. 'i by CANNON & SPENCER. I ! i Weekly Family NcwspiperDeT'otcd to National and State PomieC LllcrMure, Markets, Dome and Foreign Intellgence. Ac. I TWO DOLLARS A Y EA R SALISBURY, N. C TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1856. Nmber 4. Volume 4. ' ; I ' i .- . H 1 I ' OFFERS his professional services to the ptjb . lie; His OSes i on Water st.,to doors below J.F. Chambers Store. " i " : ' Salisbury; May 17,1853. ' . 1 tf-. d is. cii a wi.Esjr.lpo WE ; f H AVING permanently located in, Salisbury, respectiuUy tenders bis nrofesioiial service to the public, .Utpce uowanjs uric row -Salisbury, An. 27Uh 1855, i tfU farMILO-A J. ROSEMAN AXEGViAK; GRADUATE IN ajEDIClKE, STAGE, HOUSE. Tthe Rowan HotiseiskepttheStage Office t for C. LUCAS & Co e Line ot tUVK HORSE STAGE CO A CHESjrom Salu-btU ry to C ha r hut e, and from Sa lisbu ry to Da n v il le Richmond and Petersburg, Va., via Lexington Jamestown ami Greensboro: ; .i ' t Also for P. Warlick'sjineof Stages to Mor ; ganin, N. C.and for the Raleigh line by way of Ashboro'and Pittsboro'. ' -i - Mty 17. 1853. l-"' ' hA" tf'1 r - AS nprmanentlv located it hi a fathers,three l til IC9 f cri v i . . - f -W-C ifulfy offer bi fto&ssi&TUil Service le I be -pCiw ESELlilOTTi r(I.atoAf, Vorth;&- EUioC FaVettevIIle, -TS . c:) AND j. FORWARDING MERCHANT. ! WILMINGTON, N. C. f Orders for JJerchandize, and icoi.pignmetitpof iF'nrand other lToduce, lorsaws or sinpnicin, lhaiikfiilly received and promptly, at en.tpa lo. Juoel.lSoa. i inn ly. :IM.1:.;BMILSF0RUL Commission- Merchant 'and agent for i t B a 1 1 lin o i re & P Ii i 1 l 1 1 P kels. f T IBCUAL advances niade on Coiiinnieti 1j 0e Produce to mv adtlrees for sale, , t - . - - Charleston, S. O, Sept. 11, ISoo. lo--iy fs LDowelllU A Rogers,! W D Dowcll ' . f t i . . . H' t-i i of Alabama. oi rionua. oi" Goorgia. .' i ; i GRAND LECTURER. I tEXANDER MURDdCIl EqJ of Salt. huryr has bceo. apjMjinted GrandXerturpr, i'.r tKa fJ ra Mil 1j. (I trr fit' i ao'ni. in the Western District of Nort h Carolina. . ! i tf. HAS reilioMd to ShU Office at hisireidence where he willLe hannr to receive proles sional or personal callls from his friend?. Ni 1$. There are many person indebtedso ine by account, and iave been for several year;t I would earnestly urjre all such lo call land make wettleraent, which tii'urt be done by AIy Court, ele I shall hmk out for a collector, Jan. tf), 1856. ; 1 ! 33 tf. BRYAN & OLDHAM, . . . j AND . ; ! Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON N. CV 1 y..52. pd. J i - 1' j ir. S. RIJEVES n iVlNG pertnanently located in Salisbury, offers his profesioijal services to the pub- ''COffice, 2 d.rs" below Benj. Julian'! Store. " May G, 1856, : M I f7lt The committee on resolutions reiterated and affirmed t he Baltimore Platform of 1852, togeth er with the following resolution?- jy Wfterea Since 'the foregoing-declara--tionas uniformly adopted by our predecessor in National Conventions an adverse pohticaluJ religious test has been secretly Jorjran.zcd by, party clai mi n2 to beiexcluively AmerKy.n.1, r-n. it is proper that the American Democracy sbouW clearly define its relations thereto; therefore,; ; , ltrLlved. Tur be foundation :f. tUta uqton of Slates having been laid in fls prosperity ex, pansion.and premttieHt example tin free goy-r erninent, built aponi. entire Ireeuom tn maef? ni ''miicrmim eoncernVand no respect of peo in retanl to rank or! place of birth, tPrtjfin be deemed national, consijtunnnai y w accordance with AincrjcaH. principle vv'iucn nr : . ' ;!..:.. .;.tirQni7jlinn Ditlrell2tMtl .uJnSniia d arcirteiital Uirui place. - f"Tit 'tveeiterat with reueWed nergyrt I tuirpose tlKi net) consiuerea utri- - -oier bouventiwis ' np.ti the sectional issue f ao inetic slavery a nd. concerniutr the reversed rights of the Slates; and that ve-may (more distinctly ineet the: isue on which a secjtional party, subsisting I exclusively on slavery jagita. lion; now reiies lo test ' the fi.Ieijiy of the peo ple. North and ! South, to the CuiistituUon and the Lninii : i I .. .. J , . Resolved, That r?.iminir fellowship W ana desiring the co-operation ol all who regaiu ine preservation of thej Union uuoer me c n..u tion as the paramount issue, and repudiating all sertional parties ami piauorHis ... c. mystic slavery, which seek to embroil the btates and incite to treason': and armed resistance to law in the Territories and whose avowed pur. nosee. if consummated,' must end in divil war and disunion, the American democracy reotf 1 From the Albany Switch. BUCK AND BRECK. Buck and Breckaretouf candidate?, We'll carry theni in by storm The poor Whigs under tbe name of 'Pubs, ? Will ne'er do us any harm, " ' Will ne'er, &c : . ; i '' We'll get the South, we'll get the North. - We'll carry the East and West; V' ,The Know.Nothing kuavps may pour their 'Troth, i .: ' We'll beat them Jo thejr best. - 'i We'll beat, &c 4, " ' .- i1 ' Z Fillmore and Douelson do their best. i - uan never carry aowic -,Ii-rriiiwLb, Pastier WesJ, Defeat nuet-be therr-fite , 1 Defeat inust, &.c. i ' -' An4 should the Pubs produce a man, He certainly will be beat, McLean. Fred Douglas, or A. Mann, , He'll snrefy get into a jheat. . He 11 surely, &c. Goodbye to the Whigs i' I Take a cigar gentlemen ? 0f course torches for twelve. " , The torches, were produced. The twelve partook of torches, and then left for the pur pose of walking off the effects of that last bottle ?' S The next day morning found Mr. Bailey in the House as usual. Amoni the letters he re? ceived was one from Mr. Monroe, of Steuben, urging him to watch 'that cussed bill,' should Oneasy and restless, ravelin about faster than a raierodevbut nevel reaching any wheres in pertickeler. ; Kinderloominated Peter Rugs. Mighty onsartin, ther ar, cant be depended on. Father Alilter Ineaged one to do a peiS tickeler job iii 43, bat it probably got better terms soraewhe're else an that ere job remains ondone to this day, f ' I But nov, jsays Jeras, we comes to consider their tails. Them, safs he, is rale numerous. it be sprung upon the iiouso during ms ao Talk about ihe mooul wondrous tale t YVby seuco.-- While Mr. Bailey was reading that the ta;;$ 0f aitilhe pQeU ;Q thecideral hear- BAILED FANATICISM. QUAIL ANU A LEGISLATIVE SKETCH. i most influential members in the Legislature. 1 He sneaks with the point. Mr. Ir. Baily is one of the n ise and adopt the principles roiitaiiiejl in the &t flUency, and always to uriranic lHWHeSlabl.hinMheierrn.neo, x.n- . ... f i ji. f -is 60UI1U I tj -J9- T . . . ,i rv i ,h n d nm km v 1 1 1 is liic; ui n t u,ul ,ff. solution 'ofi the shivery question uion fends, and takes ground, early and: decisively which the great national idea of the People of y . fc measurt;S -which in .SrS'M oZrr mSrence I, upon th inheritance vonchiafcd U us by the by C uorress with slavery in States ajid Tern- t great principles of Nine -Eight." Mr. Baily's tories; that this was the basis oi u.e ompro- . fl combined with his great good na- fin-n j-.i Im Kntli thi ilfliiiocratic luav-'iVj w . a & ; . ii.isc oi lew, COHUI..HCU u, : -i . .if '- XM MnU i niivpiiiinii!-raLiDeu tirA a nil smamu- uiauucis, ijjh a. a unu - ihuv, and whig p;Tties in national 52. and right- DO WELL, ROGERS &, CO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCII IXTS r : ANU SlIIFl'lNO AGENTS, IVOKTII AT LA ST I C WHARF, .;" J; ' cIIAUUTON, s: O: j ; facilities for selling New Clothing Store. WW PurstNT rreat ICOTTON. aii.l cspecr.illV "ri.-ii, k'OKN. and DUA1KSHU riiuuuc.. ye ' fiuke arfrtnsrements wtth our interior irieou .o transact their husiiK-ss at the very lowest rate ji.f charest and pled-e ourselves to prolnptftebs in every transaction. . L . -f i ;i anii . AiU-,irPH made on Consisrnments. . . . i I iil llf Oil f""J ...:..,. 1,nHiiPvni'i:iVR' r-r. 1S55. A 1: . , j .: 5 . -1 1 !. Is- ; : . . : - y 5 i Strict oer-onal aitcut Min to the interests ol oui alron.sand your -favor" anJ inlluence-tcspefct- luily solicit c I in-: 11 EST J Sej.l. 25, IMUEFFER & HENDR1X, "I COMMISSION MERCHMTS I PflllTllESALEOF ; jTtnr, Grain, Produce Generally. . CUAliLESTON, S. 0; TIM IE MibscriVers'liave opened in the town of A SaliKbury, at the Mansion Hotel, a large assortment of ! I! RHADY-MAnK CLOTHING and Gnniliiicu Furiii'!!. ods. . . in f t 2 We reectfullv invite the cilizns ot .aiiMmry aud 1 he s:-irfoun(lin? counlry to "ive iw a call.as we filter o'urlves ti.at we are able to .vo en- t re satisfaction 'o ati -j , " . . ,, , i L .. thinks iciihe oatrntta-e. v e remm ui v.-.. ciHzen.TorS.llH.ry.lfor .he fl itter.n am.rec.a- liou we have receive!; and nope uyitn plication to business to merit a coit nance ot the tame, j : .. , Jaw. 8.185C" "". " ' V. S. LuoinemIr Hie lansion Hotel. I ission of new States, with iavery, as thev "ihay elect. 11 . 1 w.iA ...til t r t a all 1 ue oiac 1. . r i..ti-t 1 oi nrnriiiui colliuacis 01 ihc .rxi, -0 - v. I August. 9. 1S55. 11 ly. LA1T0N I CO. U lla ml ami Se 11 1 si a il Cotton ' AND KICK V bv the people in the election of aj .(I't.i the opjaniziliou ol termtones m ia . ii.r. hv ilipl iinifurin ai)i)licaliiln of this i...;.rratir. nrinciiile to the orraui? Jlipii ot ter r , ntories and Ihc aum or without ihiinfsiic the equal rights of .prrvil iittact. the constitution maintained inviolate, and the per petuation and expansion of this UnioA ensured lo' lis Ut and harmo nay be con form .f iTOTprnmentl Relied. That'vve recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, includi ings wouldn't! make comic and ne for a fust rate wild Icl Longer thanjthe roagoetic paragraph wider than Sebago pond , they stretchca aout over tbe1nniversI kanerpy in the unlim ited nugacity of either, now aweepin down rnnoag the elongate clocayitfes of diurnal con vexities andagin oleTaaTanill lost in the grate bvperionli ; ;'! J ernes ' wa$; so usell up by this ' peroration that he had, to be cacried home onla cheer. . as This morning,! however, . he was- as well could be expected, anfl ef convalescence don't sdto-ht after by jail kinds of people. Among the strangerswbo called upon him on Monday last, was a Mr. Monroe, from Steuben county 'Mr. Baily, 1 believe?' ' Yes, sir take a seat.' 1 have called on you j Mr. Baily, for the pur ose of obtaining your influence in defeating &- CO. :jo tf. KNOW ALL MEN BY T PRESENTS THA I HESE f. " . . 'n .- ; FORWARDING'Si COMMISSION NEAR THE POST OFFICE," j . . i CHARLESTON, S. C. i -I AGENrS FOR Various Newspapers, and ftake Subscriptions, &c,J Paper Factories Flour iMills, Brown's S. I. Gins, C. Brown & pb s haw kj'ms, Lumber M ills. Tobacc Factories, Lotig korth's Campa2ne, Spirits Teniilie DirfU. -; a lart- toll .CORN. PEAS, WHLAl , lOATS, RYE, &c. iimderate rates. J Nov. 20 Will collect .Drafis, &:cal 24 riimicsiniiH Merchant. ! .!'-' ' most capacity of embractugj in peace a H which the? fan atic$ of fetuben have just nonj'.everylluluie American State that un for the purpose of cicuuiscribing our ronsiiiuled or annexed wilh a republican ... . .. V , j i nod Nebraska, acting through the faitjlv expres- jtd will of the. majority of actual res fies it, to form a constitution, with glomes) ic slavery, ion ttpott - term oi er Siatf ijr Kansas- Sunday privileges. 'What is that'T ;h-f.IiA T-po-IslntHrb to nasa a lull X i V-J 11 sow . 5? ' A dents, and autborizing the board of supervisors to pass a w lien'ver the nu bier of their "inhabUatits justi- iw matinfr it a penal otfeuce; to drive past, a rf wiihtiut a.ld be Admitted ink, theTJi.: Uhureh dunug divnie service,, except in pur- perfect cinnanty with thejthj. J.ailLoL!UB the people, Object letter, a messenger tapped him on the arm : t .' A man wishes to see you in the lobby1.' Mr. Bailey dropped the letter and went in pursuit of the gentlemen. j . What do you with, a"rr ! Cbangfor that r hurdred dollar, bill you gave Capt. Knight last night Hendricksou says its a counterfeit. , ' ' Not possible.' 'It ishrt anything else.' ! ' 'Tell the Captain, I will call and adjust matters after the llouse adjourns.' " The gentleman replied, 'very well, sir,' and 1 set iu he'll be about ia a day or two. lett. Alr 15. was, ot course, as good as his M 1 Ethan Spikes. wordA He called upon the Captain, redeemed the bill, and then commenced a series of in- THE OLD COUUTllOUSE JS NO MORE. quines in reration to the private history of 'Mr. ' Her magnificent cqpola has been desposed, .- Monroe, of Steuben.' On inquiring of the her roof thrown dow, and her walls are fast members, he was told that no such a society seeking the level of tae terra Jirma on whi;h as the j'Sieubcn Anti-Fanatic Association' was they stand, illjepaf bed and venerated temple in existence, neither was thertj any such law of justice, w"e bid youl an eternal farewell No spoken of as the Sun Jay statute referred to longer shall you stand as a terror, to the evil by Mr. Monroe. Mr. Bailey scratched his ear or as a praise to those who do well ; but like and said, in an under tone, 'Sold, by; thunder.' the fleeting vanities df time your, speedy dis- Mr. Baily immediately repaired to the Police solution serves. to remind us of the fact, that i OfBce and entered a complaint. A warrant here we havp.no constant abiding placet f was issued for Mr. Monroe's i arrest? It was Once thp seat of jtfetice for Rowan County : handed to officer Whalen, who found the Sec- which embraced all the country to the west, retary of the Steuben Anti-Fanatic1 Associa- the Old Courthouse lias association connected ..j tion in Utica. He brought htm to town op with it which it seemsaltinost sacrilege to sever. Thursday. Mr. Mouroe is .n?vv in jaiL lie Its listory is jntimately ilended with the by will be tried for windling at the next County gane scenes of a here ic ancestry and through Court. Mr. Monroe resides a short distance many long ivears to come it will- continue to from Rochester, and has already served out live in the memory b oar fathers, of our chil- , two terms in the State Prison j for swindling. dren and ourselves. frhough. not of the finest Albany Police Tribune. finish nor embeirshed by1 the greatest amount ' of architectural skill,! the : recollection of the A RlCn LECTURE ON (ASTRONOMY. s""0 UJ7',r " r uail P'; lurw Mri Editor: Perhaps in a litterary pin of llood 3 'nnocent hour around lU walls, will vierour town haint been so forrerd as sheor- rev,vt 95 ocmuons in ine oreasi oi i -i- . ' m I maiiiT o Till! rtrrMun TYif4n -oni zianoa lua Vvuivt ter. AVbile I'oIlyNticks and the miiiingtary I " f"ws'""u "f t " " wou" : . 1 il V ..31.!.l.;.jm: l i.t.-it. . ' interest has been' earned furder perhaps than Cok luge, ot Ua ., itnruuuceu -" law is at once tyrannbus and unconstulioa ing, which was adopted in comniu tee after r w s f ; j considerable' debate' : - I ' 1 ' : . I ... it is tyramncal and un to any; such' arrangemeut and insist thftt such- BAKER I & OWEN, .A UK still carrying on the' Manufactory of Tin, Copper1 Slitel Iron Ware, one door above; Boy den's Iew miliums -ou opposite Robards' Hotel. They are. and have been doin a great deal of KoofinK and Gutter- insr, which they warrant to give periect sausiat- VA lare supply of TIN WARE constantly on hand, which they will, sell lower than any body on this side of Jordani. . ... 1 STILLS I kept on hand and made to order. They have also on hand a large supply of COOK--STOVKS. ( four Hizes,)' fr the sale of which they have the exclusive right of this place, and they, have m hesitancy in saying it is the best ana .ino t.u- plete Stove that has ever been introduced in thi Hpsolred. That tie democratic party reco? nizs the great iniportance, in a political 'nd commercial point oti view, of a safn and speedy .. tii.iinii-aiiiiti with our own territory between tiie Atlantic and Pacific coasts of this Union; and iVis the duty of ihe federal government to exerrjse promptly all its const nuMuiial powers for the attainment ol that object. The committee also reported the following additional resolutious ou . ' THE rOKElGS POLICY OF THE GOVEENMEM. Resulted, finally. Thai -by the condition of the popular instil utiyiia of the old world, and the dangerous tendency Sof section.il sgitijtion, com bined with the attempt to enforce civ ill ami reli-gios'di.-abiUtiea against the right o arqtiiring' citizenship in our ow n land, the high iand eacred dutyis devolved with increased responsibility upon the Democratic parly of this country, as the part) of the Union, to uphold and maintain the riuht of every Slate; and thereby the union of the States; and sustain and advance among 1119 a1 it ill 1 ill A I lihprtv bv continuinir to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the bensni ol ti e few, at the expense oi ane many You are right,; sir constitutional as much so as that prohibito ry law whiehGreeley and Co. licked into shape ill 1855." "Such being you sentiments, I suppose we may count on your assistance; in defeating the bill r lelegation go ? And. bv the vigilant adherence to tiiese prm ciples and the compromises of the Constitution which are broad and1 strong enough to embrace and upheld the Union" as it was, and jlhe Union as it- is-Mhe Union as it shall be in the full ex pansionpf the energies and capacities of this irreat prosressive people. I - First Resolved, That the quest iorS connec ted willi the foreign policy of the country is in ferior to no domestic question .whatever. The time has come fori the people of t?io United . . . . ..1 '. i . .- . Of course you; can. How will thelNew York 'Rihti of course. New Yprkers are down on all laws that smack of MassachusctU Puri tanism.' i 4 W hen can you see then and talk the mat ter oyer V 1 : j ; Anv time. This evening,! if necessary.' 4 Sav to-morrow evening, and, for the sake of impressing the subject on thwir memories, invite them to . Captain Knight, to discuss' broiled qu til and woodcock.' ' A good idea, but slightly expensive i Never mind the expense, j Order up and Til foot the bill, j What will ft be !' Not less than fifty, nor more than seventy five dollars.' I " . ' Say seventy-five, and take the money out of that.' ; i '!'.. Here Mr. Monroe, ' Agent for the Steuben to throb and bis hear," to heave witlathe re- merabVance of those athletic comrades and ' pjay ful matesTwhona ma in its onward march, has also leveled to th dust. NoTnofe "shall J i 5 -if i the disciples of Cokelcongregate within those ,i . f' .I T .f-J i :-:-- wans to join in me Keen controversies oi ioren sic debate no more shall the musical ' oh yea? escape through the $roken window pane of the south corner noflonger is the capacious the tables is turned bottom side under. Sy witness stand sunerea; to remainas a mouu ence isrisl - ment to the! numberlss truths desposed to We've got a Lie see ura l The age 'of upon-its ample surface the convenient bar, Letters is begun, the tree o( flollidge, : has wkhits well accommdated arrangements and sprouted, interlect biles over matter that ere apputenances, is goue to the silent shades of intellect which has bin, dormouse is naow raoused like a sleepy lion riuiDr away from stone shall be left to fiark its former existence. JNo.more stiall the old town ciock peai rorta in anyotherj)lace on the airth, yet exceptin my own case, litteratoor Lasfut gone beyond coarse hand writing an the single'iule ofthiee. Ferlosofy has been quoted in this market be low pork ; syence has'nt compared, with sy der, string beans has generally sot higher than stronomy, letters led trigernometry.; and pun kins was ahead of poetry. Naow, haowsever, tt'.ii f.,ct tira -f th o0Qr,n roa mn" last, her solemn notes to tfltnes triumphant marcn niffht by Jemes Peabody, who'se bin one norlseive to remin the nocturnal stroller quarter to an academy. 1 luat lQe "P 13 UP f nu luat ue "'"' ui0 General SubjeckroTiowy. or produce papery no longer uoea vma- Pertickeler do. Comics. ' ' ancient temple standas a resorting place for- I haint time to gin you more'n a digestive conflagration.! Its chjances of becoming a tele- or facsimelar of the lecter- ; graphic transporter ot tne uevounng eiemen Jemes begun by obsarvin that ef any body om corner to cornSr and from square to ' supposed that the stars warn't a heap bigger squaw, navo been reduced to naugnt wit han they looked, they was almighty behind ill wf at Vf es et Denoia 118 rmo" iand. Why, says he, there's that ar little al from its proud eminence. dnner called Satan, -says he, don't look bigger An artesian well, it isconfidently believed,-willl than a tetter and yet, according toKerlys soon take the: place of this antique structare i , , . lanA m?Viir nr:ro worASwaffrl tliA 1nftif ti5n-. . r - November 27, 1855. 1 i 53 ' 2 5- T ! -'-'I -' PETER W.; H INTO N f-ntTTfiKTnX MER CHS. A; 1 . TOWN POINT w - S)d ins3 mm9 iDcclal AlH'iilioii Paid lo " Tobacco-Flour, : Grain. Cotton! tores, tc. Also, . Is ; jCo Receiving &.Fonrarding Selling " Naval Goods. -:V .i - -TS' ' . REF ER TO . I" ,11. L. Robards, Esq , Salisbury ; N. C- Chas-L-'H tNTON Esq. Wake Co., N. C. 'J. JS. B. Roulack, Esq, Raleigh N. a' Ueo. V.lUywooD Esq, Raleigh, N. C. XVm- Plummer, EsqV Warreuton, NIC. I vRiigust J.bj 18o5. - ; jji -fiViJE Proprietor of theold Marblej rd; in " Salisbury, still continues to; furnish" all r- ' dors with neatness and dispatch, from he sriial jest Head Stone to the li nest Jlionunient,.atthe Shortest possible notice. . " Engraving done at usual prices. He would respectfully solicit a ' continuance of patronage. U 1 ! ' - .- : ' GEO.'YOGLER. Feb 24. 55 - - r . Li Sin L plet Southern istates. February 19, 1858. ic 36 tf. States to declare themselves fin lavbr of free nt,nttl Anti-Fanatic Association, pulled out seas and progressive free trade throdghouthe ' . - R , f ! Ami liu kiiIpiti n inanifestaMons to nlace a hundred dollar bill OU ttie lianK Ot iroy. it,-;, mnr-J i fl ,ip i irf s bv the side of itheir sue- Afr RailH look it and handed Mr. Monroe cesful example. 1 ' . - two tens and a five in change. Mr. Monroe Second-KesoZm, 1 hat ou r geography Up the documents, shook hands with and Dolilkal position with reference to the other lotaea up ' States of this Continent, no less thaiii the inter- Mr. .Baily, and left. Hetore jbe tooK nis ae esu of our commerce and the development ol parture he informed Mr. B. that he had to go ..nr trrnwirier nower-reauires that we acrod r ' . , , .. , . . .1 , . , ss , , Vhnrincipies in vol ved in the Monn,e doctrine, to Stuben by Ihe three o'c.ocK tram, out wo. Their bearing and lpiport aumit 01 no uncon- return again on saturaay moruing miuuuu mu struction, and should be ( applied with Mwnenuing hours after Mr Monroe departure, Mr, r hirdlv Resohei That ihe create, highway Bailey called on Capt. Knight and ordered up -w ' . : 1 :. ,i . . . i .. . ..f hU. Oi.i. - - - . . 1 lnw experience, wim every lacimj which nature as well as me asseiu 01 mc iuCO ... 1 iipcHU.k: tor twelve. :n.i.ninlnac. ahfl cut id- 1 V :. 1 1 t .v 1 tnA.A.tAil in it a - miilllln:ftnr.P I i. . euioies US-LO guaramcc piuiujmH.to,-! 0O8. imiucuiaiciy iuicicrw,u faction inall business, i " REFER TO ! ROWLAND i BROTHERS. Commission Merchants, .;- ' NORFOLK, VA. RE extensively engaged in the sale of Floub flVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE l.f- creditors of William Heathman's ( dec. es Uate, that'I will be in Salisbury on Mopday and l-'fuesday of August court for the 'purpose of set- t . i - :.l . n . . . i ciing briu i-bLdic. irosuive nonce is giycu mai all business reipainmg unsettled by that tune ill be placed m the hands of ah officer, . lAPIlR PR A I. F. VI Adm. Hon. Thomas Ruffin, Ala.nance County, N. C. John Newlin & Soils, do. 14 Wm. R. Albright, do. " Dr. P. A. Holt. i do. . " John Long. Randolph J. H. Hau-hton, Chatham Hon. E. G. Reade, Person James Webb. : Orange p. C. Cameron, ! ; o. John F. LyMv . do. Ilenrv Whilied. h do. -And many others. "1 Norfolk; Va Feb. 26, 1856. j 37 ly. has marked out lor the free, communication be tween the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans con ef ii iites one of the most importaut ach evemeuts m h realized bv the sDirit of moderation, in the . r . . , , . , . ,rnmiprahle piirrtrv nl our peooie. aiiu mat pd bv a tirnelV ai cient exertion of the control which When do you Swish them V ... . l . : 4 To-morrow evening.1 4 They shall be ready at eight precisely l(r. Baily said, 'that Will do,' lighted a cigar, . i . ! . I tj .jl.j t, n:v.n:. I know father tis sumwhat: larger than the IV1 eioqucuccjauu iuuwsw w.iuW.uS hull countv of Oxford ! A a the leetlest star of sarcasm, Mill be heard the gentle murmur--. ybu can pick out is as big as cart-wheel. pngs, or .tne, water lait it; is nam ?naeeat w At this pint Dea Elderberry! ris an said this 5 nat is,ip- ue me luiure , aesuny m tu was goin too fur,;twas regeler; blaspheme, con-1 ceieoratea spp so ippg aevotea w tne inwr.. trarv to scriptur an ajrin common sense. ests of the and to the advancenienl of Then he tuck his hat an "cleared, fust spitting the principlei ofJ Law. Equity and Jtistic. aout his terbacker cud as a testimony agin the lacvinerew n iimg. smwr .nuw doctrine. ' better :after the remotarbftherubbisfof the After" speaking of the milky way wbich' ol to what he said was longer than the Cumberland or this ancient trampin ground of plaintiff and Oxford canawl an the moon, which the on- ndats.i ocdleold temple of Themis! lamed considered to be a green cheese, but We hope your franaer may give you a better . which syence demonstrated tq be a jackerlan and a more oanasome wrm, ii ever your cora- lorrm c,.ni thfl Ieeiflrer nrnAfldftd to 1 ponent parts are agAfi cemented.-iSa?.J5fVr.- the iertickeler part of his subjeok. t M i ' tt 41 4 tt nd effi- T,nlUd on his risrht-hahd fflcive and returned i i've a I , , T.,lor ovuruntr found the riitv. - i. v': :. A.., .is. tuiu-pi ton fartn 1 wi.v.. -a should: be suffered to impede or clojr itf progress per, and so did a portion of the iSew York. by any interference with relations mi it may delegation.- ' -i i I ; 6uit our policy to establish with the gvermnenl fe made by Messrs. Baily and of the States within whose dominion itj lies ; and &peecues were uiauo j J we can, unaer no ctTcumsiaiitcrt wn.uuci i vntnon , wune bchuujsuw w" j our preponderance in the adjustment of. ail ques- .v-, The discussion of the quail con- tions arising outot it. i t - r. . 1 , - ...V.vf j.JAcvk. when Mr. Rw unueu nu aw" "r - - - Comics or Blazen ptart. mm horah, i WATCII-MARFR' AND JEWELER, : SALISBURY, N. d. - ';';C tnandingan interest ihe people -f te United ley madea move tbat the party adurn sine States, cannot but , sympathise with tbe effrts The motion was put and carried. Mr Winch are being made by the peop'e W. Central ' w York delegation left the America to regenerate that portion of the. Con- Bailey.and tne i cew ori . 6 (6oe ir below It. j & A. Blnrpby Store, j proper effort to be made to , insure KKFS ronstatvi v on nanu a lame assortment tnancv in me . uuir .oi-oieiicu tinent which covers" the passenger across the J parlor and entered tue oarsroom. oceanic Isthmus. .! . " : T..i KilT Caotiin V T.-.l.l m, !.. romnCrntl( nartu 1 " ? J . . 1 IIHIIJ Jl6ltlC AJini. .lie - will expect from the! next Adininistratioii every f bixty-eigUtaoiiarsf yut a.ceu- I i T..A it nutoi tuai. rrEE AVof WalclMis and Jewelry of all kinds. v Clocks, ' Watches , and J ewelry of ever) ,de maintain a permanent protection ;,of ;the grat outlets through 'which - are emptied .'into I scription, repaired ia the best manner and ontbe 1 the products raised oo the soil, and I the commo-l l V r.9cnn.h' terms - : i ctittes created trv me inuastrr ot w Vi . -., - a i Here Mr. Bailey banded Capt Knight that . I . -. n -fpi.-. "r iLk 1,,. 118 Waters I Virtnn red aOtlaf Dill.' t.;n Tianded hini thirty-two dolj; The Gaplaih .took the j v . - are in Comics, says Jemes says he are of fwo kind, the Tame and the Wild. The fust is peaceable tother ainu The fust, ones is made of old moons as aint fit for service, and is called by the oneddikated shootin stars, but we of the schools call em metres. This differ ence led the speaker to remark that larnin is everything. 1 ; .- ; - The wild kind, says Jemes, is a different critter ; beings composed of kinebeloua mat ter, hyfolutions gass, oxide of cast .iron, an salts of harmonia, makes it highly salvage an onsartin. They fust appeared about Deuter onomy or perhaps a little later in the year six ,TflE TWO THE I TWO B'S ASD THE. TWd D's. There is a curious alliteration, in , thet names, of the prominent candidates for. ih . Presidency and Vic Presidency. Fremont and Fillmo Bu'chaoan and Breckenrid and Donelson and Dayton, form a strftngtf combination of initial -A-singular: tected at Dub j mode of robbery has been dV I!n. ' Aman use to send a large press by the Liverpool steamer, headed, fthis feide up. In this press was V compartmenl " in which he hid himpelf. ' A-t night, when all was still, ha Wuld get but and rbK the irilfe . houses of yaldables. knd retreatancT to his hid uviM.p. w ...w-w . J - I . , , . . . . - . ' 1 . - . in? n nos finM hA tafalv nnnvred Vt and was diskivered spotaneonsiy lrom rort I vrr tp"-v -. land observatorsbn Pompey's pillow in Rooshy UBUer w ms ownm They are pesky things' says he, oilers gttten I Rjp Reaches ire Wid to , ilhbii up wars, hitrrykanes, aiid . earthquake, &Ci jugusUCai chatigei :.tt-" i-4 41: 1 i l - -it - -U : t ' -a ! I .... . . ,