The Charlotte Jewish News - October 2012 - Page 10 Temple Kol Ami Torah Tots As Temple Kol Ami eontinues to grow so do our programs. We have had ineredi- ble growth with our Religious Sehool and found that we also have a great group of ehildren that are too young to attend the sehool. So, Kol Ami member Staeey Constant founded Torah Tots. Torah Tots is designed to introduee babies and tod dlers or anyone who is too young for our Religious sehool to the joys of Judaism and to meet other young ehildren in the eongregation and the eommunity. The group eame together on September 9 to enjoy aetivities eentered around Rosh Hashanah, from apple print plaee mats to felt board stories, the ehildren had their first taste of their religious edueation. As the morning eame to an end, giggles eould be heard as the ehildren bonded with eaeh other and started what will hopefully be long term friendships eentered on their Jewish beliefs. Please join us at the next Torah Tots on Saturday, Oetober 14 at 10 AM. Torah Tots is held at the Steele Creek Community Room (in the baek of the medieal building) loeated at 13640 Steeleeroft Pkwy., Charlotte, NC 28278. For more information or to register eon- taet us by phone 803-701-0149 or email yorksynagogue@gmail.eom. ^ Torah Tots at Temple Kol Ami DAVID'S ATD; SINCE 1977 I i > \ f HEARTS ON FIRE ; /\ THE WORLD'S MOST PERFECTLY CUT DIAMOND' IN THE VILLAGE AT SOUTH PARK JUST TWO DOORS DOWN FROM CRATE & BARREL 4310 SHARON ROAD * 704-364-6543 Be the center of attention Whether you are interested in a specific cosmetic surgical procedure or general skin care, our board certified Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists will keep you looking your best. Call for your appointment today: 704.542.2220 FREE cosmetic consultation. Financing available. JLI in Charlotte Offers a Course About You The Charlotte Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) will present The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unloeking Your Flidden Potential, the institute’s new six-session Fall 2012 eourse that will begin during on Oetober 30. Rabbi Yossi Groner will eon- duet the six eourse sessions at Lubaviteh Edueation Center, 6619 Sardis Road in Charlotte, on Tuesday evening beginning on Oetober 30, 7:30 PM. (The seeond week evening elass will be on Monday, November 5). Rabbi Shlomo Cohen will present the morning elass on six eonseeutive Wednesdays beginning on Oetober 31, 11 AM. “As diverse as our talents and interests may be, there is an under lying eore that is eommon to all,” said Rabbi Naftali Silberberg of Brooklyn who eoauthored the eourse. “We all share that human ity, that dignity that makes our lives immeasurably valuable. The Kabbalah of You addresses that eore.” Through the examination of the entire speetrum of what it means to be human. The Kabbalah of You offers reeipes, tips, and teehniques for not only diseovering where your true meaning lies, but in aetually making it a part of your daily existenee. These sessions will help you see life as the myste rious, ehallenging, and satisfying wonder that it really is. Like our other eourses, this pro gram is an intelleetually stimulat ing, hands-on-leaming eourse that addresses the human eore and looks at how you ean live up to jEWIfvH r.t'.AKNtNG iNSTITlCTi; ^ your inner drive and aetualize your fullest potential. It’s designed to bring you in syne with your deepest self, to bridge the gap between how we spend our lives and who we really are and to set our lives in the direetion we’ve always wanted it to go. It eovers topies sueh as joy, eontentment, eourage, self-eontrol, a meaning ful relationship with God, beauti ful relationships with others. All of the highly aeelaimed JLI programs, ineluding The Kabbalah of You are designed to appeal to people at all levels of Jewish knowledge, ineluding those without any prior experienee or baekground in Jewish learning. All JLI eourses are open to the entire Jewish eommunity of greater Charlotte. Cost of the six week eourse is $95 per single and $175 per eou- ple. All elasses are reeorded and are made available to students if they missed a elass. Interested students may eall our offiee at 704-366-3984 or visit for registra tion and other eourse-related information. ^ Simchat Torah Celebration at Ohr HaTorah 5815 Blakeney Park Dr. • Suite 100 • Charlotte, NC 28277 Simehat Torah eelebration at Ohr FlaTorah is legendary for its unmitigated joy and pure Jewish eonneetion. This year the big event falls on Monday, Oetober 8, beginning at 7:30 PM. The eele bration embraees adults and ehil dren and together we rejoiee with the Torah whieh is our most pre- eious gift from God. A holiday dinner will be served along with plenty of L’ehaim for the adults. Children will lead the reeiting of the Torah verses in preparation to the daneing. On Simehat Torah all Jews unite, seholar and laymen, in the joy and thanksgiving to God for imbuing our souls with the light of Judaism as it is expressed in the Torah. The Simehat Torah eelebration will be held at Congregation Ohr FlaTorah, 6619 Sardis Road in Charlotte and is open to the entire eommunity. ^ (^o ngregati o n orali a project oj Lubaviteh of North Carolina