Global Q-NOTES • APRIL 23 . 2005 J'.' ?■; t ':W Connie J. Vetter Attorney and Counsellor at Law 704'567'5530 Vamadore Building Charlotte I • 2718 Monroe Rd. Charlotte, NC 28205 ' ^704-374-1232 11 lOl'AOUStatavilieRd.; Huntersville, NC 28078 j 704W3959J _ Emaili lnpie9lnpm^ 1 wtnr.lupieicafe.coffl^ Come Visit Your Friends at GOOD OL’ DAYS The Arboretum 3351 Pineviile/Matthews Rd. 704.543.4100 Celebrating 25 ^ars RESTAURANT "The Place Where The Locals Eat” A Eamily Place 704-364-8755 705 S. Sharon Amity Road G(w Catholic community reflects on legacy of John Paul II Leaders look forward to more open, inclusive church by Richard Lindsay With the passing of Pope John Paul II, the world must begin to account for the legacy of an important and influ ential figure of the 20th Century. John Paul II brought a new day of hope for many, by his advocacy for the poor and for developing nations, for peace and for human rights. His pontificate, however, frequently left lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Catholics bereft of hope, and still waiting for the bright day of their full inclusion in the Church. The following are quotes from three leading American Catholic voices for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality on the legacy of John Paul II and their hopes for the future of the Roman Catholic Church. “The death of the Pope provides a golden opportunity for the Catholic Church to rejoice in his geopolitical accomplishments and take up where he left off in the achievement of justice among Catholics. Women expect the same free dom of choice Pope John Paul II urged for Cubans. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people deserve the same respect and freedom he championed for those who lived under Communism. Let that be his legacy." — Mary E. Hunt. PhD. Co-director WATER Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual “Pope john Paul II was a leader of deep piety and strong convictions. His moral leadership was heeded not only by Catholics, but by politicians, philosophers, and religious leaders throughout the world. “He was a man whose ideas were deeply formed by coming of age in his native Poland occupied first by the Nazis, and then by the Communists. These experiences of oppression inspired his deep concern for social justice. He will be remembered for his strong voice on human rights and dignity. "Unfortunately, his record on gay/lesbian issues is not as admirable. His 26-year pontifi cate was marked by an end to dialogue on many theological issues, including homosexuality. He closed the windows of renewal that were opened by Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council... “We pray for the repose of his soul, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will provide our Church with a leader who shares Pope john Paul ll's strong voice and moral courage, but who will provide us with a Church that is more open to dialogue, reconciliation, and gay/lesbian equali ty. Lesbian/gay Catholics and their families need a leader who offers a healing hand after john Paul’s pontificate which often caused them so much pain." — Francis DeBernardo Executive Director Nev/ 'Ways Ministry “While we join millions around the world in earnest prayer for the Pope’s eternal salvation and the future of our Church, we remember that this papacy has used harsh and derogatory lan guage such as ‘objectively disordered and intrin sically evil’ to describe gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people. Polls show that Americans wont a new pope who is less conservative than John Paul II. “This Pope led the Church in teaching dam- agng misrepresentations about the hedth and holiness of our loving relationships — calling them part of an ‘ideology of evil’ — and about the raising of our children while covering up the real abuse of children and related abuse of power by some of john Paul IPs brother bishops and priests. He also misused h'ls authority to slop fel low cardinals and bishops from speaking for the obvious moral good of using condoms in the pre vention of the spread of HIV. “We are saddened that john Paul II has left this life without having used his personal faith, intellect and authority to learn how God is speaking through GLBT people to spread the Gospel. “The Church’s teachings on sexuality and personal responsibility are arrested in a juvenile stage. They show neither respect for the moral development of individuals nor for Cod’s work in each of us in the development of our consciences and spiritual lives.... In this regard, ive believe (Vatican leaders) must fully inform their con sciences as moral lai\’ requires by seeking to understand the spiritual lives of GLBT Catholics, by considering the ongoing works of theologians and social science researchers knowledgeable about GLBT issues and relationships, and by exploring the genuine Gospel call of jesus Christ to love and Inclusion.” — Sam Sinnett President Dignity USA Dr. Maty E. Hunt, Sam Sinnett, and Francis DeBernardo are members of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Religous Leadership Roundtable. info: www.dignityuso org www.dignif/