The Charlotte Jewish News -November 2013 - Page 32 For Thanksgivukkah Celebrations, Planning and Simplicity Lighten the Load By Helen Nash New York (JTA) - The phe nomenon this year of Chanukah and Thanksgiving eoineiding eould mean even larger family gatherings than usual. So here are some tips: Plan the menus well ahead of the speeial eelebration, and piek reeipes that are easy to follow and make them well in advanee. This way, eooks ean enjoy their eompany. Have a few appetizers available as guests arrive and dinner isn’t ready. One of my favorites is hummus, whieh I like to serve with eueumbers, radishes, bell peppers and toasted pita triangles. My reeipe uses eanned ehiekpeas, whieh makes it easy to prepare and is a huge time-saver. Hummus ean also keep in the refrigerator for awhile, so it ean be prepared toward the beginning of the week. I like to start my holiday gath erings with soup, and for Chanukah-Thanksgiving, I sug gest Barley Soup with Miso. It’s a delieious variation on the tradi tional mushroom barley that most of us know (and love) from ehild- hood. This reeipe is vegetarian, it’s a perfeet fall dish, and ean be made ahead of time beeause it freezes well. What would Thanksgiving be without turkey? And Chanukah without latkes? My roast turkey is surprisingly easy to make. For Chanukah, I like to make a Grated Potato Pan- eake, whieh is ideal when you are expeeting many guests. (For an other potato reeipe, try the baked latkes dish in my latest eookbook, “Helen Nash’s New Kosher Cui sine.”) Another holiday favorite for the holidays is Osso Bueo (Braised Veal Shanks); make it ahead of time. To end the festive meal for this onee-in-a-lifetime oeeurrenee, I reeommend everyone’s favorite - brownies. The fudgy treats ean be eut into any size or shape. They freeze well and ean be served with sorbet or fruit. Hummus Makes about 10 servings as an hors d’oeuvre or dip "OUTRAGWUJIY FUN!" % BRAD, DAVE, AND YOU! ALL THE FUN OF ISRAEL. HONE OF THE EDUCATION. All ti'jri mip 10 iuio ^ppopi \m. like vou never mi befcile wiih your best nyosi SIKING, REPELJNG, BOUTIIIE, JEEPIRG, SHQDIIIiG, GOLF, SNORKEL, V/HISREY TASDNG UNO MORE |NI] MUSE. UMS OR SIOFF LIKE I[Ul)! • NO ORGVlNIZtTIDlUL SPONSORSHIP DR SOLICUING (UN VOJ BELIEVE IP!) PUITOGEINER BY OUR FRIENDS AT GORDON AQIVEIRAVEL IN ISRAEL • $jV90 PER PERSDN-INELUDES 5-STAR HOTEL (DDUflIf CfCDPANCf), ALL AniVlIlES, TOURS, ETC (ELUDING AIRFARE) • FEBRUARY !3''l!l HARO] T" im * LIMITED SPATE AVAIlABlf-ACT NOI/I TO RESERVE] NOW AVAILABLE! uu Dll! II wwm; di imii m n mwcniuDii Makes 6 appetizer servings My family and friends always love this ereamy dish, whieh ean be found all over the world. Sinee hummus refrigerates well, I try to keep it on hand as a nutritious snaek for my ehildren and grand- ehildren. The eanned ehiekpeas make this version less garlieky than the norm beeause the garlie is baked first. Ingredients: 8 unpeeled garlie eloves One 15.5-oz. ean ehiekpeas, drained 3 T. tahini (sesame paste) 1/4 e. freshly squeezed lemon juiee 1 t. kosher salt 1/4 t. ground eumin 1/3 e. plus 2 T. eold water Preparation: Wrap the garlie tightly in a pieee of foil. Bake in a toaster oven at 350 degrees for 15 min., or till soft. Remove and let eool until you ean handle the eloves. Squeeze the pulp from eaeh elove into a food proeessor. Add the ehiekpeas, tahini, lemon juiee, salt, and eumin. Pulse till smooth, adding water through the feed tube till the mixture is ereamy and has a mayonnaise-like eonsis- teney. Season to taste. Barley Soup with Miso Makes 12 servings The addition of miso adds a delieate Asian flavor; the bright green dill, a niee jolt of eolor. Ingredients: 2 med. onions 3 garlie eloves 4 eelery stalks, peeled 4 med. earrots, peeled 1 lb. white mushrooms 3 T. extra virgin olive oil 1/2 e. med. pearl barley 8 e. vegetable broth 1 buneh fresh dill 2 T. barley miso paste (see note following Preparation steps) Kosher salt Freshly ground blaek pepper Preparation: It is easy to ehop the vegetables in a food proeessor. Quarter the onions and garlie, and pulse in the food proeessor till eoarse; remove to a bowl. Cut the eelery and ear- rots into large pieees. Pulse them separately until eoarse, and add to the onions and garlie. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp paper towel and eut them in quarters. Pulse till eoarse and set aside. (If you ehop everything together, the vegetables will beeome mushy.) Heat the oil in a Ig. saueepan. Saute the onions, garlie, eelery, and earrots for 1 min. Add the bar ley and broth and bring to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat and eook, eovered, for 15 min. Add the mushrooms to the soup along with half the dill. Cook for another 15 min. or till the barley is tender. Remove and diseard the dill. Stir in the miso and season to taste with salt and pepper. Snip the remaining dill for garnish. Note: You ean buy barley miso in most health-food stores. Grated Potato Pancake Makes 12 servings This large paneake is fun to serve to a large gathering - you just eut it into eake-like wedges - and it’s not greasy. Another plus: You ean prepare it ahead of time and reheat before serving. Ingredients: 4 Ig. Idaho baking potatoes Kosher salt Freshly ground blaek pepper 4 tablespoons vegetable oil Preparation: Peel and quarter the potatoes. If you are not grating them immedi ately, plaee them in a bowl of eold water to prevent diseoloration. Using the med. grating attaehment of a food proeessor, grate the po tatoes eoarsely. Plaee in a dish towel and wring dry to remove the liquid. Transfer to a bowl. Season well with salt and pepper. Heat 2 T. of the oil in a 12” nonstiek skil let. Add the potatoes, patting them down firmly with a spatula to flat ten them and even out the edges. Cook over medium-high heat for about 8 min., till the bottom is golden. Invert the paneake onto a plate and add the remaining 2 T. of oil to the skillet to heat. Slide the paneake baek into the skillet. Pat it down again with the spatula and eook for another 8 min., or till the underside is golden. Invert onto a platter and eut into the desired number of sliees. Roast Turkey Makes 12 to 14 servings You do not have to wait for Thanksgiving to serve this dish, as it is easy to make and quite tasty. I often serve it when I have many guests to feed. Ingredients: 14-lb. turkey 3 T. freshly squeezed lemon juiee 3 T. low-sodium soy sauee Freshly ground blaek pepper 1 e. freshly squeezed orange juiee 1 e. dry white wine 2 onions 5 sprigs rosemary 5 T. unsalted margarine, melted Preparation: Preheat the oven to 325 de grees. Diseard any exeess fat from the turkey. Rinse it inside and out and pat dry with paper towels. Season the skin and the eavity with the lemon juiee, soy sauee, and pepper. Combine the orange juiee and wine in a measuring eup with a spout. (This makes pouring easier.) Thinly sliee one of the onions and set it aside. Cut the other onion in quarters and plaee it in the eavity along with the rosemary sprigs. Brush the turkey with the margarine and plaee it on its side in a roasting pan. Seatter the slieed onion around the pan. Roast the turkey for 30 min., bast ing with the orange juiee-wine mixture. Turn the turkey on its other side and roast for another 30 min., eontinuing to baste. Turn the turkey breast side up and, eontin uing to baste, roast for 20 min. For the final 20 min., plaee the turkey breast side down. (If the drum- stieks begin to get too brown, eover the ends with foil.) The turkey is ready when the drum- stieks move easily in their soekets Helen Nash and the juiees run elear. (The total eooking time is about 1 hour, 40 min., or about 7 min. per pound.) A meat thermometer inserted into the thiekest part of the breast should read 160. Remove the turkey from the oven and eover it tightly with heavy foil. Let it stand for 30 min. (This allows the juiees to flow baek into the tissues.) Plaee it on a eutting board. Pour the eontents of the roasting pan into a sm. saueepan. Put the saueepan in the freezer for about 10 min., so the grease ean quiekly rise to the top. (This makes it eas ier to remove.) To serve: Skim off the fat and reheat the pan juiees. Diseard the onion and rosemary from the eavity and earve the turkey. Serve with the juiees. Easy Brownies Makes 7 dozen 1” squares These fudgy bite-size brownies ean be eut into any size. Ingredients: 16 T. unsalted margarine, at room temperature, plus 1 T. for greasing the pan 1 e. unbleaehed all-purpose flour, plus 1 T. for dusting the pan 5 oz. good-quality imported semisweet ehoeolate, broken into small pieees Seant 1-3/4 e. sugar 4 Ig. eggs, room temperature 1 t. vanilla extraet Generous 1 e. walnuts, eoarsely ehopped Preparation: Preheat oven to 350. Line a 9” X 13” X 2” baking pan with wax paper. Grease the paper with 1 T. of the margarine and dust it with 1 T. of the flour. Invert and tap the pan to shake out the exeess flour. Plaee the remaining margarine and the ehoeolate in the top of a double boiler. Cover and set over simmering water. Stir from time to time until all is melted. Remove the top from the double boiler. Using a wooden spoon, gradually add the sugar, stirring eontinu- ously till the ehoeolate is smooth. Stir in 1 egg at a time till well mixed. Add the vanilla and flour and blend well. Stir in the ehopped nuts. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, tilting the pan to spread the batter evenly. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 20 minutes, or until the top is slightly firm to the toueh and a eake tester inserted in the eenter eomes out moist. Cool on a wire raek. Run a metal spatula around the sides of the pan to loosen the brownies. In vert the pan onto a board and eut into squares. Note: These brownies freeze well. Plaee them side by side in an air-tight plastie eontainer, with wax paper between the layers.^