The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2016 - Page 9 How Do You Celebrate Tu BiShevat in the Winter? It might be the Rosh Hashanah for the trees, but it is a ehallenge to mark it when our elimate does not mateh the weather in Israel. Morah Donna takes her first grade to the wooded trails in Boyee Park eaeh year on Tu Bi Shevat. Yes, the trees are bare and it is eold and wet. But, Kitah Aleph still found a way to appre- eiate the trees. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the Alef Bet, are fresh in the ehildren’s minds. They are learning what they look like, their sounds, and how they blend into the words onee vowels are added to them. Using them in a variety of modalities is the best way to eement the pietures and knowledge in their brains. When walking on these trails, Morah Donna asks the ehildren to find braneh and tree formations that resemble the letters they know. She also tells them, that they ean use their bodies to eomplete the letter in the tree. Using all of our senses is the way to learn, the way to store what we’ve learned. Todah, Morah Donna! ^ Raish. Yud Zayin Charlotte Jewish Day School Samech Baled (on the ground) Bet Save the Date Shalom ratkFrccdom School Fuad Raiser Tuesday, May 3 at ? PM, Sam Lerner Center for Cultural Arts In Shalom Park . Freedom School ' Partners “The best index toapeison’s characteiis (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t light back.” -Abigail Van Buren (“DearAbby”) Please Join Us for Prospective Student Weekend March 18-20, 2016 Registration Deadline: March ii, 2016 Reserve your space today. Student housing is limited. Parents: There will be a program just for you that includes a tour, information sessions, class visits and more. For program and registration information, please visit: For additional information, contact a member of the Admissions Team: (336) 217-7070, toll-free (855) 855-4334 or American Hebrew Academy The International Jewish College Prep Boarding School 4334 Hobbs Road • Greensboro, North Carolina 27410