An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Vol. 40, No. 6 Sivan-Tammuz-Av 5778 June-July 2018 JOIN US, AND BE THE START OF SOMETHING POWERFUL! Through our Annual Cam paign, the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte joins with 153 Federations aeross North Ameriea to answer the needs of the Jewish world. When a ehild needs a Jewish edueation, a subsidy to partieipate in a Jewish experienee like Jewish summer eamp, or a BBYO leader ship eonferenee, Federation is there. When a family loses its in- eome or an entire eommunity is devastated by a disaster, Federa tion is there. It’s a pledge we live by. Whether nurturing and sustain ing Jewish identity for future gen erations or supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel, Fed eration is where our eommunity eomes together as one; where we, as a eommunity, develop innova tive responses to eritieal issues; where anyone who needs help ean get it; where an energized Jewish eommunity grows and eelebrates; and where everyone ean make a differenee. The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte has been sup porting, sustaining, and revitaliz ing Jewish life for more than 75 years. Today our work is far from finished - and we need your sup port to meet our 2018 Campaign Goal of $4,000,000 ... mueh needed dollars to help us meet the needs of our entire Jewish eommunity. Your eontribution enables us to use your gift wherever it’s needed most. 70% of our Annual Campaign is allo- the eampaign is alloeated to our partner ageneies in Israel, and in 70 eounfries around the world. Help us answer the needs of the Jewish world by making your pledge to Federation today. We pledge to answer the needs but we ean only do that with your help. If you have already pledged to the 2018 Annual Campaign, we thank you. If not, please eonsider a meaningful pledge today. For a eomplete list of our 2018 alloea- tions, or to donate online, please visit All pledges are payable and due De- eember 31, 2018. So join us, and be the start of something powerful. We ean’t do it without you. ^ Jevjii!: ;ration HARLOTTE WFcdRi'^ud ik-i.i eated to nearly 50 loeal ageneies and programs in Char- Be like Jason Tanenbaum. Show your support for the lotte’ while 30% of 2018 Federation Annual Campaign. CAMPAIGN 2018; AT A GLANCE Goal: $4,000,000 1261™ Donors Raised $2,873,553 as of 05-16-18 OUR COMMUNITY IS COUNTING ON YOU! L ] Jewish Federation Announces Officers and Board for 2018-2019 The Annual Meefing of fhe Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte took plaee on Monday, May 14, in the Sam Lemer Center for Cultural Arts at the Shalom Park. The business meeting in- eluded a speeial tribute to outgo ing President, Larry Sehwartz, and the installation of ineoming President, Alison Lemer, as well as the eleetion of the 2018-2019 Board of Trastees. Even as the Federation looked forward to new leadership, it looked baek in appreeiation for Larry’s leadership and dedieation over the past two years and the impaet he has made on our eom munity. As the toreh is passed to Alison we look forward to eontin- ued growth. In Alison’s speeeh she relayed the message, “My goal is to partner with all of you to eontinue to foeus on the F eder- ation Mission — to raise and allo- eate funds in order to edueate and build eommunity, and to support and enrieh the lives of the Jewish people around the world, here, and in Israel.” We are fortunate to be a part of a eommunity with sueh vibrant, progressive leaders, and generous and frusting donors, a eombination for lasting and sus tainable sueeess. The Exeeutive Committee will inelude: Alison Lemer, Pres Jewish Federation OF GREATER CHARLOTTE ON ‘31101NVHO 80ZI- #imN3d aivd 3ovisod s n aisidSdd pa^sanhay aojAias aBueqQ 9ZZ8Z ON ‘mojJeqo ZU# enns ‘peo^ aouapiAOJd ZOOS Past President Larry Schwartz and President, Alison Lerner ident; Risa Miller, Viee Pres ident; Bill Zimmem, Viee President; Ron Townsend, Viee President; Amy Vitner, Treasurer; Brad Winer, See- retary; Larry Sehwartz, Im mediate Past President. Board members for 2018- 2019 are: Amy Augustine, Gail Baron, Miehael Baum- stein. Ana Bonnheim, George Cronson, Jonathan Friedman, Stephanie Gitlin, Slade Goldstein, Sharyn Handelsman, Holly Levin son, Lindsay Muns, Julie Sheffer, Ira Slomka, and Marisa Zeibert. Constituent ageney de signees are: Jonathan Kulbersh (Levine JCC), Barry Bobrow (Foundation of Shalom Park), and Debbie Porter (JFS). The night reeognized several members and ageneies of our eommu nity for outstanding leadership and eommit- ment. Jason Tanen baum, Super Sunday Chair, presented the “They answered the eaU” Award to the Char lotte Jewish Presehool, for providing the most volunteers on Super Sunday. Alison Lerner was also honored with the Lion of Judah Kip- nis-Wilson/Friedland Award, reeognizing ex traordinary women who Outgoing Board Members, Jeff Turk and Alan Kronovet have set a high standard for phi lanthropy and volunteerism. Ali son Lemer has been aetive in the Charlotte Jewish eommunity for over 30 years. Her Jewish passion and leadership are most keenly fo- eused on Jewish edueation, Israel, and strengthening Jewish identity. Prior to her new tenure as Pres ident of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, Alison served on the Exeeutive Committee, as Annual Campaign Chair, Lion of Judah Chair, and Alloeations Committee member. Addition ally, Alison is past Chair of the Board of the Charlotte Jewish Day Sehool, and served on the boards of Jewish Family Serviees, Tem ple Israel, the Jewish Presehool on Sardis, and the Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community. Her love of Israel has long been a deep souree of her Jewish iden- (Continued on page 2)