Q-NOTES • FEBRUARY 2 What Can The Charlotte Business Guild Do For YouP Network with Other Gay and Lesbian Professionals Build Your Business Form New Friendships Be an Active Member of the Community Find Business Resources Participate in Community Activities and Fundraisers Become a Role Model Learn Valuable Information from Interesting Bpeakers Gueete Are Welcome at All 3uelne00 Guild Meetln^e Every Wednesday Informal Social 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Hartigan’s, 601 Cedar Street HeMt Monthly Meeting Tuesday, February 19,2002 Social 5:30 pm/Dinner 6.30 pm Holiday Inn, 230 N. College St. (5llmp0C6 (rf the Gullded Age A Mint Museum Exhibit Dr.JohnPunn serving (Im (•»>' Anl Lesbian Communily Since 1982 For more information or reservations. call (704) 565-5075. or email businessgttiid@yahoo.com TRINITY Rappel through a ^ waterfall in New , Zealand. I Dive on the Great * Barrier Reef, Soar over the Rockies i in a hot air balloon. : Explore the crumbing i ruins of a forgotten : village in Tuscany. I We offer over 20 destinations, traveling j with small, frieridly gay | £md lesbian groups, i Please call for a free : catalog. Quote du Joun "If you are going through hell, keep going." — Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) Dear Wnity, . Recently, my 18 year old boyfriend and I (21 years old) were in bed together when his narrow minded, ex-marine father,, whom he lives with, caught us and threatened to kill me. Now, I have not heard from my boyfriend for days. I’m going insane! What can I do? Traumatized Winston-Salem, NC Dear Traumatized, Believe it or not in a few years this will be one of your favorite stories. But for now, you’re very shaken up. You should be! In the old days his father could have legally burned, hanged or impaled you with a spear. But today he’s got to learn to deal with it. So get some sleep! Your boyfriend will find you ASAP. Don’t try to reach him. It’s too dangerous! Let this experience settle in for both you, he and his father. Spend time with friends who can keep your mind occupied. And keep me posted! Dear Trinity. Tm a 37 year old woman, happily committed to my lover. I would not change a thing about my life. But once in a while I find myself fantasizing about being single and such. Should I feel guilty? Guilty Dreams TYenton, Nl Dear Guilty, Take your head out of your lap and put on a MAC or Maybeline face! It's absolutely normal AND healthy to fantasize about everything... and being single especially when your partner is late... I mean on a date... I mean when you both have been long time mates. Denying your thoughts is a big no no! It can cause physical and mental anguish! So be guilt free and dream on! But make sure dinner’s ready on time and the house is clean and the dog is fed and... Hello Trinity, You so often write about life, liberty and the pursuit of beauty and beautiful men. But when are you going to express your views on the POLITICS that affect our community? Politically Concerned Dayton, OH Hello Concerned, If truth be told politics makes my mascara run. Though, I may not often write my political views I do invest my money in those who fight for my rights! Trinitys Deposit Hey Trinity, I love the photo’s of you on your latest CD, “The Exciting Life”. You look gorgeous! Now, if Oprah and Vanna White can have their own diet tips why don’t you have yours? Thanks! Fit For Trinity Ottawa, Canada Hey Fit, Being in the limelight means staying fit for the camera. Every queen from England to Broadway knows that! So in between binges of Ben and jerry’s a few hints have always kept me camera ready. And they are: Trinity's Hearty, Healthy And Easy Hints To Diet & Story Fit 1. When you must have that triple-chocolate- mouse cake, sharing half the dessert equals half the fat. 2. Parking at the end of the parking lot means walking off a few extra calories! 3. Light beers or simple alcohol drinks have a hell of lot less fat than fancy fruit drinks or flavorful liquors. If. Dr. Atkins says, “When you feel hungry, you’re often thirsty. So drink a big glass of water!” 5. Grabbing some fruits & nuts is not just for fruits and nuts! 6. Getting a massage is equal to a seven mile brisk walk and works wonders! 7. Taking the stairs leaves plenty of elevator space for those less fortunate (or wearing stilettos!) 8. Diet sodas are fine if you’re on a Clinical Cancer Research Test but eight glasses of water a day will keep you at your very best! 9. Getting a good night’s sleep guarantees physical endurance, mental self assurance. 10. Lastly, pulling, pushing, lifting, throwing, bending and stretching is something I do all day long. So. cook-ercise, clean-ercise and work-ercise! Don’t let your questions go unanswered! tdl trinity web: www.telltrinily.com • ernioil: TrinitY@telltrinity.com moil: PO Box 1362 Provincetown, MA 02657-5362 Sponsored by: AGLA Americo's Goy & Lesbian Alliance