The Charlotte Jewish News - October 2016 - Page 4 School New Beginnings, New Goals for Jewish Preschool on Sardis By Dedee Goldsmith, executive director It is an amazing feeling to begin the sehool year, to delve into new goals and new relation ships. That beginning of the sehool year exeitement eontinues on through the High Holidays and a new Jewish year. All of us at the Jewish Presehool on Sardis are exeited to try new things, set new goals, and start working on im provements in our sehool and in our lives. Our teaehers have set some goals for their year and I’d love to share just a few. Two seasoned teaehers would like to expand their skills with new ereative ae- tivities through an exploration of our eurrieulum and beyond. An other mentioned improving guitar skills to play along with the ehil- dren during the day. One long time teaeher would like to in- erease her Hebrew voeabulary by engaging with our Israeli ehildren, families, and staff and yet another would like to attend a Judaie re lated eonferenee this eoming year. Several teaehers set goals to max imize their environment and eon- tinue to use the elassroom as a safe plaee to take ehanees and de velop relationships with ehildren, families, and one another. Beyond what is stated as goals, two of our teaehers (our newest staff member and our longest serving teaeher) joined a leader ship program for early ehildhood edueators. There they will engage in self-refleetion, skill develop ment, and exeeuting their goals into praetiee. We know they will exeel in this year-long program and bring baek information that will only enhanee the Jewish Pre sehool on Sardis and the early ehildhood eommunity as a whole. The exeitement is palpable and ♦ Ttie Jewish Preschooi on Sardis ■★★★★ 5-star Preschool Early Childhood Development & Jewish Discovery the beginning of the new year is just the plaee to hit the ground running. From the Jewish Pre sehool on Sardis family to yours, we wish you Shana Tova and hope you aehieve your goals for 5777.^ TOVA N e: w nivu nzLiu FROM THE LEVINE-SKLUT JUDAICA LIBRARY AND RESOURCE CENTER What’s going on in our community? Check out the calendar for the full story. late hreaking events that may not he included in The Charlotte Jewish News!