PAGE 4 Q-Notes ■ April 1988 IT’S HAPPENING ... but you can’t see it! IT’S COMING ... but we won’t show you ... SOMEONE PLAYS YOUR GAME ... AT CHARADES CORNER EASTWAY & THE PLAZA CHARLOTTE 568-3556 YET! Comer of Eastway & the Plaza Election ’88: Know The Candidates by Greg Winston Q-Notes Staff In 1988, there are many crucial issues facing the presidential candi dates. The gay rights issue is only in the race as a true force as a result of the AIDS issue. Whether or not we agree with the public’s opinion on who AIDS af fects, we are on the public’s mind as a result of it. Thus, the gay issue has become twofold. First, a candidate must decide on what sort of funding should be provided for AIDS vic tims. Secondly, they must take a stance on gay civil rights. While the Democratic candidates have been straightforward with forming an opinion, the Republican candidates have been more evasive. DEMOCRATS On Super Tuesday, the field of Democratic candidates was nar rowed for all practical purposes to Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis. Both candidates have taken clear stands publicly on the gay rights issue as well as on AIDS. Jesse Jackson, a force in the civil rights movement since the 60’s, has come out in clear support of gay rights legislation currently before the Congress. He supports the posi tion that Crimes Against Nature laws should be unconstitutional be cause the U.S. government has no right to violate our privacy in our sexual lives. He feels that the current treat ment of gays and lesbians can be likened to the treatment that gays and lesbians in Hitler’s Germany. He stated that “the humanity of lesbians and gay men must be rec ognized . . . and their rights fully respected.” Michael Dukakis, currently gov ernor of Massachusetts, is less clear on his stance. Publicly, he is veiy supportive of our cause; however, if actions speak louder than words, then Gov. Dukakis’ true positive must be re-evaluated. Publicly, in Massachusetts, he supported gay rights legislation that came before the legislature. In pri vate, however, he failed to lobby the legislators for the necessary votes. In a State of the State address, he talked of his immigrant heritage and the opportunity that America offered him as a Greek man. He feels he was given the same oppor tunity as a WASP. As far as gays and lesbians are concerned, in his opinion, this should also be the case. Both candidates support federal funding for AIDS research. Rev. Jackson stresses the need for a “massive” educational program to accompany his research program. Gov. Dukakis as governor spent $7.3 million on AIDS, and has allocated another 6.8 million for FY ’88. His educational program has in cluded mass mailing of literature dealing with the situation in a frank and straightforward manner. REPUBLICANS For the Republicans, the front runner, George Bush, is being trailed actively by Bob Dole. Nei ther of the candidates has addressed the issue of gay rights. Pertaining to AIDS, both candi dates realize the magnitude of this disease. Mr. Dole supports manda tory testing of immigrants, prison ers and aliens; and does not oppose quarantining those persons with the disease who act with “reckless dis regard.” Mr. Dole supports a strong edu cation program as well. Mr. Bush feels that ediicatinn pertaining to AIDS is a local mat ter, not one that the Federal govern ment should concern itself with. Editor’s Note: The new political ac tion group in Charlotte, First Tues day, nas recently mailed out a ques tionnaire to all candidates running for office in North Carolina. Results will appear in future issues of Q- Notes. WHEN YOa mUIT TO LOOK GOOD... WE HAVE YOUR SIZE Jordache & Orbit SLACKS Sizes 54-54 Exquisite Form Trim Line BRAS Sizes 58B to 52DD SHOES Sizes 8-12 WW&EEE for t/hittafton onfy Shaker Sport & Lady 0 BLOUSES Sizes 58-54 Orweco DRESSES Sizes I8V2-6O Dixie Bell SLIPS, PANTIES & GOWNS Uniflair & Ramm Styles UNIFORMS Sizes 18-'2-52V2 Visit Our $6 Corner and our Bargain Corner! £2qHEEN size, Inc. Fathion for the larger Woman at Prites you can afford 4463 Cenffol Av». 532-6800 (Darby Attn Shopping Cfr.) Monday-Friday 10:00 om-8:00 pm. Sol. 10:00-6:00