not too eorLy to register to vote! Ferron performs In the CaroHnas 30 Bush appoinfs Log Cabin gay to AIDS council 11 Stacheiberg leaves HRCforCAP 15 Netherlands to deport gay Iranians? 18 North Carolina: Time Out Youth announces conference 06 South Carolina: Linda Ketner resigns from SCEC 08 ONLINE Q.POLL www.q> .yes .no Next Issue: Dining In & Dining Out Q-Living: Spring garden dmel noted . notable . noteworthy GLBT issues VOLUME 20 . ISSUE 23 SINCE 198« WWW.Q-NOTES.COM March 23 Candidates call for gay executions Candidates far Texas governor and Ohio Senate both advocating death penalty far homosexuality by Mark Smith WASHINGTON, D.C. — If this wasn’t so offensive it might be a little comical. Seems there are two candidates in two separate states running for office — and both of them are advocating death sentences for gays and lesbians. In this year’s Ohio elections Democratic Senate Candidate Merrill Keiser wants to make homosexual behavior a capital crime punishable by the death penalty. Keiser is a trucker with no political expe rience, but he hopes to beat a fellow Democrat in the May primary. The winner will try to unseat Republican incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine, assuming he wins the GOP primary. “Just like we have laws against murder, we have laws against stealing, we have laws against taking drugs — we should have laws against immoral conduct,” Keiser told WTOL-TV in Toledo. Keiser also says there needs to be more adherence to biblical values in government, business and education. In an interview with the Fairfax-Va.- based radio talk show “The Edge," Keiser told the show’s host he favored execut ing Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary Cheney and British rock artist Elton John because they are gay. During the interview, Keiser said Elton John was, in fact, “worthy of death.” When pressed if he would have Mary Cheney killed, he said, “how else would you do it?” if you wanted to follow a law that Keiser indicated he would con sider proposing if elected to the U.S. Senate. “I am happy we were able to expose the truth about this man and his beliefs,” said “Edge” host Chad Larson. “It shows that there is still extreme homophobia in this world and that we still have a long way to go before we can say we have achieved equality.” In Texas there’s independent governor hopeful Larry Kilgore. Setting the stage for his 2008 bid, Kilgore has already made his ideas for the future of the country readily available on his website. ' “My first priority as gover- 1$ ol' sparky in the future for gays? Ohio Senate candidate Merrill Keiser (left) and Texas governor hopeful Larry Kilgore say they support gay execution. nor will be to submit to Biblical law given to us by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. My job, according to 1st Peter 2:14, will be to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.” In a section of the website where he defines the various issues, we have a chance to see Kilgore’s outlined punish ment system for dealing with “those who do wrong.” • 1-40 lashes for crime of maliciousness, like graffiti, porn, strip clubs. • Execution for crime of mur der including abortion. (Exodus 21:12, 21:22-23) • Execution for crime of adul tery. (Leviticus 20:10) • Execution for crime of homosexual acts. (Leviticus 20:13) While most voters are see ing these two as crackpot, fringe lunatics, the question remains — if they were speaking out against other minorities — would they be arrested for death threats? Former Jesse Helms protege nabbed for refund scams Anti-gay Republican Claude Allen also Bush administration qffidal by John Marble and Donald Miller On March 13 it was revealed that Claude Allen, a Republican activist, for mer George W. Bush administration offi cial and former Jesse Helms aide, was arrested for theft and accused of con ducting refund scams at several big-box retailers, including Target stores in subur ban Maryland. According to the Montgomery County Police Department, Allen purchased $5,000 worth of goods from Target and Hecht’s stores and stowed them in his car. He then returned to the stores with receipts, took identical items off store shelves and demanded refunds for them. In another odd development, Allen also reportedly suggest ed that his wayward twin brother Floyd — a former pro football player — might b>e responsible for the shoplifting. While media reports have focused on Allen’s positions held within the Bush Administration and White House, Allen is also known as a chief architect for anti-gay policy for the Bush administration and within Republican circles. see ANTI-GAYon 10 A According to the Family Research Council, Claude Allen was a chief author of the anti-gay planks that were central to the 2004 Republican Party notional platform. A soldier's story Lost friends and found chemicals Editor's Note: These ore the thoughts of a gay soldier — a North Carolina native — who has been deployed to Iraq. Because of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, he must remain anonymous. This past week, a near and dear friend of mine was murdered in Baghdad, shot three times as he exited a store in a local market. He worked right alongside me day in and out. He will be terribly missed by all of us — his memory and work ethic will live on in my heart forever. Some interesting information has sur faced in recent days about Saddam Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction that were the initial impetus behind this incursion. Stories are floating about regarding the possi ble involvement of Syria, Iran — and maylse even Russia — In the hiding of arsenals prior to the start of the war. Recently traces of three chemicals were found on equipment located on the premises just two miles see SOLDIER'S on 14