The Charlotte Jewish News - December 2011 - Page 19 Jewish Family Services Expands Senior Adult Outreach Program Grant from Stan Greenspan Charitable Fund Provides Community Support The Jewish Family Serviees Senior Adult Outreaeh Program is one of the most valued of all JFS programs. We ean thank Bea Gibbs of blessed memory for this aehievement. Taking eare of Jewish Senior Adults in the Charlotte eommunity was not just a job to Bea, it was her passion. Her goal was to advoeate for sen iors and to motivate all genera tions, young and old, to be as involved and passionate about seniors as she was. Bea lived and breathed her work until her untimely death in February 2010. Natalie Tunney, JFS Direetor of Senior Adult Outreaeh Serviees is eontinuing to build on Bea’s lega- ey and vision of earing by expand ing upon JFS’s senior adult servie- Bea Gibbs gives Anshei Mitzvah student Frances Gottheim a hug. Baila Pransky s Yiddish class. es. Natalie states, “The impaet that Bea’s hard work has made on sen ior adults and their families is sig- nifieant and it is my goal to eon- tinue her valuable work and earry on her legaey.” Thanks to the tremendous gen erosity of Stan Greenspon, JFS will be able to expand upon Bea’s goals and dreams and our senior serviees. Aeeording to statisties from the NC Division of Aging, almost 10% of the Meeklenburg eounty population is over the age of 65. By the year 2020 this figure is projeeted to inerease by 102%. JFS eontaets with Jewish residents living in senior adult eommunities have tripled in the past year and eontinue to grow. The Stan Greenspon Charitable Fund has awarded Jewish Family Serviees $15,000 per year to pro vide inereased enriehment and eonneetion to the many Jewish senior adults living in the greater Charlotte area. South Carolina, and other neighboring eounties. This grant will allow Natalie Tunney, JFS Direetor of Senior Adult Outreaeh Serviees, to provide addi tional time serving our sen ior adult population, mak ing it a full-time position for the first time in JFS his tory. JFS provides program ming, Shabbat serviees, and eompanionship to approximately 150 senior adults who live in more than a dozen nursing, independent, and assisted living faeilities through out the Greater Charlotte Region, as well as seniors who are isolated in their own homes. Visits to elients in their own homes and programs at faeilities have dou bled within the past year. Due to the laek of a eentral Jewish senior living faeility many of our senior adults are dispersed geographieal- ly. The majority of this group has had very little opportunity for interaetion with their Jewish peers. For many of these Jewish seniors, the JFS Direetor of Senior Adult Serviees and JFS volunteers are their only eonneetion to the Jewish eommunity. In addition to outreaeh to the seniors, Natalie is available to pro vide eoneemed family members with support, information and knowledgeable direetion for those planning eare options for senior family members. The expansion of the program will enable Natalie to enhanee her ability to provide this invaluable serviee. Senior adults involved with the JFS Senior Adult Outreaeh Program reeeive a variety of Jewish experienees whieh inelude Jewish holiday eelebrations, Shabbat and holiday serviees, enriehment/edueational programs, and friendly visits from volunteers of all ages. Maintaining a eonnee tion to the Jewish population enhaneed the lives of our Jewish senior adults and leads to a greater sense of eommunity and Jewish identity. “Most of us are far away from the plaee that we were bom. It is a great feeling to eonneet and iden tify things in eommon with other Jewish people. It brings us eloser to one another and our Judaism. We enjoy the Shabbat serviees and programs that JFS arranges for us.” - Jewish residents of Sunrise Senior Living. Jewish Family Serviees Senior Adult Outreaeh Program plays a vital role in the good work that the entire Jewish eommunity does with our eommunity’s seniors. Please join us in thanking Stan Greenspon for his generosity and kindness and with helping make a differenee in a senior adult’s life by supporting this essential pro gram. ^ JFS Donations from October 8 to November 3 WISHING A FULL AND SPEEDY RECOVERY TO Ellen Bottner from Mae and Julius Goldman IN HONOR OF Adele and Ronald Gordon from Fay Sinkoe Amy, Alfred and Mindy Dawson from Kevin Levine and Louis Sinkoe Barry Golembe from the Zaeks family Jim Montag from Gerson and Wilma Asrael Linda and Morris Spil from Laura and Barry Reieh Naney Bernstein from Laura and Miteh Feldman Randie Sehaeter from the Zaeks family Rebeeea and Seott Goodman from Laura and Barry Reieh The Aft Family for Yom Kippur MAZEL TOV ON Aleyah Brigham’s Bat Mitzvah from Shelby Vaughan Ari Feldman’s Bar Mitzvah from Shelby Vaughan Daniel Kipnis’s Bar Mitzvah from Shelby Vaughan Danielle Kapustin’s Bat Mitzvah from Shelby Vaughan (Continued on page 20) k Daddies & Darlings of All Ages Are Invited to Temple Israels Community-Wide Father/Daughter Hanukkah Dance Brought to you by the Men s Club Scan this QR to Register! Music, Games, Crafts, Prizes & Mare! Food, Drinks, & Sweets Portrait Booth (Special 4x6 photo is $5) (Tl Men’s Club members get 1 st photo free) Saturday, December 17, 2011 Space is Limited 6:30-9:30 pm J\Aake Reservations Now! Temple Israel, Charlotte, NC $20 per Father/Daughter (704) 779-0768 ($10 per extra child) The Social Eveut of the Season!