The Real Girl page 18 Noted . Notable . Noteworthy. LGBT News & Views Volume 23 .Number 18 January 10.2009 Printed on Recycled Paper FREE •I’'*' 1-1' , I ' ■ ••;—•.•••*•. . ••;" "-V'-c ^ M.' *: ■ fi' •' * r 1 /■ ■:■. .-■:■■■ :y -.'V Q-Notes readers share their thoughts, goals, expectations for the new year H ave you bought new calendars yet? 2008 was just too fun. Didn’t you just hate to see it pass? A new year is upon us now and with it comes expectations, New Year resolutions and goals to achieve, for ourselves, our community, our nation and the world. Q-Notes asked readers and community mem bers and leaders to share with us their expectations for 2009. Their responses and prognostications run from personal goals to new hopes for LGBT community achievements. Some are forward-thinking, positive and idealist. Others are re^istic and practical. Take a look at what these readers had to say and add your voice to the mix at www.q-notes.eom/2009/01/10/what-2009-will-bring/. I,-.' V -V. • i .' 2008 on TV The good and the bad page 19 M Old or new? EarthTalk on car buying page 16 see Goals on 10 SEX, DRUGS, CHOLESTEROL... (Check out our full page ad on page 14 for more info!)