Vol. 7, No. 2 February 1992 Teens hold AIDS benefit ... page 3 Personals begin ... page 24 The Carolmss’ Most Comprehensive Gay & Lesbian Newspaper'^^ Printed on Pecyoied Paper'^' FREE Grady Cole manager verbally abuses MAP volunteer Mayor's office praised for timely response to criticism by David Stout Q-Notes Staff CHARLOTTE—Metrolina AIDS Project staff member and volunteer. Bill Gareau, charged that on Sat. Jan. 11, he was the victim of homophobia and AIDS-phobia stemming from remarks made by the manager of the Grady Cole Center prior to the start of an Ozzy Osbourne concert. Gareau was at the concert at the request of Ozzy Osbourne management to distribute condoms and safer-sex information to attend ees as they entered the building. Osbourne was a close friend of the late Freddie Mer cury, former lead singer of the rock group Queen, who passed away in Dec. 1991 of AIDS. Osbourne wanted to do something to inform people about the disease so he con tacted AmFAR (American Foundation for AIDS Research) about his wish to have con doms and information distributed at concert sites. AmFAR in turn contacted all the AIDS service organizations in the cities where Osbourne would be appearing, and passed on the singer’s request. MAP received the call from AmFAR and agreed to have someone at the Grady Cole Center when the tour reached Charlotte. Gareau and another volunteer arrived at GCC several hours before the start of the show to set up their information table when the manager of the facility learned who they were and their purpose, he told them they would have to leave. Gareau said they were there at the request of Osbourne, and the man walked away to verify the story. As he was leaving, Gareau overheard him state that he didn’t want faggots promoting promiscuous sex at the center. Osbourne staff assured the manager that the performer wanted the items handed out. So he told the men they could give away the packets, but not set up a booth or table nor distribute them inside the building. They moved outside and offered the con doms and pamphlets to early arrivers. Two hours ^fore the start of the concert, the manager appeared again order Gareau and his assistant to come into the center and pick up the condoms which some fans were throwing onto the floor. The two men refused and, having been harassed enough, left. On Monday morning when Gareau ar rived at MAP, he informed Executive Direc tor Mike Averbuch of his unpleasant experi ence with the GCC manager. Averbuch called the City Manager’s of fice complaint number and relayed the infor- Publisher prevails over printing problems by David Stout Q-Notes Staff BOSTON, Mass.—Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men has finally been published after five months of delays caused by printers’ refusals to accept the job. Aly son Publications, based in Boston, MA, approached eighteen publishing houses about pr^ucing the book only to be turned away each time. The saga began in August 1991 when Alyson contacted its usual printer for a price quote. Upon learning of the book's content, the printing firm asked to see the illustra tions which would be used in it. After reviewing these the company “declined” to give a price for the job. Gay Sex is an update of The Joy of Gay Sex pub lished in the late 1970’s as a guide to the gay male lif estyle (from language to sexual positions to styles of dress). Over the course of the past decade that book became woefully outdated, however, especially in the age of AIDS. Gay Sex serves to bring readers up- to-date on safer-sex through its text (numerous listings deal with HIV precautions, infection, and testing) and illustrations (condoms are pictured in all sexual situations defined as “risky” for HIV infection). The printer's refusal to accept the layouts left Alyson in a quand^. They began searching for another print house to do the job, resulting in seventeen additional rejections. Paula Jones, a spokes person for Offset Paperback (which turned Alyson down), stated, “This (Dallas, PA) is a very conservative area. The people on the binding line would just rebel. We tried to put i / GAY Sasha Alyson with the cover art of Gay Sex mation to them. The operator thanked him for calling and assured someone would call back. Within several hours, a representative of the mayor’s office called to say they were sorry the incidents had occured and that the center’s manager would be reprimanded. The city liaison then reiterated that the employee was acting on his own behalf when he told the men they could not distribute the packets in the building and had not been operating under any city mandate. Gay community leaders have been quick to praise Mayor Vinroot’s office for it’s han dling of this matter and anticipate a better relationship with the current mayor than had been possible with the previous. out a book like this a while back and there was a total uproar.” Sasha Alyson, the book’s publisher blasted those firms that were approached, “Most of them say their workers will be offended. But only on this subject do they claim that work ers in the camera room can dictate content. At a time when even George Bush says we haven’t done enough about AIDS, and when the need for more safer-sex education is so clear, I am appalled that a potentially life saving book should be turned down by so many printers. At last there seemed to be a breakthrough, in Oc tober a Canadian printer, which normally prints baseball cards, agreed to accept the job. Alyson sent the layouts (completely redesigned to meet the requirements of the print ing company) by over night courier to Canada only to have them seized at the border by Customs officials (who subse quently refused to return them and still have not). Once again Alyson began a quest to find a print house willing to ac cept the job. Finally, on Nov. 12, a U.S. printer that special izes in catalogs accepted Gay Sex. But their layout requirements were different from the Canadian firm’s and the book had to be re worked again. On Dec. 19, the book rolled off the press. And due to all the publicity surrounding the printing controversy, Alyson’s advance or der was its biggest ever. Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men is available at Rising Moon Books, Char lotte; White Rabbit Books, Greensboro; and White Rabbit Books, Raleigh. ; ■ j _ The Brothers Foundation Board of Directors, front row: William J. Cook, Jr., Ms. Beth Maust, Ms. Sandra Bisanar, Dr. David H. Hall, MD; back row: Andrew D. Taylor, Jr., Jim Jordan, Calvin E. Hefner, ASID. Not pictured: Robert W. Elliot, Jr., Ms. Sharon Dixon, Rev. Gary Gloster, Dr. Adele Hagood, Mr. Gene Humphries. The Brothers Foundation dedicates home Hope to take initial occupants by late February by Gordon Rankin Q-Notes staff CHARLOTTE—^With a nearly stand ing-room-only crowd of approximately 200 people, Fieldstone House (previously named “Hagood House”), Charlotte’s first home for people living with HIV, was dedi cated on Sunday, January 19. The attend ees, many of whom were couples, listened as the Reverend Gary Gloster (pastor of the Chapel of Christ the King) delivered the dedication, and then enjoyed a variety of entertainmentand education throughout the house and its grounds during the two-hour event. The ceremony was the culmination of a dream conceived in 1988 by Calvin Hefner, a local interior designer who founded the Brothers Foundation, an organization com mitted to aiding low income or indigent people living with HIV and AIDS. Upstairs, SheilaLockhart of the NAMES Project gave information about her organi zation and its upcoming role in the June production of Heart Strings, an Event In Three Acts (which the Brothers Foundation will co-sponsor), while the Charlotte chap ter of the Red Cross provided information aboutHIV infectionand AIDS in the home’s library. On the veranda, Wendy Tate of ONE VOICE (Charlotte’s gay and lesbian chorus) sang and performed on her guitar. All three local network television stations were present to interview board members and guests. These and other factors “con tributed to an afternoon filled with hugs, smiles, and tears,” said Bob Nulf, Execu tive Director of the Foundation. Fieldstone is a large, two-story home located on 35 acres. Its approximately 5,000 square feet offers five upstairs bedixx)ms, about half of which are suitable for two residents each, with a downstairs private bedroom and bath for a resident manager. There is also a living room complete with fireplace, a newly-restored kitchen and a dining room with three or four small tables rather than one large one, a furnishing deci sion which Nulf said was intended to ac commodate those occasions when two or three residents would want to dine together yet not be isolated at opposite ends of an imposing table. Ultimately, the facility will house six to eight individuals. “The Foundation is working along with the Metrolina AIDS Project and a number of other service organizations to get refer rals for potential occupants, and our Care Committee is finalizing its selection crite ria at this time. Although no approvals have been reached [as of this writing], we hope to have the home filled by the end of Febru ary,” Nulf said. He added that all applicants must be 18 years of age or older and be HI V positive. Nulf wishes to thank the hundreds of volunteers who contributed their efforts to the dedication ceremony, including PTK andFriends (a service organizationatCPCC) and Lutherans Concerned. Food was do nated by the Social Ministries class at the Little Church on the Lane and by Armin Desch, owner of The Country Boardwalk. Bill Penfield, of Eli’s, donated the punch. There is still a great need for other dona tions, namely in the form of amenities, furniture, and games. For the bedrooms, any furniture such as dressers, table lamps, and night stands in very good condition are welcome. Small appliances for the kitchen are needed, as are linens for the bathrooms. Televisions, VCR’s, board games, books, and video games are also needed for the living areas. Persons who wish to contribute any of the above items are encouraged to contact Nulf by phone at (704) 358-0411 or in writing to The Brothers Foundation, P.O. Box 36512, Charlotte, NC 28236