DECEMBER 31. 2005 • Q-NOTES 2005 Year in Review comes out at a gay Pride rally July 30. At the time, Padilla’s disclosure makes this San Diego suburb of 230,000 the second- largest city in America with an openly gay mayor — right behind San Diego. Following his announcement Padilla told, “I’ve considered myself pretty out since about 1999 but I thought this was an occasion to put any questions to rest.” Qatar's Crown Prince outed LONDON, England — Al jazeera maga zine outs Qatar’s 25-year-old Crown Prince Tameem Bin Hamad Al-Thani in connection with an alleged altercation at one of,the U.K.’s most popular gay night clubs. The magazine, quoting a Qatar- based Islamic website, reports that the prince, heir to the throne of Qatar, and two other Qataris were involved in a bar fight at G.A.Y., a gay club in Soho. The trio, one of whom is described as Al-Thani’s partner, were reportedly barred from the club for 30 days by police for exchanging blows with locals, although no charges were filed. September Shaq 1, gay bashers 0 MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - In the early morn ing hours of Sept. 11 Miami Heat center Shaquille O’Neal (pic tured) is cruising through South Beach when he spots the male passen ger in a silver Honda harassing a gay couple walking down the street. The vehicle stops and the passenger jumps out and throws a bottle at the pair, striking one of them. O’Neal follows the car from the scene, flags down a Miami Beach police officer and reports the crime. Eighteen-year-old Michael Gonzalez is arrested for aggravat ed assault and assault with a deadly weapon. The driver is not charged. October TS priest widens Anglican schism LONDON, England — The Oct. 1 ordina tion of transsexual woman Sarah Jones (pic tured), 44, into the Anglican priesthood drives another wedge into the worldwide denomina tion at a time when it is already reeling from 2004’s election of openly gay Gene Robinson as the Bishop of New Hampshire in the U.S. The Evangelical Alliance, the conservative faction within the Church of England, con demned Jones’ ordination. Don Horrocks, a spokesperson for the Alliance, said, “There is absolutely no Christian acknowledgement... for a person to take charge of their own des tiny and to decide what their own sexuality is.” Boy George arrested for drugs NEW YORK, N.Y. — Eighties pop star Boy George (pictured) is arrested on drug charges in the early morning hours of Oct. 8 after police find in his apartment 13 plastic packets containing about an eighth of an ounce of cocaine. Authorities were responding to a 911 call from the British singer reporting that his home had been burglarized, although they found no evidence of it at the scene. George, whose real name is George O’Dowd, was charged with fourth- degree criminal posses sion of a controlled sub stance. He left for England the next ( is scheduled to appear in court on November Mayor protects TG city workers INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The rights of transgender city employees are protected by. executive order of Mayor Bart Peterson (pictured). The mandate is an amended version of the executive order he signed in 2004 banning discrimination against gay and lesbian municipal workers. The move is applauded by LGBT leaders. “Changes such as this have been need ed for a very long time and will make a real dif ference in the lives of so many people who are simply trying to make a living, support their families, and con tribute to the community,” said Leigh Anne Richards, president of the Indiana Ttansgender Rights Advocacy Alliance. Edited TV kiss sparics protest BRASILIA, Brazil — “America,” the nation’s most watched soap opera, drew record ratings in early November for an episode that was heavily hyped to contain a kiss between two of the show’s male leads. But Brazil’s first tele vised gay kiss never happened. The Globo Network initially told outraged viewers that the Idss was never in the program, but two days later, after the show’s producers revealed that the scene had been filmed, officials admit ted that it had been edited. Hundreds of out raged gays and lesbians staged a kiss-in at Brazil’s capitol building in protest. December 'Dykes' receive U.S. trademark SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — A group of lesbian motorcycle enthusiasts wins its year-long battle with the U.S. Patent and Ttademark Office. After being turned down three previous times. Dykes on Bikes suc cessfully take its fight to the T-ademark THal and Appeal Board who decide that the group’s name is eligible for trademark ing. The Trademark Office kept rejecting Dykes on Bikes’s application because they deemed the word “dyke” to be offensive. The group argued that it is a reclaimed pejorative that has become a term of pride. Gay prisoners hove sex rights BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — By court order gay prisoners in the central province of Cordoba gain the right to conjugal visits from their partners. The ruling stems from a case brought by a prisoner who was punished with solitary confinement after twice being caught having sex with his vis iting boyfriend. Judge Jose Maria Perez Villalobos ordered the province’s prosecu tor, Miguel Rizzotti, to investigate the situ ation. Rizzotti concluded that it is illegal to deny gay inmates conjugal visits and Judge Villalobos agreed. Gay prisoners can also have sexual relationships with other inmates they claim to be involved with. The Legend of Selena! • • • *1000• • • 1000 Seaboard St. • Charlotte, NC 704-332-0998 Check out for other events Directions N. Graham St. & 10th St. Behind the Circle K Turn Right on N. Smith St. Follow it until the end & bare right The Club is on the right. Aiternate Directions (if train is stopped) Go back to the Circle K. Turn left on Graham St. Left on Statesville Ave. Left on Oliver. Right on Spratt. Right on Polk. Left on Hamilton. The Club is on the left, parking on the right. Friday January 20 2006 Live iiiusionist from Las Vegas Located in the NC Music Factory in Uptown Charlotte