February 1991 PAGE 17 Q-Notes FEBRUARY $A .00 o«» C^'* 0» ,nV' FrI., 1st Sat., 2r(J FrI., 8tIt Sat., 9tIi Sun., lOrh FrI., 1 ?Th Sat., 1 6tIi FrI., 22tIi OuEEN of FIeARTS CllEAp TrAcIe Boom Boom LaTour BRinANy Gwen Gypsy Starr VeronIca Lee TiffANy Storm SaBIe CBaneI KASEy KiNq Miss AtIantIc Coast PAqEANT OuEEN Of Hearts KASEy KiNq Gypsy Starr ALasBa PIharrows Boom Boom LaTour VERONicA Lee BeneHt foR Bill LezeI All Star Cast Sat., 25tIi TInaTerreU SasIia Tate LiNclA LocWear Oleen's 1831 South Boulevard, Charlotte, N.C. (704) 373-9604 Hey, Helen! j IK Si' 1 ■-/S? Hey, Helen: My roommate leaves the seat of the toilet down when he pees. I get so tired of going in the bathroom and bas ing to clean the seat every time I have to use it. How do I solve this problem? Pissed Off Dear PO'd: Sounds as if he isn't houseliroken or needs to be re-potty-trained. Actually, it's laziness and nasty. Yes. 1 said nasty. No one but no one likes sitting on a toilet seat that's all wet. If you really want to get him back, take the seat off and let him sit on cold jx>rcelain for a change. Helen Hey, Helen: I've met someone recently who really likes me. The problem is that I only want to I)e friends. How do I tell them? Friend Dear Friend: In a case such as this, it's best to lie up front. Tell that person that you don't want to date them, but would still like to be friends and xily friends. As Icaig as a jierson is above board, then no one can get hurt. Just make sure that you don't cross the line and mislead them. Please, whatever you do. don't pull that BS about lovini^’ them and Ixsing in love. It's old and a line. One that caiuses hurt and hard feelings. Always use like unless you're in love. Tlie wcxd love gets abused more than any other word in the English language. Helen Hey, Helen: I always seem to get involved tixi quickly with the }x;rson 1 am seeing at any given time. Often this leads me to tell the person 1 am seeing of my true feelings too fast. As you might expect, this nsually has a chilling effect on the relationship. My question is: How do I know when is the right time to express my feelings without putting the brakes on everything? Bad Timing Dear Bad Timing: My dear, there is no way I can tell you when to tell someone you care. There is no wrong time. Saying 1 like you can be some thing as simple as sending a thank you note for a wonderful evening or a daisy. Do NOT send roses. The rose indicates love, so make sure to send something else or they will get the wrong impression. Feel the person out. You know you don't have to say tliat you like a {lerson. They'll know by the little things. Don't scare them away by getting heavy. Keep everything light. Develop a friend before a lover. Don't give too much too soon. Everyone likes mystery and a bit of a challenge. No one likes an easy piece, especially these days. Helen Hey, Helen: I am in a new relationship with someone where we are in the great position of being accepted fully by each other's family. Un fortunately, this has led to a major skinnish. My parents wanted us to come to their house on Christmas and his parents wanted us to come to theirs. How do we decide where to go on holidays and do it in a way that is fair to everyone involved? SKB Dear SKB: It's wonderful that you have the relation ship with both families that allows you to visit both during hohdays. I think that says a lot alx)ut you, your lover and your families. My suggestion is, if at all possible, .spend the holidays with both. Half a day at one, then half a day at the other. That always works well. Remember, too, to save some "special" time for the two of you alone. If that's not possible, then spend Thanksgiving at one house and explain to them that Christmas Day will be spent with the other in-laws. Let them know and give them a time when you can conx; either before or after Christmas to exchange gifts. On Mom's and Dad's Days, make sure you see both so no hard feelings will dampen the day. If you find you camun be with one family or the other, make a special showing of concern by sending flowers to Mom and ALWAYS call with apologies. Helen Hey, Helen: I'm 36 years old and have been "out" for 19 years and am very feminine. Lately (for the last three years) I've reached a stage of frustration and disillusion with gay life. There are so many phony women out there it's unreal. I'm looking for someone who's not very feminine but sincere and loving, yet not afraid to lie romantic. I've worked hard and have some nice things. My car is paid for and 1 did this with no help. It seems I'\’e having a hard time finding someone who isn't kxiking at my surroundings and is looking to build something for themselves and their mate. I want a fiennanent commitment. I don't want to be alone but I refuse to settle for a half- baked relationship. 1 want a partnership for life. Can you give me some advice? Sincere Dear Sincere: From your picture, you should have no problem finding that special person. 1 can understand your frustration, so I suggest this; if there are any "no so fern" women out there who want a feminine woman and know' how to treat her and want a stable, long- lasting relationship, please write to Sincere in care of me at tlie paper. I'll make sure she gets the letters and perhaps you can invite her to the house for tea when the two of you get .settled. Sincere, 1 hope you meet the love of your life in 1991. Best of luck. Helen Hey, Helen: 1 ilon't understand people who write one thing in an ad and turn out really not to want what they advertise or are unsure of what they really want. Why even advertise? Disappointed Dear Disappointed: A lot of people don't mean to lie in.sincere. Sometimes they are a bit unrealistic alxiut what they are hxiking for. People are not without flaws. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, because flaws are what lends character to a person, no one can be all that we seek. EVERY ONE of us needs to reahze that a jierson who can make us happy and content for the rest of our lives or at least a long time may not even have the chance simply liecause we hxiked at the physical side. Get to know the person underneath. When we all grow old and grey, the only thing that matters is the love of the person who has shared the ups and downs. Persons who look for beauty need to look to the heart and the ability of a person who is able to give freely of their love (not bodies) and accept you with your flaws also. Remember, no one is perfect, so look beyond and find the wonder of true love. Be sincere and tell the person up front you're not interested in being a one night nor one week stand. You're looking for a Ufe mate. I'm sure you'll find them. Good luck. Helen If you don't think you can love yoursefbecause you're gay, come find out what real Love is about: MCC Charlotte — where the healing power of Jesus Christ is preached 4037 E. Independence Blvd, Suite 726 563-5810