NON-STOP IDEAS. creative print design ■ internet design ■ branding ■ advertising Call today for a complementary creative and marketing review. ideas^uai^ Charlotte's Creative Agency ■ 704.940.5720 Need a new Comfort Zon LEGAL Dena Paysour and Lisa Steves 704-334-5959 team@) "buying or selling - your living space" Your Home, Your Living Space Civil rights defender turns 70 fhxn page I 1980 • New York high court strikes down sodomy law {People v. Onofre) 1981 • Defense of San Francisco gay weekly paper against libel suit filed by police 1982 • Suit for Bereavement Leave for San Francisco gay man whose partner died Brinkin v. Southern PcCdfic) 1983 • Privacy defense of membership lists of gay rights organizations involved in a boycott {Solidarity v. Coors) 1984 • U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Oklahoma law targeting teachers who support gay rights {NGLTF v. Oklahoma) 1986 • U.S. Supreme Court upholds Georgia sodomy law {Bowers v. Hardwick) 1987 • Court requires Catholic university to recognize gay student group {Gay Rights Coalition v. Georgetown University) • U.S. Supreme Court rules disability discrimination laws apply to people with contagious diseases, including AIDS {School Board v. Arline) 1988 • Challenge to Dannemeyer Initiative, which would quarantine people with AIDS {California Medical Association v. Eu) • Federal courts rule that federal law protects people with AIDS from discrimination {Chalk V. District Court, Doe v. Centinella Hospital) 1989 • Federal court overturns discharge of gay man from the miMUry {Watkins v. U.S.) • New York courts recognize gay families {Braschi v. Stahl Associates) 1990 • Consent decree establishes prisoners with HIV have right to equal treatment and access to prison programs {Gates v. Deukmeijian) In 1957 the ACLU Ginsberg’s “Howl” ty charges for gay • CIA agrees to stop discriminating against gay employees {Dubbs v. CIA) 1991 • Minnesota courts recognize domestic part nership in guardianship case (In Re: Kowalski) • California court overturns Concord anti-gay rights initiative {Bangle v. City of Concord) 1992 • Kentucky Supreme Court strikes down sodomy law {Commonwealth v. Wasson) • New York courts allow adoption by gay part ner (Adoption of Evan) 1995 • Virginia court gives custody to boy’s grand mother over objections of lesbian mom {Bottoms V. Bottoms) 1996 • Federal court rules FBI illegally fired San Francisco doctor with HIV who conducted physicals on agents {Doe V. Attorney General) • U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Colorado constitutional amend ment which would have prevented lesbians and gay men from being protected by civil rights laws. {Romer v. Evans. Co-counsel with Lambda Legal) Federal Defense of Marriage Act enacted 1997 • South Carolina drops its ban on insuring people with HIV (Doe v.SCH/P) • Federal court strikes down state law against lesbian and gay student groups {GLBA v. Alabama) • New Jersey becomes first state to expressly authorize joint adoption by gay couples {Galluccio V. New Jersey) • U.S. Supreme Court strikes down law restricting gay materials on the internet {ACLU V. Reno) 1998 • Federal court in Utah reinstates lesbian high school coach {Weaver v. Nebo School District) • Federal court in New York upholds “Don’t defended Allen against obsceni- content. Jim Goodwill Reattor/Broker. U.S. Army Colonel (Ret.) (704) 526.8729. mobile turban realty 12 JULY I .2006*Q-NOTES