Charlotte Jewish News - November 2015 - Page 9 Abby Kosofsky Establishes a New Fund for Alumni at CJDS Charlotte Jewish Day Sehool is proud to announee the establish ment of the Charlotte Jewish Day Sehool Bar and Bat Mitzvah Fund. This new fund was ereated by CJDS Alumni Abby Kosofsky, in honor of her Bat Mitzvah in Oetober 2015, to benefit ehildren in the Charlotte eommunity who may need additional finaneial as- sistanee beyond what the sehool may be able to award in order to Abby Kosofsky attend CJDS. Upon her gradua tion, Abby wanted to make it a re ality for as many ehildren as possible to attend CJDS, so that they too, eould experienee and benefit from the warm and nurtur ing atmosphere of Yiddishkeit. To start the fund, Abby is do nating her gifts from her Bat Mitz vah and she hopes that the fund beeomes an opportunity for all CJDS graduates to eontinue the mitzvah of tzedakah by eontribut- ing to the fund at the time of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah or their birth day. Abby is now in sixth grade at Charlotte Seeondary Middle Sehool in Charlotte. Abby attends Talmud Torah and is a member of the Bat Mitzvah Club at Ohr Ha Torah and is a member of the He brew Club for CJDS Alumni. While a student at CJDS she used her talents for self-expression through poetry. Below was a poem she wrote in Fifth Grade. Expressing Gratitude at the Jewish Preschool on Sardis (Continued from previous page) eiative that you ehose to jump in and take on the ehallenge this year. Ms. Galia, thank you for your tender toueh with our young kids. Your gentle tone, your Israeli heritage and your understanding of our families’ needs is un- matehed. Ms. Jane, thank you for finding JPS at the perfeet time. We love your experienee, your playful na ture and your enthusiasm you bring to eaeh day. Ms. Jayme, thank you sharing your passion of all things Judaiea. It is a speeial thing to have ehild after ehild request Ms. Jayme to eseort him/her into the elassroom at earpool. Ms. Jen, thank you for your danee parties, your potty danee, and your morning exeitement as you greet eaeh ehild that enters your room of fun. Ms. Kate, thank you for your dry wit and your dedieation to JPS. After nearly two deeades, you have a following of fans that span presehool through eollege now. Ms. Lisa, thank you for stiek- ing by my side through so mueh growth and ehange over the past few years at JPS. Our sueeesses would not be without your support and help eaeh and every day. Ms. Mindy, thank you for tak ing a quiek inquiry to a position at JPS. Your love of those youngest kids at sehool sets the bar for in fant eare in Charlotte. Ms. Nancy, thank you for keeping our musie program at JPS moving forward. We love the new tunes and the spirited musie you bring eaeh week in musie time and our beloved Shabbat Send-off. Ms. Virginia, thank you for taking the leap of faith and help ing us start and grow our infant program. You are the eore that started it all and we eould not have ehosen a better person to get it running and thriving. Ms. Wanda, thank you for pushing through your edueation goals and matehing that dediea tion with moving the field, JPS and your elassroom forward. You are an inspiration to all who know you. How lueky 1 am this year for all the sueeesses and support to keep JPS at the top of the early ehildhood edueation field. Wish ing eaeh of you the same all year long. ^ “What good is it to turn fifty with an unwrinkied face if there’s ne iight behind the eyes, ne passien in the veice, ne new ideas happening inside the headP Why hepe te iive a ieng iife if we’re eniy geing to fiii it with seif-ahsorption, body maintenance, and image repairP When we die, do we want peopie to exciaim, “She iooked ten years younger,’’ or do we want them to say, “She iived agreatiife’’P -Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Getting Over Getting Older I am / am creative and bright I wonder day and night I hear all of night I see colorful light I am creative and bright I pretend life is easy I feel quite queasy I worry every day I cry for a fight I am creative and bright I understand the course of the world I say things of life I dream of things so steep I hope for peace I am creative and bright i CJDS Charlotte Jewish Day School f/ioluiau G-I-F-t fol you •* * *. 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