Q-NOTES Switchboard, Charlotte 704/525-6128 AIDS Hotline, Charlotte 704/333-AIDS PFLAG Hotline, Charlotte 704/364-1474 AIDS Hotline, Columbia 803/779-PALS Call Linp. Wilmington 919/675-9222 August 1988 ^ PRIDE IN PRINT I TO ADVERTISE: 339-0679 BEST BETS Aug. 11 VIDEO Drag Returns - Charades Aug. 12 Pizza Party - Stevens Aug. 19 PWA Benefit - Scorpio Aug. 21 Bingo at Stevens Aug. 26 Grand Prix, Tracy Morgan - Oleen's Aug. 27 MCC Charlotte Pot Luck Supper INDEX Page 2 Calendar and Organizations Page 4 The Soft Spot Pages Steve Madison looks for Gay Theater Page 6 Miss Lillian and Mr. Gay Charlotte Page 7 A Reflective Look at Leonard Matlovich Page 7 Business Cards and Q-Notes Classifieds Man Walks For AIDS Research By Chris Barkley Q-Notes Staff In an effort to raise ten million dollars for AIDS research over the next three years, Bill Mole is walking around the world - 25,000 miles. The journey which has already brought him over six hundred miles is sponsored by the World Health ORganization for AIDS Research. Mole's campaign, aptly dubbed "The Race Against Time," began on May 22 in New York City and will take him through 35 countries in the next three years. To organize local fundraising Mole has appointed "goodwill ambassadors" in each of the 125 cities worldwide where he plans to stop. Local ambassador, Ed Klaven, is al ready recruiting participants and soliciting sponsors for Charlotte's first fundraising event, a bike-a-thon to Winston-Salem on August 21. Other activities will include a 10k walk/mn in March 1989. Mole would like to raise $25,000 pei city between now and 1991 to reach the $10,000,000 goal. All funds raised will go to the World Health Organization. Leonard Matlovich, Gay Leader, Dies By Richard Epson Q-Notes Staff Leonard Matlovich, 44, a prominent na tional gay rights activist and war hero, died June 22, due to complications from AIDS. Matlovich enlisted in the Air Force in 1963. During the Vietnam War, he was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He said that one of the medals was awarded after he killed two Viet Cong fighters while on sentry duty. After the war. Technical Sergeant Matlovich was assigned duty at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. While there he openly declared his being gay and in 1975 was pictured on the cover of Time magazine next to the words, "I am a homo sexual." Ina widely publicized courts-martial, the Air Force responded by awarding him a general discharge, but Matlovich sued and in 1980 received an honorable discharge along with a $160,000 settlement. He then became 0 ■wpi an outspoken gay rights activist and in recent years spent his time lobbying on behalf of AIDS victims as well as speaking out on numerous other gay-related issues. He was also host of a radio weekly discussion pro gram in Guemeville, California. Matlovich and Ken McPherson, another gay rights ac tivist, recently formed the Never Forget Foundation, which erects monuments to gay community leaders. Matlovich's life was the subject of a tele vision movie and a biography has been writ ten by San Francisco writer Mike Hippier. Matlovich was diagnosed with Acquired Immune Syndrome (AIDS) in 1986. He died at the home of a friend in North Hollywood, California, where he had moved in April from San Francisco. He was buried with full military honors in Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C., on July 2. Editor's Note: Articles in The Charlotte Observer, The Washington Post, and Time Magazine, and Associated Press wire re ports were used in preparation of this story. 2000 Plus March In Raleigh By Joel N. Smith Q-Notes Staff Over two thousand marchers bravely chanted and sang their way through the streets of Raleigh, NC, on Saturday, June 19. The North Carolina Lesbian and Gay Pride March '88 was sponsored by the Triangle Lesbian and Gay Alliance (TLGA). Pride Marches were held in Durham in 1986 and 1987 but neither covered the scope of gays and lesbi ans in North Carolina as did this year's march. The participants personified the march theme of diversity and unity. Men, women, children, pets, and a few unaware passersby mingled in Pullen Park before the marchers began falling into place shortly before noon. The anxiety caused by the unknown whch awaited the marchers along the planned route was visible on many faces. Softly and with an uncertainty the chants of "gay rights...now" and "homopho bia's gotta go" began to rise, followed by hymns from the gay and lesbian religious organizations. The anxiety and timidity of the crowd dispersed the march's first and most visible adversaries: an angry evangelist shouting to: m LA condemnations and a self-styled martyr bearing a fifteen-foot wooden cross. Pard- leling the route of the march, at a respectable distance, he bore his burden the duration of the march aided by a small wheel at the bottom of the icon. The march passed both the Republican and Democratic headquarters where the marchers chanted to the spectators: "We vote...We vote." Several notables either spoke or per formed, including Nan Hunter of the Les bian and gay Rights Project of the ACLU; Michael Mauk of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; writer Armistead Maupin; and local favorite and philanthro pist Brandy Alexander. Delta Meets With Community Reps By Craig Nelms Q-Notes Staff Members of Charlotte's Gay and Lesbian community met on July 8 with Dr. Basil Delta, director of the Mecklenburg County Health Department, to discuss efforts to control AIDS in the Charlotte area. In atten dance were Rev. Lynn Guerra, MCC Char lotte; Sandra Bailey, PFLAG; Don King, The Front Page; Jim Yarbrough and Craig Nelms of Q-Notes; Dr. Delta, Dr. Stephen Keener, and several health educators. Dr. Delta was asked to address just what the health department is doing. In the near future, some new programs may begin if the health department receives a $35,000 grant it has applied for in conjunction with Metro- lina AIDS Project (MAP). The grant money would be used for edu cational efforts aimed at gay and bi-sexual men, and for support groups for HIV-posi tive individuals. This grant proposal was originally submitted in 1987, but considera tion of the grant was postponed by the state of North Carolina after controversy erupted over the distribution by MAP of some ex plicit Safer Sex cards in area bars. (The cards were donated to MAP by AID Atlanta.) Currently, the county health department conducts its HIV Testing Program, as well as providing health educators to speak to community groups about AIDS. No out reach is aimed exclusively at one risk group or another. Health officials acknowledge that they need to reach more people in the black community, more drug users, and more women. TTiose gays and lesbians in atten dance offered their input on reaching gays and bi-sexuals, and discussed ideas on reach ing black gays, and a particularly difficult group: closeted gay and bi-sexual men, who may be sexually active, often married and uninvolved with the openly gay and lesbian community. Such persons are very difficult to reach with safer sex information. Dr. Delta addressed the issue of anony mous HIV testing, which he has always opposed. Thirty-six people have tested posi tive but then failed to return for their test results; health department officials have no way to contact these anonymous test recipi ents to give them their results. Dr. Delta acknowledges that anonymous testing is necessary in a discriminatory envi ronment; he goes on record as opposing discrimination, and supporting anti-discrimi nation laws. Such legislation would protect people when they are tested; names could be safely given, so that follow-up could be assured. An important issue addressed in the meeting were the restrictions placed on fed erally funded educational efforts. Rules proposed and sponsored by Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) require that educational materials cannot in any way promote homo sexuality. Therefore, many sexual topics are not addressed and language used is technical jargon, rather than the frank, blunt language most people are familiar with when sex is discussed. While Dr. Delta indicated that he opposes the inclusion of lewd descriptions in educa tional materials, health educators in atten dance indicated that they could be more effective in their efforts if they were free to address any and all sexual practices. The Helms Amendments also require that those receiving federal grants set up a review committee to examine all written materials, to ensure that they comply with community standards of decency. Gay and lesbian representatives will meet regularly each quarter with Dr. Delta and his staff.