' 1 !. . . I . ! ; - I : . 1 , " "J r v ' ' - ' i i . ". ;. i i - . 4 ; I : m! ' !- ' ' . , i .;;:'! . I - ' - ' . ' i- . .- . ,. i i:- '. : -; ' : ' . !. : . ' I . . ' "- '1 mm 5 1 - ' IMI - 1 ; i p i Published fcvery Wednesday., I-J BY j JOSEPH :UNEWSON;: $ STTSIKESS JJQTICE. A f;-. t!. firht of Ser:omfer. 1858, fno new -rob r".W w'M b entered o?oii ht lit unless u-r i be m ! in d van , esjiept ia f Mes wheir le Vi tiy. m brfrtr: nor . : A -i r m vcn nfnti'f ftT first f' ' 1 . i 111 1 i - " v i - - . - . - iy- r if t 1''- - - ' t ' ' ' ' , . - ; . ' j -r ' :1 ... ; H':P. H fa 00 v Mr. P. O'Rourr 1 i M w. n. 5 r L: i. ...t: . h i it ,n-i "red "(!rlsS i . uta-h "t)'ti'lve treiwnr r-mWa than t'l: I w.K 1., . i, - ."r.i.r. nm: af ! Be.-t, .he indefinite; 1 mi ,1 yTc-arMv, wc hU Sftfa preiit report to 1 r.' jvi. .t aU kin 5 a Ir, ffiftijiiTir. ;'.f Clfti. Waives, an.l J i .... V. .... 1 - I. V..'.Kt.rr ( - - I 1 , It -U-. -.! m.J duil'tii- to coirfi any nil- ; tt.: 1 iy l..v, 'inrfjl An tnrfempg the1 ! Si- VV o there-ore DEMtij b;vt eah of nr Ois 1 Jt u i.irfr- t.- u.j at on. urwarJing t ... ..ymf ,r-, ir h knowstt, if eDqMir j ;.: -r , ).c ifirT.i 'upon whicV we sjiftH prompt'ij, Uiu- rl) -a-v ti lata .re-m6nt;on.l, iLi r.'ui Vi r.V.-i.iv-ly ini'R'tTiincc. ! " "itjii'it'iel'i'-fr'y of lbs patronage u -v ry r.--l r ia lb - ti ufof it: we hfve ' Li'v .,' '-': ir.ii.Ji cxp?ij.e hitI h.-ary Imi--t OnVt iiu. t t"i. !re iely ni n ur frienIs , .v rr wot-, t t tcb f ''ur prnt genetuw 5 ,iiurj.rvr-.brffwre. cn?:jttitf bin-!f cm , , tmn iv t 6-sf skw aavs,ni;e-rin? 1 .i-HK-n si I, if thw i flcoe, , (snJ w',l!?t " . .nT& it c. ilone.S be'orei Cri.tni. tUe J?A ! 'NEK r,ri v-Jtue wae of the m-M profitable pb : wv!l cf!i iert p:ipr in tbt State. -); I FMIowia the examples qf Our eotempcranea, wv now offer 1 1 ne MiSieribprs.the following 1 CIX25 U.iTCS: 1 SALISBURY. N. C. rtrtiot Of JTt iit aii a J & f-i-. L vj i.xtv? rt .' l-ri .??., everv thin;, ucally i I; c ... ,. f.,uB'Mw a TVnjr, rt aJi of wuieb wili bo suMjat - PhyVivfn .ijnd CoUaTy MtrchaatB. espfeiiiy will Cn1 it to t iktHr interest to call .end esamijcieoBr iU.Cii -Jj-' re miuL aiu;l Uewkcte. ... i :j iv r j . i . . " , ; dot. 19. 1557 tf rt'fn.iier nJ on the most 14 ly ... i ' , lip P.- ril'Hlt Suhscviher'-has B .'etric-ks of Cioc'rs. G TITX C0.PIE-, PlnW oxeeolin t?;i. in 1 ."0 ieS - i ! - V., ;.l.v:ivs in stMvanre. A free Cpy t 'ihe whi) r:i--.- clnhs'of tp; and two free copies rivwu to tbn.e who ru'se .elu'- of twenty.' 4iv j:ivrssi!i ei vtks. f s oo - I $13 00 . the same proportion, . Cft V 1 w- - Ft Ta- iji - i ai. ' o o o k 1 O w o s to -1 WUIO- V N3 - ' " J O - :c I V I --5 -- -I 1.1." , O' . 'o. 7) 3 r- r1 i : . . - fo . .fqiK'-re i j the space oc , cfipied by lfi line? of Brevier type. Occasional renewal? with out a'Witionnl charge grant el t thoe who ailvertise "rejrularly thro' the Tear. Three, dol lars for ' n "nanncing can didates i fr office. than tbey can be purch: hn Wn nne of tie finest Jdaxi'lj SUTitr Watches Rail Bdad Car-Bnildiii jg 6ri tr' i completif a fcf bii ghop at Sulisbwry S. - C, for R. R. Car,! niiMinc f everv lescnption. The fine.fiu:iilify nrl provniity of thp imate- rinl i.ie l hv Lim nic II? is tbet -'r -r execinte all orer: i:." .m? t'"oiliti s ren.li'y 'ta be ct hnth bv thoe euzadl in a siaiitar Lumess. r-f-i.,roJ :unl dvternnued to k entrusted to bim'in ihi niost PATR1K O'ROURK. -Dear Sir': jiVHUAltY. FEB'UARY r. ; . may come 6n MonJay at the eame wages " . .3 4? 5 . 0 7 8l your ate employer gave you as I want 9 10 H12 13 11 1.5 you mainly to wait "od the table, you muBt 3617 18;19 20 21 always be palite an attentive. 123 2-1 25.2G 27 28 StoM; Yotiri truly. - J. SPEER. 30 31 " - - - - 1:2 3 4 !& -6 7 8 0 10 H 12! 13 ;14 15 lg, 17 18 m SO 21 22;2:'f 24 25 20 MAECIL of rhost celebrated nviUrs ani Jewelry of alt jiurable and Tvrkmatjille. manner. stvles iwr off'-red i . fhi seotum of country. All of kliich he w.i! prtllriltr per cent, lower Apni 4, ir-s. L. S. ALDR1CH. 42:tf. 1 el--ewhere. batches. Clock?, andj all kinds of Time-pieces carefully repaired and warranted. ' Septil, 1858. A. SIITCITKLJ & SON ' j Dry Goads. Groceries, ; HAEiwARE, CITLERY, BOOTS & StfOES, . PRDVISIOSS, COOTUY PRODUCE NEWBERNE, N. C. ! r : ' 1 : : 1 " t WISJBlE &.BROTHCUS, Forwarding & Commission i : MEltCJlANTS, N-JIW-BEIXE. 'N.I'C. CASH Advances made 6u Con3ipmneit9 to be sold here or forwarded to Northern Markets i c iuosA.vv city; c. T1IE Atlantic and North CaroUna Railroad being now cfmletei eaufort Harbor,: I hay determiued jto foc4t-at Carolina Cijty for the purpose t. T dohig a : I F0RWAP1NG arnd GENERAL ; C'oiumJssioii ItiKiness,! And hope, 1 y jf.rotuptues and strict att-Ation to merite patnii.ae And support. .' Being the igentof lliiiiay's Liue of First CLASS PACKET'S to this and Morohea4 city, every effort will be- made to .make this tbe cheapest and jincit espeditioiis r-ate ti New V irk. Vessels will l'e 16aded and discharged at my Wh.tr f aljoiiiing the P ailroad ATharf,) and; thereby si.el cartage and lighterage, j ' Par- ticu;lar aUent.oni win . oe given o an yju ana1 to tne snle and shipmejit of Produce.! f 1APRIL. MAY. j - - 1 2 3 4 i 0 7 8- 9 10 11 13 14 15 16-17 IS j20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30- 31 -j - - - - 1 ' 3 -1 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19-20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5 1-2 9 6 2 9 6 ''He i- jbers an Speer ia a gintlemari that I will Mi3ter aud he'll niver call me "Pat" no more, but "Mister O'Rourk .will ye plaae- hauL-iae. the. praties ? rOcb what style should be use a similar title to honey, that's i the Olourk!" In writing to officii gent men arc often embarrassed to know plase for Mister l dignitaries, intelli- adnpted ; and many officers of different st 4, IS-S Auiit 18, IS-iS o 39 y r -!uoiu'a50T f v , - - S i- -r i e i'-''ti ";-iT" ; uo!' charged 25 per jr. S o w o -Jsni q-JB3 : eent higher j PETCR plAliETT i ' U WITH ; ; - : IdCOLDES MURRAY,! H. -li MARBLE YARD, a conrt orders GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT i G1 sorTii St.. I uvs - -iaoK :, ;ri!r.so - --i.-r, - -l . - T i. M ) C " t-X to -r -r -fr than the a- . 1 bove rates. Orders for di- vorce of hus- o ; band and wife. I $10 each. if jBT Persons : sending in ad- vertisemen t s I are ; requested New York. Jun 2, 185S. 50:ly. r . ROWLAND & BROTHERS. COMMISSION! MEFCIIATsi i Norfolk. Va.. I either MAR-; i A RE extecsiv'elv en erased in the sale of FLom, ' tt-;I 5'S Cil 'stpK ?-J , to state "the ables ? to guarantee promptness snd satitaeuon . number ot in- in.all easiness. ; . . - j refi:r to . ..j...: Hoti. Thomas Ruffin, ohn Newlin A SonSjVm. R. Allrizht, Br. J: HoltJ' Alamance" Conntyj, N. C, John Lor-. Randolph : J. H. Hanghton. Chatham; Hon. IE. G. Reade, Perbon . James etD, tr. v.. quired: an lif ft is wished they should tK-capy the lesst space. write upon the Wk the word .-.- O.herwise they will te put v.v in th mini yle and charged aecoraing j i No discount on these rates. Cameron, John. F. Lyon and many other?. - Norfolk, Va., Sept. 14 -T kU. C TV PO WE may he found ct at his Omce.' in JLow- .Drick Row, when not absent on profess .iofial business.- - .. . T:; Nov,.23d, 1858, : ; '. ' 21 tf ' lms. - WHITEHEAD ' & CAIDWELL, Henry WhUted, Orange ; 1S57. NEWbERN AGR1CULTUUAL WAREHOUSE. MALCOLM ERACTICAT, I MARBLE CLTTEKj.. Ki. specfrully ibforoiSithe' public, that he has opened a .3IA&DLE Y.4IIO opposite the Mansion Hotel, where he is prepar e,l to "fill all' orders witfi distsatch, for MONU trTS Tf FAT) STONES. TABLE TOPS, and all kinds of Work in the Marble line, ot IMPORTED ITALIAN or AMERICAN BLE. ' i llavins made arrangements by which he can; procure the imported Italian Mnrble, at reduc-; ed prices, hejean; fill all orders for Monuments, ' at reasonable rates. i ; ' lie would.be hippy to have all desirous of deal ug in his line, to call and see epecinions ofj Marble, heaii pribes. and ju ljre for themselves , IaTing had 23 years experience in ;.4 busi ness, he will givi his personal attention to put-i ting up monuments, &c. - i ' 1 June2S, 1858; 9atf- I i : ' The Follc-sfinf Articles Soli by j - j TTT . -r-r' ; TTTTr 'A' r Drnggisk and Apothecary, 1 2 3 4 5 6 I S . 9 10 11 12. 13 M 15 16 17 IS 19 20 pi 22 23 24 25 26 27 S3 29 30' 31 - ; - -JUNE. ..:.!-- -- 2 3 - 5 6 7' 8 f 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22123 21 26 27 28 29130 - JLTLY. . . . . i - - - v; - 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14-15 17 18 19 20 21 22 - 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 -1 AUGUST. . J - 1 2 '3! 4 5 : ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 IS 19 21 22 23 24 25 20 2S 29 30 31 - -- SEPTEMB'R - - - . - 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16! IS 19 20 21 22 23 . 25 26 27 28 29 3tt OCTOBER. . .- - - - - H 4 11 13 23 2 9 10 23 30 13 20 10 17 24 rirjks. , No doubt Gov. Ellis has had al ready, many letters! addressed to him, since he has reached the gubernatorial cLatr, as "Your IJorior," and "Your Ex cellency," and President Buchanan the same. Xow what do yuu say, my dear Banner, (I know I have worked my way into ymlr affections, kn l am. dear; to you at any price,) what qo you say, ihall we lop off all forms and titles to our letters i i and pledges of affection and servitude in our lotter end-? When we write to the President or Governor, shall we say tuTo His Excellency," or simply James Bu chanan, President of the Unitel States or John Ellis, Governor of the State of ft Written for the Banne , ' TO MISS - -There is a face, angelic fair - A sparkling eye of loTel'est blue " -.-d A cheek ye fairest roses, blush , ? That you have been denied ita hue. , There ia a voice so soft, so sweet , , - ' A tisiid blush that gently steals: Qf heavenly virtues softly speak, Ana leu watt tore ner neari can ieei. This fairy ism; guiding star , . ( O'er life's tempestuous darkling main No Polar star is brighter than. I Those sunny smilea that with her reigc ( Did 1 but know those stellar beams y S -1 . For nre'd eniit perennial light - , T inspire my thoughts to.deeds subli And guide my wandering footseps rig? I'd climb the mountain's steep of fani? . Thouirh ruczed heiehts with terror fro I'd win, and twine around my brow An amaranthine fadeless crown. ; . . FESTt Rowan Co., N. t " tl OTJR SCEAPyBOX. ; In a field of graip, the heads , that oti themselves the highest, contains the;ast; go among men, they that assume the-not importance, have the least share of jlge- ment ald abtiuy - . t An eccentric man may with good ..reason be suspected of afft-cti'.-n. Is not the chiiiiney amodtru sid'Ufei'in tr' the Greek and Roman style of 'inSiUfvv ture? Iron may be shaped to will whei Mat ed, but a man in . a ' passion willftB' uld easier after coaling: THE SLANDERER. "Millions of false eyes ,x ,f . I A rci. ornr-L nnnn i u.o. en nmP3 (ii 2t'imrL North Carolina, giving a plain designation R with-thcse false and most contwrious of the person by naming the position' he guests ' J ' occupies, without any further titU or term Upon thy doings ! thousand '.scapes? wit of endearment. lilNK FIDDLER. 1 Acceptance of Judge Ruffin WILLIAM H. OLIVER, & CO. "7 ' SEiTDERSEi A. c., ' . ." ; WILL, ia addition tdjU 'r stock of Agri- cultni- il Irapleaietit-, eep- constantly' oh band a full .sumdv of Encli8!!. SWeUe, air.d Anjefican IT we -ns? ciated themselves in the Practice j Iron.iCait,, "German arjd Blister Steel, (Ioiler of Mtnn-isg. and -otter their PKEorssMoXAL Iron ami Pwivete. Iron. Axlefe .and pnncs, i,Lir- S::it5-ices to the p-abhe. 'Tho.se who" wish it. 1 Cuwi anti other fcaws. I : and lien can have the services of both, in any case, with- Infli i P.iilbher; mfri Packins. Rubber cut extra charge. ; - - , ' 1 aha Leathet DindiDsr. Lopp . OrrJCF.Tr.e tame occupied at present dv Laeel Leather Dr.. AVhltehea.r. . . . I - vV. WEITEIlEADw f' X A. CALDWELL.' . liccer.iber 1 , 1 S."i?j ' pr Pvivets and i A St PPLY Cistern, TXil and Force PUMPS, Constat ly on hand. DR. A..M. NESBJTT, LIME. CaUined Plaster, C . August IS, l?o8 ; OFftRS his .ptofewionalserviees" to th.e public, ITe-VCn- be ft.nnd 3t nisof5ce cn Water Street. or ft hi. resi ienee in the West Ward. ' v- Palisb-iry'. Jane K, -'"1855. 49 -tf. 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "26 27 28 29 30 31 - t- - 4 KOVEMB'R. - -- 1 2 3 4 .5 . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15' 16 17 IS' 19 . , 20 21 22 23 24 2$ 26 : 27 28 29 30 -1 !" DECEMBER. - - - !- 1 2 i'3 ' '456789 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 Make thee the father of their idle Areacp, And rack thee in their fancies !" f$ Measure for MtaSZTt. A large book may weigh heavily. .$o; same scales that determine the vane of corn and pork, but the small coined' dollar - ' . . . ; ; ; ' - iSYr : In is prized more than an , equal amoiantoi Resolution passed by gol-l disseminated through tons of, rockf lie that will not forgive offotices, 43e 1858. Raleigh, Dcc'r llthj Hon. Thos. RuFFiK, Dear obedience to a Joint the Senate and Ilojise of Commons this morning, we beg leave.to. inform! you that strovs the bridge over which he inttst" l)i?s ju one auaiu uccicu a n ue enter neaven J udge of the Supreme Court Of North Caroiioa, by an almost unanimous vote of both .Houses of the General Assembly.: We are instructed to request vou to accept that high post of honor and duty, to which your fetate! with one voice has Burrs, aiid Engine Force Liniment for Spi and uletit. Hair, &C &c. Mr. ' DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, SiUSIUT.Y, C. he frhnd at hi office, or at hi "dwelling on Vthe same lot. unles professionally engaged- A CA RD. rpHE SUUSCKlHEll Js iioAV receiving at JL u" - ;. 4 -Drugstore ih ilishurv, a lar?e and well selected stock 6f fresh Pras, Medicine? and Chemicals, fresh Garden 8 nd Calls in his absence will be promptly attended to I Field Seeds, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Spi- on his return. , - ees iif every, variety, all the Patent and proprietary " S. pt.l. 1857. ' J ' Medicines of the day. ":Dye Stuffs, Paints. Oil, Var- .T . AI nishies. Painter's ArTieles; Window Glass, Vdtty, Ac. ' !- :- , J OIiU ie.,f in fact everything, usnally kept by Dijugscists, rflENDEP'S his professional services to the wblh ba've been pon-hased in the Northern CltieJ i citiiens f Salisbury and -the 'surrounding witfcm the bst few weeks by himself at caffi prices. P-...:.. ' fK ar.nn;ta T.iit Affipo . - . I He flattens hitnselt tuas he can outr to the uuuuc a Salisbury. Jne 23. 1S57. tf.32 DR, R. P. BESSENT. Srp.f,i;o. DETisr, , . .S4IImrI"V3o.ta. has retrtoved to the Dnral Rwms on lL:e comer "formerlv occupied by Iu: Basis, where he is prepared to attend all operations v"c-TicteT with his profession, dee 15, '57, 22 tf. large ad as fine'an assortment '' Mediei4es, Ac, as etn e f..und in the State.: And with nts pres- SALISBURY, NO. CAROLINA. . Aycr's Cilirrry Pectoral FOR, coiighs. Ayera . Catliai'tlC I'llIS torj Biiiouf- dis&rtleri). ' i Wibti.r's Balaam Wild Cbcrl-y for Coughs and: Colds. . . 1:. Greens Oxv&renated Bitters, for General iXUi'ty. . . '." , ' -. pfgratlfs Llertric Gil P -tin1 Cuter. , Dav:s' I'Hin fiillc-r forT.heumi'.sm. &c: Radway's Relief for Irregular .Coughs. ' i Ho (Hand's German Bitters tor Dispcpria. Mustang Bruises. Sand's Saiv.a!aril!a for Scrofula Kennedy s: Discovery tor tne imppnty or.i have tQ fiay . aQ(i ending. simply wit the Cod liiver Oil for Consumptibn. : -' j date, our name, and tli3 name of the Grays, Dalleys, .Morehead's, andl other a((reS3ed, than to follow' the old sinds of Ointments. ... , . . , Plasters, PUls-, -and Preparatory; torn : V e are a democratic people ; 31ediCllies tobe found in any Drug Stpre;! 0Ugljfc to drop-' that which is useless logeiner wnn a geiienvi asawiuitm vt; Hair Oils, .. ! SOAPS, . ; ;'. rSraSlaes, i i I ! Perfumery, , ' , Spices, i ; Paints, i Oils, &.C. &Cd For Sale bv "V. H. WYATT, Salisbury, N. C $ept. lo. 185$ : 11 --tf -j j Written for the Banner LETTER WRITING. Would it not be in better taste, Banner, when wc sit down to write a let ter, especially to strangers,! and persons with whom we never have had, and J per haps never desirS to have, any familiarity, to begin our letter at once with what We th pkr CU3- ard and i 4 ridiculous, and approach with plain pre cision wbat we nave to sav. Dear or, would indicate the person thus addressed t) beheld in high estimation, greatly yal ued and beloved, and I(Mrs Truly,1 or even Yours, &ci, leaving the person ad dressed to fill ur the measure, would ihdi ent hrrremetits and facilities foi-cundae' business, he can Hnd will ceil; on us ood Serins ;vs anylhouse Suutb-of M;u- n A !ixou line, r I n x nvvmv-Ri-itiv M l). Marc h,17, -' 1 ; Tf.L.SUAERSr v i ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,: . - : SALISBUET, N. C, "XXILL attend the courts of ROWAN, STAN- LY ni CABARRUS Countiesi OfSee iio". 5 lwrl's new brick building, UP &JAIRS. November l&th 1857. . ly.. ; B. R. KOORE, ATTO Ii XEY AT tAW, r SALISBURY, 3". C. FFICeI ON .WATER STREET formerly eenped by Dr Nesbit,. Siilif curv. iug the IW STOCK AT SPIESS',:!;::: Dg of devoted friendship to the Iressed and his interests, that; of- ' j ten appears in stranpre contrast with the MB 4 fT" r. 5" V- B i - l . , U . 3 -j fvt6 :f- w E-l 3 : iiuDcrtanr part ot tne letter, or a vmsr In. c. i tf ill . i rr . I: i nai a ewiM. fiudeeor to Sill t SilL. I w,. .i!i.L Bv nf vn ociween me anectionate Deeinninffi ana """rt"""" " T 7 t ! l , 1 1 i mm .i;miu iui 1,1 u i iuih", , , Co?0'inut. all kirfds of Cepars. all sorts of nuts ! subscription thereof ; ' - ; soft shell Aimonds: "Ejrlish Walnuts,; Cream' . xifs Ppmn.tq i Snrdinp. vieliles and i I-'ear ciR : -lonr conduct toward me Branny Pwchek Filberts and a great; variety jQ the presence of the crowd! who witnessed it, was only worthy bf the base scoundre you areT and if you do not forthwith send NOTICE. IT" AVIXG sold onr Drag eslublishment nS4li8- then ever fc CASH I j Bury, to Dr. C. A. Henderson, westake pleas- i ' ure.in ommendis? him to th favor of onii friends and farmer patrons. : : ' i j " Dr. Henderson being a regularly educated Phy sician id havin; rrovided himself with competent Ass5taHts. will we have every reason to believe so conduct the business, a to ehtitie himself to the eot& fence on.l nafrlnr.'re of the ru'die. . ' ;: All ai-c iuTits wiede since- tie 20th MarA (nlti- mo!) will be paid: to' Dr. Henderson. of every thini in my. line, now sellitg : cheapen PH. Salisbury; Oct. 20. 1848 Salicuvry, April fl, 1S5". SILL A SIjLL. -25 tf . Oyster Saloon ! iOn Moniiy Jifst a Ft he Oyster Salooi. pre- "Why should a man whoso blo0$4 ie warm within, sit like bia grandsire c1) in alabaster?" Merchant of Venice.- - ... IiOYERS.. - J" ' "We that are true lovers, run into strange capers ; but as all is mortal in natare?.so is 1. ill .1 . , 1 I " cauea you, ana to aaa anotner to tne long rfl Qature -IQ love mortal in foll list tii emineui services wnicn it nas Deen Aivou liJci it. juui luuuuc wicijuti tu your, couutry. XOVE. May we be permitted to say that though ?'Oh how this love resembleth . ' of your Th' uncertain glory of an April day it you canuot increase the measure fame, your State hopes that you will con tiuue and prolong tha period of 1 your use- iulnees. We cannot conclude this, note without an assurance of our happiness at. the course the Legislature has thought proper to pursue, and an earnest appeal i that you will not decline thejhonor it has sought to Destow. i i WTe are, most sincerely, your friends W. J. Houston, M. C. Whttaker, ?John Kerr' W. N. II. Smith, M. W. Ransom. " ef'th !.jC?RIST114S LEGISLATION. Ir. Turner got the floor and waa proceedinK ' to address the Senate. . . 3ir. Donnell, (interrupting biro.) Mr. Speaker, L ia there anything before the Senate? . air. Speaker. Yes, the Senator from dranee ' Load laughter. . . ? A Senator. ; I mov an amendment Con tinued laughter. - ( Nam errua motions to adjourn were, now re jected.' Senator - introduced the folio wing bill ; A 10 I"RVNT TUt BAILlXa CMDH TUII i U .j ' OOL0K8. -'.-' - Jit it exacted, and it i hereby enacted by Ih i authority of the om, That any female citizen of ! this commonwealth, who shall, by the artful use ofjhooped skirts, high-heeled ehees, falae hair, Sphnish wool, cosmetic, or the like, bo guilty ' ' of jeaduciBg or attempting to seduce any of the male citizens of the State into matrimony,- shall- be ideemed and held guilty of a violation of the s lawa for the punishment of witchcraft The bill was read first time," and the rules i being suspended, it was put on its second read ing. - ; . . : Speaker. As this is a private bill, notice of ! application must be produced. rLinrhti..1 jst Senator,. I -think the object of the bill ' essentially public. "Good.?' Sd Senator. Isitbpenforamendmenll Loud I laughter. . If so, I propose, to amend by includ ing within, the provisions of the bill,, all male : citizens wearing shawls, -wigs, false hair,, and 1 using perfumery, i . : . " ; Here Mr. Speaker Clark showed a little restivenesp, but the clond passed quickly from hislbro.w as a gleam of light revealed the ad-: ! vancsof "rnerrie Christmas," and calling a i .Senator to the chair, he left to their full bent these children of a larger growth ' ?d Senator.:! am againtt to lilt Mr. Speak-1 " j er tFor though T was oriposed to enlarging the ' powers of married women J order, order, I am mffavorof unmarried ilivs spreading them- ''' seTsres and having full swinir. TConvulsive laughter I move for a committee on unmar ried woman's rights, and sugfrent the gallant Setator from Cumberland and Harnett as chair t man. Laughter. j. Senator springing up I have no objection to I the suggestion of my young ftiend, for I have nothing to- complain of-as respects the ladJSes. I certainly have suffered nothing from their eucrcachmehts as yet. Mb Senator. I Bee, Mr.'Speaker, ther is no' prospect i,f settling this question to-day j l': thtret'ore nii've to adjourn. - Bth Senator addressii-g 5th. What news from j hoine? Allusion to important domestic news received. J 5th Senator. The population. is increasing in the West. We want new counties. TLoud laughter J - - ' Wth Seuator. I move for a committee-to ascer tain ho w niany Know-nothings are in the Senate. i7th Senator. There is no use for a committee, they can be seen. Cries of order," and ; laughter. ' t "-''..- - bth Senator moved to adjourn to meet at i Asheville at y-o'clock to-morrow. Rejected. i Cth Senator moved that the members of the Il4(use of Commons a large number bf whom were presefttj be expelled. Ruled out of order. pth Senator drew attention to thelmembers of ; , the House occupying the seats of Senators. He cohadered the assemblage . an unlawful one, and called for the reading of the riot-actJ . j Speaker. The Senator will take! hi scat Laughter. , - ' . pth SenatJr. - I move the Senate have eve- ning sessions on and after to-day. j ' . d Senator. I move to amend by inserting "hot" after the word "have." L . ; pth Senator 1 aeeept the amendment The :' resolution as amended was then adopted. .iutn senator l move that a general leave of absence be granted to all the members of thie Senate and House of Commons - for one week. ' , Tbe Speakef ruled the motion out of order. jllth Senator. I move a general leave of ab ience for all the Lobby members for the bal- : ance of the session. 'Unanimously, adopted. jOth . Senator.. I move, .Mr, Speaker, that leave, of absence be allowed to Senator 10, loTthwitb, as ne has to walk home all the way. aid lead a dog. Loud laughter. 'Senator 10 was understood by the reporter to ask the loan of the; 6th Senator's suspenders, I for some purpose connected with the dog. i 1 2th Senator moved to add Senator 8 to the i committee on hoops. 4 j 10th Senator J Woman's or molhsses T -i-A voico. Whiskey hoops. Laughter. i8th Senator tboutrht that revenue might be got out of speak np hoops, and it would : b-louder well to refer the bill to the fl? . nance committee. . i lst Senator. I move the 9th Senator be re- ; quired to repeat his sceech. i Sth Senator. I succest an oneration on the Senator's ears. Laughter. :-12th Senator moved the commitice on hoops have power to send for persons and papers.- Agreed to. ; :' v ; 6th Senator. Mr. Speaker, I desire , to ask the Commoner from' Haywood a question. Loud laughter. j Speaker It is out of order. i 6th .Senator. Then I can't ask him! It's come to something when we can't speak to a Mmmorer. . Laughter. ppenter. , A Senator has no right to . ask pare' i nr.d nsra ern Stile, wiji 1 . Salisbury I Sept. 14 tf N. N. EliEMHIG I AS removed his Law Ofn.;e to the old C-unty . tr-wri.--Clerk's t-Jfiice, in.ieduitely in the reat t W Cuurt lloue. ...V Mar. 3. 185S 33 , -, r " - . - ; ; IOV COP 1!?TXE15HIP V. C: Bar" :;-rnt . S. E. L-.vW hve ent -red into u c M.(.rrb":p ia''he praotiee of Lw; ia th trwn in rvvii H-tisins." r:-'V B;,rriDr, -;R..E. T. Cor(1 y; ( . , SjlisbuTy or tv"i lint. - T- UNITED STATES " j- . MAIL LINE', : 1 CII OGE OF SCIS EOrilE rR031 i Saiisburv to Aim il!q. I . SETTLE rjiuosE: ;n; J psymcr.J ! eei'faln'jjpat: tl ;.-i t. o is;??. isedin the most approved North e ipenc I at mv Confettionary; and pftrticulhr tare has been taken to ajceoramo dsjte ladies wit'i entire privticy. if theyfilcsire it PH. g. srit. iSalisburyj Ot-t. 20, l--tf. - YOUR ACCOUNTS. hied to rci are req-Kftcd to" .mike i a ti it w-, r.r em to cost. v: JA or i snau s.-EEARD. - j cie a full apology I will take satisfaction out cf your infernal hide j for I would n t : ' 1 . . ... ... ! . 4 ! ! eievate,you to tne position 01 a (rentieman to seek any other raode of revenge. F I am Sir, ' . ; Your most obedient sery'. I Dear Sir: 4f you do not send me; tie j mount of your bill bv Saturday, j will pursue you to the fall extent of hs law," for 'I will no longer listen to such s Which now shows all the beauty sun And by and by a cloud takes all away." Txco Gentlemen of Verona.. PERSEVERING COURTSHIP. ; ' "A .woman sometimes scorns whaj best 1 contents her ' Never give o'cf, For scorn at first, makes after lov& the more. .. ' If she do frown, 'tis not in hate of you, , But rather to beget more love in you: If she do chide, 'tis not to have yoftjgone; For why, the fools are mad if left lUdue. Take no repulse, whatever she doth; pay . ; For. oet vou aone. she doth nofctnean h esH0n3 except of Henatorst in this chamber. ... . uvji a ii n uiiiiuics. : Sjeaker. The motipn is out cf order, j 6th-Senator. I appeal. j;2d Senator. I call for the ayes and noes. Speaker statiug, and about to put the ques-tioa-r- " ; 2d Senator. I call the Speaker to order. Laughter. ; Speaker. Ihe Senator cannot call the chair to ordrr. ' v ' - ! 3d Senator. Allow me, Mr; Speaker', to state . after long service, I heretofore resigned a win ' idh t tf&poi,. T t. c seat in that ourt, t was with the sincere By fearing to. attempt," . f . of "leave, leave." ; desire of enjoying the repose and quietness Measure fir Mature, ; 3d Senator. A question mtv be stated Bitting, ' of private life ; and I thought I h,ad then quietus. ' - ' hot must be put stahdirg! " - laid down the cares and responsibilities "We are such t uff ' " r- ; ftpeaKtr.me chair knows tuat aswtui as me of office forever. It would not be sincere a ." n HtoKfi. ?tor: .tLou.d ?hter. :e i , . ti .i . i . , , "-"' " "i mu.uui . ... uuof oi the clerks being absent, bth senator; it i were to couccalj thut it is painful to Is rounded with a s'eep." proceeded to call the rdl, invertedly, comment- hud my serf disappointed. To gijro up my . Tem,est. ' ins upon the Senators, as named, in a most retirement is against my feelings and . . , - humorous manner. ' 6 .: - V. j '"fa3 i PAST A FFT.TCTTnX. 4 I I. r. , . . .. ; . .... breaks up ail my plans for the short rem- ,r . .1 i t. l' . ; cpeater ciara at this point returned .to tne nant of my life and, after abandoning for i? burden our remen-braSc . chair, order and decorum became restored and- r. . j : , , r , ,6 , With a htaviness that s gone. Jt' the senale adjourned till t'morrow at lOo'clock. . six y ,-ars the study of the law, I feel, and 6 fey, - . , j To the ey that ean see envthiLp to condemn : I fear others will teel, that, at vhe age cf I ,m,r n, rr 2! ;e $neer at n tucb a'scene as tVi. at such a . seventy-one, it is an act of rashness, un- ' : t -l' season, 'all that is checrfttl and r-rgbt in Christ-f suitable to that age, to undertake again , r . r, - . , -1 j ! mftfi rresent-br j.0 come.- muft be ehut out : .k iu t .u. ?.r' i ...... i ?: , least enviable of all snofied kv kdrs -Ana- it mav be that In looking on- more fowards it can' only b aennm-d 'J .lriHiA . ChiHstmas lfst, nothing will beiseen there to i lv j r M "The jforfng that.we loved to greet ?' ' Should that be so, then God help that desolate ! heart" A' k'. Standard. Raleigh, Dec. 15th, 1858 Gentlemen: I left home before your Though ne'er so--black, siy, they bftva an letter, informing me, officially, that I had eels' faces. : s 1 been elected a Judg of the Supreme Court That man that hath a tongue I say.'Jfl no ana requesting me to accept the high trust. ' rnau naa arnvea tnere; and 1 have just received If with hts tongue he canaQt win a woman. 'So event could have been more nnex-1 .. nnrTTtTs. ' ' i pected by me, or have created more sur- "Our doubts are traitors pnsi. hen, at an advanced j age and And make us lose the good we ofci might LINE! OF FOCPv -Ts-rzK i t - ?rZ??ifrt Co.it .-.sis iuv.v in livnni'Ction ' T( ATV-i n-r, iief U ncoi l, MnJi J l it. , M H A JYJldJ Kail iioad. Leaving Salisbury, "LTA?'rQ ved lii? Office to the ne recently ccu AXj i-d , rr. Tod !. nVsr'y opposite the I wt t- fli-e," whei i,,, ,,,, iVp Cin suited iV- m- .pt "S A M. toi tp,lrt i- pUst 2 I'. iL, -id snnset : lTnd.wh?'a. , his Uice. he lajj befounlat (the - Verahda f .t0Une," "ujftUs absent on prufessionaj luincsi. . . iury. C. March 2-t. 1S5S. "3 tf. i CLAtR & IIEDERSO, - nTT OtVE. S 1 x an 1 FrRITURE PAINTERS. "X-L . r.itr.in-&-Mrb'inS. .GiU'T Plain and ar-i-.m-otMl P.y.,. ilaKiinjr.rt.iiiia. .4"..j,re p?epar ed P' ex?coe nCrs in the ao Hoe of buineAS. - on, rheJnn.-rt4ice and ' most j'eawable -leruQ." t rb VJ..Miii,i!'i lir iar, rnre id;id at o tt'ciok A, M-, 'oti Mynday.-. days, . cud f "ryday, yt acjkiig 'Morj SUi-rrn. on the .siir'e" u.i;:' and wtb deteitbr pi:i5 on to 1'leas iil gardens for Ereakfast, crossing the BLUE SIDGE- AT; K003T DAY, ami offerin ty) the f-ablijl a 'fine' "view-6f the cetehmte-1 l'eak r-f tne jacs Mountain, i Mitcheii r.d CdingiuAn.4 rfcachy; -. At.jtie.vj!l tr i IJiaiur, wfaicli Wiil te trom LI' ill ft to TEN I Ji'crars in advauije of aiiv ?rur rvutei.' 7 ' r -JTo expeuscVr p -sits 9. wi be -r.ired to --make this the ISKfiT !9.r 4Sii: in -the HORSE pAisEHOEB rutiL-ing with' the ollna hv; Kail Wedses- nton to at anv CH1CKERING & SONS Prip Pianos; - The su.ser--r. resident.! iim:ngiton, ri. C, ful falsehoods as you haye put with. Youra truly, ! n.! i f because u can' only . ! ' - j that make us regret ibe loas i t o-igi . But it has pleased the General Assembly ranee." Lady BlessinabJtt4 ' w tuuu una iciictcu cipicaslUll VI OOU- i name-; I. ! me: on 1 .nrheOiort-nwend mast jeawaa-ble terufi: -? .mTTf- -f-J iji xre j-.u'iiry ofe j4a!,,tfr attended ",t.u Their ?qh.:. luve it & trial.- iiu ;f atidctin is k-ir.' 'f-PPtNf5e Mansion House, next door at g vent fill, I y:iU J;)Mvery 'int5h'ce rf-frmd in a manner whicn ties most deeply, sd that I am led to be- opiuion and in that of the country, in is ?uy duty to ent.r once more into the public service. Under the circumstances 1 also suppose it to be oMi-. gatory on me 10 obey the commands cf the Legislature. Therefore," as a duty, I fore go my own inclinations and accept the office bestowed on be ; and will! endeavor with what i in paired ability 1 retain, to ex ecute with my associates, Us functions. I retum to the General Assembly the most -unfeigned, thanks j and acknowledgments for ihe honor conferred on mt; iut, at the same time. I undertake the ta.-"k with verv Fairs, invite the tteut ou of tne persons . . . . . .j .. . I t .1 ereat diffidence and tntirelv in 'deference -,h,r tn ,.-r.T-ne r-iH-"t.vlhft-ove- firm, he, quire, naviug seuieu ine largest sharei-ot ,1 . . showing the 14 different .styles of Iacos-vary-, my estate upon' VOU J and have emploved ingfrvia up W ip'm .pticcs exql.-! ' . , t i -K ht. ftc.:' ' T. A. E. EOiiNSiLuT. ! - ! '' 10 jour removal next fiience in my diligence and fidelity, and 1 Un - J . . 0 : . -.... We rtpvrr rpsnonr, tnnfi who as :3e US. touches sensabili- towever e m3 " smiie at their 'cb pow- A considerable distinction cSte bc- bVirg-a-fentfof thebaic of the ftb.'ve: prm,. the i J . - ' J1 I. nly oiseiliavin?. received 3 ii?- f a-.upie provision ior your luture mamtam rreni;Pr.ze WeIals- at di6nt State ance far beyond what the law would re- Mt Dear Jife: lou ask when I I will leave this abr-minnble country or sfend you home to your mends. ; I have made triejr'i Wimiingtn; Sepfemher 1. !S-8. -lv. ! - K. CALL AT .. , - ( agan A. &l W. MYERS'!"1 and gee the iaTidsomest and cheapest gooda in , "Q1' -Sett. FAL1SP.UUY, N. C. 29, IC- - - .--.,' l-l- tf . week As I never desire or design to ee I u . t. . " 1 1 1 again cue wuu uas sirit;u so nara to maso w . ... home a hell upon Earth, I bid jyoi a adieu. i - j Your affectionate husband. isalisbary, iS.y ' j- ctiiVa f -5 rt - ' - : ft f ' ilorganton, Aug. 25,- 1658. BROW;! Con. D -?-r- (" Mister peer Deer Su S8 VftB T tr.iild va wants a w. ifMi sarvmt. T am that t TM1 in it to niri-r u-j ( n f i b.lroc f tn.1 Sole Agent fur Rowjn'Ccunty. ' pcrvided ye pay the dacent wagesLopin Kerosene Oil. TSTILLED frrtm Cos? not eri loHvd zives i.. , . . ' -I. 'j , lucheaPeiandbri:rhter Hiht thanUvbJruiri S3meauU U Je l Miv? a priSU, to the authority of Itha public will. The manner in hich, gentlemen, you have male the communicauon to rue, and the kiud terms in, which yoii have ex pressed your hopes iaiid wishes tot my use fulness 10 clEce, lay me under great and lasting obligations to each of you individ ually. ; 1 - - Wi h high consideration I am, geatle- ers. tween the acnising and the entlainiBg men ! We laugh with one; bo;ifri.fl3Ct with the other Ibid. "?V AMBITIOUS PEOPLE. There are no persons capable atoop ing so low as thoe who desire tM rise in the world. Hid. TI men, iTour f..ithful friend a'n eetvant, ever vet discovered. S For safe bv . . THOMAS R To Messrs- y. J. Houston, M , ker, and others,; Committee. QFFIN. C. WThita- Did You Ever Know ? s 1 Did you ever know a poor ma Oh own the best pew in church ? v ' -Did y'uu ever know a minister? yho had time to talk to a poor brothef 'n the street? ' ' 1 ' Did you ever know a merchant -So talk t: a poor woman when a rich c$ ). belle entered ? j.- , Did you' ever know a man to jxictice the charity hejpreaehed ? - . " J. ,: v .Did you ever know a man ta it a V into the collection box who did rf t groan very pieusly and turn around to' r? -who was looking lit him ? . ptC ' Did you ever-1 kr,ow. Si, politico whs knew as many people alter as lj)re the elf cf ion ? " , Did you ever know a mother 5 tho did not like to see her daughter founded with botes (beaux f) ;i One Reason for not Subscribing- 'The Annapolis Gazette tells' the following; story of a citizen, of that place. A person botter-known for L.s wealth than his lib-1 erality, was requested to aid in the erec-i tion of a church and "' the subscription, book was placed ia his hands. ' He looked itt anxiously aud earnestly, and handed it back with the astonishing remark: "No," tor ! I wril not give any thing; not half as -, taany people go to hll now as ought to.' h A Mahometan ' proverb says f'Jbe ink of the Iearntjd, like1 the blood of the naartyrsr is sacred in the eyes cf hea" ten. ' '" ' .- .--'' u - JtSr The road to ruin becoming the" manager of the Italian Opera. i JSar There is heaHtg in a smile, snd tiVghter is medicine to the mindJ gS- Time, patience and industry, are the three grand toast H.of the world. - ,- 15 EST" Fortttne, when once released, is. seldom caught. : In what ihtp have the greatest . number, of men been wrecked ?Couriki. " !? - -: i -'" M . 'U . ' .: UK W .i' I'j.'-'I i -.'I "I'i-: i i '- - f,l y Sr - ---1f: 1 . : ' --'i-i-'-.r i' - . - ,- r 'Mi m ' " iid - m :1 t -. Vi- -1 . . -..-5.3; '.;y- t 5'3 - ! r - , "r