APRIL 8.2006 • Q-NOTES Q-Living 21 Although Esera had an older, gay brother named Uia, the two weren’t espe cially close. Indeed, their mutual sexual orientation was more of a wedge than a common bond. TUa died of AIDS in 1992 at age 29, and his younger brother still deeply regrets that they didn’t communi cate more. However, the most poignant aspects of ‘Alone in the Trenches” are Tuaolo’s lone liness and overwhelming fear of discovery while playing in the NFL. “My success tor mented me,” he admits. “The better 1 did, the more exposure I received. The more exposure, the greater the chance of some one discovering my secret. ...The stress nearly killed me.” Although he rarely encountered direct homophobia, the atmosphere of machismo, testosterone and presumed heterosexuality was debili tating. “[Elvery day, I walked into the fear. The fear that if I slipped up, said the wrong thing, looked at another naked player too long, got an erection in the shower, I’d get outed — and then they would hurt me.” Tuaolo reluctantly dated women to maintain the illusion of hetero sexuality, but often drowned his sorrows with shots of tequila. More than once, he considered suicide. Then in 1997, he met Mitchell Wherley. The two men hit it off immediately, but a long-distance relationship, com bined with Tbaolo’s many issues (some stemming from childhood sexual abuse), made things extremely difficult at times. Eventually, Tltaolo retired from football (his stint with the Carolina Panthers would be his last), partly due to injuries suffered over the years, but mainly because the strain of keeping his rela tionship a secret was tearing it apart. Tuaolo doesn’t pretend that he and Mitchell are the perfect couple, but his love for his husband and their two adopted children (Michele and Mitchell, Jr.) comes across quite clearly. Tuaolo and Rosengren’s writing style is simple and straightforward without being simplistic: it’s geared toward read ers of all levels. Sports fans will enjoy the sort of insider knowledge that can only be gleaned from nine years on the grid iron, while gay readers will identify with his conflict at having to hide his true self. There’s very little swearing, and most sex takes place offstage. Nor does he go into detail about the adoption procedures of their two children; they simply pop into the proceedings as if by magic. Also, he doesn’t hide his devout Christian faith, and frequently takes right-wing Christians to task for their intolerance and the hatred they spread in the name of the Lord. With disarming candor and a good deal of hopeful optimism for the future, Esera Tuaolo has scored big-time with a winningly well-done autobiography. He may not have won a Super Bowl, but he has nonetheless achiev^ victory in living a happy, openly gay life. Info: 'Alone in the Trenches; My life os o Gay Mon in the NFL' by Esera Tuoolo with John Rosengren Sourcebooks, Inc. $24.95 Gre thike ▼BIKE ▼DIVE ▼DREAM! ; Choose your ,1 favorite activity, pick an exciting destination, and join us for a vacation you'll never forgec mmmm Spring Salon - Open Daily www.lymaneyerart.com 432 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657 phone 508-487-3937 lymaneyer@aol.com I-800-82S- ^Speedy, PRINTING • COPYING • DIGITAL NETWORK Fastf Friendly and Courteous Seruice Printing»Typesetting»High Speed Copying • Binding • Notary • Invi tations • Laminating • Resumes • Business Cards • Full Color Copies • Rubber Stamps • Holy Union Announcements • MUCH MORE! 301 North Caswell Road (Across from Mercy Hospital, comer of 5th St.) Jake's House Chuck Anzalone A4ysf/c Pear Bill Chisholm Free shipping on many paintings! Online Auctions • Open Year Round The Lyman-Eyer Spring II Online Art Auction April 13-27. Click and Bid Now. Visit the Lyman-Eyer Gallery at www.lymaneyerart.com Visit the Now Voyager Bookstore for over 1,250 CLBT titles online at www.nowvoyagerbooks.com. mawa Glass studto andGallerv 349 Commercial St. Provincetown MA 02657 www.taqwaglass.com 508.487.9180 Taqwa Glass Studio introduces "Pride Glass." Elegant stained glass panels in rich rainbow colours. From meditative "Rainbovy Mandalas" to "Chakra" panels to simple "Beveled Rainbows" these windows capture the sun and give you PRIDE in your windows. We invite you to shop in Provincetown online! We are glad to send photos of our work. Wefcome to Provincetown and idawa Ginss StuHo!