i " " " : " v t i . i I . i - t - - !''' i i I ' ' ' i i ; ' ' " !'''' I 0 .1 ! -; Vilii "... :Y1? ?t-.-'. 153;': BY CANNON & SPENCER. I -i A Weekly Family ewspaper DeToted to National and Stale IoliUcs, Lileralnrc, Uarkets, Opine and Foreign Istellgenee, 1c. I TWO DOLL S A YEA a ri 8 - V' ' ' -l -LJL , - - . g-JL-L L I J r ' .... . ' W ,' 1 1 .' U i ii , JX - ,.. -HI.. 1 Li j ' 11 """ g I .! i " . f "1 i-.: 'I i i 3y 1;. .. . ' "5 i , . i -if 1- - B " ii ; li Hit i-fflSSM-. I .. . ; hi1 professional services to t lie pxsiu Vr lie. Hi OIBce if oh Water tn 'below J. F. Chambers' Sc. : ; SHl'burv, May 17, 1953. two door HAVING permanently loi-aled in Mlibury, re,,t u'ly tender hi ifc-nfepiotial pevicei to the pblic. i i Office Cwna Brick row. ; aJUbury, Aog. 27lh ttU Dr. M1LO A J. ROSEMAN ' A EEGULAK GRADUATE IN MEDICINE, HS permanently lotated at his tather',three .:milM Wertnf rzan Charch, nd lenpert- follf nfcrh Professional Serttces to ihe pe- y pe of the mirronndintf conniry. j RwanCorM.y 27 185ft. II 50 6in if ' f.u! of tVortli & EUIot, FayetteTllIe, N. AND f ORWART'lXG MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. ; Ordern tor Merchant's coi.eiarninent of -1 F'onr and other Pro4tce, for sale r htpmcn, - thankfully received Sa promptly' at;ended to. June 1. 1S53. MM: BRAILSFOm i Cotnmission Merchant AND AGENT FOR: i Dulflmoie & Ihilnd-lpUI pwekets. f lBEIiAL advuc made on . Cnnigninents - if Protluce t mv aaoren mr saic Charleston. S. CM Sept. 11, 1855. '157-1? S L Dowell,R A Rogers, AY D Dowell f Alabama. ' of Florida. (I ft M I JC l " i- Z DOVEL-i-ROGERS CO. . iA 0 5j? IS. p . GENERAL COMMISSION MER HINTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, j MOUTH .ATLANTIC WIIAKt, UtIARLESLOM, S. f.cvT rreat : facilities WE ' PRESENT -Treat fciliti f.-r Bellini COTTON, arid especially FLO.U jv, jjr lit A I CORN, ad-DOMESTIC PUODUCE- We make arranaeinents with our mieru.rinenas i - transact their business at the very lowest rate of ctiar sen, and pledge ourselves to pruuiplues in eveTy transaction. ; - M l. Liberal Advances nnde on Cn2nri.eiit " Strict personal artcntn.it to ihe .Jnter.etj r natrons, and your tavor aim inuuci. yyn IX jkSth pre fe r e N C Ef g i y B jx. 17 ly- G. A. Neuffer. r ' " . K. E- f1" NUEFFER & HENDR1X, FOR TUG OP j . Flour, Grain, Produce Generally. ; . ; r cilARLESTO; -sj. v. "V August; 9, 1655, ; : ill-ly. Ulautl and Sen Ilaiiil Codoii ? : AND RICE 'j -j )T- F(RWARD1NG Sl comMiss. ON i Merchants, NEAR THE POST OFFICE, f . ! i CHARLESTON, S. C. AGENTS FOR Various Newspapers, aim take Subscriptions, &c.; Poer j Factories, Fhmr MUls, BrownV S I Gi., C. Cn &! Ci s Saw Gins, Lumber Mi IU. Tobacc rc'ones, L.ng- AGENTS FOR Various Newspapers, and tak &1UI : -: - worth's CTiiampagw, Kpirus ;J57,"7"'V lleries.. Abseil t'O.UN. l'KAS, W II BAT, iOATS. RYEI&C. Will collect Drafts, &c, at moderate rate. , Nov. 20 24. j W.j H. IMAESHil Commission Sleichimt. November 27. 155. PETER W. H1NTON TOWN POINT 1 Special ;AIl iilioii Paid lo iiiii i Tohacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, UVavt r it ! i 1 "Uteres, &r. j Also, ,o KeceiTins & Forfar ding Goods. ; . R E I? E R T O ' ! I 'I: fH. L. Rob arcs, Ksq . Salisbury, N,iC 'Chas Li Hinton.'Ksq , Wake Co ,NiC J.4J.1B. Roulack, Esq- Raleigh N C. Geo .Wij Haywood, fistj:. Ra,telyl,iN )C. i vf.W! Plummer. Ksq., VV arrenton, N. C. j I. ; August 16,! io55. f ; f;.:"' ij ; vpifE Proprietor of the old jMarble ard, it v Salisbury, still continue to furnish all or ders with neatness and dispatch, Ironi thie inal 4est Head Stone to the finest Monument, at tlie J. shortest possible notice. ' Entrving on i ; ; ; iiisual prices. He would respecttully solicit a continuance of patronage. - f n ' t , J i i GEO. VOGI.ER. jj. - ;Feb24. 755 ; , s - ' j j 3Utl, j TOTJCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE i.- cr editorsof WUlianrHeatfio an'a 'dec.; es tate, that J will .be malibbury'in ; Monday and ;Tueday .of August court for the purpos of et -ir.Ung aid estate. jPoskivc notice 4s igiveu ! thai dtU buiness remaining unsettled by n bat iie will be placed in the hand of ah ofiicerr! ; 1 -JACOB FRALEY, Adxn. ! June 3: tpl sris e . ! I house. VTthe RowanHoaseiskcpttheStajrf Office forC. LUtAS & Co Line o I FOUR HORSE STAGE COA CHES.fmm Slisbu. ry loCharhrtle, and frrti Salisbury to Danville Richmond and Petersburg, Va., vi Lexington lameslown anI Gren.-bjiro. . ! Alpofor P. Warlick'e I'ine of Stajre to Mor ijnton, N.C.and for thb Raleigh line by way i-f Aubborn'and Pittsboro. ' Mavl7. 185:1. lM GRAND LKCTURER. ALEXANDER! MUUDOCI1 Esq., nf Salis bury, has been appointed Grand Lecturer, hm-the Graml ljdfeof asons, in the Western District' of North Carolina. ! My 28,1855. j ' t f: . V" 'm -1 tf- - II AS renioved to hi Office at tn'resulencc , where he will be Happy l receive profes ioiial r perpinal calls from his friends, i N. There are many persons- indebtedso jne by account, and have heen for: several year;' i would earnestly urge alt such to call and make settlement, 'yvbcrnust be done by M-y Court, else I slwll loik out for a collector. i Jan. 1S56. i ! 33 tf. BRYAN I & OLDHAM, ' j j "and k ; . ' ; Commission ftlerchants, WILMINGTON N. C. l,y.--52. id.i , . j- Dr. S. HEKVE8 HAVING permanently! located in Salisbury. oSVrs brs-profesBional services to the pub- he. Office. 2 doors belovv Benj. Julian s More. May 6, 1856. f 47tf ; New Clothing. Store. T TIE subscriber hav opened In the town f Salitiburv. at itlie ila'nsioii Hotel, a I arse assortment f ; . I I; READY-MADR CLOTHING niMl ciMiiluirirs FiiruiIiins lioods. lVe repecitully 'inviti.- the ciiizei'is ol Salisbury aiid ihe .irrou'iHlintr country to oive us a call. as we ( ttter ourselves that we are able to rive en 'tire saifactioh to alii who may1 -give us hir. patr....;.e.- We reiui-noi fordiai thanks tothe citiz'jnsot S-.licHury, for Vhe fit tiering apprecta 3 ion wej have received, and hope by clse ap. phcation to business to merit a conti uance of the allle. i : J.; . . f ; jr. II. ' DA u m t.u. JaH.8.185fi: ,! !. ! .,J. ISenicmbei- !!) HJh ! Ilotrl." iKNOWiM.L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT BAKER & OWEN, 4 RR still carrvinsrlnu the. Mannfj.cNry of Tin, t opper A Stivvl Mmn W..re, one dtr above Bvien's New Buihlin and opoit.- Robardf' Hotel. They' are and have been Kiur a r'at deal ot Kwfing and Gutter ing, which they warrant to give perfect satisfac tion. 1 "' t -; ! " ;; A large supply of TIN WARE constantly on hand, which they will sell lower than any body oti this side ol Jordan. STILLS kepi 'on hand and made to order. They hve alsooii hand a tarire snppl v of j COOK -STOCKS of the most approved and latest) improved pat- terns, among which is the MORNING STAR; (four sizs,) I'T the sale of which they have the ext-lusive rijfht of this plce, and they have no hesitancy in saying it is the bpt and must Com pleie Siove that has ever been introduced in the Southern States. ! ! February 19, j ; 36 tf. ROWLAND &i BROTHERS. Commission Merchants, ' j NORFOLK, VA. j . 4 RE extensively engaged in the sale ol Flour &x. Lng exoerteuce, wiih; every taciUiy; enable us to guarantee '' prompt nee ands satis, faction in all business j -j REFER TO ; linn. Thomas Kuffi", Ala.nance County, N. C. i John, Newhn &. Sons, do. I K , ' WnL Rj Aibright, do. :' j Dr. P. A. Holt, do. J41I11. lng. , Randolph j J. II. .llauhton, - Chatham ; Hon. (E. G. Reade, Person f J-nief Webb", .Orange P. C Cameron, ; do. , Jolm F Lv n, ' ' v do. f Henry Whiited, i ; do. And many others . 1 Norfolk! Va'., Feb.26 1856. : 37 ly. JASvlES HORAH, W iTCU-MARFIt j AND JEWELER, SALISBURY, N. . Cj . j xOme r belw fi.i dc A. jnarphy's 3trcf KEEPS constanlly on hand a Urge assortment ot Vjil4ies ai.d Jweljr of all k"ds. f Clocks, i Watches and Jew-elrytl every de scription, repaired ij tbe best manner and on the most reasonab'e terras. . . - 1 - "' . j i Marsh ILf 1856. 30 ly I From the New Orlean Delta. ' ! BALLAD FOR THE YOUNG SOUTH. By Joseph Brennaiu :'-v-:":. : ' --i..--' '."" I - Men of the South our foes are op In fierce and grim array ; -Their sable banner lap the air 1 : . An insult to the day 1 ' The Saint of Cromwell rie again J In sanctioionioua Imrde, " Hiding beneath the garb of peace A million ruthless swords - FromJ,Torth, from East, and West, tbeyseek - Ttie same disastrous goal, ', A, With Christ upon the lying lip, h . . And Satan in the soul ; : ' ; ' , : Mocking, with ancient Slnboleth, j . T All wise and iust restraints f To the Sains of Heaven was empire gie( I And we alone are eaiutsl" '- ' ' ", if v . - - Alen of Ibe Somh! Iook up benoid . x. "-fYThe deep - uid'ulleu'tMNnrV ; '7 Which darkens uer your sunnjr land f- . With thunder in iu womb ! ' Are ye so blind ye cahuot ee .The omens in the sky I -Are ye so deaf ye cannot hear ; The tramp of foe men nigh 1 ? j Areye so dull ye will endure -j Tlie whips7 and scorns of men, .Who hide the heart of Titus Oat - Beneath the word of Pent Are ye o base, that, foot to foot, Ye will not gladly stand For lnd and lite, for child and wife, "': Willi naked tteel in hand 1 in. ! Sons of the brave ! the time i come To bow the haaghiy crest, , O- stolid alone, despite the threats,. Oi Mortis r East, or WeU The hi.ur it come tor maiilv deeds And noi lor pulling words Tlie hour is passed Kr ptailorm prate It is the lime lor swords ! j And Mje fame of John CaiUoun, - To honest'truih be true. And ny oli Jackson's iron will, New lo what ye can do ! By all je love and all ve hope, ; Be re lule and proud. And oiake your flj a symbol high, Of triumph or a suroud ! t COL. FiZEMON T'S ASSISTANTS. In order that the country nny exactly appreci ate the tendency of the Abolition movement, of winch Colonel Fremont is now used a the in- strutnent. the lol low ingv ketch of hi proponed administration will lurnibh a practical idea wor thy ol reflection ; ; . ' . TnF.MoNT CABINET. ' Secretary of iftnie Joshua R. Gilding. Sv-retary of the Treasury Wm. Lioyu Gar rison j Secretary of the Inferior David Wiltnot.: . Jsecrtary of tbe NjLvv Wendall Piuiipa. PoMiiaster General John P. Hale. ! Aitoreey GenerJ Fred 1) -ugldes. ! NEW M KM BERS. Spoi!.traster Generai (Jr.-eimis B iWilteson. FirM;AsKistant P. Banks, jr : Secmi i Assistant Tliurlow Weed. Third As-itaHt' Horace Greely. Fourth Ast-iian: Harmer Abel, Fttih Assistant. James, of Wis. j Sixth Assistant Fitz Henry VVarren, with; other illustrious Frte Soilers. FEMALE DEPARTMENT. Pretidlnj Ana-I A buy Flson. Frft A-sista h. Luky Stone Second Assistant Harriet Stowe. MISSIONS. Africa Charles Sumner. Congo Coast Henry Wilson. MnubU"tooGerrit Smith . Guinea Region Lewis Tappan. Turkey l'reeideui New York " Free Love" Sociejiy. i . Bat Gary States -Conspicous Spiritual Rap per. . . . ' , . China Notorious Bio)ier. England Anthony Burns. j France. James Harlan, of-Lowa. Spain Benjamin F. Wade. . Prussia !haries Uurkee. Holland Jucob Collamer. Russia 1ewis Clephanc, Austria L. Ko.-fulh. Belgium Louis Blanc - Eemnark Ledru Rollin. Portugal A Af-zzmi.' S;xouy Schuyler Collax. B'tuaria Dan Alii-e. ! SA it.trianu Israel Washburn, jr. . ISardini.i.Ci C. Chaffee. Muscauy Mark Traf ou. Jrfpan Ao.on Burlinaiue. Sandwhub Islands Aaron H. Craign. JWexioi Charles Billinghurst. Brazil Samuel Galloway.. Chilli Cooper F. Watson. Xeru B'-njarniu Stanton. i '! Argentine Republic Edward Wade. : Ne -Grenada-Charles J. Albright. , Hayii VVm. C Bryant. i Bsriif-a H. J. Raymond. Sweden -Mathias H. Nichols. Ecuador Wm.' A. Howard. ! Central America . H. Rveder. j Two Sicfliet Gov. Robinson. i FeHee Ixlarik C,l. Heroic Ime. New Zealand rrtsident Ma-s. Lmigrant Aid Society. ; Greece C C. Washburne. iVorway Win. H. Kelsey. . - , The reniaming appointments have not yet iDeen nneu up oy 1 nunow weea, jaines, o i Wis , and . P. Bank, jr. who have the Re. - publican cruiidite in keeping. Weed was here ! last week but was so occupied with Matteson j in the distribution of their ' proceeds from tbe ; railrtad bill, recently passed by Congress that j he could not de vet e himself to further arrange ment ol the protirarume Neio York Express. It is awful hot. MoKMnNjIusBANDs. Oneof the Mormon wo- i men wbo was in the company of the late crowd which has passed through our town for Salt Lake we. learn had no less then tour husband. She is said to have been an intelligent looking ind . - 1 . . . . 1 vmual. She contended that women have as good a right to have a number of husbands, as a man ad to have as many wives as he wished, provided the men were ail tnembe'rsof ihe Mor mou Church. There is nothing like making .cir cumstance uit occasion, and these Mormon appear to have a peculiar faculty for such trans actions Reck Islander. ; !" v,- ":,''. Ms DREW J. DONELSON FOR MR. BUCflANAH AGAINST MR, Fto i SffidfMOREJ Major: DonelsoQ became very " indignant in 1851, (sava ; the Nashville : Ujion) that Mr. Fillraorej abou!dj be reselected ; President in preference to suck ftbriiliaDtV naraes as Cass, las;.3ttU4rt;:I)airaa; Marcyr and Buo that were usJed for nattarand tlielarjitrierits1 Ftllnoie then awf" tbe samer'tbat ' are paraded inttow pothing pVptrinow.'THear, JMajor twnetson? as be expressed btmselt tnrouga the .Wasbtngton! Unions ' - H- -';-' ;AUbwghAat;;'measnief:tbe Compro- roisc w 4oju,i 11 conaiaerea as one oit pr - S- '4" i t - .J. ;!' . .!:-'. -V. if Sature5 -Mould jalPto the credit, o, of the bers whose Totes and influence passed it, or by thie sacrifice fwhich it makes to the1 cause of union ; yet we see , it : announced as tbe signal by I which an administration is to be continued in power, whoae only prominent distinction thus far is,' that it cuts off the beads of office- holders because they bave been faithful to the political convictions ot their lives. , . . .' And what is! the reason given for this alarm ing and extraordinary , demand ? Let not the reader' ie amazed ; it is that President Fill more will t execute the laws will be faithful to his oath and execute the laws ! u That! we rnay not be supposed to exagge rate tbej " pretentions of the whig party, we need only refer to the fact 'that its candidates in Tennessee have already proclaimed the name of Millard Fillmore as that around which the loyal friends of the ; Compromise must be rallied led into power councils of the and an! administration instal which will discard from tbe nation all who dare to stand upon the old platform of- Washington, Jr MR80S and Jackson. The brilliant names of CASS, Woodbury, DALLAS, DOUG LAS, Walks k, BGCHANAN, Buxlkb, IIoustok, Dickinson and Marct, and the bundled? of othera who are scattered over our vast confederacy, but whose patriotic light is as cletr in the political firmament, as that of ihe milky way in our skies these names are to be taken away from the public honor, and President' Fillmore roust shine alone as tbe star of the first magnitude because be will not falsify bis oath to execute the laws. Was ever an effort so out of proportion to a cause brought jto. the, notice of a reasoning and dis v rioNntijng" jwisl! as pat Hot peop5-f4'''Nev" er before in our history has a demand been iade on lire public credulity which proves ao conclusively the; genius of the . party which ilopted the maxims of Alex. Hamilton in tbe fuly ' years of tbe republic, and which we jiave the autherity of Mr. Jefferson for saying, Here founded !on the belief that our people ero gnorart and could not be governed by aiy than a strong consolidated government. Tuere is to be no inquiry into tbe nastbistory of President FiIraore; his pledge to the ab olitionists of the North to abolish slaver in the Territories of tbe United States bis sup port of the corruptions ; of the . bank bis identity with all tbe extravagant pretensions of the federalists on the subject of taxes and monopolies roust be: forgotten because he will execute the' laws, j Have we any guar an tee from this assurance that be will execute the laws mote tbao Mr. Seward, or Mr. Wade, or honest Jno. Davis would give if placed in tlie presidency f : 4 . " It accords with the waning extravagance of unscrupulous' politicians, whose unmaske designs bave been rejected by the people, to bury the past, to discard old issues and to create a new standard of political faith which may cover the follies and weaken the odium of former defeat." We defy any! know nothing paper to an swer the' severe a"d merited strictures of Ma jor Denelson, p. S. Democrat. ! . The.Best Government. The "Boston Jour nal Is of optniocj that monarchy and heredi tary monarchy is by far the best form' of gov.. ernment that human wisdom has as yet devis ed for the administration of considerble na tions, and JJbat it will always continue to be the most perfect; which human virtue will tad- mi t of." There are considerable differences of opinion ( even, ioi tbia; country on that subject. The San Francisco Vigilance Committee tbinks an oath-bound secret oligarchy is the best form of government, and it is doing ail it can to overthrow the republican system of choosing rules through the" ballot-box. Whenever men or parties find themselves less strong than tbe majerity, and the lawsl whicti the majority make stand in the way of their ungovernable will,-they always feel as if tbe government were in the wrong and not in their will. The Boston piper and the San Francisco Vigilance Committee will! have a boneless time of. it in trying to convince the American public that Republican representatives, government is all wrong the people have! tasted too much of the blessings of freemenj rights constitution ally aecured, ever voluntarily to impair , the power under which thayi have been so secure ly enjoyed. 1 Eemember that; Thursday next, 7 th of August, is Election day. ANECDOTE OF JAMES -BUCHANAN. Aside from his superior statesmanship and his admitted competenc' for the Presidency, it is not exaggerated praise to affirm, that no public map in the United States enjoys a more un.ulledjrmai reputation than James J3un chanan. When vipers assails him, they gnaw a file. Before his unspotted personal . excel lence the grizzly form of j calumny shrinks a oashed, into her gloomy . cavern. In proof of the: eminent personal uprightness of James Buchanan many interesting facts might be stated. " For the present a single one will suf fice. , When Mr, Buchanan first entered Congress, it was the universal custom tfor Senators and I correspondence, but tcvgraat-tbetr fanJc free ly to friends, whenever requested!" The rates of postage then being much higher than at present, a large amount of revenue was thus kept out of the coffers of Uncle Sara. On a certain occasion, a leading friend of Mr. Bu chanan approached him, banding bim a large letter, or package, requesting bis frank as a Representative of Congress. . Is the letter, on -public business,", asked Mr. Buchanan, turning it in his hand. " It is a letter on private business," said the other, " a letter containing an enclosure to my wife. Aa the postage will amount to full one dollar 1 am anxious to save it." "Sir," said Mr. Buchanan, with marked emphasis, If you are poor, I will give you a dollar but, so long as I am connected with Government, by no act ;of mine will I ever consent tt defraud the NationalTreasury out of one cent of its honest revenue. Never, sir, never, never." j And this was charasteristic of the man. The same uprightness be h4s exhibited through out bis entire public career. So tenacious, we learn, was Mr. Buchanan over the, just inter ests of the Government, that he would not frank a letter of- bis own: when on private bu siness. He that is faithful in the least, is faithful also in the greatest. To such a man -can the Pre sidency of the United States be com raited with perfect safety. ' : A BASE IMPOSITION. Some time since, a circular appeared in tbe newspapers purporting to have been received by a postmaster, who subsequently baaded it to tb- ATIg.ny Hni)iyJrtiiHuu private," directed to postmasters, and signed by Perrim M. Brown, Jr. The object of the said -circular is to be obtain from postmasters a certain sum of money, in proportion to the emoluments of their offices. The purpose for which this money is to be contributed is the purcbase and distribution of democratic do cument, defraying expenses of speakers, etc. This circular is a fraudulent document, against wbich the country has beeen warned through the columns of the Washington Un ion, and other papers, by which it was expos ad. Perrin M. Brown,! Jr., is a ficticious sig nature, the object is tojobtain money by some adroit swindler, for his own purposes. No such man, or name, or circular or movement is known to the National Democratic Resident Committee, nor to any other Democratic Com roittea. It is. and is known to be, a base at tempt at fraud and imposition. There can be m A Vt V O t i Vl AOO tAMi person or persons calling themselves Perrin M. Brown, Jr and his or their speculation. But if we must view the original attempt in this light, what shall we think of papers lay ing claim to respectability, which still, after the exposures, made, attempt to pass this thing, on their readers as a genuine document t We care not to characterise such thing but leave them to the moral sense of our readers. They wilj receive their due appreciation. i We notice this Perrin M. Brown, Jrn" re position in tbe Fayetteville Argus of Saturday, as large as life, with accompanying remarks. We are sorry that the Argus should find its chiefest occupation in tumbling; over and re producing humbugs, which all the world and the ret of mankind knows to be exploded and exposed. Why, it even parades that defunct ten cent slander, and for ought we know will get rway down to the drop of blood charge which is about as much founded upon facta, as would be a charge against the Editor of the Argus of eating! little nigger babies for supper, and we know that the said Editor is al together too amiable a gentleman to indulge in any sucn eccentric tastes, ana we tninic oe ought to be above the reproduction of the class' of charges against the: Democrats, to wbich we bave alluded, and doubt not he would be if he oiice took the trouble to examine them, and did not accept as true, every charge 00 matter how preposterous, so its effects be injur ois to tbe Democratic party Daily Jour" uOur party is the bone and sinew ogthe country j said an electioneering office-bolder to a farmer. And what are the bones and sinews worth without the brains !" replied tlie farmer. ST Walter L. Steele, Esq4 is running for tbe Senate in Richmond and Robesoo. stupid scurrility: ?isTTw ; editcig iM AVrentonA knows a ' th? AnAf!Jr ;.t . . . 1 -' ;(, " w uiii,icicii wiia justse- yerity the subjoined scurrilous cpmmnnicatior wbich appeared soral days ago in the column of the North: Carolirk Chnttain Advocate Bishop Atkfnson;j i ;rUuiW'eemanJ; who can easjltr withitaad ;sucb filthy and inv; decent bulletin as jti without Jbein le8e,nl ed one acintilla ne esti raation f sensiby 5 men. J? nend Ezel bilks to the ppint ; j trom the N, Ci Cbristain Advacate-J , i :; scHapsJ by the ' W4xk.; Trio of. Distinguished Visitor at Deaufort Bishop Aikinson, elu3w Jaclc and 'iWhai'S;:.f: tojbuut cyuuescQU9u,io viaii oA ratare.eora 1 tnercial etnporiom eCtbeutIgbChurcb isrri, tbeterrble'plaue that walketb Ja dark-? sess, and the greatl monster f- the inigbty deep,' all. came, and aw and were conquered. -And the mournful cry. went up on high, uvr have met tho enemV,n and tee are theirs, - : Yellow Jack ceased Jto be, through the breez es of the sea, The jbig fish run asliere, was harpooned, and breathed no more. 1. And the Bishop alas ! for tliee, my brother ! j j lie gave, them Ives oji Confirmatioitj-r fr. rjji. And choose you L. IVES ai.d your salvation ' wr mier rn in sua aamiiaiion, - I The good old 3ihop cried : ! But Yellow Jack seated the people ore. And the Whale spiulfed so close ashore. Of confirmation they Jthought no more ; t Ana tnua ttie lifnop died. ; i j . Requiescat in haee. ' ':"j lf We cull the abovla precious morceau from the columns bf the N. C. Chrislain Advocate What Mr. lie-in expects to gain either for his own communion! or for the cause; of Chris' tianity iji getieral, '.bpr giving place to this low and contemptible flfig at a pure man and ho ly minister of God, we are not able to discov er, j We can; only Express our unfeiglied as tonishmerit iaud, reg6t at seeing the effusion of a di3tejiier;ed jrain and of a still more distempered heart araded before tlie public eye in the.jcoJunin of a religiout journal, whose editor professes to be desirous of eles vating the standard f of Cbristain ethics and of promoting Cbristain unity among members of the Protestant . hurchea. We are right sure that the; writes could not have found a political paper in tlie State thit would bava denied Us pages with such garbageexcept for the purpose of n yoking upon it popular cotidemdation as wfe have done. , It is suited to the taste alone oif hat law and vulvar tribe of fish women! who Ihron? the Streets of Par i - .11 j, . 13. Election or President bt the Hocsxv In the election of afPresident by (he House of . -r Representatiyeseacl State baa one vptegiyen XkH? State. The electiooi if there is a failure by the peupie, wuuiu y-j io iu present douse in rea ruary next4 Fremnt has a majority of the delegations of the States of Maine, Mew Han - shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode .Island. Connecticut,New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Wiscon sin in all twelve, sixteen being neces ary to a choice.- The States of Delaware, Maryland and Kentuckv, hwre a majority of Fillmore members. The State of Tennessee is tied, having five Democrats and five Americans,, as are Illinois, Missouri, Texas and Iowa. Ia Illinois there is a vacancy to be filled, which will decide: the vote of that State between the Republicans and Democrats; and in Missouri a member is to be! elected in August, where tbe delegation- now stands three Democrats arid three Amencajps. In Texas there is one Democrat and oc American, and in Iowa, 6no Democrat and one Republican, A Father xn Son with Six Wives Piece The !; Manchester (N. II.) Mirror, of ; this morning, givep a long account of tbe pro ceedings in itliat place and in Rutland VL, of wo'trien, calling themselves Dr.- Lyman A- Abbott and JamesII Abbott, said to be faitb er, and son, who ate both now tinder arrest on the charge of bigamy. It is stated that they " ittociw;u wituiu uuri periou mameu uOitBs than six wives. Tlie father parsed at Manches ter, N. Has the 4 rich old uncle of his son and, in consequence of his representations th tradesmen! of Manchester were victimized to the amount of several hundred dollars. Tb career of both pajrties for a number of years. is detailed lb. the Mirror with great minuteness. At Newark, N. J4, in 1854, tire elder Abbott was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, who soon discovered that he bad a wife living ia Syracuse.' N. .Y. He was subsequently arrest ed for bigamy, coivictd, and sentenced to tea years in the New Jersey Penitentiary, but was pardoned out after seven tnofifti deteotioii.- i Mt6s Gardner! of WestoVorelaad, N. 1 H, states that sbe married tbe teaa. tinder iha ' namo of Dr. Lyman Andrews in 1852. Ia Sussex county, Nw Jersey, in 1849, lie per' suaded a Miss ShrmaB to elope with bim, and they were married by a Justice of the Peace.-. He was soon after obliged to abeebnd for threatening; his wife's life in order to obtain heir property. If was also ascertained that the true, original fcame of the 44 old doctor is Aaron Andrews Abbey, and true name of the yousg man Jamci Henry Abbey the latter being the oldest son of the former by his first wife. Both parties are held for trial. 1 . r t The Lady Joh Van Buren is about marry is a daughter of the late Gov. Mc-Dt4e oi South CatoHua 11 1 0 -1: 1 t n ! 1- -i;v''- f -li- - V- ; M. V' " ' " :!:'" - m .Ui