‘ $ 3s CMCi»; ^UA. ’ x *-i' lat^ Tarboro’, Edgecombe County, (N.C.K- huday, Oct. 5,1861 Whole No. 503 SO SGWOTM By ^O^ i^ tiVMiW, 1 or Wm. Howard 0 Co., I\oprodors. TERMS-PER ANNUM. Jf paid within two months, 82 Otherwise, - - 2 RATES OF ADVERTISING: One square, one insertion SI “ each inscrtAjn ofo awards, 0 Jcniirr one- ia-p. ■ po- ! ion, Cordf -A o ' r.re >. 6 00 50 00 ferelpcerii cremes rem orere reiver- tisements will be cuargeo 25 per ct. extra. Yearly advertisements—$10 for one square, paper included—$5 for each additional square. TUB STAY LAW. AN ACT to change the Jurisdiction of the Courts and the Rules of Pleading thereon. Section 1. Be it enacted bp the General Assembly of the State of Sorth Carolbill, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sev eral Superior Courts of Law shall have exclusive original jurisdiction to hear, try and doteriuine all causes of a civil nature whatever at the common law, which may require,the intervention of a jury. SEO. 2. Be it further enacted, That there shall be but one twin of the grid superior courts of law and equity, open and held in each of tho counties of the State, in each year, which shall be bol- den at the times and places now re quired by law for holding 'be Fall Term of said court, and ad laws requiring the holding of the Spring’ term of said courts are hereby repealed. Rec. 3. Be it firths,• enact'd, That all actions brought in the said superior 105111 chapter of the Revised Code as subjects sheriffs to a penalty of one hundred dollars for not executing aud returning process, be and the same is hereby repealed, as to all penalties in curred since the passage of a bill at the last regular session of-lhe General Assembly, entitled “a bill to prevent the sacrifice of property, and for the re lief of the people,” and as to all future penalties. SEC. 8. That capias nd satisfaciendum shall issue from any of the courts or lire, re JP- ’' re lire ...cc ufkii any judgment now ixisthig; or upon any judgment which may be hereafter ob tained in any of the said courts, or be fore any justice of the peace. SEC 9. That itshall be rhe duty of all constables and other officers to levy any executions which may be-in their hands issued upon judgments heretofore is sued by magistrates, and to return the same .together with said levies to the justices of the peace who issued the same, or to some other magistrate- in said county,'whose duty it shall- be up on the* application of the plaintiff, to issue a venditioni exponas not returna ble sooner than twelve months from the date thereof. SEC. 10. That hereafter all civil war rants issued by justices’ of the peace shall’.be made roll.’ liable ‘for trial twelve months after the date M.issumg such warrant and not.before ; and no justice of the peace shall have power or juris diction to try any such warrants before tiro erniration of iwcive months from the issuing of the sreno, prociJed that ■the defendant or -.defendants are resi dents of this State/'and all executions issued by a justice of the peace shall be made returnable twelve monibs from SBC. 15. That all matters nd cau ses now remaining undetermined in said court at Morganton sir-ill be docketed in the court at Raleigh, in such order as the judges shall prescribe, and shall be there heard and determined, and the clerk of said court in Morganton shall make all his reports touching all mat ters referred to him, to the next sum mer term of the court in Raleigh as fully and completely as the same shall be made to the court in Morganton, and that all writs, rules, attaclimm , ’Ji for ti qrei>tic.Tof Wayno, Duplin, Sampson an 5nhs|m. 6. Iida. _ Conningland, of Halifax EDGECOMBE DIRECTORY. COUNTY’ OFFICERS. County Court—Henry T. Clark, Cbair^ man-. county, fr le eputics of Halifax Danville, f 1 ren and Franklin.. L „ „ , _ 7. B WLrronLjW.^ m be^^ Threpen, Cliair- conn ?MW —WUhani F. Mercer, David Cobb, y, foi _ entire of Edgecombe, Bolin K . Barr „ BAN “ F Xash ’ „ ! Co^ Comer C^x-William A. Jones. - khort, of Washington County Solicitor—-Lorenzo D. Ponder.. county, i>r tl ■ counties of Washington, Marlin, :. 1 • .nd Tv-eell. ■ County Trusi -Robert II. Austin* 3S f very Find now returna 9. B.y for tho eva auu LenoS dry; of Beaufort county, ■ -A ■’■•-•-.uM. !, IJydc, Pitt Register—Joseph J. Porter. Superior Court Clerk-T. W. Ilusscy. cou r >ncl equity the defendant 01’ defendants shall, net be compelled t3 plead tbereloJor twelve months from the return form-. SBC. 4. A> d jTkT r cRac/ef That in ady been nil cases where suits have a Xr^ughf aminic AoV p'^ of the superior courts of ^tw and, equi ty. it shall be the duty of the said couYt, and it is hereby required to give the defendant or defendants further time for trial until th^Fail term of 1862, when the same shall stand soi- trial as oilier- sails, and in ah sues which may have been heretofore brought returnable to the Fail term or UG1, the defendant or defendants shall not be compelled io plead or answer there- T O T II E Agriculturalist. Sombre: o I’hoxphafic Ouano, TYE refer you to the following certifi cates of '■iionent Chemists who have ana-* lyze.! Mi invaluable Phosphate; (many others can be pondenct fr country .'b i Ida d) Also, the chi-res erent sections of the blu to the term of the court to be Ipld in Morganton in August next, shall be returned to the Supreme Court in Ra leigh, to be held on the second Monday in June 1802, and every failure to comply herewith shall be punishable by amercement or attachment in the discretion of the court: and that here after all causes whatsoever carried into the Supreme Court, by appeal, removal or otherwise from any of the Superior Courts of law or equity of the counties composing the sixth and seventh cir cuits shall be brought to the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and that the judges of the court shall have full power and authority to make all necessary rules and orders for carrying into effect this act, and to make the clerk at Morgan ton proper allowances for the services herein required; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the Supreme Court at Raleigh to take charge of the records of the court at Morganton and to fur- u .ill copies thereof when required in the same manner as copies of records' are fiii’nishcd from the records, of .Hie Supreme Court at Raleigh. SEO. I G. That none of the provisions of this act shall apply to the collection iO. U. - •■ N. Lie, of Cabarrus coun ty,Tor the reanties of Cabarrus, Union, Anson and Stinly. 11- W .. Peebles, of Northamp ton count,yt.r the counties of North ampton, lleiiord, Gates and Chowan. 12. II. C. Janes, of Craven county, for the couples of Craven, Carteret, Onslow ar cymes. 13. Joan Manning, Jr., of Chatham county, for tlm counties of Chatham, Moore, 11 aiffiph and Montgomery. -Ai Prudent More. The Gov.'nor. of North Carolina has issued a no'i^ to the agents of tire va rious railri J .companies, prohibiting their coriv-ing bacon and leather out or the Siar, under the penalty of a heavy hire iTireipirisonmeut. They are also ins.ruitd to report to him the names o. supers and owners of articles, as ^der this prohibition may be stopped. • 9 be eojcc cA the Governor in action, Ri ro down snecuL'i.tHs. such this Shkriff ^ : thu value placed upon ■ ‘se ho have used it. a ■ trial knowing vc^ the issuing of the same; and upon the : of the State or County trial of such warrant appeal from the jud succeeding fall term court of the conn revenue or re- The New vn Progress says: Amoo'; either party may I peal any of the existing modes or reme- inent to the next .’dies provided by law for the collection of the superior | of the same. where the warrant is tried, by giving security as is now provided by law, in case of appeal from justices’ judgments: bat if the defen- t ices' That the fax fee upon jus- aonts, returnable to the the import^ able consiF the session t or n d a a hoy are unable to give securAy for 1 Superior Court, shall hereafter be the same as is now taxed iu the several ' Uc. Ai Unit tifo operation of the then the justice shall grant the appeal without security, an.d. return the paper with such affidavit to the next fall term of the superior court of said county, is hereby suspended so Jong as this act. remains in force-. SEC. 19. That no provisions of this bill shall apply ■ to the collection of in- A t eleven when the defendant shall enter Ills and the case shall be continued ana not and Coctri d until the plea, over next terest ou any coniraet or annually hereafter already accrued to accrue, except. to for twelve months. _ SEC. 5. Be it fit. liter enacted, That the courts of pleas and quarter sessions of the several counties, except . the counties of Transylvania, Clay, Mitch ell and Alleghany, each of which coun ties shall have one court oi pleas ana quarter sessions every year, which shall be liolden in Transylvania on the third Monday in August, and In Clay ou the last Monday in August, and in Mitchell on the second Monday in September, and in Alleghany on the fourth Monday in October in each year, shall not have jurisdiction of any civil case in which the Intcrvcuiiou of a jury may be ne cessary; and it shall be th'e duty of Hie clerk of said court.-to make up a record in all civil cases now pending succeeding fall term of said court. SEC. 11. That if any sheriff, clerk or other officer shall violate any of the provisions of this act, be shall forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars, io be recovered by any person suing for tee same in the® name of the State, and shall also be subject to indictment, and upon conviction shall be fined or im prisoned at the discretion of the court. SEC. 12. That all deeds of trust and mortgages hereafter made, and judg ments confessed to secure debts, shall be void as to creditors, unless it is ex pressly declared therein, that the pro ceeds of sale thereunder scull be ap propriated to the payment of all the debts aud liabilities of the trustee (this should be trustor') or mortgagor, cqua’- ]y peo ratal Provided, That the pro visions of this section shall not apply so far as the same is rendered necessary for the abolition of one term every year of the supcr'or and supreme court. Seu. 20. That the time of .four years be extended to executors and adminis trators wherein to settle the estates of ia the courts of pleas and quarter ses- sions, and file the same, togeiher with the original papers, with the clerks of th^ superior courts of law, on or beioie the fall term of the superior courts of law in their respective counties; and it to sheriffs or other public officers who may make a mortgage or deed of trust to secure securities to their official bond. SEC. 13. That there shall be but one term of the supreme court of the State, which shall be held ‘a the city - reJof Raleigh at the usual time for hold- shall be the arey of the c.uks of^ tbc ° sua , IECr ^-m thereof, and all superior courts of law to ° D “°^ which squire the winter term of cases upon tore- appearance dooke held herebj ^ and the same shall stare re urel a { Of tli( , ^ cottl . t the said term of the said s^nor cou , ^ - > ^ ^ Winm ^ as other cases now pending in said court - am. SEC. G. Be it further enacted, That in all cases in which judgments have heretofore been taken in either the Su perior or County Courts, and upon which executions have issued, it shall be the duty of the sheriff or other officer in whose bands such executions have been placed for collection to en dorse a levy upon tho property of the defendant or defendants, sufficient to satisfy the same and return such cxe- cu-ions without making a sale; and upon return it shall be the duty of the clerk to issue a venditioni exponas, on fieri facias, at the election of the plain tiff, 1-clurnablc to that term of the suc- .cceding court which is held twelve from the test of such veiun- ^j'- or fieri ficins, and that fhs reFuiore ^ro-j"'^";^ ! '™- thereof. tofore luaom co much of M w “ ut '° U P110CBSSI0NEK—John 11. Leigh. Committee or Finance—John Norfleet, Chairman; R. II. Render, Win. M. Rippen. ScrXBTNTESl>ENTS OX COMMON SCHOOLS — David Barlow, Chairman—John Norfleet, James R. Thigpen. Wrn. R. Cherry, Ken neth Thigpen, Theo. Atkinson, Jos. A. En gelhard, L. D. Pender, Mm. F. Lewis, Wm. F. Mercer. Wardens or the Poor—Thomas Nor fleet, Chairman; Jesse II. Powell, Theo. C. Ryman, Redmun R. Dupree, John Carter, John Proctor, Jordan Thigpen, Constables—District No. 1, Jesse B. Hyatt—2, John J. Killebrew—8, Thos. Smith—9; Joshua Killebrew—10, John Lancaster-11, Lewellen Harrell—1’5, T B. Wells—17, Jolin Bynum. TOWN OFFICERS. Magistrate or POLICE—Wm.M. Pippen. Commissioners—-James M. Redmond, New York, Aug. 22J, 1857, I have analyzed a sample of Guano im ported per Schr. “E. C. Howard,” from the Ishin-Lof Sombrero, for Messrs, Wood & Grant, and find it to yield the following;.. Phosphate of Lime, Carbonate of Lime, Sulphate of Lime, Cloride of Sodium, &c., Organic Matter, Water, Salica, Alumina, &c. 84.93 3.63, 1.84 1 31 5.14 Signed, 100 00 JAMES R. CHILTON, M. Iff, Chemist Office, of Inspector of Guano, No. 11 Exchange Buildings, Baltimore, ALL 25th May, 1857. Brig “Norman^” 85.14 of Phosphates* II. A. Dowel and L. D. Pender. MAIL SCHEDULES. leave Tawbero 1 for Rocky Mount, every clay 21st July, Schr... Oct. “ Nov, “ Brig “ “ “F. 0. Field” “M. E. Jonesj” 86.60 ‘‘Naramisic,” 83.96 Bec. “Sohr tilth Feb., 1868, 21th April, ^ ‘S. G. Bas; ■Chief,- 83.95 '85.35 ^'N. Doane,” 84,29 |W/.K'Kibbey,” 81.49 > : bills that met with favor- Rion toward the close of cJ.bc following: jiho -zing the raising of housund troops to be retained for the defence of No: kepr -a. ~-t> - Regiment of which Test 'de Blue l en re -” : “' 0 do duty anywhere in toe Suite whim ordornri. Under Uis law; men can agree among ibeiinerecs to raise a company and elect Uier officers, and then leader themselves a almpany. recruiting Remissions and accent ser vices of inr-as individuals —whan’ so received tori assigned as be maydirect. In all ca^ officers m^ missioned o| their executors and intestates and a fur-; w jjj c p'.i ther time in which to plead at the dis- cretiou of the courts, aud all laws and i clauses of laws coming in conflict with;^ Gove turn same day at 3 o'clock, P. M. The Southern mail leaves Tawboro” in a stage, ’ every Monday, Wednesday Friday al 5 o'clock, A. M. and returns • W^^ffi REESE, Chemist, . State Inspector, Maryland. next day RAIL ROAD. The Mail Train leaves Tarboro’ nt' 9.’ o’clock, A. M. for Rocky Mount, and re turns s'lmo day Bi: 3 o’clock, 1’. M. cverj , as Lacey, Esq., Lynchburg, Va., ■ 1 1858, says: — “Sombrero.(Juana lilts , cd out well on Oats and Wheat, so-far; null friend Walton, to whom 1 sold some, says he would not give it, {.omul for at 8 o’clock, P. M. and returns same Do Hie PonpJn afihe CONFEDERATE STATES. ' 13 ( .- . .. 1858,-1.Where the Sombrero boons was applied was as good straw as more plump 29z/j Jul Sombrero x tn nk was as full or 1858.—The wheat where q under lb’s bid, ibe field o be elected by the com- icrs oi the Regimenr, after fj ’be 'transferred to Abe Confedera’4 owotnent. A bill wa ciho passed authorizing THE American Letter Express Compa ny, (clmrtcrcd by an Act of the Tennessee Legislature) transmits Letters and Printed Matter, To and from all points North and South. THOS.E. JENKINS, W. A McGILU grain. /i**^ 118 uscd wci 2hed 62 Ibsj ROBERT irUGtaV?- Philip A. Ball, 'Esq., Baltimore, Md.; Sept, 13, 1858, says, “The corn where Sombrero was used is vigorous, green and strong, and the balance of the field, all I ood soil, looks sun-burnt and drooping, wish you to send me ten tons.” , . ) to huve constructed 5 this Revision be and the same is hereby 1 prope i to3 pt gunboats for the de repealed, provided, that executors be , p e , !( . c 0 ; 0e ) . ;i ,. a ,; ?) an( ] n [ so [0 ra j so a and they are hereby required to g" 1 ’ 0 ( B iitta ” 10n $ security in such sum as the court may j usi . ^ e direct. I A bin Sac. 21. That the provisions of this $2 qqq qqq act extending the time of pleading shall not extend to suits against citi- Marine Artillery, retain- o appoint the officers. so- passed appropriating • coast defence. zens of the United States or to persons who have absconded from this State. See. 22. That all laws or clauses of The fin of Retaliation. This lav was passed as an offset to the confisa on law and plundering with the provisions of ' orders of tWUncolu authorities. laws conflicting this act be aud the same arc hereby re- pealed, and that this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratifi cation. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly this 11th day of September, A. D , 1801. W. T. DORTCH, 8. H. C. HENRY T. CLARK, S. 8. SEC. 14. That the Morganton term of said court shall be discontinued, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court he’d heretofore in the town of Morganton, to transmit to the clerk of the court held in the city of Raleigh all the records, books and papers per taining to said court’ in Morganton, on or before the second Monday in June next, and it shall likewise bo toe duty of the clerk of the court of Morganton to expose to sale the library at Morgan ton, (except such books as the judges of the supreme court shall direct to be transmitted to the city of Raleigh) at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and pay the proceeds into the pub lic iroasncy, after repaying the amount advanced by members of the bar in us purchase, and, provided furthei, Awd members of the bar woo nave priced That fit of the court, ahall be permitted to withdraw them before the pale. All the Yankee Sporty in the Confederate Parties in the Confederate Government desirous of sending Letters, etc,) to the Federal Government will please direct the same to American Letter Express Compa ny, Nashville* (under cover) enclosing fifteen cents in cash or Confederate stamps securely. United States government enve- lopes or- stamps are of no use to uS) so do not send them. The rate above given is for letters not exceeding A ounce in weight) letters weighing over half an ounce will have to contain sufficient money to pay according to regular postal rates* States of ASeriea is now under the control of the Government. Upon the estimates that can be it is supposed that this most accural arrived at aoi law will cover at least three hundred I millions of do irs worth of property.—^ lienee the c flscations of the Lincoln Receivers Under the Scqueitrallon Act. Appointments as ordered by the Court of the Confederate States for Dis trict of I’arulicoj in the District of North Carolina. Ordered that the following persons be appointed Receivers under the Se questration Act, who upon giving bond and qualifying according to law, are authorized to act in their several Dis tricts. 1. F. II. Carson, of Polk county, for the counties of Cicavelaud and Burke, and the counties lying west of the said counties. 2. David Schenck, of Lincoln, for the counties of Gaston, Lincoln, Ca tawba, Mecklenburg and Iredell. 3. John W. Cunningham, of Person county, for the counties of Person, Cas well, Alumauce, Rockingham and Guil ford. despotism u^l with a pressure upon Yankee msMT .nd, cupidity, and makes apparent the jindness and folly of the Lincoln Cabint.—Montgomery Mad-. cyss Makers, An enterptighg gontleraanj who can command the aquisite capital, has re solved to estabfeli a glass factory with in this State, i^he proper labor can be procured. Glafi makers, or workmen able to copduc0a bottle glass factory) INFORMATION jm tor ^c^u. SHS soscaiBM IN presenting to the notice of the Public, Uis deservedly popular Remedy for Bowel Affections, Is pleased to say—it contains a principle, mote valuable as a remedial agent, in the treatment of .lane and Fever Fact^ Hurth Knowing. Guanos are of two kinds—those in which Ammonia predominates, as in Petuvianj and those in which the Phosphates of Lime, &c.. predominate as in Sombrero, and others. Both experience and theory es tablish. the fact) that Ammonia and Phos phate of Lime are essential idgredients for a general fertiliser, and consequently, for general purposes* a proper mixture in the two is recommended, "Whilst the Peruvian and other ammoniated Guanos are mere stimulants or quickeners c£ the soil, the Sum- broro Guano is a permanent fertlizer, but of slower action and less perceptible effect the first year, unless aided by some stimu lant. Bench* the great importance of com bining the two in proper proportions Which, if done, makes the best, most con- lenient and economical fertilizer known.— will, no doubt, .find employment by ad ¬ dressing “thus Factory” to the care of this office. Exchanges, witc. desire to aid the en terprise, will please extend this no tice.— Chalestoii Courier. Gun Factory, The wo-k M-u^eting an extensive Gun Factory is going on rapidly in the Southern pirt of the city. XHwdlc (Teun.) Fanner. 4. J. L. Holmes, of New Hanover county, for the counties of New Hano ver. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus. 5. A. A. McCoy, of Sampson wuu- Than any other which has ever been placed before the American public; It is believed it contains an Antidote to Malaria) From the fact, that the affection when Re moved by it, is not liable to return, as when treated by quinine; & Other rOmOdiOs. A single dose of this medicine, which Costs but two; or three Cents, will Oftener Noriiw.m 'U'aops. The ri? New Eu.ubud States arc said while 1111-.eta alune lire that nuiuber, succeed, ill thofoitglily eritdicating this troublesome affection from the system, than it will fail to do so. dls a Family Medicine, Tilly compound, put up, ant home,'* in Aorlh Carolina, is every way superior to anything of the kind imported from abroad. R. II. WORTHINGTON, M. P. Sole Proprietor, Murfreesboro’, M. f Assuming tlie cost of Peruvian Guano at ^00, end Somrbcro nt $30 per ton, and with one-quarter of the Cornier and three- quarters of the latter, (which proportions are recommended by experienced farmers.) it gives, at a cost of $37,50 per ton, a fertilizer far more valuable and permanent than the Peruvian alone. The agricultu rist need only bo reminded of the nature of the two predominating ingredients in these different species of Gtlaiio to enable him to understand the proper mode of its applica tion. Whilst Ammonia (in the Peruvian) is liable to evaporate or rise, Phosphre of Liiric (in the Sombrero) is heavy, and to sink below the reach of the roots of plahts; therefore it should be either de posited in .be hill or drill, with the crop, or used as a top dressing, in the proper- Lien Of 300 to 400 lbs. to the acre, aCcor- dinu to the Wants of the soil. If the two Guanos are combined and used as a top reresure Re sptiilg is the best time, when the crop is ariitminq its sustenance and vigor, as at that time the benefit of the Ammonia is toss likely io be lost than if used & the fall oh early winter. Also Manipulated Guanb. For sale, in lots to suit, by , klDDER/^AtmN, ArenUer Wilmington. aud by country nKT'Jiank Feb. 19,2861. Pamphlets pd iq-licatiou

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