SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE SECTION .TRIBUTETO JIMBAXTER &THE FRONT PAGE S-3 Guts. Persistence. Inspiration. Love. Thanks, Jim, for all that. And, for everything else you’ve taught. Don King Student !Beloved Jim Baxter, Troctdvm^ Cfmst 4 rI ‘Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant!’ Matthew 25:21 ^ T; ' ' 30 years Sti; John's Metropolitan Comnuinity Church (MCC) I j : ' ;? was already here. ^ Jim Baxter ■ _ ■ The Independent Weekiy, June 22,2005 With Love, Qod, Jesus, 'Rev. ReCva y, Roone, Rev. JVayne Lindsey, 'Rev. June JJorris (Ret), St. Johi’s founders; JViCCie y^fiiie andR^Bert 'Pace, and the thousat^s ofpnpnBers, friends and attendees of St. Johns MCC whose fives have Been touched and forever transformed By your great work. RuiOLmg Community... In ] 979, JimpBaxter ^ .V j was speaAilading an ^effort toxonnect * North CarQ^ina's LGBT con^unit)| on a statewide &e| creating The front ^age\ i ^ *1 d Echelon iMagaT^ne, Ma 'Transforming Lvve^ !. 805 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 834-2611 http://www.stjohnsmcc.org Rev. Belva Y. Boone, Pastor tjfe MCC. T CT lOHM’C MPTROPi ST.JOHN’S METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Jim Baxter... joined thf Washington, DC, Gay Activists’ Alliancfe in 1971, was jn charge of the NC Human Rights Fund during the mid-eighties and Jim helped organize the regional Gay. Men's Health Summit in 2001 that drew over 100 participants.