The Charlotte Jewish News - June-July 2012 - Page 14 Youth Visions Hebrew High Graduation Another Hebrew High Post Confirmation Graduation has come and gone. Through smiles and tears we send the next group of Jewish leaders out into the world. One of our graduates addressed her peers and gave the following address: By Carly Ruda As a soon-to-be graduate of Hebrew High, I am proud to make this speeeh in order to refleet and toueh on the unforgettable experi- enees I’ve had over these four years. It’s hard for me to try to pinpoint my most memorable experienee with Hebrew High; however there is a few that stiek out in my mind: * As a freshman I was eoming off the hormonal high of Bar and Bat Mitzvah parties. I eouldn’t think of any institution that eould eompare to those years partying with my friends at ridieulously extravagant parties. I was wrong of eourse; my expeetations were blown out of the water. * In my eore elasses I got to leam, debate, and understand what it meant to have a Jewish identity, how to live my life with a Jewish mind, and how to appreeiate the eommunity I lived in. My teaehers of these first elasses were knowl edgeable and skilled edueators that I eould not have sueeeeded without. * In my eleetive eourses I was able to experienee Judaism through art, musie, and topies that were relatable to my daily life. I remember speeifieally my art elass in my sophomore year where I was able to make a mural that I entitled “Jewtopia.” * When I was finally old enough to be part of the Post Confirmation elass I had many words of warning about the erazy teaehers who would be leading us throughout our aeademie journey. There was that bald guy who always yelled at my mom in ear- pool line. And then that beautiful Israeli woman who never aetually got any time to teaeh beeause the bald guy would never stop yelling. Yes, my teaeh ers, Tair and Andrew. How eould I possibly begin to tell all the memories I have of both of you. Tair, the woman who not only brought Israel with all her graee, beauty, and knowledge to our elass but also got most of our elass to Israel, myself ineluded. Without your knowledge and expert ise we would have never been able to truly Carly Ruda gives her Confirmation seniors. speech understand Israel. And Andrew... a father, a talented photographer, a teaeher, and a dear friend. You onee said that you hoped to eap- ture all of us in photos that people always look the best when they’re not trying. You are the living The Post-Confirmation seniors: back row, left to right: Max Maher, Steven Kufert, Justin Sly, Gregory Rose, Adam Formica, Miram Rosenthal: center: Jennifer Shapiro, Brandon Hochman; front: Carly Ruda. Not shown: Jeremy Samarel. embodiment of this line. You are never the man to pose for the shot or to look for the praise, but by living openly and truly as yourself, you impaet the lives of these individuals in a way that transeends time - like a pieture leaving your pupils with the impression of a thousand words. To my elassmates, I ean’t think of a better group of individuals to leam with and to grow with. Through the intense debates about morals and our stand on Israel related polities, to our surprisingly not awkward sex- ed pilots, to the stolen eookies and the overwhelming gossip, we form a elass that is a eolorful refleetion of a Jewish genera tion to eome. As some of us eontinue on here and others travel abroad to new elassrooms, we take with us the eonvietions and lessons we have eome to leam at Hebrew High. We also give thanks for the opportunity that is unavail able or non-existenee to many. For this opportunity I would like to thank Roz Cooper. Roz, you’ve been in my life forever. You had me as a student onee, and your pas sion for Jewish learning and The cake says it all. edueation is not only admirable but applaud able. I eannot think of a better woman to lead sueh a smart team of staff and students. If I ever needed anything Roz was the first to answer my questions or eome to my aid, as she does for all of the students and teaehers at Hebrew High. In elosing, I urge my peers to stay strong to your eonvietions - the lessons have been taught, the arguments made, and now it is your turn to make of them what you will. Wherever you go in your lives, I hope you remember your time at Hebrew High, and as always, your Jewish Identity. Thank you. ^ 5 \ m Ages 1-PreK Full day & Halfday Special friendships made daily! LEARN GROW CONNECT Charlotte Jewish Preschool Now enrolling for Fall! 5007 Providence Road, Charlotte NC 28226 • 704-944-6777 partnership ofTerfipie.^^^^iepT^e Israel and the Levine Jewish Community Center^