An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Vol. 35, No. 2 Shevat-Adar 5773 February 2013 Jewish Peoplehood the Theme of the Jewish Federation P2Gether Partnership Educator Delegation By Amy Krakovitz Thirty-two teachers from around the Southeast US came to gether to attend the 2012 P2Gether Educator’s Delegation to Israel with our partners in the Hadera-Eiron region. Partnership 2Gether is an initiative of the Jew ish Federation of Greater Char lotte and the Jewish Agency for Israel that creates people to people connections between Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora. From Chat tanooga, Knoxville, Nashville, Jacksonville, Richmond, and of course, Charlotte, they arrived as individuals, and left as a cohesive group, ready to continue the rela tionship with the Partnership and the students and families that they connected with. The emphasis of every activity was Jewish Peoplehood, how we are connected across the globe. From the Atlit Detention Camp, to the Aliyah Museum, to the Tunisian Synagogue, to Yad Vashem, our bonds of Judaism were stressed and clarified. But it wasn’t just the museums and sites of Israel that connected us. We each spent two days teach ing in various schools across the area, from preschools to elemen tary schools to high schools. We dined with our teachers and got to know the students. “The school that I attended was absolutely filled with love, learning, compas sion, excitement, and respect for both the children as well as the teachers,” says Melanie Marks, who teaches preschool at the We instein JCC and third grade Ju- daics at Temple Beth El in Richmond. “I formed a special bond with one par ticular teacher, Ronit, and her children, and I already miss them.” The teachers were met with a great deal of warmth from the participating schools on the first day. Some were greeted with special signs put up for them, other schools put to gether special perform ances with song and dance. Getting to know the stu dents was fun and interesting as well. The informal atmosphere in the Israeli schools was surprising. Teachers are called by their first names. Wanda Vande Linde of the Jewish Preschool on Sardis no ticed a “busy” atmosphere at the preschool she visited. “The school was small and reminded me of a little beehive buzzing,” she says. “It was an exciting place full of activity. It also made me appreci ate my classroom so much more ... [it] is twice as large with less than half of the number of chil dren.” The older students are also given a great deal of responsibil ity. The 9th graders at Bet Eliezer created a lesson plan for the 7th graders about gratitude. They per formed a skit from a story in Pirke Avot, then gave out replicas of a Hannah Piracha of Richmond participates in the Friday afternoon Kabbalat Shabbat with Char lotte s Nancy Good, a teacher at Hebrew High. newspaper front page banner and had the 7th grades create their own stories and head lines about what they were thankful for. Leigh Watson, a Special Education teacher in the Dalton, GA school system, who lives in Chattanooga, saw some distinctions in the way Israel deals with Spe cial Education students, as our Israeli counterparts did not mainstream challenged students. We were also greatly im pacted by our weekends with local families in the re gion. Somehow it seemed for the most part, that Maya Shoham and Yael Ben Tzion, the staff members of the local partner ship, matched up each teacher with his or her “beshert.” Having missed my morning runs for al most a week, I was thrilled to be spending the weekend with a runner, Eti Hosman, who took me into the agricultural fields behind her moshav to run with her running group. Eight-and-a- half miles later, I knew I had found a “sister.” Throughout the weekend, we discovered so many other things that we had in common. Other teachers expressed ex actly the same sentiments about their weekend hosts. Susan Soto, a 3rd grade Hebrew teacher from Temple Beth El here He local partnership with the Charlotte dele gation: Maya Shoham, Betsy Olinger, Nancy Good, Amy Krakovitz, Wanda Vande Linde, Susan Soto, Jennifer Sawyer, and Yael Ben Tzion. in Charlotte, was as thrilled with her host family, saying her hosts, the Hermonis, were like family. Our trip culminated in Jerusalem where Avraham Infeld detailed for us the “Five Legged Table” of being Jewish: Family, Memory, Mt. Sinai, Israel (the Land and the State), and Hebrew. His compelling speech ignited us to bring Jewish Peoplehood to our classes. Jennifer Sawyer, a 2nd grade Sunday school teacher at Charlotte’s Temple Beth El, was thrilled with his presentation. There is so much more that we did, so much more that connected us to Israel, the land and the peo ple, and to each other. But I will let Fiat Walker, a 3rd and 5th grade Jewish studies teacher at the Marvin J. Gottlieb Day School in Jacksonville, FL, conclude for us: “Although I am a native of Israel, I never traveled and explored the country as we did on this trip. It is like I was see ing Israel for the first time through the eyes of a Jewish ed ucator and through the eyes of my students. ... The teachers and students ... were so excited to share themselves with us and learn about Jews in America. I was so impressed with how much the Israeli teachers were committed to this partnership. ... I can’t wait to continue our partnership in the future.” ^ Sign Up Today for PJ Library ON ‘311O1HVH0 802f #lll/\IH3d aivd 39visod s n ais idSdd petsenbey eojAjes ebueqQ 9ZZ8Z ON ‘9HO|JBMo 3U#9t!ns ‘Peoy eouepjAOJd Z009 You might have received a mailing recently that contained a free book, telling you about the launching of PJ Library in the greater Charlotte area. The PJ Library, (“PJ” for paja mas), sends out high quality Jew ish children’s books every month to participating families ... for free. PJ Library currently operates in over 180 Jewish communities across North America, reaching the families of more than 100,000 children a month, ages six months through eight years. The program is a powerful tool for families to engage in the joys of Jewish life and traditions. The PJ Library is the brainchild of Harold Grinspoon, a highly in novative philanthropist from West ern Massachusetts. Grinspoon knew that reading stories and lis tening to music are among the most powerful childhood learning experiences and found his inspira- tion in the literacy program of country singer Dolly Parton. “More than seven years ago I brought Dolly’s Imagination Library books to inner-city children in Springfield [MA],” Grinspoon explained. “Then it oc curred to me - sending books to families’ homes is an ideal project to adapt to the Jewish commu nity.” All the books were chosen for their potential to inspire parent- child moments and memories. They span the emotions, from the humorous No Matzah for Me! to the poignant The Always Prayer Shawl, winner of multiple book awards. One book chosen for the eight- year-olds, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, can be used to spark discussions about differing faiths and cultures in a way that children can understand. The book is jointly authored by Blu Greenberg, a leading American Jewish thought- leader, and Reverend Linda Tarry, an African American Minister at the famous River side Church in New York. PJ Library is made possible here in Charlotte with funding from the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte and a generous local donor couple. The time to sign up is now. Any family in the greater Charlotte area, raising Jewish children from six months through eight years old is eligible. To sign up or for more information visit www.pjli- ^ lEWISH^ FEDERATION^ OF GREATER CHARLOTTE