The Charlotte Jewish News -February 2014 - Page 22 Ariel Sharon’s Forgotten Legacy: Jews Marching to the White House By Rafael Medoff/ Although Ariel Sharon will be remembered primarily for his aehievements on the battlefield and his deeisions as an Israeli po- litieal leader, an often-overlooked aspeet of his legaey was his im- paet on the Ameriean Jewish eom- munity. In Mareh 1980, Sharon arrived in the United States in the midst of an uproar over the Carter admin istration’s support of a United Na tions resolution branding Jerusalem “oeeupied Arab terri tory.” Sharon, as a member of Prime Minister Menaehem Begin’s eabinet, was invited to ad dress an urgent meeting of the Conferenee of Presidents of Major Ameriean Jewish Organizations, in New York City. In his remarks, Sharon eriti- eized U.S. Jewish leaders for not responding more vigorously to the Carter administration’s aetion. He reealled the hesitant response of some Jewish leaders during the Holoeaust, and added, “Jewish si- lenee will bring disaster upon the Jewish people and upon Israel.” Sharon eharged that reeent friendly meetings between Jewish leaders and White House offieials had served to “eover up” the ad ministration’s tilt away from Is rael. He urged Ameriean Jews to speak out strongly against Carter’s pressure on Israel, and said he was “shoeked” that 100,000 Jews did not mareh to the White House to protest the U.S. vote on the U.N. U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (left) escorts Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (center) into the Pentagon at the conclusion of a full honor arrival ceremony for Sharon at the Pentagon on March 19, 2001. Credit: Robert D. Ward via Wikimedia Commons. resolution. No transeript of the meeting was released, but one press report at the time elaimed that some of the Jewish leaders in the room “took umbrage at the interferenee of the Israeli in sueh strident tones in Ameriean Jewish affairs.” An editorial in the New York Jewish Week said Sharon’s adviee was “eounter-produetive” beeause it might give the Ameriean publie the impression “that all of Amer- iea’s foreign poliey and domestie problems are based on Israel.” But the Jewish Week also em phasized that “Ameriean Jews, as voters, have a means of express ing themselves.” With the 1980 New York presidential primaries just weeks away, the Week seemed to be eneouraging Jewish voters to oppose President Carter’s re-eleetion. Sharon was also strongly at- taeked in the pages of the Jewish magazine Midstream, by historian Bernard Wasserstein. “If 1,000 rabbis had marehed up and down in front of the White House and had refused to disperse until something eonerete was done for the Jews, then, he believes, the ad ministration’s eonseienee might have been stirred,” Wasserstein wrote. “It is a pieturesque see- nario—and one whieh would no doubt earn the warm approval of Ariel Sharon—but, alas, is unae- eompanied by any supporting ev- idenee that might raise it to the level of a serious politieal propo sition.” Wasserstein was evidently un aware that in 1943, just before Yom Kippur, some 400 rabbis did mareh to the White House. That protest garnered important publie- ity for the eause of reseuing Jew ish refugees, and helped galvanize eongressional pressure on the Roosevelt administration on the reseue issue. As it turned out, Sharon was ahead of the eurve: Ameriean Jewry did follow his adviee—22 years later. In the spring of 2002, Israel was roeked by a series of major Arab terrorist attaeks, ineluding a suieide bombing at a Passover seder in Netanya, whieh killed 30 eivilians, most of them elderly and many of them Holoeaust sur vivors. Sharon, who by then was prime minister, ordered Operation De fensive Shield, a major eounter- terror offensive throughout the West Bank territories. More than 20,000 Israeli soldiers were mobi lized to earry out hundreds of raids, whieh went on for several weeks and ineluded eapturing or killing numerous terrorists, seiz ing weapons depots, and sealing up safe houses. Within days, the George W. Bush administration was pressing Sharon to halt the operation and withdraw the troops. Ameriean Jews responded preeisely as Sharon had been hoping baek in 1980: on April 15, 2002, more than 100,000 protesters gathered near the White House to support Israel’s aetions. Many evangelieal Christians also joined the rally. The New York Times reported that the rally illustrated the strong support for Israel, and uneasiness over President Bush’s position, among an emerging eoalition of Jews and eonservative Christians. Aeeording to the Times, the pres ident “attempted to mollify the eonservatives” by sending “one of the most hawkish members of his administration. Deputy Seeretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz,” to speak at the rally. But Wolfowitz was greeted with boos and ehants of “No More Arafat!” In 2002, unlike in 1980, there were no Jewish leaders “taking umbrage” at the idea of sueh a rally, and no expressions of fear that supporting Israel would eause a baeklash among the Ameriean publie. Sharon had been vindi- eated, and a new standard for pro- Israel aetivism in the United States was beginning to take shape. ^ Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, in Washington, D.C. His latest book is “FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith. ” (^J^TODid io (Selel)TCiie (25 w. / Charlotte Jewish Preschool 25^"" Anniversary CJP is a partnership of Tempie Beth Ei, Tempie israei and the Levine JCC eCLTSl CJP Would Like to Invite You to... Celebrate our 25th year A WONDERLAND OF HISTORY, MEMORIES & CHEER A NIGHT TO REMEMBER THE PTO WILL HOST We will raise our glass - to CJP we will toast! Saturday, March 1, 2014 7:30- 10:30pm Temple Israel Hors D’oeuvres, Dancing & Drinks Cocktail Attire ^36/person • ^65/couple Please RSVP by 2/19, or to make a donation, visit: (Sallfc or a lour 704-944-6777 • Create Jewi ^Le^ac^ Hour Jewish d)^ A BENEFICIARY AGENCY OF JEWISH^ federation^