The Charlotte Jewish News - May 2012 - Page 21 Temple Israel Book Club Tuesday, May 29, 7:30 PM at Temple Israel Nemesis by Philip Roth Discussion Leader, English Prof. Dr. Jay Jacoby Temple Israel Adult Education Set in a Newark, NJ neighbor hood during the terrifying polio outbreak of July 1944, ^"Nemesis is a wrenehing examination of the foree of eireumstanees on our lives.” The protagonist Bueky Cantor is unlike the typieal wise- eraeking, sex-erazed eharters in many Roth novels. He is an alto gether dutiful 23 year old physieal edueation instruetor and a dedieat- ed, earing playground supervisor in that eventful summer. Exeused from serving in the military beeause of vision problems, Bueky faees down a gang of toughs who threaten to bring the dreaded polio germs from their side of town. When Bueky heeds the adviee of his fianee and spends the sum mer in a Poeonos summer eamp, he hopes to eseape the ravages of polio, but polio and guilt follow Bueky at the eamp. ^"Nemesis ten derly and startlingly depiets the eondition of ehildhood, Bueky’s passage into personal disaster, and the painful effeet that the wartime polio epidemie has on a elosely- knit, family-oriented Newark eommunity and its ehildren.” Leading the diseussion of this engrossing novella is Asheville English Professor Jay Jaeoby. The Temple Israel book elub is looking forward to Jay’s annual leader ship. Copies of Nemesis are available at the publie library, the Levine- Sklut Judaie Library and for sale at loeal bookstores and on-line for less than $15. Temple Israel book elub meet ings are open to the entire eommu nity. “Drop-ins” are weleome. MEMEStS Tuesdays with Torah 9:30-10:30 AM Eaeh Tuesday, we hold a lively diseussion on the weekly parsha (reading from the Torah portion). Past topies have ineluded: Managing in erisis mode, wearing “holy elothes,” preventing a dark outlook, entering in a relationship with God, visiting the siek, and having a hard heart. Join us for more great eonversations to eome. Faeilitated by Rabbi Raueher. even those who haven’t read the book, but the illustrious Philip Roth novella is well worth reading and under Jay’s skilled leadership, the diseussion will add to the attendees’ literary enjoyment. For additional information eon- taet Linda Levy at 704-366-6362 or levyollie@aol.eom.^ tennplf Israel Torah Sparks Wednesdays at 12:30 PM After an exeiting six months touring the history of the Jewish People from Sinai to the 21st Century, Torah Sparks will be beginning looking at the develop ment of Jewish Ethies. Using the “Pirkei Avot,” The Ethies of our Aneestors as a guide, we will explore the wellspring of ethies and morality from the beginning of Rabbinie Judaism to today. Our study will inelude sueh issues as: “The Value of a Smile,” “How Honest Must We Be?,” “What Age is the Best Age To Be?,” and “The Best Way To Diseover God.” Rabbi Murray Ezring faeilitates this elass. ^ Temple Israel Alternative Services Temple Israel Honors Rabbi Murray Ezring On the weekend of May 25 and 26, we will be having a speeial Shabbat to thank Rabbi Ezring for his leadership and dedieation to Temple Israel and its eongregants for the past 18 years. The week end will inelude a fabulous Shabbat dinner after Friday Evening serviees as well as a Kiddush Luneheon following serviees on Saturday. To further honor Rabbi Ezring, we have asked several religious leaders in the Charlotte eommuni ty who have worked with him to speak to our eongregation. We hope that all of you will partiei- pate and join us for this speeial Simeha. For more information, eontaet the TI Offiee at 704-362- 2796 or visit www.templeisrael- ^ Java & Jeans Saturday, May 5 at 10 AM Do you have questions about Jewish prayer that you have never been able to ask? Do you want a deeper meaning behind the prayers? Are you looking for something different from the main sanetuary serviee? Join us for Java and Jeans, where you ean learn about and experiment with prayer, eapped off with lively Torah study and diseussion. Kavanah Service Saturday, May 19 at 10 AM The Kavanah serviee is an experienee in foeused Jewish prayer, whieh eombines tradition, meditation and the rhythm of live ly spiritual expression. Be pre pared not only to partieipate in the beauty of Jewish prayer but also the wonder and stimulation of open and honest Torah study dur ing the serviee.^ Temple Israel Book Drive For Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School temple Israel ...••■ -.IV.: ' temple Israel rixLi. km tm •/>?■ J! iT itTuury Clean out your bookshelves and do a mitzvah. Now through-May 20, the Bet Class at TIRS is eolleeting new and gently used books for stu dents in grades Kindergarten- 5th at Huntingtowne Farms Elementary Sehool. There is a huge need for books as the sehool is hoping to fill their elassroom bookshelves with books for their students to read. You ean drop off your books at these loeations: * Coat Closet in the Temple Lobby-by the Offiee * Outside the TIRS Offiee * Outside the Bet Classroom on the 3rd Floor of TIRS Questions: Contaet Kathy Warshaw, kewarshaw@yahoo. eom or Margaret Musa, mmusa@earolina.rr.eom. ^ temple Israel Temple Israel Social Club We invite eouples and singles affiliated with Charlotte area syna gogues to join the Temple Israel Soeial Club. Meet friendly people and enjoy our interesting pro grams and trips. For more infor mation, eall Irving Bienstoek at 704-542-0094, or Ruth Goldberg, 704-366-8903, eo-presidents. Upcoming Event Sunday, May 13 at 3 PM Enjoy “Hooray for Hollywood,” the Carolina Voiees Coneert at Spirit Square. Cost of tiekets $26.50 eaeh and non-mem bers are $29.50 eaeh. Reservation deadline is May 3. Mail eheeks to: Douglas Mann, 137 N. Canterbury Road, Charlotte N.C. 28211. Dinner at restaurant after the show. For more information eall Maxine Stein, 704-364-1178. ^ V Temple Israel JEWISH LEARNING FOR The Florence Melton Adult Mini-Sch • Learning for pleasure not pressure • Relates ancient wisdom to modern life • Dynamic faculty of rabbis and educators fropi all branches of Judaism • Unique non-denominational format encouragi “TASTE OF MELTON” # INFORMATIONAL SESSIONS Sample the program everyone is talking about Sunday, May 20th from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday,June 27th from I I a.m. to noon Sunday,August 12th from I to 2 p.m. “TASTE OF FOUNDATIONS” Foundations of Jewish Family Living, our newj Parenting Values Class geared for parents and grandparents of school age children. Sunday, August 19th I I a.m. to noon All classes will be held in the Levine-Sklut Judaic Please contact Talli Dippold at 704-944-6780 or Melton( New Melton classes starting in August. Partial scholarships and payment plans available. The Levine-Sklut Judaic Library and Resource Center tha ftaranca malton ^ aduU mtnj-kchqol ^ nt»r4iQHN> r " lEWlSH^ FEDERATION'^