he will speak at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, on “Time in Jewish Avant-garde Art.” Both lectures are free and open to the public. The Alice Tate Lectures in Judaic Studies are supported by the Office of the President of UNC-Charlotte, as well as by the Jewish Community Center of Charlotte. In less than five years the series has established itself as one of the most distinguished lec ture series in Charlotte. Last year. Professor Susannah Heschel of Dartmouth College spoke at the JCC, where she presented person al reflections on the life and work of her father. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. At UNC- Chariotte, she delivered a lecture on her latest research, a book on the dejudaization of Jesus in the Igor Dukhan theology and churches of Protestant Christianity of pre- World War II Nazi Germany. The year before, in 1999, Professor Roald Hoffinan, of Cornell University, 1988 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, presented his reflections on the relations between science and Jewish tradi tion. Earlier profound and stimu lating Alice Tate Lectures in Judaic Studies were given, in 1998, by Prof. Michael Berger, of Emory University, and, in 1997, by Prof. David Biale, of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. Don’t miss this year’s lectures by Professor Igor Dukhan. “I have heard Professor Dukhan speak, both in Minsk and in Jerusalem,” says Professor Richard Cohen of UNC-Charlotte, “and we are fortunate to be able to hear him speak right here at home in Charlotte. Professor Dukhan, besides being a Jewish educator in Minsk and fine human being, is extremely knowledgeable about Marc Chagall, Eastern European Jewish art, and about modern and contemporary art in general.” The Alice Tate Lectures in Judaic Studies are named after Charlotte' native Alice Tate (1916- 1987), whose generous contribu tions to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte created the Frank Porter Graham Professorship in Black Studies, and the Isaac Swift Distinguished Professorship in Judaic Studies, held by Professor Richard A. Cohen. On Sunday, March 18, 2001, 7:30 PM at Temple Israel, we have a very special person coming to Charlotte for the Bernstein Leadership Group III, Gil Mann. Gil Mann is one of United Jewish Communities (UJC) most popular speakers. He speaks about Jewish continuity, intermarriage, assimi lation and being Jewish today. His presentations are engaging, seri ous and humorous. They are based on what Jews told him in focus groups and interviews for his book and in his work for America Online. Gil’s work is based on what American Jews on the street have to say — giving voice to their concerns while providing thought provoking and meaningful responses to the issues they raise. Since 1992 when he retired from his business, Gil has worked pro bono on his book, speaking engagements, America Online and as a full time volunteer in the Jewish community. In the Jewish community, he is currently an offi cer and member of the Executive Committee and Board of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation. He is the Chair of the Federation Continuity and Identity Department. He has chaired the Federation’s Mission Statement Committee and Market Research Committee. He has organized and led two experimental Federation young couples missions to Israel in 1992 and 1993. In 1991 and 1992, he chaired the Federation’s Young Men’s Division. Outside of Federation, he’s been a Vice President of the Minneapolis JCC and has chaired the Minneapolis Jewish Day School’s New Building Committee. He co-founded (with his wife Debbie) their business J3 Learning, Inc in 1983. J3 grew from the couple’s basement to become one of the country’s lead- Gil Mann ing producer of PC training mate rials, developing alliances with among others, Microsoft, Intel and Lotus. Today J3 employs 130 peo ple worldwide. The company was acquired in July 1996 by a divi sion of Dunn and Bradstreet. His responsibilities at the company have given him extensive experi ence with national marketing, ven ture capital financing and rapid business growth and management. Prior to that he was a TV news producer with the Minneapolis/St. Paul ABC Television Affiliate, KSTP, for four years. He has also been a member of the board of Gourmet Express, Inc. and U.S. Investors Limited — an Israeli Investment fund. In addition, he is a Little League coach. For more information, please contact Mamie Moskowitz, Director of Program Develop ment, at 944-6764 or email her at mmoskowitz @ shalomcharlotte.org. You Can Make A Difference: Now Is The Time! Of GbEATER CHARLOrrE Jewish Federation Calendar of Events CV QUiAItR OlARUTfTP- Thursday, March 22: 3rd Annual Spring Lecture, Tova Mirvis, author of The Ladies Auxiliary, 7:30 PM at Temple Beth El. Dinner with author prior to the event for donors of $1200+, 6 PM. Tuesday, March 27; Federation Avenues, 7:00 PM, Gorelick Hall. An event to introduce Charlotte newcomers to volunteer opportuni ties in our community. Tuesday, April 3; Passover Dessert Demonstration with cookbook author Penny Eisenberg, 7:30 PM, at her home. Sunday, April 22: Super Sunday. Tuesday, April 24: Terrific Tuesday. Thursday, April 26: Tremendous Thursday. Monday, April 30: JFGC Annual Meeting, 7:45 PM in Gorelick Hall. May 2001: Panel Discussion, Charlotte Jewish History, Location & Date TBA. May 6 & 7: Southeast Region Women’s Conference. Unlock your spirituality with other Jewish women from across the region. Surround yourself in southern hos pitality, Savannah, Georgia style. For more information on any of these events, please call the Federation office at 944-6757. Inside this issue ... The Main Event with Alan Dershowitz p. 7 Federation’s Campaign Kickoff was a Great Success Solidarity Missions to Israel pp. 24-25 Rabbi Jim Bennett Represented Charlotte in a UJC Mission to Israel Purim (and a bissel Passover) pp. 28-32 The happpiest holiday and how it leads into the next one Federation Page page 4 Lubavitch of North Carolina ... page 9 Temple Israel page 10 Charlotte Jewish Preschool .... page 11 Women’s Events page 11 Temple Beth El page 12 Jewish Family Services page 13 Jewish Traveler page 14 Speizman Jewish Library page 15 Charlotte Jewish Day School .. . page 16 CAJE page 17 Jewish Community Center .... . . . .pages 22-23 Mazel Tov page 26 Youth Visions page 33 Dining Out page ... .pages 34-36 The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte 2001 Campaign has reached $1,968,259.68 Help us help Jews in Charlotte, in the U.S., in Israel and all over the world. Please consider making your pledge when called upon.