f- 1:1 r- Si. i . J ; I -' $ 5V-: r fr : t -.;U ". j .4 : Mi & J -it i '. . ' 'la -'. Mm- is- - , it ;i- -yl . ;. ' - If" ! h 1' i ' r4: - H. i. - - i - ! I I. 8- J. m fh II: 1 1 ; i a it : Sljc Balisbnrn Banner - 13 PUBLISHED,, WEEKLY j J O II N SPE L3I A K, ... . EDITOR ASD PROPRIETOR. '.. " TERMS OF Kt-BSCBIPTIOK : Oae year (invariably in advance)...4..i..f 2 00 f not paid in adTnee..4.-L 3 00 r Ro paper will be discontinued until all ar argsJor subscription are paid r - : j . the ahore terms will be strictly adhered te and rigi-Hy enfo-ced in 'mr iwtance.i DOCTORS'! CARIES. DRS. WHITEHEAD CALDWELL, - Have associated theniselve in the Practice of Medicine, and offer their Prbofkssioxal Services to the public (Those' who wish it, can have the services of both, in any case, with out extra charge. " i J j - Orrtcr. Tue bame occupied at present by Dr. Whitehead. . i I K. WRITE HEAD. v December 1, 1858., J. A.. CALDWELL. A' T iicdi:rso & E.WISS' new Dra; and Chemical S'ore, Phy-jcians wilt and a leet Stock of Pure Chemicals, ex tracts. Pharmaeuetical Preparations, Sur gical Instruments, ; &c &c. i " Great are is exereu-ed iu the preparation of Syrups, Tinctures. Flai l Extract?, and Ointments, all being made strictly in accordance with the U. - B. Phraiaeope an J conformably with reeeot- im- provementa n Poannaey. n i Salisbury Jan. IS, 1 859. i fedlcal Caird.PIi.ES, ISTULA, -XVJL Stricture, TuinorsVtTaucers and Scrofula CLivED. . .. ' ' ; . hi Pamphlets containing testimonials, ef the high est character a ill be forwarded to any that uiay wish to te-t the truth of the above, j . CASES CCRED 1.1 NORTII ClROLul. lion. Geo. C Mendenhall, Jamestown, N.C. Col- Samuel Bingham. ! Mocksvitfe, Archibald P, Carter Esq., K j " " F. Dorsett, I 'Pittsbom'. " - .. A great many others have feeen curedjin North ! Carolina by the use of Dr. Utnptoii 6 ryme.iies ; , A three ceut tt.imp must accompany all coui- mumcations. . ' ! . ' : , Y . -CURES GUAR AN TKED. 'It.-' - Address J. A. CLOPfON. 1 , . ; '- .-; - v" 'i IluntsvilU. Ala; "March 30,-1859. .-! ;; f Z ly. Dr. R. S. BESSENTi SURGEON DENTIST, SALIS has re- Dury North Car.-liiia moved to the Dental; ) Hooms o the corner formerly occupied by Da where he is prepafed to attend all operations connected with his profession. ! January 1. 1850. ' j tf LAW NOTICES'. N. N. FLEMING H AS removed his Law Office to the tew Br.(k Row, oppos te the old County Court Clerk Office. January 1. 1859. : 1 LAW; NOTICE.! ROBERT E LOVE.j COUNSELLpR AND Attorney ai Law. has reuiovnl Jiil t.l'iet; lo. the building iu the rear of ihe Court Houe, I'jr uerlrused asthecuunty court Clerk's Urhee. -'. Fed. 21. "-:..'(. I . '- - i t 8 Ff Y. E. SALfMJEUS, Attorney at-Lair, SalitLury, Sonh iCtirohna, T ILL attend the court? of ROW AN, STAN- ''W .1 LY and CABARRUS Couuties. Offiee OoDosite the Ilurdware Store, next door to Cowan's Brick Row January 1,-1859. BUSINESS CARDS, Jva FERRY LUafKl. H.-H. BUINS0N,! . Of North CarcCiua, i Willi " - i lapoatERS An whoi.esai.k deaicbs is - BR AX DIES, WINES, GIN. RUM, CORDIALS, iiourDoii aua vol iiy e ii mskry, A.c. ALSO, TOBACCOvSEGARS, ASD TEAS. Ho. 51 Light Street, or th of -Prktt, - ' Baltinlorie. Md.. .' Not. i - ;20-Cmpd CIO. A.WAEDEE. WARDER & WM. 0 pBABEETl BARRLTT, Both or the late nasi or J GEO. A. lYAUDER &CO., ESTABLISHED IN 1848. . i i Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS,- CAPS AND I STRAW GOODS, M Ko. 266 Baltimore Street, - . f (opposite Hanover Street,) . ' I BALTIMORE, i Would refpectfully sk the attention of Merchants . to their ; large and well; asorted Snifck. eui--bracing eveTy ftyle, quality, and eolir of , MENS AND BOYS HATS AJSll CAPS, . I. Selected Expressly for the Trade. " !BY THE CASK, ;OR DOZEN. All-orders will receive prompt, aud careful at tentiMn. ' . : j ; . j -' Aug, 16. 8-12-u it I i 1 p j -4- NOTICETO ALL. HAVE DETERMINED TO SETTLE MY JL outstanding busine-s. and for tljat purpoe have placed a'l my pipprs. notes and"accounts in the hands of JOHN BEARD.jwIiois my agent ; and all those that: reina'wuiifet'.led on the 2oth of this tnnHjillcerran l have to paycost. WONEYI MUST AND v lLiL l5Ar- j Jl . 1IU(I1.I.'. 'Feb. 7th, 18G0. ! 1 ' . i ' 3ti-tf MICHAEL BROWIf; fUOmmusion juerciiuiii., mtoiuiy, .v. IAHOMPT PERSONAL AT TENT If N g"' to the purchase of! all kinds of prod ven uco aud to all consignments I lobe sold in this mar- tet orhipped to other Tort Feb. 7, 1859. ' J. E. MOOSE, Commission Merchant, Salisbury, A". C. WILL give his personal attention to the purchase ef all kiuds af produce. Also to all consignments, forf this or otliet nwrkets rREFERKKCB: D. A. D tvis, Casihifr, B. B. Roberta and Jel U. Jenkins, Salisbury, N. C. ' April 13, i8o9. h ( SPEAGUE BROTHEES, . j , GLOCERS, SALISLLRY, S.J 0. - AT their well known ?Jnlt oppogit the Man 1 sion" House, are constantly receiving fresh supplie of Groceri'g, which they contiaue to offer TERMS CASH, 5 - I f V t q. E. E02IXS0N. I j Banker and Dealer in Exchange, Salitbury. A'. C. - i , : ' BY permission. I refer to Hon. D,: f CaldwelL J. H: J enkins; Esq., and Messrs. Bfovn, Coffin & Mock. j y . i. TTOOP SKIRTS ! HOOP SKIRTS!! HOOP tL Skirts! ! ! at astonishingly low friers, at the store' or B. FRANKFORD. ;i L - - l I" ! 19-tf- FINE lot of Porto RiroMotwR. J r- eeiTAdby 1 RPAfiKRiKHO S. JT. J.CUAI'LI.V, J V BOOK BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURE. nALEIGU, IS. C. Po. 13, 1859. i7 ; i a tt'ftklii Cfraairntt - - v. vol. vi i : TO MERCHANTS.! Wi are dow re-tiv-ng ty each nrriva1 Jiuui Europe frt t-b adli;iuiiS to i or s ock tf " FANCY GOODS, FUPE TDERS,1 P'RT MONNATE3, FANS.-: HAIRBRUSHES, ACCORDEONS, AC. We Lave always a full line of HOSIERY AND GLOVED, USDEE S111RTS, CRAVATai &c.r&c. Slerchants will God our ttock a and com plete as tint of any hwuse in the Northern Cities, and having connectives in the Manufacturing' District cf Europe, M e r able aii-.l act riuiued iu eeil i 1 u any. ouse in this country. FEED. FICKEY A SON.", 1 2j0 lialliinoe' Sr. Balto. F.b. 28. 36 5m pd. '1'IIOS. CALLA, j MERCHANT TAILOR, RALEIGH, N.C J. CALLS THE ATTENTION OF HIS CUSTO tuers and thpublic to his. winter style of goods, and also to his furnishing goods. A t or no cliaige. i I Dec. 13, 1S80. ' 23-1 y CUSH1NGS & BAILEY 1 Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers, N "N. Uti- liAi.TiuoBK Street, OrPOSITE HANOVER, BALTIMORE, le artd to oCVr to the iuu-.ti v Trade, ods ty tli-ir line, -at j iices that wil compure favorably with those of any other niar ke. . X Their Stot k of School. Law. Mc.lical and Mis cellaneous Books i large nd wi II selected. A large ami varit-d assoftiiKiit ol Forfin and American Mationery can always be found at their e-tabli-hni i:t. x They ke-p coutnntly on hand svfull supply of Blauk lS.ii k-4 of ditF-rent stylos a'nd of their own m-!iufacture. H.-fving a BindfrjKconirec tfd with I heir Store they aie, at all tiincsahle, at short notice, to fill oidt-rs fr Blai.k Botrk. ruled to. any pattern, or of any dei-irod stlelof J Binding. ; ! i . Orders.' received by mail, will meet w".th prompt attent on. Je- You are requested to"call.nd examtno our Stock, aud Prices before purchasing else whre. t i February, 14. 1 SCO. ?4-3m. SPRING IMPORTATION, 1S60. I RiniJONS, ' M llinery and Straw G cd'. AUMSTHONG, ATO'U & CO , 1MP;-KTKKS 'AMI J P.UHtS F Kinnoxs, iioxnev sii.ks& svtixs, Velve's. Huches. Eltiver. l'ealhers, STUAW BOS NETS. FLATS, &3. No. -iJ7 ai l Lfis f '-i'J R iltiuijie St, BALTIMORE. Ml) Offer a Stock uarurass.-il iu the United States in variety an I cheapness. Orders solicited anil prompt attention given; Teiims. 0 uionths, six per cent. o'J fur , cash par t'ti itl ' February 14: 1SG0.' S t-3m. SPRING, 1SG0. B B HOPKINS. ;ins. boot. hull. . thos. w. atkinson' HOPKINS INS, HULL & AT KIN SON, B A 1. T 1 AH IS I 7E P.ESPtCTFCI LY INVITE THE AT- tentuiii if buyers to the- large and at-i tr-cive htnek of BUITISll. FUCNJH A NO AMERICAN: dry (;oods. . which-we are now i peiiing. l'eing d, termin ed to oiler every advantage to our fii.nds and ustomerf, ainl desirous to exiend the trade of our hou-e and city, we invite buyers whffhave never looked through our market to call and see us. To cash and prompt dealers, we shall offer superior inducements in prices, as well as in the variety and extent of our stock. Orders sent to us shall be carefully and promptly at tended to. - -HOPKINS, HULL & ATKINSON. Baltimore, January, lCth. 1SG0. ' 33 3mp. "r II. w in " .1 WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, COXVftUD, X. C. HAVING larger REMOVED TO A NEW AND store.' jopposite II rr;s Ilottl. is better prepared thai ever to meet the wants cf former patrons and public generally. stock of Jewelry will com pare favorably with) any city stock. His per sonal attention will be given to the repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. All woik war Tant. d. II. W. R, Sept. G, 1859. ' . 11-1 OU 11 MOTTO: Quick Sales and Short Profits! 'IS BoYDEJi'S UlUMTK ROW. OPPOSITE TJiS . Iiowan House. MnnE public generally are invited to cnll and I exantineonrSoIendid Stock ot FURNITURE the Best and Finest in this part of the Siatc. It consists of Bureaus, Centre-tables Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes. China Presses, Wardrobes, Jed- steads of very . k nd. Pat lor ('hairs, Rocking Chairs. Cane Seats and Wipdsor Chairs, Chi! dren's Chairs, H.it Stands. AVaah Stands, &c, in fact, every thing iu our line.'all of which we will sell as cheap as can be bought iii the State. Also, fenod HBeortment of Wood Coffins kept on hand, and furni-hed on as reasonable terms as can be had. We have a fine new Hearse for runeral occasions. Call at the Furniture Store of ! WILHKLM & GORMAN. . SAtiSBiBT. April 27. '59 ly t Hillsboro' Military Academy. , THIS INSTITUTION IS UNDER THE CON duct il Col. C. C. TEW, late Supt rinten dent of the State M ilitary at olumhia, S. C. LThc academic staff comprises six officers. The discipline is strictly military, and. the instruc tion of a thoroughly scientific character. For a circular address the Superintendent, i i Nov 22. 1859J 22 ly ! SOUTHERN MANUFACTORY. T. HAVE AT MY STEAM TANNERY A 1 large lot of all kinds of Leather, superior in quality to ny Northern lannfactured stock. i Southern'paironacre respectfully solicited. Hides and Bark wanted. ' . JXO-i A. TIOLT. ! galishury, N. C. Feb. 21. j S5-6m. i T SUIKRIOIt : f COLOGNE WATER; Treble Distilled from Fragrant Flowers , " ' ; i i BY - -' --!' W. n..WTATT, V DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Nos. 186 and 188; Main street, Salisbury, N.C .-- : - Trice 15, 2. and 50 cents. " Feb. 28th, 18G0. .' , R6-tf. : - t . POSITIVELY THE LAST CALL. ALL PERSONS INpEBTEDtO THE FIBM of A. & W. Myvre, either by Bote or open account are notified that if payment is not made to me by February court they will find their claims in the hands an officer for collection. W. MYERS. SJBHMHiHBWWBBBBBW!BBB)SSE2!ISBHEilMSESMMBMlBSWM 'Jan. 17th, 1S6Q. SO-tf : . , j : i -r--,. JJrnjspnprr Dmntfii to ulstirs, agrirnltarr, imwxtt, Ifrt-ffittliniiit arts, SALISBURY. niEBOYDEN II 11 USE, SALISBURY. I rillUS superb House is still open lor the JL Bccommodjition f the public, i It is complete in all its arrangements; all Jiaving reference to the comforitof-tljose who may avail themselves of it, eitheif aa a- boarding house or as ii stopping pbicc The building is now and elegant, and the rooms large, well finished, and furnished iu a very fcuperior1 t-tyle The Parlors are sumptuously fitted. It was design ed as a first . class' Hotel, in its constrvjetion ; and all the sub arrangements, management, &c, have reference1 to that design, eveu ;to; the minutia of the entire business The subscriber will be. pleaued to secure patronage, belitying that his experience in the Hotel j business will enable him to give sa tisfaction, j He solicite a test, which, by the byet is the only true way of ascertaining" the merits of the House. j An arrangement has ' been made with Mr. THOMAS E. BROWN for accommodating the Horses, and other 'Stock, ! of persons stopping here. The good reputation of that gentleman's stable is known to the public. j j ' j An omnibus front this Hotel ; will connect with the Railroad cars regularly.? " i ; ri THOMAS IIOWEIITON. ; . Late cf I!i!!sboro', N. C ! ! Trojirictor. i Feb. Cih lSi:0. 1 ' ! -S3-tf ! TRY ONE IN YOUR PARLOR A THOliOUGH TEST OF TWENTYiFlYlE years has proven beyond a dinibt that no one cm buy a CHEAPER, BETTER, OR SWEET K II I'JANO-EORTE than at E P. Nash & pu. H I I ! ! ' Hundreds of reconnrieiidatnry letters that we have received t'ivm ou puichatfe:fs cin.eluvejly prove that we liae not only the means of Bell ing at the lowest rates, but the advantage jpf sslepting the very betj. ! j Our Sales are large land increasing, nrd tljis certainly affords us eery advantage to be de- sired. The majority four sales are Hiroigh orcltr rs. which is a pci fectly sHfe inode,- as we incur all resicn.ibili:y of pleas AVe have now another j FRESH nnd LARGE TOCK of some of the VERY BEST. i ! ll.P. NASI I & CO. I ! retersburg.YaJ F.b. 21 WRAPPING PAPER OF VAUIOrXKlXDS AND S1ZCS, Alv 'u! hand at! ; AVACIIOV I A MILLS, SALE M.-Nlv N .N. C;- ,1 Young, Agents, .M S?r-". .i ;-elv Salisbury. OrJrjr i to :u Jill v attinle 1 K. L. PATTERSON. -a.tm teo ita, lt i .-5I: T V! R.U UOIMM i: ol it-triy ttiioVb as th e Vtlanda tloit), situattd at tue iiepL t, i ; i MLiSLUti. X. C. rjUIS esLi I CUiLl t til U.bhsniiie..i haa been opened for the i.iiiei.t ot toe public. It is utW l.-.oi (..ii,: iiiy lepaiied and impioved in all re fpccla, ai.u is tery wfay belur uiul to ; khe coinlori ot the iubjc.thau litretotoi e; ! Tne cliHnjbcib ure furnisiicki anew tin uugiK.ut, .nd have tl.e beet quality bf jitedding. ' The culina ry Department s utidir the niaiiatLtUieiit 01 a pr Don nt Cateier. .Ihe: table will alwnyibe ui'Hi he lilisX that this aud other t rietor willldevnte his whole timci to. the niauugt uimt of llie lloiu-c i.r.d fo. Is fcLti deut thai, aitlrhis faciiities, ev ry thing j that, can. wilt be done, to add to the comfort ojfl his Guests. i i ! i - Si BENJAMIN:. ' July 2G. 18oS. ' 0 tf. Mi te OYSTERS OYSTERS ! Sttwed. Chafed, Fried, Scalloped, Roasted, or served up in any wav desired, daily and night ly, at. the MOUNT VERNON HOUSE. i j I i S..BENJAMl!N. Salisbury, N C, Ndv. loth, 1&50. ' r 31 AYSIOV HOTtL, SALlSUlliY. r I Ml E subscriber takes pleasure in announeins 1IB Subscriber takes 1 to his friends, and the nublie generally,: tha.! he has taken this lung establitibed and well ktiuvp Hotel, and has made every possible preparation 10 accommodate the business, travelling aud visiting portions of ib.2 public, in the most satisfactory iaan- ner. i ! ' , ' Particular attention is paid to his TABLE, and every comfort is provided in his BOOMS. ; j i Hhs SJ.ASLi. are abundantly supplied, and at tended by a careful ostler; and to ad departments the proprietor gives his! personal attention.' ' i A comfortable UJHaiiJUa runs regularly td the depttt on the arrival ofithe cars. ; With these efi"ort! toi please, arliberal share cf the public patronage is confidently solicited. U -: WM. KOWZEE. , Salisbury, Jan. 2S. 1353. tf 23 : TAKL AOTitE, j AND ; ! 'Govern Yourselves Accordingly. . : JUST RECEIVED AT THE !' i Xcw Dry GociH & Grocery Store, IN S.XLlSBLr.V. f A VERY LAUGCJ CKEITLLY SEEEC- led, aud cheaply puicli;i&i;d tot of ,.kaiia)hi I2ika4atk! Jk. Jt- M n sisthig, iu part, of th toliowit'g,viz. : 8U0 Seauiltss Sackk Silt j ;: UOO do. Prime liio Ccifee i' :i 6U Uhds.T. O., Muscovado and Porto Rico . Sugars ' t 30 Bbls. Pulverized Sugar i i "' 50 dt. Coflee Sugai-s ' - . "- . !' :jh 30 do. Ciushtd Solars :j 15 Hhds. Cardt u.iSs. Muscovido, Clade, 0uba & Porto Rico Molasaes 25 do. No. I N. O. Syrup. : i. ! ! Embracing also a full and complete assort- i nient of : '; ! FAMILY G RO C CRIES, Of every description, consisting of i iflji, Tickles, Sauces, &ardiues :' I j Fish, Cheese, rtiej Soap Gaudies, Soda Biscuits ; Tepper, Spices Ginger Ii Mustard, Kaisius, Currants i( : Cinnaiiioti, Veruijicelli III Macarroni, Starqh I ; .Y. Hy sou & Oolong Teas, lh ; . &e., , &.c, &.C., , Hii i TOE DRY; GOODS, cLOTIIIXG, ' SADDLERY, II ATS, CAJ'S, BOOTS, SHOES.I CARPETS, &c &c In this Establishment are worthy the attention of the citizens of lUwvi and the surroundicg Counties ; for they cinsti.tute tbe most Com plete and I'erfect Stork, ever brought to this market, with a full and complete assort ment ot hole Lieather, and many other ar ticles too numerous to mention all of which will be sold wholesale acd reuil, at EXCEED- NO LY L..V PKUJEi: Poor Richard saysj MA nissble six pen ee is better than a blow shilling therefore call ear ly and satisfy yourselves in regard to prices,' as f. ja no trouble to shew jGoods at the New g' tabushment of B. FRANKFORD, October, 1859. lMf. TUST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT OF SOLE t) Ieatber which will be sold low. by 19-tt . F&AKKFOED. N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1SC0. BE0W N, COFFIN & MOCK, mm M WnOLES.lLB A XI) RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOM51tlcj STAPLE M imffl .DRY GOODS, Salisbury, N.'.d.j E AIIE NOW RECEIVING OURjUSUAL t-tock ofStiple and Fancy Urv G) lj in c'uding a large lot of l.OOTP & SIIOESj HATS CAPS AND 15UNNETS. Keady made Nothing &C anl a large f.sroitaient of Carpeting. Our stuck of r i TlWUI 300DS cannot be surp.ie.d, as w'e keep a 1 kinds of Dress Gnods, from the lneot price Aiulih to ti e most costly Silks. Embroideries. jShawlis, II .1 l -r ,.. ' I i ' .uauues nnu Lacrt I'oints. i t IN GREAT VARIETY. A large lot of Servants' Wear of SOUlTIERN MAN UFACTUEE. Also, all kinds of j SOUTIIEEX MANUFACTURED JEANS, I'OK uKi'LE)IlXjj WIS Alt. Our atock will be complete by the 15th March, and we hope to See our old customers;, both wholttale and retail buyers; and we will tdiuw jou ot.e.fthe lai jie.'t tik of goods that has been oilerrd in this unrket fir m my yejirs.: j We return our M'neeie thanks to all ourcuto mers or their very liberal patronage, and so licit its coiitinuaiice. trusting that we thaU be ab'e to give continued 's.'itiji'action. - j All orders h id have the prompt attention of one of the firm. j :,, BIIOWN. COFFIN & MOCK. . Salis.ury. Much, 20 I860. !C9 tiw SrRJMi 1SC0. NEW STOIF. SPRING 1SC0 NEW GOODS Main St.. next door tc the Post! Office- HAMMERSHLAC & MENDELS rpAKE PLEASURE 10 INFORM IIE Clf I iius of Salisbury and surrounduig neigh hiod, that they, will opeu on Thursday nest a New Stole, next door to the Post Office, where they will const uitly haw on baud, a large aid rich asfortment of ' S J . CLOTHING, ! BOOTS i AND SHOES, HATS, C.tts, &.C-, &. We call the attention of the Ladies to the following I ' SPEING AND STMilEE GbODS.j 200 Dress Robes of everj variety and style, frpm 1.00 to .-iiiO.00. lOOtjicces of the hjtest style Lawn-, from 8 to 25 cfcits. 50 i)iecj;s printed Brilliautes. from 12 toJO cts. 200 piece Cal ico, lrom 0 to 12i tta.f A large assortment of Eiiibroideiics, couisting of CollnrS, Under sleeves, Cambric and Siss Bands, d Edgings and Inserting.-, Linen C. Handkerchiefs. Also a large assoitment of the latest istvles i of SPUING SHAWLS, MANTILLAS. DUSTERS, &.c.j and a great many rther articles too numer ous to mention In tie CLOTHING depart ment we may say, thatjve can suii any one who wishes to- buy good anl clmip feoolls, as we have a good selected anl entirely new .-took on hand. Our. Stock of Biots, Shoes, illats and Caps, has been bought.dunug the last month, and vre cau warrant thtm as superior! to any in the niarket. Come anc" be your own judges.!' We respectfully soliet a t-hsre of patronage. HAMMERHILAG & MSNDELS.I Salisbury, March 2(), I860. !.39-lmo' GKAND bPENINtr'! A ; MYEKS, NO. 4j GBANITE ut'ILDlNG, II a would respectfully invite an 'inspection of his magnificent stotk of i I SPK1NG-& SUMMER i cry rr c? ? which of the most iasmonaoie gooas ot this cpriag s impor tation. March 20, S9.-tf iU i tLUI UlilU CLOTHING I 4 MYERS, No. 4, GRANITE- BUILDING, m calls the atteuifou of Gentlemen to his tuagn.ficent Stock of ! ! i Spring and Summer Ciblhingj which, for style, durability and quality, cannot be surpassed. , He invites an examination from those wisb'ng to purchase. March 13. 38-tf New Spring! and Subnier 1SC0 GUODSV ! I860 W E ARE now opening at No j3 Murphy 'r Granite Building, our Spring stoek of Maple and fancy HRV GOODS : jlats. Caps, Bonnets, Boots, nd Shoes. A Jige ttock ol Ready made Clothing, Lo good assortment ot Gloss and Quetns ware of the latest designs. We solicit an inspection of our stock, feeling confident that our prices will be satisfactory to he closest buyera - ! J.'J. & J. A. McCONN AUG H E Y. March 19, 1860. - . 8w. THE WAY TO S4.VE MOXET; CALL ON TH0S. E. BROWN AND TAY your note, or account and save costs, as I am dtennined to settle these xflairs. . TH0S.E.I BROWN. Feb, 21. . . - j 35-tf JrST RECEIVED AUD FROM LOUISIANA NEW ORLEANS SYRUP, new crop, and New Orleans Sugar. . SPKAQUE BRO. Jan. 17. I860. SO-tf EXm .:si;ay S :i&i;w.s;,l,i::J2i" . ''v.'i2fcS; , ',."7775 he ha1" just opened, consisting pi nniiM . - itiiratiim, SJrms, tt 3ilatkrts, anil JOtiisrtllntirnns llwMig. - WELCOME HOME. a BY CEOBOE P. M0BBIS. ! My Mary cmw ! It is the hour i She pr m'ued to be here : Taught by loves st ange mysterious power, I know that she is near. i I hear the melody she sings Beneath our happy dome, Ai.d n w the' wo-dland cheerly rings With Mary's welcome home. My Mary's voice ! I hear it thrill Iu r ipture un the gale. As she couie3 gliding down the hill' To meet me iu the vale, In all the world, on land or sea, Where'er 1 chance tj roam, No music is so sweet lo me As Mary's we come home. From ihe Colletou anU Beauiort i, C.J Suu J I HOME. Ilnme'! "What a simple and expressive terin ! lluw well tbe human heart under stands ir, when, fur a tiiue, s- j urtiio; airtmig strangers, even wbeo kiqlly aud hospiiably euterfained by them, j Toough due may snt-k eotufort from the refl ctiun f the contrast, still that sofioiugaod beau tii'iil seutimeut that listens to no sinister idea, coiues over the entire bodily ami mental systems powerfully and irresisiahly. Who can give ibe wauderer comfort? None but the presence of tbe loved ones tie has left behind. And the assurance i f the great uirtunce he has placed between himself and them, reuders their memory the ni'ire precious, and bis new ami strange uootlirioo the more bitterly painful. Noth ing, save when opportunity uffers to seek the most silent sohtude, and, undisturbed, i addri.ss their iJeal presence iu copious ft iids of tears unavailing tears ; yet there is more of thij! seeret drama eu'acted than the heartless world H aware of, or would jive credit to. Weep ! yes, eep ! Give nit tbie burning fl o'ds too long unbid den and pent up give theuf freedom at least, lik i thy louely lamentations; Iu this consists thy solo relief. Tbis love1 of, and these sighs for absent "home," is nor peculiar to man ; it is shared iu by all or most of' lbe humbler i 'i Jets of animated nature. Man, though he may truv-l all the climes of earth, and fully appreciate their worth, concludes ''his nwu best country ever is at home and even the savage loves his "native shore." Iiut the carrier dove puts the indomitable love of home b'-yond dispute ''be it ever so bumble," and ever so distant tbat home may be, whence she has been snatched ; sue win avau nerseir or tne nrst liDertv that accident may let slip, or desigo fling in her way, and bart direct, in a bee line, swifter than "team, and second only to electricity, day and night, and day again over bill and dale, over land aud wide seas to all ihe beld dear in that p'i6r place her bounding heart uow safely pilots aud steers aer. me unnedgea birding tbat strsys from its mother's nest, and household ani mal stolen from its humble hearth these proclaim that from home there is no bap- piuess on c indeed ! irth. 'Llome, sweet home,' This love of bome, nevertheless, cannot be the result of a raement's deep reflection; fur, it one s circumstances in h e be I etter ed Dy the chaoge, there is nothing tangibly felt to excite or even promote grief. Slau, with bisrtasonmg powers, should neither grieve Dor exult at trifles. Let me tben employ tbis reason of mine for a moment Toe trutt excuably selfish, even in bis momeots of ferocity, iu this cue feeling sorrow for home seems elevated, as it were, beyond himself. If he so far a p proacbes man, in this one feeling, th (luestiim arises, does man become debased by the temporary resemblance? Ah no for though reason may be superoatura and almost divine, yet to be natural is' no debastiiitnt. It; ia the abuse of nature by mau that is brumal worse than brutal.- Hut nature, in her simplicity, her softness and; her gentleness, is always becoming always iu her plate, and, in tbis instant e, worthy tbe attention of the philosopher. the poet, of the divine. Man's regret for leaving uuaic musi necessarily De more ititeuse tbau tbat of the lesser animals, insoiuucn as nis aiscntninating piwers above tbem is unprecedented. His , mem orv. his reflections, bis appreciation of tbe past and of tbe present, aud his keenness of percept iuq iq drawiog comp-trisoos and marking contrasts, contribute to the poig- nancy n vis loneliness, even in tne midst of crowds. " Tbis, if anything, constitutes "home siekne s, not lelt at the ht nutter, nor tbe first day after having pitched one's tent among .-t rangers; but, alter a little Hleoce it f-ets in, increases, and amounts to an iu det-eribafere intensity often to bitter an guisb. it is u n so u.ucb tbe old place as a locality that be yearns afrer, as it truly i the associations the individuals, thei faces their smiles, and. their mannerisms Environed, as it were, in th midst of new . . associations and strange surroundings, un huited to bis every idea of right and wrong, and repulsive almost to his very nature, he wonders how the natives can enjoy them, wbeu a certain by-gone seme '.ooms up to bis jadt d memory, uow rendered tenderly st'OMtive by ibe sanddeoiug reflection. If words can' portray his emotions, "the poet of all circles" : can speak for birn : 'Oh; it was not that nature had shed o'er the bcene Her purest of crystal and brightest of green : 'Tw.is not the soft magic of ttreamlet or hill ; Oh, no, it was sjraeUing more exquisite still.; ''Twas thi friends, the beloved of my bosom were near, Who made every dear scene of enchantment more dear, " And who felt Low the best charms of natore improve. When we Eee them reflected from looks that we love." A RfCKY Mountain correspondent of the New York Evening Post, who writes himself "Henry E. Land," describes Ore gon; as tbe most delightful country in the world- Our citizens, if tbey choose, can go out there and see Jioio this Land lies. . When you have occasion to otter a rebuke, let your words be toft and your arguments hard. t NO 43; THE OLIVE AND THE OK l A It. i - I ORIGIN OF SLAVERY. Oar distinguished Secretary of Sfate; 1 Mr. Bancroft, in the first volume of his. Lewis Cass, delivered an addrens bjejore, tmoij, of ; the ,Uoifod States, gives an tbe Agricultural Society of KalatnEH account of the early truffij of the Euro county, .Michigan, from which i we nake . peaos in elaves. In the middle ages the the following extracts : . j j I li j Vebetiabs purchased white men, Christians Tbe Mooot of Olives, which ! overlooks ac'i btoers, anj sold them to the Saracens Jerusalem, derives its name from , these ; .1 -. - . . . : - i - ' : . trees, existing there in tbe, earlier ages, ; and at its foot, divided from it by the brook of Kedron,, is tbe garden if Oath- semane, forever memorable as the set ie j of the Pasaioo of our Saviour. Eight are i yet growing there, and tradition ha I : iu- vooted tbe in with a sacred -cbaractwrJ; ;as ' .- . contemporaries ot tbe Lfe and deathr of i Jesus Christ. Na believer in Christianity can gaze upon ibeui, as" I have done -with- out feeliug iho most powerful emotions-'! Without fueling that frce of association' which count cts us with u a tuts and deeds long since pissed away, .when. we.8taud upwu the places they have made immortal. Toe world contains no such pot; as.thi, where the mission of the lledeeuier ' was luiblled, and where he prouoUQced its ter-- uitoatioQ m the declaratiou. "IT 1SI1KD." 1S ,F(N- The Cedar. -T-13ut tbe most iaterefctios reliC:uf the ancient vegetable creation,"! is to be found upup one of tbe ridges of Jf;b auo, Dot far from the n-ouwued t-e tuple; of U ialhec. It consists of twelve 'gigju'ti: cedars, tbe re to a i us of the primitive. for ests whiub ouee covered ihe ureat mStia- aio cbaia of Syria, aud which .vel'?Sear beir beads, prodigies of vegHtation.ijn l each surmounted with a dome of foljge,4 overshadowing the spectator as io i!the ime of Li jlioal story, Oae of them isor- y-five feet io circumference, and 'all, -Mb u size and in bttohr, tell the lon-Mr'-s bat have swept over tbem, leaving jeui tbe most striking mrinuuients that thepye can rest upon. Vriat interesting asoci tions cluster 'around them ! They ave been consecrated b history, ireLigiohaud poetry. 1 heir beauty has been lecqraed by Ezekiel, acd ' jlheir excellence jtaod perfume by S ilomop, who placed therrj at the bead of the vegetable creation, vhen be discoursed of trees from the cedars which are at Lebanon, even to the hyssop hat spnqgeth outi ot the walL ' UjQld these mute moniorials cf by-gonev tiriies tell the scenes thai have passed iathe shadow of tbeir foliaee, what lessons ' of power aud instability might they noi .flach in. the long interval; tbat Las elapsed, since these hills resounded with the noise of wVik- mer, prjparing the timbers for the TetSole of Jerusalem, to thej solitude which estab lishes its dwelling-places where tbe moglem plauts bis standard;! ' -'P- 1 have worshippefl in many cf the aigh places of the Old World in the ($fhe- dral of Christendom, the Uasilhew of St. Peter, when -the Sjvereign Pontiff! t be head of the Catboli( Cburcb, ' ministSited at the altar; and though educated, s I have been, in the simplicity cf the . J?res- byterian faith, yet could not look; )ponJ me imposing solemnities wunout ieeig a reverential awe' pass over me, as tbourb I were iu the presence of Hint whose vutl-i glory desceuded upon the Teitplv 'of Mount Monub ; and yet a naked Ceek mass, for it happened to be an anngll7e when I was there,! celebrated uoderHibe patriarch cedar, before.a rnde altar c.fun- wrougut stone, oy a poor priesr, surround ed by a little bandj of ' worshippers, fitb tbe cliffs of Lebanon around tbem-tbis primitive devotion in a temple uOt rade with bands, has left traces upon iny ind and memory more nowerfu! than the laost gorgeous ceremonits, and which no si&pse- quent event can eradicate. 'I THE FRENCH EMPEROK A5D EM 1R1TS - ' The Paris correspondent of the N-jiY. Courier and Enquirer relates tbe follo46g interesting incident : rt; Tie Emperor and Empress are mo! Ms of domestic felicity Iltr beauty: a;ndip tivatiug, enchanting manners areij'ho ibemeof eubgium ith a IP who: appiJich'" ber, and bis Majesty's perfect uLiiiVfon when (what may be termed) in the boyjoui Mi of his family astounds thoe who admire tbe solemn gravityj oi bis deportuietrg Henri Qaatre was not more playful inibe nur?ery than is Lotus Napoteou li-jt 1 shall uot carry this matter further $au to narrate a little anecdote of the Euijss. Like Haronn Alraschild, aud like at'ar greater man, Napoleon 1, ber Mijty sometimes a in rises utrself by a prouieuade through Puns in di.-guise. T'ne pbcr cay, accompanied by (Jeueral Fieurj,taiid followed by other officers en 'mvjfti, 'Jjvr Mwj 'sty, in passing along the liuuievariis, uverhard a Zouave recouut to a young pro man on bis arm bis participation in tbe cat tle of S-dferiuO. r j "Uowid tbe Empercr conduct bftn self in that affair V aked the Piu'prcss' ''Admirably," rtplitd theZouaveZ I am told the contrary." "Comment, malle ! The EmperoMobt conduct himself wefe?" 'Yea." "Tbtu.'you are misibformep," njoined the indignant soldier abrupjfjy, aud then proceeded to describe tot unques tionable courage and. nanj frold - of '.the Emperor. . When she had returned to the Tuileries, tbe Empress, laughing, told the Emperor and tbe Count de "Moray, who wasith bim, the particulars of the adventure " Your Majesty knows bow it was brought about," aid De 31orny. "Brought aboift?" "Yes. The Perfect of Police, knowing tbat your Msjegty was bent on one of jour escapades, prepared the Zouave for the 6c There was nothing wonderful in it. therefore." Tbe color mounted to Abe ; pale cheek of the Empress, who, bitflier beautiful coral " lip, The Emperdr,nstyad ing with bis back to the. iaantel-s)f, twirled his moustaches, (his cu3tpm.xan af ernoon,) faintly smiled ; whereu-,ioDe Morny apologized, confessed he hadply jested, and in a moment all was fair weath er again. -f I" The Zouave has been traced and retar ded. ;- - " j Mft- No dust affects the eyes like gold iuai '. l Vt- L. J.cio. - i ana no glasses uae oiuuj i I I :..l : 2UI ftiurtiscmcnts WILL BE INSERTED THE FOLLOWING AT RATES BATES Of ADVERimXO:. One square (16 lines) one insertion, .$1.0 25 Eich subsequent insertion....... One square six months,... ....V... One; square one year Quarter of a column one ear.. Haifa column .one year. 1.. ........ 4 11 .4... 8 00 .i...20 0 J..f 35 00 Longer advertisements in the same propor tion. I No discount on above prices. in Sicily, and Spain, lo Eogland the An l ! 4 . 1:1' I 1 i E'paxon noouny soia ineir servants as slaves to foreigners. The Portuguese first io'ported negro slaves from w. stern Africa juto Europe m J.142. Snaiu soon digaged Q SAjbe traffic, and negro slaves abounded i sne places of that kingdom. After America was discovered tbe Indians, of if i .". t- "pa11101 wer" iniported into Spain ana made slaves. The Soaniards visited the coasi-of North America and kidnapped thousands of tho,ludiaus, whom they trans ported into slavery in Europe and the West iuUies. ! Ci'lumbus himself kidnapped 500 native Americans and sent them into Spain, thjit they might, be publicly sold at Seville. The practice of selling North American lupt-s. Megro slaverj was first introduced into: America by Spanish slaveholders who emigrated with tbeir .negroes. A royal edict of Spain authorised negro slavery in America in idio. lvia 1'crainand sent from Seville fifty slaves to labor in the mines. In 1 61 tbe direct trafic in slaves' i... ir.;,.. . i 1 1 : .:i " wemecu niuca auu xiipiiuioiu was euj"y- . ed iJy royal .ordinance. Las (Sasas- wno ao llli 1 1 m! I M n 4 vani.him, fliruv lifrro thA cruelty of the Spaniards, suggested that the j uegroes, who alone could endure so vcrej toils, aiight be further employed.- This was 15 IS. Sir John Hawkins was the frret English man that ei gaged in. the slave trade. In 155J2 be tran.-ported a large cargo of slaves to "JJ'ispauiola. In 1557 another expedi tion was prepared, aud Queen ElizibetU protected and shared in the traffic. . Haw kins, in .one of his 'expeditions, set fire to ah 4f'can city, and out of three thousand inhabitaus succeededin seizing two hun dred and sixty. Jas. Smith, of B&stcn, and Thos, Key? ser first brought thl colonies to participate in slarvery, In 1651 they imported a cargo cry oi justice was raised against them as J- . .... malefactors and murderers; the guilty men were committed for the offence, and the representatives of the people ordered the negroes to lie restored to their native coun try at the public expense. At a later pe riod, there were both Indian and negro blaves in Massachusetts. ' i. In 1623 a Dutch ship entered James n fV i ri ll I k W . ntan f t w rnwrn f on I A This was the epoch of the introduction of slavjery iotb Virginia For many years the Lutch jwere principally concerned in thfrplaye trade in tho . market of Virginia. THE JUDGE'S SAW LOG. T i f--n wit in rnp rintyA nr vv 1 1 roii a' man who had once been' Judge of the countjr aud was known all around by tbe name of Jiidge L - . He kept a; store and saw" milk and was always sure to have the best Of thej bargain on his , side, by which means lie gained an ample competency, and some did -uut hesitate to call bim the " biggest riu-tal io the world," He was very con- Ceiled withal, and used to delight in brag ging on nis business capacity when any ono Wiii near .to listen. ' Cue rainy day, as quite a 'number was seated round the stove iii the btore, he bagon as usual to tell of bis great bargains, and finally wound up, ' .Nobody ever cheated me, nor tbey can't neither." ; . , - . ! 4 Judge," said an old man of, the com pany, " I've cheated you -more'n you ever did me." . " How so 1" said tbe Judffe. :f If you'll promise you won't go to law about it nor do nothing, I'll tell, or else I won't j you- are too much of . a la vr char acter for me. - Lei'js hear ! let's hear !" cried half a dozen voices at once.' "We'll, bear you out in it go on." : "j I'll promise," said the Judge, " and treat io the bargain, if you have." "i Well,' do you remember that wagon you roboea me out oi : . H 1 never robbed you out of any wagon, exclaimed the Judge, ""I only got my owu !" ' , j"(.Well, I made up my mind to have it back, and Hut you never did !" cried the Judge. Yes 1 did, and interest too !" How !" thundered the now , enraged Judge. K .1 1 ::" Wcllryou see Judge, I sold you, one day, a very nice June log, and bargained witn you for a lot, more. Well, ?that log I stole off your pile, down by jour mill, the' night before, and next day 1 sold it to you. . That light 1 drew it back Lome, aud sold it to you next day, and so 1 kept ou until you bought your own log of me iwenty-sfeveu times !" ' t; That' a lie !I cried the mad Judge. runniofto his book and exami&i' Lis log accounts : "vou never sold me twenty-sev en logs of the same measurement." " 1 know it," said the vender in logs. " By drawing it back and forth the end woie off, and, ai it wore, I kept cutting lb end off until it was only ten feet long juit tourteen leet snorter tnan it was tne tirbt time you bought it, and when it got so: ihort, 1 drew it home and worked it up into shingles, and tbe next week you bought tbe shingles, and then I concluded I bad got my wagon back, andiu my pock et! book.". The exclamation ofTtbe Judge was drowned in ibe shouts of the bystanders, and tbe log-drawer found tbe door without waiting for the promised treat. And to see a madman, you have only to ask the Judge if he waa ever shaved. The Editor of the Boston Liberator, calls upon the ladies of the North to make use of nothing .that is produced by slave labor. lie needn't expect them not to use cotton. They will not expel so old friend from their bosoms. In the United States there axe about 200,000 Jews. II- i-:

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