'4 , MMMMM"MM'MMMM'MMW""P"M"M1-''1 ' 1 lillill IWII.IUL.J I w i i .. mil mil i ' ' : . " '! . ' ' i r Si- I t' 1" ; V A Weekly Family Newspaper Devoted to National and State Politics, Literature, Markets, Home and Foreign Intelligence, &c Term---Two Dollars a Year in Advance, .Vi)Ii VI SA LISBUKY; jNORTH CAW) LI NA , ME$T)AY MORNING, DECEMBER-. 1, 1858. I- IB s : : ! ; ; ; 4 ' ' m. - ' ' ! ' ' ;. - . i OLD SAlflSBURY ffiEjrlVE! m NEW MERCANTILE FIRM! TKEMENDOU S ATTRAOTION BIlTiSlij'IRMCJI, AN!) AMERICAN jf, r ftxjm tlu-r pnst xpf ; ii.ip!.l t' the Wat ts ona sell goixln chapi' . ativi the pt;li ginrr.J' ltov we iTiunuT B. K leave !' call tlift :stciii!oa of-the c'siSiens tsovan uau lie t t'uf 'Ovli ur tiOliS tiiry are ujw .rw;w!r. 1 h v teel pinnli-nt,' ; settee, tnfet lh-- :r swrtki Li( li is rvje auJ c rtjiiuily selected, ip li'lmiKihly . j tof tUe conanmiljf, ad thnt iwvlng hongUt tae pri-c!i;U part f .f ciisli, thc-j; r titftn juij rtire in aay: part of Astern or(u :tiolr a. : CouiUrjr jJerclian'.s : Uy vTrl ! 1-uat, t we Lave U-i l uimea. tuil esri) aTTi.ru. we can stil 1st pi .T jse at wiri hO' di have ticea r:i uvrt ore ia p.ii.sourj. a mi) tifiii of cur stack : : 1 n j- i - 2-" j ' . - A 51 H R I C A X , 1 "R Bi C II . A ;) D KGLIiU CAJ.HOrs, fcok-red r.d. l.lack.f 110MC4 TJCi Fl.AXSi:!, n'KJS.OR lfi LAIXKS,". APACA'-S CilOIlll.lla?, UiU 1.1.1 .t;s,Bt;I aii'd . C1SAD1.K IJl.A?Ii:TS. T-AI'I-I- t iit, inn M-i i.iu, j. SCO P1JE OF EGiiO DlANKETft, JCUeapcr Uiaa cvr o&red in tLiii Market. T . ' ! j. ., ; . ! GENTLEMEN'S' GOODS, i - CL 0 THS, GAS &MER ES, VE S TIN (S, SA TINE TS, - KESTL'CKY JEANS, of evely varktv. Also, a fine assortment t,f feOCK ISLAND,! AND YAD !. KIN MANi CO S. JEANS, IIOjllEKY, KNIT, AND LINEN, SKIRTsS, GLOVES, &ci- ! -i Silk, White Gbods? Shawls," Cloalvs, Laces, EmbroSJeries, Hosiery, .IrislilLinens, Swiss, Jaekonlt,. ' ' : Corsets-, Hoopf Skirts, iieadnlresses, S&e. . Black and Fancv Dress Silks Seaifs, &c., &c. : Kibbons, Grape, Gloves, Silk arid Linen Hand'kfs. Tarlton Muslins, . ; Swiss and Jaconet edgings I ; and insertions. U i M: M m n Mil ; g Wti PS!J " 'P'teKt, r ew rob- : BUSINESS If QTICE. AfVer the first of ?eptera'bsr, 358, no crifeir riil b entfrod cpon'oicr lirt ankt py- uientbc tuie in dTBC. except la je wherein pcial ntr-:t ia nictj to py in brtr; no? will the BAJfNCR be eostinaefi, after tjh ftrt of January, to any of our prer. 8aberifeer, may be sis months ia errewt St tiat titae. when, if not befor. bill for t wfcola tmoait of eifh tabscription die, will e prepared nd ut oat for :Oo!lv;r!ion. ' J ! ltit n ne ihv pled insnfaaoiat notice, this .... . . ! 1 in! will bs pubtuhid ereTj rwrtt hic; will iijoi ii umple oaie untn Chrigturi! fur oOl niirs, vrlat VTlSli tu i'.M t; (u i, tO!rr.'. i:, wi ! in li' -.t. ;v: The re r-'ur. . r. . ' 1 Si t i Lie we THE LFSItLATTJIlI HOUSE OF COMMONS: i(r. Dtny etated that lie -vrould introduce t)il 'for !Le removal of free negroes Irom tbo hmte, and cave this notice to preBiire members lor the consideration of the bill. ? itr. Moore of Martin gave notice that '.he von Id introduce a neirro ex- emption lawj with the. ol)jict of jn- HMtALPBVZ&Y9 e. : . "' j "pg nij bidders thereby z-rrjL--.L l .tri-nirthenin the h'tifi.tinri ' !.,','f ts-itris vials'?. "Mtr. 1. f&fu ! ii --t ; - . sAT. ! V .rnE if v .1 : in .irauaitrrr42'(ne. SALISBURY uliU4iM.d 'very Vw4ae5T. . ;j BY JOSEPH IS. TWO e'f.r; iU ' ! Vr i I tan-s tiiai may jH8 ourri-.l iffio.; fro;n JkIi. Cannon' to m. i-a.. Vve tberetWe dbubnd iM each df our dis tant sabserib.-rs write t- u at once. ttvardicg rhp nmf.tint- "l if (trt lin:ivtf it. 'in if ori. tnauir- iDg tu oe iui;ir?nocs, upon wnien we siiau proiucuy : nnvrfin n T furuish a ttnient. I ' :' tUiLJiiil HncBforthfter tbedt bpvo mentioned, our ! week aT0 AVe made a : sllOtt CXCuf- v To m.ike ahrt Banner" wortbjj of the jpatronaga i SOn to Concord, OUO of tile ' most (ii cwrv reaJi-r ia tDS State ami oi ui ii: we n - - . . , ! recently goi,e.tu D.ucb expn.c! and iayy Hsbili- prosperous ohall the V4 11a 208. m the 1 "C5 Hi si'eVlericv: lel!-ereu eret-iiiv FEWSO i re; by tlie Clerk Teraii of tatscrijtio3u: : ' ' Eeferred Editdrisls. mbo-j auu, ltj uiL-ri sunn, w - icij 'uu m. nurfwf . vjitn rfnT"T npporter, tuemiori?, eoUttita uiiMjt a coin-, lyuuu. nia- wen muioc to jjrMujre aci-ast one. nw advari-payifl SALISBURY, N Are crowding their Store, with everything thsit-i.-j iiew, elegant, and attractive in fljairr ami anb SmjiortriJ ahirii, ; a" 1 'all that is gnoJ nn-J substautial in m w .-s- . 1 . v ?;v --WW In extent, selection, variety and ja ice they are t t t j.fraid of any competition with, ithe largest houtes m the fctate ; indeed ratuer tcvite, aua wta witu great coiiRJeuce, the preseut season solicit both " i i : ' tTTTTAT Tin 4 T T ."h-.tidu, knows itpt th.-y can satisfy the most critical that thy A good adsortmant of geatleean's clothing, to which we invite a pevil attend ori. ' .-' " . . "I UAfs, CAPS, BONNETS AXD FLATS. ' ; : r: t B O O TS 4- SHOE. i We have paid particular attention to the selection of "this pcrtion of our stock, and challenge I competition in Brogans, Waterproof Boots,. Dress-Boots and Shoes, and Ladies' and Childrens' ; Gaiters and Shoes, j-..- . - . 'i i-i - CAFPETIXO and OlL-tOTHS, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS and DYE-STUFFS. We are sole Agents for the EJellevue White Lead. ! f' , i ': '" Hemlock and Oafe-fTanned Leatlier, CalF and Goat-SKins, Har dness and lTpper-X.ealfier, Slioe and Saddler's Thread. - "v ood-Varc IiuciiCis, urooms, iuus, hi uae, i h me, uope, &c r - CROCKERY and QUEEXSWARE.' i ' We are enabled to show a ntoer and better selected stock of these 'Goods than has ever kept in this place. Special attention is invited to our China dinner setts, and China and plated TTJAT 17 Q VJ2 JJ- to jrive them t!ie benefit of an 'xsi bring both skill enterprise and iiitdfrffiuisitjon in ia ikin ujj their supplies. In order to avail ourselves of thteitewest and t hi'H tst Guvds iniioi ted into the country, we were in market several weeks ill a'ivaKteof the rcguhtr penJ before resident, and ythet bAiyers ha- selected the. niufit . r 1 """" , . I from the early French IniiiortJith'Uj. -m f our f.-m bavins iust return?d from the North; We hiive thus Ukea a'lv.mt.ige of tUe fr.riv a w-ll as later importations, and can therefore in vite the attention of our Town- anf Country fri?n of wir supply with lunusnnl confidence as we can offer them unsurpassed advantages both jri prices, ricbiiess and variety of assortment. We shall continue to receive, throughout the season, 11 the new styles that come out so asito present -to the trade at all times the Jlost FasiliouabZc Good in the market. i - I With every facility to conduct anj estinssive businesswe will sppare no pains to attain Jour , qb jeet and: cordially invite all to give iniriSOek a thorough exantinadon before. purchasing, i j e can attention to the lollowmir : . jbeen Bio and Java CoSee Sugars of all descriptions. Syrups, alol asse ; ' i' " 5- "' V ' !' &alt plccs, -Casidles, Soapx, &c &c. ; ' . j We on be found at the corfier, opDOsite the Manon Hotel, formetlv occupied 1t M. Brown. 1 . ;., 1 -l , MoXEELY & YOUNG. Salisbury. S.-pt. ILt IES DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, 16 2fd, 18-8.t -i f. 12 tf. HEWMARBLIM -rr- .rv nw The Fcllowing Ardcles Sold by i W. B.1TOTT, Druggist and Apothecary, SALISBUR"si NO. CAEOLINA. TJ4 Bitters, or Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR cough. Ayer's Cathartic i Pills for Bilious disorder?." j ; .! WisMr's fJalam Wild Cherry for Green s Oxygenated Gncr 1 DeUVtv. ; ; i)e-rMtij's i:icetric Oil Paih Curer. f. Pall ILiller i-r Rheumnism, &c. Rtdwav'sw RCalel tVr Ii regular (JougLs. i llo;:fflana's (ieiman 15.it t'erjj for RE-; Dispepia. , . ' i . I-' .KV M blm: Alu.-tar. 2, MflUUCni iur-.pprtMUS ana openea a : 01 s rrRACTICAL mIrBLE 1 CUTTER, I Braises. ;i Sand's s a r s a pa rillaforSejjofuJa v- Kouii-dy's Iliscuvery' for the I ii! parity of I.. '"Til. " . ; -i.i i ' 'oI Lit er ' Oil; f-.-r , CcnsnmptionJ ; ' opposite-the MhkoJ Hotel, v ere he is preps'r ek to fill all orders .-With- dlsph. fir MONU- ' MEXTS. HEAD STOjSES. T.rfLK T0r3, sa l all kinds of Work in thi M.ifbse lin. of either IMPOI'.TED ITALIAN or ASEP.ICAN MA.fi- RT.E. ' ! !' - I " f ' ' ! Ilavins made arrangementsy which heffin together with a general .assortment if procure tue im?oeted irtiian gjiiif, ai ream.-,; aiuir riis, e4 prices,! he can fill all order for Monument-, j Sc., at reasonable rates.- ;' " . : He would be h-i'ppy t hav all desirous on del;ngin"his line, t call andseespecimens of j Marble, hear prices, jand judg for themseivs - ' Hivinhad 25 yars experiEce in the bi-i-: ness, he will give hid peroonaattiition to. put-:: tir.ff up usonnments, &C. " - June 28, 158. ' I 59 tf. ; LiJ Sfleudid Brocide Silk Robes a' Eez. . ' I do do do flounced and d-uble skirts, j Rich Bayadere a' Lc-z and plaid Silks. ' Rich Brocade, Ottoman, Bayadere and Gro. Gi'Jii'i Black Suka. . . ' , Black Gt(; ie-R'uhes Pout de Soif and 'Til'&i Saks jfron; fjOots pvr vard upwards. r,ar:s I)e luine RcLes a' Ltz, vr-ry U-n-W.me. Elegant: Bayadere and Figured French Delaines. hatine i.-iceone and .Mccone, a new' article. 6-4 Plain. Figured and a' Lez French: Merluoe-v a'ifl CMslimeres. ,;. Bayadere Clialiies and Valenias. Beautiful French: Plaids and Stripes. Mohair, Bivauere Silk warp Be B.-iige.. Handsome low priced Printed Mquslines and Casnriieres. . ' - Black and colored satinets of!the most approved makes ?derir.o, Casimere and other materials for boy's wer.r u -nts ha'f hose gloves, collars, cravats,- scarfs, fcilk. merino, gnu-ze, Marseiles and linen shirts; a large as-surtuieu ofladks hosieryfcof every d ripti-;!!. - j l'LiXTATKIS GOODS, BLANKETS, &c Fine Merino Linseys for house servthts. lle-avj Linsey-, Marlboro Plaids, Kerseys, Sat- t-ucts rornetd hands. - . r Blankets, white . and colored, a great variety very che Vp. ' . : IlouscKcepinar 2X)ods. Linen sheeting aud Pillow Linen. Lupins' jBlack Bombazines and Tanacse clo:h. j Bleached and unbleached cotton sheeting of all di I do De Lirie.. Eiig1,'--! crapes, &c. i widths- : ; I Rich French Chintz and Cliiutz Robes. j Bed Blankets and Marseilles Quilts, a large Point Applique a L aga i.e and Brussels Lol- ' supply iars and teleeves. Valencieniies.'Honiton an 1 Lace trimmed Col- lars, Sleeves and S.-tts '! Real French Muslin and Cambric j Embroid'r.l CoU:ii',ilceves and Setts. ; j ; Linen aad il'iiju". white and colosel: Coiiars, Sleeves and Setts. Frei.ch M4l't!. Lace, Linen, Cuabricaipd Pique CUi.r!s. Sleeves aid SettsJ . I ! ' .Mourciikg CxIusUn, caiubrio an 1 cr.ipej collars, , sleeves and setts. ' i ' I'lusfn and Lace Capes and Prt.bas. Real French Muslin Embroidered Bipie!", Pique do.! I ;'! Muslin, 1 Cambric' .and L?ncn Bands, E Igings- ar.d Irisertings. Grtys. Bailey a. Morehead's, hind all other Kinds of Olnluients!, - !. ji Piasters, Plllsi and Preparatory 31edicines to be found in any? Brug Store: so irs, - i . ; HruShes, 1 Perliiinery . Spices, j J V: ri Paints. i oiisij, &.c, &.c. For Sa bs W. II. WYATT. Salisbury, !f. C. Sept. 15, 1858 1 lltf. j : &3 a new and cheap Supply J& French Lemons, r-- .:. -.,r. W .4nf rtmrS all sr.rts of nut.-i . soft shell ' jAlmoiids Eglish Walnuts. Cream 1 33CS)CACC5 Iff dl Nuts, Pecatuts and S. cgne, ks and; 8uhicriverh! lian1 0 of th, finest Branay Pe?ches, Firt. anj a . great vanety ; 1 ,tock f r,ock afc1 WajcUs ct every tosngtninT m ... "i- ; i;f most celebrated makers and than ever i'r White Dimity fu.r counterpanes and curtains .Aiusknaad Lace cut tains, Bfocatells, S itiii Linen, Worsted and Cotton Damasks. LJ;iu, -st table ch.ths napkins and dovlies. Table damask, dma.ik.and huckaback towelling iaijle anj r.sn-j t overs. CAHPETINGS I : 1 velvet, Tape.-try Brussels (three ply and in ' gra ii) - 1 In Staple and Fancy Goods, such as the bleach ed Long Cloths.. 1 . ; Utib'eacLed Cotton Irish Linen, white Cambrics aii i Jacom-ta. checked and plain MUfelin. Flan lit K if., Ac, we are supplied wifhl the best : gtades and ofTtr in , tLcm great inducement. Stopping at Harris', we kent Hotel full t6 u!.,erir: hH ifihi? is ditje, . (audi wiibout vl .V' -V '" dou- NEIl -iv-.r. hcu-.ine one of the kno-t profitable eli as eiheu-nt paprra in the .State.) rn'llowmij the ex'.mTu"1? of m" cittihporarie, w-j no w offer t' ne-v sui)n ribf.rJ tfa f jllciwiug CLUB IllYS: FIVE COPI E.-5 TY.S ciuis e-xceeding ten, in th4 samo proportion, 1 character. Gall on him and see. f 1 50 each. ' 1 Pavu'ijnr. always in advanee. to those wh raise cub of ten; and two free copies Tnn-Jv,- o-,,!,!;.-,!,.. f ft.A hose-wli:' ri?e clubs bf twenty. , , . . . I ' Ivupp. who has everything arranged RATES. Ju the neatetananner. He is selling v,t it -an ?e douo.) before cfistmas, tiw BAN - naent for which he is famous, he aei- II -.v-.r. hcu-.ine one of the kno-t profitable se - ' , i; i commoaatea all simi;tnoiislv. iiar j ris's has long been noted as one of the best eating houses in the Slater 5 0" ; au' "Charlie" still keeps tip its high given t.i iac AIVERTISI-G Q f i W tO tf.H' . a. a. c. o.s . . . . A Ci 4. U t j a.i ibse b'oa U;-aoiU8Bn i I " Oi. W -I 1 J V ' w - v to M V 0 ; V 9 i '-I- J- Passing abont, we; peeped into the s x -t . . ijnonjiaaii -mJ -i ri - S o x sm . daoiijagat O1 - is b o ' " 5 o o o ? ' i 1 1 S 3 , V I "i J tJ X v to 1 - ' ?9 Sqitiojr; v 3 c : - u V o i- sqnojej 9 qUorc; : M ii W If . w; : 5: w M M 1 ai o c tJ' 5- 1.- ' ' k k 2 2 ' Z "'I''K 6 A I square is 1 Jewelry remarkably cheap. He hal the space oc- j Beveral setts of Jewelry ift cases, ma- cupied by 16 . .. , ' s lines of King an attractive display. - I BreoeecraS:i Walking out; to the. Factory we renewals with were much pleased to see its propri- out additional - - i charge grant- etor doing not only a safe,; but a whJ, advertise ; profitably business. Our friend tW: Smithdeal is also branching ont. J Three doi-1 There is a flourishing Male vAcad- larsi for an- i 0 . i ntHincing cn- emy m Concord ; and, reflecting on ofii : the quietj healthy, and beautiful lcj xiqurt Order cation we wondered that there was c-rnt higher not a Jt emale bennnarv ot 1 a msr .X...J. .1.-. - o hove rates grade established'in the place R vore of huii-' . Dana ana wuc, j "W'e" are.indebted.to R. Criearson1, $10; each. i Esq., the President, for a copy of the skiing iTad-: Proceedings' of the 4th annual meqt vertliuie n 1 3 nfr f)f the stockholders of the West- ar& I roqueoted j o . . . . to istate tbe era North Carolina Rail Road. The number of in- r of YresidenU Mresirson, fcertious required; and if it is wished they fhonbl , , e r T r n i occupy -the lew: space noible. write irinon the and that of Maj. Jame3 0. -tUmef, bach tbo word clone. Otherwise they up in tee usual style and charged ace JSo discount on these rates. - 4 1 'A be. put Chief Engineer, give a coiiCise" cleal,1 thf .aSe ot torty-liye years, shall- be ordingiy. j . & e. . .- subject to capitation Uix, and no oth- ' and hiMily satisfactory statement of w .;..1.. ,i,,r ' . t-- I the condition and prospects of the I improvement. "' I ( Written for the SilisVury Banner. A WINTER HYHH, Superb V-ilenciennes, Thread an! Guipure Li- Best SteCi JLSteilSlOll and. HOOp cespad Edgings. i i SKIUTS of all descriptions. 4 Infants jwrought Bodies and Dre.-ses.: : ' , ' ! La.nes wrcughtCamlric Robes. ; ,0UV beCOlld FJjOOE fcpiendid Embroidered Liueii Cam'jric II era d , !- j stitched Lawn TacW Handkerchief-. Is dercted to Readj-Made Clothing, Enihroidere(T Muslin Collars Sleeve's and; Han.?- flats, i'aps, Iiooti, Shoes, Trunks, kerchiefs. : ' I 'arpeiiiss, and Heavjl floods. Real Biack1, Thread Lace and Chautil'y eils. Toad 01' which we call special attention! of ;M -I-''--',- 1 , ' j L F , ' th;e w:-hng !ny thing in that line i We have tlOaKS, MantieS, and ( fana"WlS, ; in store a vtry I trge assortment of j Rich Velvet Tatia s. Cloaks aud MauJlejs. Rich'Cibtfi ind Beaver do - : - io. Lj-ou's Velvet and Coi'd Jind Black eiL'tns an.l trimmint-s for Clocks, t - i i ' Beautiful : Pltsh, Bordered m nil CLlnillp Sttlln - Shawls. ; ', ' : ' Long, square and rou:d Woid Shawls new and beautiful patterns. Also, a large assortment of Ladies and Chi'- BOOTS AND SHOES, pi. 0- SPIES?. 16-tf Salisburj(Oct, 1843 Ovster Saloou! Jfwtlry cf all -sty ever -btred sn this section df countrv. 1 All of which, he will seljl Fifty pej: cent lower than they can be piirchafeed elVewlitrk '! Watches. Clock?,! and all kinds 0 Time pieces , careiui'y repairta ana Wiurmnted. Sept U -1S5S. On Mond-tyDeit k Fire p!ter Saloon. pre- pared and arTiineeda th mo-t approved North--.ern Stile, will be' opened r.t fiy Confectionary. : and particub.V care ins been Ijikea to accomnio- date lauios wun euuxc piimj. u .-..1., 1.. Salisbury, Oct. 20, f -16-tf :V;- , rw : ' 1 FALL - land -ly. WINDER YVTEhaf? 'received "find opened ' f,f ' inspeetu-it . the l.r2-est stofjk .-f IRY-GOODS. H.T!, IMH.TSi& SlKiCS. comprising t very variety of goods in the line. We can assure all in want if they will give us a call, to sntisfy thcra after an examination of our stock, that we have not only tbelargeet.'but the be-t selected stock of Hoots and Shoes ever offered. They are made so that we jean recommend -them to our friends with every con- Jieu'o Furs of. every description. 1 A beautiful j fidence, knowing theyare good and well made, and extensive assortment c-f Bonnet i Ribbons, - af.d will give mucb better satisfaction to boy ere Bonnet Rushes, Britlul and party Wreaths, ' than the cf-nncon traah go-i-ls, such as are fre French i lpwrr-,- OrTiawet.ts for th Ilajr, aud aently soil at very liw prices, but prove; al ail the .a test novelties in that line, j ' i. 1 most worthless to the wearer. Our! goods i are i Pnritlfi'Mnii'c Avri'ip' J brought from the manufacturers thelmselvea: on i .UtillllUllb a ttlur.: - the'v.ry best torras, and we will stl.them at a ililgers-cvktrated Black French Cloths and ii ery KHial! adiailCC ' Ca3-in.eres. .. .. ' j We shall be happy to have all ii Oxford mixed Doeskin and new style fuucj t ns a e vil, feeling satisfied we will not fail to Cassimces. Rich tigurf d Ttdvet silk vesticss. '-. Fancy tweeds, cass'meres fjr suits variety. grenauei.e and e&ilu n great a. &. y . m 1 t ils. . j . Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 4 3ran'te Building. Salisbury, X. C. Sept. tTJ. 12-tf. ;l White morns, gray noons dnd gusty eves ! Nights, when, by firelight, ifancy weaves Swett dreams of me'bancholy j! Bleak, spectral rays, from Sickly sun ' Stark shadows, in the forest dun.! And thou, dead past, so holy. Whom amber leaf and pure snow-cloud, Twin mourners, ever gently shroud For graves, where erring nian is bowed, In wild, regretful racing ! Frost-workers, guised in df mend pall ! Ice kings, whose pearly sceptres fall I Rich holly, by the ruined wall I ' Blest pine, in triumph waving ! ' Magicians, from the pole'a'weird realm, Chant,. silent chant your mystic bvmn, Like echo of the olden time, 1 j Sung low by spirits grieviifj ! . Heard only in the soul's deep ear ; Heard there! yet never written here ! ' i -! 1. But hark ! thro' twilight's wood-haunts dim, Rolls now the grand funereal hymn Of space's vast cathedral ! For Nature's King-Musician", Air, Great Winter's death-harp trilleth there, 'Neath star-lamps cold and luatral ! Skilled hands, from out tne bo'undleas sky Their key-note endless Deity 1 4 Sweep o'er the universe of trees, And with a bass of mighty seas j Oa world-encircling shores that wail . Mingle tie wood's orchestral peal ! - Such time did Oasian's harp of oil, From icy era gs snow mountains bold. Join with the wind's congenia strains, Whose burden in my heart remains. November's gloomy bard Ii to me, ; In seasons of blind revelry, In selfish, hours of hideous hate Ambition's lust pride's dangerous State Come, with thy solemn warning tone, . .i And call me fi om "the giddy throne Of Vice' poisoned madness ; And then, as now, 111 list the chime - Of Virtue's wholesome sadness Tbe death-hymn of the year sublime The sweet lone knell of 'parting time P O phantom voice ! sing from tfay tomb, , And on the winds forever foam ! j" WjooL Lkap, November lth, l8o8. s? X. C. JoTTRNAT. OF Et)TJCATIO? i The prospectus of this valuable, work j for 1859, has appeared. All' Teacli ! ers and School Officers are requested I to act as agents. Terms : $2 per i copy, in' advance Five copies for $5. Address J. D. Campbell; Greens boro', N. C. ; ' j i A Splendid Wedding Dress. In ' the hands of Mrs. Barker and her. zk i complished ; assistants, in nwuituja '. making, we last week saw a. white I Brocade .dress irot up in a style sur- ; 1 passing every thing of the kind we had ever seen. . The . ornament, con sisting of perfect, imitations; of dew- drops, flowers, and ) rosea, 'blooming as sweetly as the .blushes of. tliei bride, were arranged iih adxnirable taste. :. : , ; Ko wonder, when . the fair one Is thus arrayed, that uThe honey of the bridal kiss,", should be - regarded as The sweetest drop of earthly bliss" r white person shall be subject "to', such tax. 2.. All the- .colored inhabitants of this State shall He subject to saKrh capnauon or otner.tax as the iien- The Second Volume. "We are in debted to E. J. Hale & Son, of Fay- i ettevillei for a handsomely bound J KtVJJ yi .UU 1U1UIA4& Vi a-Y7. ! Historv of N. Carolina! See their advertisement in this paper, and send for it. ' -' J r Gex. Walker, it seems, is pursu- inghis 2s icaragua emigration scheme. ST.APWBkii fancy CAP?, BOXXETS, CROCKERY, AXD -'9 j- White Lead. APURB ARTICLE. frl cheap f cah at v - ; ,. 1 u a.' nujiiouj.sr April T, 1S5 ; READY MADE tl.OTHIKG.erer offered bv oi. -bicb will W sold cheiap for ci,; or on jshort time fur good paper.! " i ; . . i J. J. A J. A. McCOXXAUGHEY. tf33s Drug State XeUl2, 1853, 2m 1- All Hinds of ' . COUNTRY PRODUCE. i -j - ' bought, apd the Lih-tt price pii i, at A A W. MYERS-,! No 4, Granite Building, i j Salisbury, N. O. .. Sept.! 29, 185S.' M-iif- ; CALL AT i . c nr. and see tiie hiiTi lst.iiiest and cbcapt goods in ' ' .SALISBURY, N. C. - Sept. 9, 18vl8 lSl-tf , MARRIAGE LICENSE M' FOR kXTJE. AT THE BASXER OFFICE SETTLE YOUR ACCOUNTS. nH0E icd.i;t .1 t me are requested to make I ' , asd that without delay; or I shall certainly put them to eost. '.. JAS. BEARD. Sept 16, 1S58. ' I.' i . I2-t. ! .,'. Some tf the leading old line whigs of the Norih, . more patriotic than 4heir Inoicnothing brethren i of the South, refusing to rejoice over Black Republican victories, have, to tie number of 230, signed a call for tie revival of the whig party, ra whieh they express their "determination Sto ! cast their votes against ie Bla;k I Republicans. - They are not '. vejy ! explicit : ' but they intimate pretty ,,7 ctn bear Jehildren'.said ' strong v that thev intend hereafter jiiss rnm, aisaammiiy. i k. , . ... - Mrs. Partingtoji looked npf at her i to co-operate with the Democracy, over spectacles mildly before she re- ; " e siiaI1 see what we shall see; Tlieh uPfrhsnR if vnn .,- rmiM vnn i ' . '. - - would like them Letter."' - I i The AVr7 Carolinian comes nea ' 1 J. printed and ably edited. . Its new ..JAWgui dwroitt kuu wo ; proprietors who are worthy .ef ex :about a mas neck, killing his best": te n6ive patronage, are Messrs. Mar- ik Ju's Pri-' i the M ieaker. and : at! a.1 i which. . Mr. Badijum moved it betraniniit ted.to the Sehate with a proposition to print 20 copies for the use of each member. On motion of Mr. Ferebee, the tnatiozi was amended to read 1 ft cop ies Agreed to arid sent 'to the Sen ate. ; . . The committee , appeinted' to su perintend, the election of a State Printer, reported that there were 152 votes ca.t, of which Holden & Wilson received J04 J. W. Syme " 46. Scattering r . , ' 2 A message froiti tlve Senate pro posing t0: raise a joint' standing com mittee on Finance," was on motion- ot Mr. Jh-iuirers, laid on .-.he table !for the present. : SENATE. Mr. Bledsoe introduced tl:c follow- . ing bill, vhich was read and laid on the table to be printed. A BILL TO ALTER THE CONSTITUTION. WriEREAsjAll the pronertv and citizens of this State are equally pro tected by tnei Constitution, and jus tice demands that all should contri- bute to the support of the Govern ment in proportion to the protection etljoyed; and; whereas, under the present Constitution, the General As-. sembly has no power to equalize tax ation, in the collection of revenue to ' support the government ;' and where- . as, clause 2,. section 1, article 4 of the amended Constitution provides-that uie (jreuerai jvssernoiy may alter tiie same in the manner therein urecCtib- ' . ji ed""; therefore t. ; use At enacted h- the - Otnertd '.mf-y semlltof the State , of Nortk-Cavdt . nayand ii i hereby enacted ' by 44 thorlty of ' thk samelhaX the third . section of the fourth article of the' i ameuueu uondmnimn :e airerea iiq. read as follows : ' : L .: 1." All free; white male's over the : age of twenty-one years', and under , eral Assembly may impose: Provi ded, that nothing herein contained shall, prevent exemptions of taxable polls,, as heretofore prescribed 'by law, in case of bodily infirmity. ' Mr. Boyd introduced "A bill to in- !' corj)orate the Danville and Greeiis boro Railroad Company." ; ' ' Mr. Humphrey "A bill concerning Free Persons of color." The bill provides for the prevention of such persons from emigrating into this State, under certain penalties, and for the removal of such as are now in the State, under certain contin gencies. :-..' ; Mr. Thomas, A bill for a railroad from- Duck Town east to connect with'" the railroads east of the Blue Ridge", on the plan adopted by the State, under the Act of 1826 fpr the , Charleston, Cincinnati and Louisville-. projected railroad. ; Mr. Turner, A bill ' to abolish the reehold qiialification of Jurors. J All of the for ecroi n j? were read. laid on tlie table, and ordered to be printed. ; . k f j , i I , . Thuesdat, Xovv J8th, 1853. ' "" SENATE, i . -Mr. Humphrey drew the attention of the Senate to the bill he introduced yesterday relative to free negroes. - m mf j i O That bill, he. eaid, proposes to remove me tree negro population iroin me limits ot thebtate, aiter two years - notice, or, if tttsy xtnll retnaxn, to re duce them to the samp- condition of slaves. The bill was prepared and . introduced at the request of many of . .1-1 ! nis consuiuencs, as wen as at xnej re quest of many citizens of other por tions of the State, who had suffered long and severely from, the civil f in fluences which the free negroes ;ex ercise over ! the slave population. . But a change so radical and impor tant in our municipal law, as the one Eroposcd by that bill, deserved well, e thought, the serious consideration of ; the Legislature; and while the change proposed met the views , and wishes of those at whose instance it was framed,; he had a doubt that ' some of its provisions might' conflict with the constitution. in his own opinion some legislation upon the subject was demanded of this "Legis lature. He moved, therefore, that the bill be printed and referred to . the committee on the Judiciary. Con curred in. . .1 n'A - . ?i j '-' T If' w ' A : '" ! f' '-':-!',.: 1 , -.- A I 'id-- Jl, 'V 1 i --. J. ' ; yS I HI- 1 mi .a - it L' . - ' f 4

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