Q-NOTES • MAY 25 . 2002 noted . notable . noteworthy GLBT Issues Volume 17 • No. 1 • May 25, 2002 The Carolinas'most comprehensive Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender newspaper . Published every 2 weeks PO Box 221841 • Charlotte, NC 28222 704.531.9988 704.531.1361 FAX • www.q-notes.com Publisher: Jim Yarbrough • Editor. Art Director: Leah D. Sepsenwol ed1tor@q-notes.com Associate Editor: Lainey Millen editor@q-notes. co m Administrative Assistant: Brian M. Mye’r info@q-notes.com Production Specialist: Lainey Millen advertising@q-notes.com Distribution: Nolan Jones. Jeff Habbestad Advertising . Charlotte: 704.531.9988 Jim Yarbrough Brent James: adrep@q-notes.com Advertising . Wilmington: 910.793.3422 Bo Dean Advertising . National: 212.242.6863 Rivendell Marketing Co, Inc. GLBTQ Switchboards Etr needr^, or guifece cntsct the GLBIQ SAdtchbcard in icur area: NC; Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh Wilmington Win-Salem SC: Charleston Columbia 704-535-6277 336-855-8558 919-821-0055 910-762-0301 336-748-0031 843-720-8088 803-771-7713 t'fatadal in Q^ttes is ccR/ri^tsaiy Prirte RfciidTirg & '^pesetting © 2002 aid rra/ roC be rorcdxed in ary iraner wLclrut: \srictm onsgit of tjEphli.sharcr editcr. Aduertisas eaajie fi.tU re^xnsihilLty — end lisrefere • aU lidilily--fix fflojdrgrqrirt; panrossim fix ccari^tad ts4:, jiTstographs and iUistiaticre cr Ctadnacte pidid^sd in their a^. Tbs s0Lri oristatim of ad^d^ts, jJnrgc^iTBS, vritBS, carircnists ve phlirti is naithar irferiEd nx inpilisd. The cipaarcnce of lenes car photcgraphs does not indkEte tie aiTject's sbibI crista±n. Q^ttes nx its publidTa: aeajirs liAalLty fix t^pcgccjiikal orox cr onissim, fc^cnd affairgtnrm a ccriBCtkn. The views of this rewEfEpar are ©preead as edltixiais. Q-N±fis aco^es iTBdLkited edibxial, but caret tate lE^Tiihlity fix its rebxa Bilrr resarves the to axE^ ad rejax naetial as as eic fix dadty, brea^r. Alli^tsrewerc to aJirrs ipm p.fciLkHi-,jm. contributing writers ACLU, Aunt Lizzie, Wayne, Besen, Phillip Caston, Datalounge.com, J. Lynn Davidson, Bert Easter, Fayetteville Observer Times, Steven Goldstein, Dawn Hinshaw, Robert Kirby, Lambda Legal, Charlene Lichtenstein, Lainey Millen, Ed Madden, Miss Della, Brian M. Myer, Tim O'Neill, Amanda Pressley, Leslie Robinson, Leah Sepsenwol, Jason Serinus, David Stout, Trinity, David Williams, Jim Yarbrough on page one Charlotie Pride 2002 Why we march 6 6 12 4 11 15 15 6 11 21 17 7 7 22 25 31 • 20 31 27 25 21 33 37 38 30 8 • 38 39 1 13 3 10 29 articles Action Alert: Abstinence-only education Action Alert: Family Reunificaton Act Action Alert: Drug Warning Anti-gay amendment Birch gets honory doctorate Bathroom as legal battleground Being gay tough topic for roommates Domestic partners denied benefits Lesbian mom may sue to adopt NGLTF leader wins Stonewall Award Paternity hope for HIV men Ronda Shouse, activist, columnist Safe school forum Take Miami Back vs. Save Dade features Behind enemy lines, port 1 Book review: Guilty as Charged Charlotte Pride 18 • 19 Music on their own terms, part 1 Out, out garden and home lovers SC Business Guild gets the word out SC law still lagging Wanda Dee bghtsfans What's in a name? columns Business Cards 33.34.35 Classified Ads Curbside Cartoon Drag Rag Money Matters News Notes 33.34.35 Out & About Out in the Stars Q-Poll QFYI Q-Notes 15 Straight from the Lips Tell Trinity advertising deadlines issue: 08 June issue: 22 June issue: 06 July deadline: 05-31 deadline: 06-14 deadline: 06-28 lU fiC o 0) 3 (/) Mailed from Charlotte, NC; 1st & 3rd Class; in sealed envelope. Subscription rates - 1 yr - 26 issues; 1st = S48; 3rd = $28. 6 months -13 issues: 1st = $25; 3rd=$15 Make checks payable to Q-NOTES: Po Box 221841. Charlotte, NC 28222 YEARLY 26 issues: □ $48 / □ $28 • name: 1/2 YEAR 13 issues: □ $25/n$15 address: CITY STATE ZIP CREDIT CARD- CHECK ONE: □ MASTERCARD □ VISA □ DISCOVEP □ AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD #: EXP date: signature: • OUT OF THG PAST ElecHon results in NC a mixed bag Viatical companies targeted by state Pride march breaks records Nelson win big for State GLBTs The lead story in the December 1995 issue reported that Carrboro Alderman Michael Nelson was successful in his mayoral bid, defeating two opponents by a 2:1 margin. The victory kept Nelson as the only openly gay elected official in NC and one of five openly gay mayors in the nation. After his victory. Nelson reiterated his long held position that he is not a gay politician but a politician who happens to be gay, and credited his win solely to his stand on the issues. The same article revealed that Charlotte GLBT activist Sue Henry received two percent of the vote in her symbolic write-in campaign for mayor Henry joined the race just three weeks prior to the election to show her disappointment with both of the major party candidates. The effort and the vote totals were seen as a success by Henry and her supporters. A third article in the issue announced that Amnesty International, the world’s largest grassroots human rights organization, was set to kick off a major campaign to raise funds and awareness for its work on behalf of GLBT prisoners of conscience around the globe. Brothers Foundation closes The lanuary 1996 edition offered coverage of a public hearing sponsored by the NC Department of Insurance to discuss proposed legislation to regulate viatical companies that conduct business in the state. Representatives of the viatical industry expressed concern that stringent restrictions might drive companies out of the state and ultimately hurt the terminally ill citizens they were enacted to protect. Another front page story reported on the closing of The Brothers Foundation, Charlotte’s only AIDS service organization focused solely on housing. The article noted that the closing was a cost cutting measure and would not affect the agency’s two housing programs since each already operated independently to qualify for federal funds. ’ Candidates square off for big race February’s top story dealt with the choice facing GLBT Democrats in the upcoming Senate primary between Harvey Gantt and retired pharmaceutical executive Charles Sanders. The stakes in the race were high with the winner set to square off against powerful incumbent jesse Helms. According to the report, Gantt offered a better record of support on GLBT issues, but most believed that Sanders could mount a better challenge in the general election. The primary was scheduled for May. Additional articles detailed NC Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality Executive Director Kenda Kirby’s bid for a seat on the Durham County Board of Commissioners, confirmed that anti-gay men’s group Promise Keepers planned to hold a rally at Charlotte Motor Speedway in )une, and revealed that President Clinton had reluctantly signed the Department of Defense Authorization Bill containing a provision to remove all HIV-positive enlistees regardless of their health status. HIV bill builds strength Following up on the military HIV ban, in the March edition it was reported that a bill to overturn the measure was already gathering support in both branches of Congress with the President’s full endorsement. Also included in the issue was an exclusive interview with outrageous comedian )udy Tenuta — whose second album was titled Attention Butt Pirates and Lesbyterians — and a look at NC Mobilization ’96, a statewide campaign to help elect a GLBT-friendly senator to replace jesse Helms. Charlotte arts council embroiled in battle The lead article in the April edition detailed the compelling controversy that engulfed Charlotte Repertory Theatre’s production of the Tony-winning Angels in America and garnered national attention in the process. Anti-gay Rev. )oseph Chambers was outraged by the play’s themes — which include homosexuality, the AIDS crisis and mormonism — and sought to have it shut down by the Charlotte City Council and the Performing Arts Center board. In the end, and after some last-minute legal wrangling, the play enjoyed a sold-out run that shattered all box records for a Charlotte Rep production. HIV-positive military ban repealed Ending coverage that began a few editions earlier, the top story in the May issue announced that the ban against HIV-positive enlistees had been repealed by Congress. The repeal measure was attached to the Omnibus Rescissions and Appropriations Act which funds federal agencies. The bill was overwhelmingly approved. ■ Another story announced that the SC Pride March and Festival had set a record for attendance drawing 4000. QrNotes hits number 10 The june issue was a milestone for Q- Notes. It was our 10th anniversary issue, it inaugurated the change to a biweekly publishing schedule and it also featured a new logo and layout design. A lengthy front page feature from editor David Stout fondly recalled the paper’s past and optimistically anticipated its future. This tiiniing point is where ivc end oar year long look back. Wf hope you enjoyed these recollections as much as we did.