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SHGITTHRIUS • NOV. 23 - DEC. 22 The jolly Sun in your own proud sign encourages gay Arch ers to get Out there and make a name for themselves. However the Pluto/ Sun conjunction could give you the name "Schmuck.” Avoid rushing into new things or exacting change just for the sake of change, if you decide to toss a birthday party extravaganza, i advise wearing clean underwear and washing your neck. CRPRICORN • Dec. 23 - JRN. 20 Sun in optimistic Sag conjunct Pluto catapults you Out of your dank closet, ready or not. The volcanic change may make you feel a little wobbly at first, but you’ll soon regain your sea legs and set sail in the vast ocean of opportunity. Perhaps it's time to get involved with a great gay charity or community cause. Pile up those good karma points in time for the new year. RQURRIUS • JRN. 21 - FGO. 19 Aquecrians find comfort and conviviality among good pals and affirming social groups. The Sun in friendiy Sag makes your personal goals in sync with the group dynam ic. But Pluto conjuncts the Sun now and can set you off in social circles that become engulfing whirlpools. Maybe it’s time to reassess your position; Sag energy is liberating, is it time to strike a new pose? Prone?? Pisces • FCB. 20 - MRRCH 20 Sun in frank Sag gives you a loud, proud opportunity to demand your due professional rewards. But weigh your words carefully before you bleat, Guppie. It would be a shame to got noticed by the big bosses for being a carp rather than a rainbow trout. Pluto shakes up the landscape. Who knows; you could wind up on top of the heap. Let’s hope it’s not the scrap heap... RRICS • MRRCH 21 - RPRIL 20 Proud Rams-can take on the world when the brilliant Sun escapes into jolly Sag. But be careful not to bite off more than you can chew, tempting though it may be. Pluto conjuncts the Sun and turns cherry bombs into nuclear explosions, it’s fine to want to change the global landscape but avoid a scorched earth policy. Detonate cherries in the comfort of your own home. TRURUS • RPRIL 21 - HRY 21 Sun in zesty Sag liberates more than a few gay Bulls. Sexual heat is turned up high so set the oven on broil and see who eats. But be discerning in your choice of lovers, cousin; bruiser Pluto crushes the Sun and turns an ill con ceived choice into the date from hell. Try instead to take the slow and cautious route, at least.initially; Most of us prefer a slow and steady hand anyway. GCMINI • MRY 22 - JUNC 21 Life centers around relationships. Q.ueer Twins ache for a special mate and optimistic Sun in Sag enables you to connect with someone special. Remember though that as Pluto conjuncts with the Sun, passion may overshadow good gay sense. Don’t allow the naivete of generous Sagittarius to lead you down a primrose path. All give and no take makes friendly Gemini a schmiel. CRNCCR • JUNG 22 - JULY 2J Work goes much easier when the Sun bursts into ener getic Sag. Even onerous tasks go more smoothly. But be careful of climbing on that organizational treadmill, unpre pared, pink Crab; Pluto conjunct the Sun accelerates the speed from a jaunt to a dash. Also avoid overdoing it in the exereise department. You could overwork the wrong body part and who needs a slim jim? Leo • JULY 24 - RUGUST 2J Sun in jolly Sag encourages proud Lions to tap into their gay muse or hop on the train to Party Central. Hop on care fully, pal; powerful Pluto conjunct the Sun can toss you out at the next station. It would be a shame to trudge back home with your tail between your legs. However, if you approach fun things in life with a moderate outlook, who knows where your tail will wind up? VIRGO • RUGUST 24 - SGPT. 2J Sun in happy Sag shines in your home life. Queer Virgins can plan a redecoration or renovation now when confidence and satisfaction is high. But beware Pluto con junct the Sun; a minor home project could turn major. Knock down a wall and the ceiling could crash. This also goes for any latent family issues. Hold off on tete a tetes until after the lOth. Then speak proudly. LIBRA • SePT. 24 - OCT. 23 Chatty gay Libras find that their words have uncontrol lable power and frankness when Sun enters Sagittarius and conjuncts Pluto. Sag energy is so unbridled you’ll find that while you get your point across, it will be more like hitting someone with an anvil rather than your usual diplomatic feather duster. Heck, sometimes you have to shout it Out to get heard. (Avoid the extra Sag gas...) SCORPIO • OCT. 24 - NOV. 22 Think your finances arc under control? Think again, queer Scorp! Sun in Sag conjunct Pluto acts like a lunatic spendthrift wreaking jolly havoc with even the best laid bal ance sheet. Of course Sag plays hard and wins hard most of the time (and most of us like it like that). Don’t risk more than you can comfortably afford to lose but also keep in mind that life is too short to skimp. ®2002 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. info: www.AccessNewAge.com /Sfargoyzer for egreetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book "HerScopes; A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians" from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites. 48% - Cats 42% - Dogs What is your 6% - Fish preferred pet? 2% - Ferrets 1% - Other