out in the stars July 24-August 6 by C. Lichtenstein - - _ Special to Q-Notes , Welcome to the eclipse-o-rama, cousins! During this period we face a partial lunar eclipse and, two weefc from now, a total solar eclipse. These eclipses stir our pot and tempt us into extreme actions and reactions. Don’t boss the course during and three days after these eclipses. If it’s still a match made in heaven, then start a raging fire. ARIES (March21-April20) Clubby gay Rarns may find their social groups claustrophobically confining during the partial lu nar eclipse. You yearn to break out and find a new path full of new and exciting people. Alas, the only new path you’ll stumble upon is one where every one wears on you. Happy? If not, suffer through your compadres peccadillos and wait a week for the spark to reignite. TAURUS (April21-May21) The partial lunar eclipse will have all hard bitten proud Bulls questioning their professional aspira tions. When all is said and done, are you ready to give up the game, take your toys and go home? Prob ably not, but you’ll play it out that way if you over react. Take a deep breath and throw your petty tan trum, but reinforce your troops in preparation for the next battle. GEMINI (May22-June21) Pink Twins are in for a grand global gay adven ture during the partial lunar eclipse. Any far afield adventure will take you further than you initially thought. But before you get lost in some little squalid corner of the world, take stock of your itinerary and book the entire trip in first class. If you’re off on a wild adventure, you might as well be comfortable. CANCER (June22-July23) Proud Cancers may embark on a sexual tour de force when the partial lunar eclipse jump starts your engine. Harness and saddle your horses, cousin; this transit may encourage you to buck too many bron cos and you may just get tossed and bruised. Try as hard as you can to take things slowly and really get to know someone before you ride the pony. And pack a lump...of sugar. LEO (July24-Aug. 23) Misunderstandings in relationships hit an espe cially sour note when the lunar eclipse casts a shadow over your commitments. Handle all little spats with extreme patience now; this transit passes quickly and it would be a shame to have a couple of little sparks burn down your house. For those gay Lions still seek ing the right fit, don’t buy anything off the rack (or on sale) during this time. VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) Extra work on the job results in...much more work. If you feel like a mangy rat on a treadmill, blame it on the partial lunar eclipse and its swarm of flies. Keep in mind that the more work you volun teer to do at this time, the more you will get without any apparent personal benefit. Do you enjoy being part of the pint-sized proletariat? Wouldn’t you rather be a 12-inch ruler? LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Even fun and frolic has its pitfalls and minefields Credit Cards for Q-Cotes Personals fioiu accepted! d 1-8(IH57-8(I1/ Visa/i/Hmex accepted. ^ISO/minute. W. Call from any phone, anymhere, anytime. VISA Fast, Friendly and Courteous Service Printing • Typesetting • High Speed Copying • Binding • Notary Public • Invitations • Laminating • Resumes • Business Cards • Full Color Copies • Rubber Stamps • Union Announcements • Much Much More! 1400 East Morehead Street Charlotte, NC 28204 (704) 375-8349 / FAX (704) 342-1066 Monday-Friday 8:30-5:30 when the partial lunar eclipse spits in your cham pagne. Queer Libras are advised to take everything seriously now, so summon yourself to approach any youthful pasttime with a certain amount of mature disdain. Park your inner child at daycare while the planets have their rumble. Next week, party on! SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Gay Scorps enjoy the security and privacy of their home life. Now, as the lunar eclipse shades your back yard, some of the foundations of your carefully crafted abode may shake and crack. A slip of the lip could herald in substantial changes, even with your relationships to certain relatives. Good thing, too, cousin; maybe a shake-up is just what is needed to clear the air. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 22) Oh, the same old story, cousin! If you wish you had kept your big mouth shut on the job, blame the fallout on the lunar eclipse. Your charm may fail you or you may be called upon to deliver one of your many impossible promises. No matter, proud Ar cher; thank goodness most folks have a 12-minute attention span. By next week, the spotlight will be off your campaign trail. CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 - Jan. 20) Pink Capricorns are careful financial planners, but now, with the partial lunar eclipse, your conser vative outlook may swerve sharply to the left. Some of your best investments may take a small hit as you scramble to pick up the pennies. Before you jump on any^quick fix gravy train, recall Mom’s fateful words: “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Aggressive ovefcompensation may be the words of the day for Aqueerians. The partial lunar transit eclipses your public persona. The temptation is to show the world what you — and only you alone — can do, but hold yourself back with the big hook. Right now your best laid eggs will wind up loosely scrambled on your dinner plate, courtesy of the pow ers that be. PISCES (Feb. 20 - March 20) Your intuition revs into overdrive when the par tial lunar eclipse conjures up an array of ghouls and goblins to haunt your thoughts. Practical pink Fish should not rely on those little internal voices to tell them what to do. Try instead to use this sparky en ergy to put some good gay elbow grease into any good gay community effon. Your l^rma is calling on the psychic line. ▼ For a free calculation of your Ascendant, send birthdate, time, place, name of this publication and s.a.s.e. to: Lichtenstein, P.O.B. 1726, Old Chelsea Station, NY 10011. Check out my website www.AccessNewAge.com/Stargayzer. Q-Notes T July 24, 1999 T PAGE 33 Moving to Qiarleston? acs Charles W. Smith, Broker in Charge 1629 McClain Street Charleston, SC 29407 Office (843) 571-3573 Mobile (843) 813-0352 FAX (843) 556-7790 Gay Owned and Operated Visit us on the web: www.csarealestate.com Home of the Tradesmen I email: TRADESMN@aol.com http://members.aol.com/ tradesmn/index.htm POBox 31654 (II|E MeIii LO^ Charlotte, NC 28231 Charlotte's Only Levi/Leather Bar fc Home of the Tradesmen 3707 Wilkinson Boulevard • Charlotte, North Carolina • Phone 399-8413 Friday. August B Tradesmen’s Nile Out Bears’ Nile Out Patio Bar Open! Fri., Sat. S Sun. Coming in October The Brass Rail’s 29*" Anniversary Bash 8 Fundraiser Check out The Brass Rail’s wsbsite: hometown.aol.com/brgaybarll/index.html email: brgaybarll@aol.com MONDAY I $1 -75 well drinks & $5 All you can drink Bud or Bud Lite TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY & $1.00 beer Pool Tourney $1.00 domestic beer SATURDAY & $1.75 well drinks (Top Gun) $50 prize - members only $1.75 well drinks Pool Tourney ($20 bar tab) PARTY NIGHTSI SUNDAY. Partners Pool Tourney ($50 Prize - members only) $1.75 well drinks; Brass Rail Cookout served at 6:30pm 1^12—* FREE Pool Mon-Fri 5-8pm • WelHit jparking Ipt