The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2018 - Page 2 JEWISH FEDERATION NEWS Be the Start of Something Powerful Thank you, Charlotte, for an swering the eall on Super Sunday. More than 100 volunteers rep resenting the Jewish Federation’s network of eommunity ageneies joined forees on Sunday, January 21 to make ealls on Super Sun day. Thanks to their efforts, and the eommunity members who an swered their phones and gener ously eontributed to the Jewish Federation 2018 Annual Cam paign, the day was a Super Sue- eess. The day’s unoffieial total, $85,968, far exeeeded expeeta- tions and the $60,000 goal. A big shout out to our Super Sunday Chair, Jason Tanenbaum, for all his work planning the event. A speeial thanks also goes out to all the dedieated eallers who hit the phones and put “Tzedakah” on the speed dial. Super Sunday, Federation’s largest annual eommunity-wide fundraising phone-a-thon, helps support the Jewish Federation’s annual eampaign, whieh touehes more Jewish lives than any other organization in the world. Through your support, you eare for Jews everywhere, eon- neet people to their Jewish eom- munities, and respond to erises elose to home and around the globe. Together, our impaet stretehes from Charlotte to Israel to 70 eountries around the world. If we somehow missed you on Super Sunday, there is still time to donate to the 2018 Annual Cam paign. Visit our website today at Please join us, and be the start of some thing powerful. Want to learn more about the Jewish Federation, who we are and what we do? See the insert inside this issue. DONATE. VOLUNTEER. MAKE A DIF FERENCE. ^ Shabbat and HolidayCandle Lighting for March 2018 Friday, March 2, 6:02 PM Friday, March 9, 6:08 PM Friday, March 16,7:13 PM Friday, March 23,7:19 PM Friday, March 30, Erev Pesach, 7:25 PM Satruday, March 31,2nd night Pesach, after 8:22 PM The Charlotte Jewish News 5007 Providence Road, Suite 112 Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone (voice mail after office hours) Office 704-944-6765 email: charlottejewishnews@shalomcharlotte. org An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Amy Krakovitz - Editor Advertising Sales Reps: Jodi Valenstein, 704-609-0950 or Pam Garrison, 704-906-7034 Art Director, Erin Bronkar ebronkar@carolina. rr. com CJN Editorial Board Chair - Bob Davis Members: Bob Abel, Sara Abadi, David Delfiner, Ann Langman, Linda Levy, Elaine Millen, Andrew Rosen The CJN does not assume responsibility for the quality or kasruth of any product or service advertised. Publishing of a paid political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate, political party or position by this newspaper, the Federation or any employees. Published monthly except July An affliate of: The Jewish Federation OF GREATER CHARLOTTE CAMPAIGN 2018: AT A GLANCE Goal: $4,000,000 713 Donors 10.1% Complete Raised $1,635,131 as of 2-14-18 Jewish Federation OF GREATER CHARLOTTE THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY. Hadassah’s Defining Zionism Discussion March 18,4 PM Temple Israel HADASSAH We welcome author Francine Klagsbmn, author oiLioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel, and Ambassador Judith Vamai Shorer the Consul General of Israel from Atlanta. This program will highlight Zionism at the time of the creation of the state of Israel pre-1948, in addition to Golda Meir’s role in Zionism. The Consul General will highlight Zionism today. A discussion and book signing will follow this event. This program is free and all are welcome. ^ temple Israel "Jt Tlt LIONESS GOLDA MEIR AND THE NATION OF ISRAEL FHaNCINF, K! Ai.SBRUN Icwisli Fcdcralioii OF OPEATEq CHAniOTTE Judith Vamai Shorer CONTENTS Federation News pp. 1, 2 Sue’s Book Shelf. pp. 2,3 Youth Visions pp. 5, 6 Synagogues/Cong pp. 7-14 Schools pp. 15-19 Dining Out p. 18 Jewish Community Center pp. 20, 21 Jewish Family Services p. 22 Community News pp. 22, 23, 26, 28 Mazel Toy pp. 23,25 Passover pp. 29-31 I would like to make a contribution to demonstrate my support of The Charlotte Jewish News. Name Phone (. Address City State Enclosed in my check for $ $18.00 Basic Annual Subscription $25.00 Friend $50.00 Patron $100.00 Grand Patron Other .Zip