Wtmten’s History Month Q-Notes JUNE 86 JUNEOl i noted . notable . noteworthy GLBT issues 1993 • Employment protection for LGB in Columbia, SC • Unitarians ociopt pro-gay policy • NC Pride chooses Charlotte venue VOLUME . ISSUE 22 SINCE X9B6 WWW. q- NOTES. COM MARCH ±6 .2002 Q-POLL online: www.q-notes.com What did you think of “The Laramie Project” on HBO? choose one: Exceptional • Very good • OK • Didn’t see it The Gill Foundation awards NC centers North Carolina Community Centers are among seventeen US redpients by Margaret C. Maupin DENVER. CO — The Gill Foundation, committed to securing equal opportunities for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, announced it has made more than $750,000 in grants to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community centers throughout the country. The grants are part of the foundation’s “21 st Century Initiatives” project, which provides special support to three important sectors of the LGBT community: developing community centers in the non-urban United States, statewide advocacy organizations, and organizations serving urban people of color. The 21 St Century Initiatives community centers grants strategically invest money and technical assistance in centers that are new, emerging or transitioning to the next Cleveland strengthening the centers’ see GILL on 4 Tipper Gore headlines HRC gala Tipper Gore, Keynote Speaker (l), HRC Director Elizabeth Birch with Charlotte friends Gary Myerscough (c) and partner Armin Desch at HRC dinner in Cary, NC. by Bo Dean This year’s Human Rights Campaign dinner featured key note speaker Tipper Gore and was hosted by Scott Fowler who plays “Ted” on Showtime’s Queer as Folk. The fundraiser gala raised over $ 110,00 for the gay, lesbian civil rights organization and its statewide satellite programs. Over 650 people paid $175 to attend this year’s Human Rights Campaign dinner, held at the Embassy Suites in Cary, North Carolina, just outside Raleigh. “1 would have paid twice that to help with the work the HRC is doing” said one elderly gentlemen who shared his heartache and fear growing up gay in the South. The diverse crowd gathered to aid the HRC in its mission to fight for LGBT equal rights. A portion of the funds goes to the see HRC GALA on 18 Getting un-gay — love has nothing to do with It Ed. Note: love Won Out" is a oneday national conference sponsored by the fundamentalists, Focus on the Family, to“fix broken" gays and cure "lesbianism." by Brian M. Myer Over 800 people from 13 states attended the Love Won Out conference, sponsored by Focus on the Family and presented at the First Baptist Church, Charlotte on February 23. Organizers excitedly announced during the welcome that it was the most successful conference, in terms of sheer numbers, in the history of the organization. I was there as well. The press, and certainly the gay press, is not welcome at Love Won Out.“Media Wranglers” accompanied the media wherever they went and determined what and how much of the conference any reporter could experience. Media security During the welcome, |ohn Paulk — you remember, the doughy, ex-gay posterboy caught in a gay bar “just to use the bathroom” — told participants they were completely free to speak with the press, as long as they did not discuss Focus on the Family or any aspect of the Love Won Out conference. The warning hardly mattered. I spotted the media only near their check-in table. After check-in, they were evidently whisked away, cloistered from attendees and presenters so the flow of information presented could be rigorously monitored and controlled. Charlotte Mecklenburg Police officers were visible everywhere and all the time throughout the conference. 1 wondered how many city citizens were going unprotected so this handful of wealthy, white conference organizers and presenters could rest easy. The Homosexual Agenda battalion could hardly breach their holy of holies. In the presence of my enemies In preparation for the all-day indoctrination, 1 girded myself for the onslaught of malicious misrepresentations and stu pefying ignorance. Organizations like Focus on the Family, its founder Dr. lames C. Dobson nor his minions of misogyny and misinformation rarely get to me anymore. We have all become reluctantly accustomed. Being reviled by an entire segment of the world community is a fact of life, however, and so I refused to be engulfed by rage or crippled by their constricting life experience. Nothing prepared me for the children who were there ... to be indoctrinated and/or exorcised. Jamahl Jamahl’s mother was a woman with a kind face. As they registered, she gripped his muscular forearm with her soft, pudgy fingers in what appeared to be a gesture of reassurance. Her eyes were bright with excitement as though some light at the end of a long, dark tunnel see UN-GAY on 26