An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte ^ '' X Vol. 35, No. 3 Adar-Nisan 5773 March 2013 Rabbi Sherre Hirsch Featured Speaker at Federation’s15th Annual Spring Lecture The 15th Annual Women’s Spring Leeture, presented by the Women’s Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, will take plaee Thursday, Mareh 14, at Temple Beth El. The guest speaker is Rabbi Sherre Flirseh, well known as the “relationship rabbi” and author of We Plan, God Laughs: What to Do When Life Hits You Over the Head. The Spring Leeture is the Women’s Division largest eam- paign and outreaeh event. “We are so exeited about the Spring Lee ture beeause it’s always a great evening,” said eo-ehairs Randi Lan and Staeey Sehanzlin. “This year there are some wonderful surprises in store for our guests.” Serving on the Spring Leeture Committee with Randi and Staeey are Talli Dippold, Sara Kulbersh, Mallory Miller, Elaine Moody, Debbie Porter, Jenny Rosenthal, and Stephanie Townsend. The Federation appreeiates the generous support of the Spring Leeture eorporate sponsors: Ditesheim Cosmetie Surgery, Melanie Rowe Catering, and North Carolina Bank and Trust. Additional sponsors are Eriea Coblenz and Gabi Goreliek, Cre ative Events, Jill Flalverstam and Randi Lan, Mallory and Kevin Miller, REACFl, and Dr. Aviva Stein, Charlotte OB/GYN. Born in Dayton, Ohio and raised in Southern California, Rabbi Sherre Flirseh was a high sehool eheerleader and an aeeom- plished eollege tennis player headed to medieal sehool when, driven by a desire to deepen her understanding of her faith, she began studying at the Jewish The- ologieal Seminary. After a detour through Asia, where she studied eastern philos ophy, Rabbi Flirseh was ordained in 1998. She spent the next eight years as the first woman rabbi at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, the largest Conservative synagogue in the western U.S. It was during her tenure at Temple Sinai that Rabbi Hirseh first stepped out from be hind the formal podium to move among the eongregation, building Tke Ckarlotte Jewisk Film Festival ke^ins Marck 2 and runs tkrou^ Marck 17. For tke kill sckedule ol lilms, dates, times, and ticket prices, seepage 16. isli ON ‘3110iyVHO 802f #lll/\iy3d aivd 39visod s n ais idSdd a more personal relationship with her audienee. Sinee 2006 she has been shar ing her intimate and friendly story with people in all kinds of “pul pits,” from “The Today Show” to a small Baptist ehureh in Ala bama. She has served as a regular guest on “Naomi’s New Morn ing,” “The Tyra Banks Show,” and PBS’ “Thirty Good Minutes.” Widely known as the “relationship rabbi,” she is the go-to person for outlets as diverse as ABC News, Joan Hamburg, and Telepietures Produetions. Rabbi Hirseh also serves as the spiritual life eonsult- ant and leeturer for the Canyon Raneh Companies in Arizona and Massaehusetts. Her first book. We Plan, God Laughs: What to Do When Life Hits You Over the Head was pub lished in April 2008. The book re- fieets a theme in Hirseh’s own life and she expertly guides readers through a spiritual and introspee- tive journey toward reaehing their divine potential. Her seeond book will be published by Random House in the Spring of 2013. The evening will begin with dinner at 6:15 PM in the David Silverman Soeial Hall at Temple Beth El and the leeture will take plaee at 8 PM in the Blumenthal Sanetuary. A dessert reeeption and book signing will follow the pro gram. Spring Leeture tiekets are $40 for the dinner and leeture, or $ 18 for the leeture and dessert only. A minimum pledge of $50 from eaeh woman attending the Spring Leeture will assist us in our efforts to raise $3,300,000 for our 2013 Annual Campaign. The money raised by the Federation Annual Campaign enables the Jewish Federation to make a differenee everyday in the lives of millions of people in Charlotte, in Israel, and in seventy eountries around the world. The eampaign dollars provide finaneial support for pro grams that feed the hungry, eare for the elderly, edueate the young, provide assistanee for the trou bled, and intervene on behalf of families in distress who are unable to meet their basie needs. Rabbi Sherre Hirsch For more information or to purehase tiekets, please visit the Federation website at www.jew- or eall 704-944- 6757.^ JEWISH^ FEDERATION^ OF GREATER CHARLOTTE II Diiesi''' ■ 111 COSMETIC SURGERY IHHIII North Carolina BankandTrusT pe)senbey eojAjes efiueqQ 9ZZ8Z ON ‘9HO|JBMo 3U#9t!ns ‘Peoy eouepjAOJd Z009 ISRAEL@65 YOM HA’ATZMAUT COMMUNITY CELEBRATION FEATURING THE FOUNTAINHEADS The Fountainheads are a group of young Israeli dancers, singers, actors, and artists, all graduates and students who have joined forces to create new Jewish artistic content for today’s Jewish world. April 21 Details to follow Listen to the Fountainheads at 65 HAKlOTT*